eddie-vedder-luv · 9 years
Favorite Pearl Jam and Mother Love Bone song?
Fave MLB song is BONE CHINA 
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eddie-vedder-luv · 9 years
come back, i miss your updates :(
im back now...wow its been a long ass time but here i am and with a NEW laptop and doing MUCH better!! i am hoping to start up the fics again....if people are still interested!
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eddie-vedder-luv · 10 years
Everyone spent the morning and into the afternoon hanging out, everyone pitching in to get everything for Christmas dinner prepared.
“Hey Ed can you go check on Livvie for me, she went to lay down for a bit  she said not to let her sleep for too long. I am going to finish up this food right here is that okay?” Stone asked Jeff as he was finishing rinsing off some vegetables for dinner.
“Yep I will be back.” Eddie went into Stone and Livvie’s room quietly to see if she was still asleep. When he got in he saw Livvie walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.
“Vedder,… What are you doing?” She asked a little surprised to see him standing there.
“Sorry Olivia, Stone wanted me to come check on you.” He said quickly covering his eyes, Olivia laughed at the situation at hand and walked over to him and pulled his hands from his face. Eddie grinned at her for a moment.
“Silly man you don’t have to cover your eyes, its not like I’m naked or anything. Now go tell Stoney I am fine and I will be out in a few minutes after I get changed.”
“Alright…sorry for barging in I thought you were…” he went on trying to explain himself and she cut him off with a kiss on the cheek
“Vedder…stop…it’s fine love.” She smiled up at him and he nodded.
“Alright Olivia.”
“Now give me a moment to change and you can help me zip up this dress I bought.” She went into her walk in closet and changed really quick coming out wearing a black and white vintage evening dress holding up the front with her hand. She smiled at him and twirled around.
“How do I look?” She asked him with a smile. Eddie’s eyes were wide and he smiled back.
“That dress looks great on you…perfect Olivia.” His face turned red a moment when he realized he was just standing there staring at her.
“Do you think Stoney will like it?” She asked him.
“Of course he will, here let me help you.” He said walking behind her and she reached behind her pulling her long hair forward to expose her bare back so he could zip up her dress. Eddie smoothed his hand down her back and slowly pulled the zipper up.  He stood there a second behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.
“Alright well there you go miss Olivia.”
“Thank you Eddie…um can you tell Stone I will be out in a little bit. I just want to get my hair and face done.”
“Of course I can, take your time no rush.” He smiled and kissed her cheek and left her to it, and went to tell Stone that she was already awake and would be out in a little while.
When Olivia finished getting ready she started walking down the hall to join the crowd, she walked passed Jeff’s room and saw him sitting there on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.
“Ames?” She asked quietly stepping inside his room.
I looked up from my hands hearing her voice and saw her standing in front of me looking absolutely stunning, I felt a smile wash over my face and I reached out to grab her hand. She laced her fingers in mine and she sat down next to me on the bed.
“You look gorgeous little one.” I said
“Well thank you,…now tell me whats wrong Ames…why are you sitting in here all by yourself?”
“Nothing is wrong, I was just getting changed into something more presentable for dinner…but haven’t had the energy to get up and dig through the closet.” I answered back trying to come up with some excuse to give her. =
“Well here let me help you, I will find something!” She said to me hopping off the bed with a smile as she went to my closet to rummage through the mass of clothes I had hanging. I sat there watching her every move, my god she looked gorgeous everything about her was so perfect, Stone you lucky bastard!
“Ames my darling you seriously need to let me come in here and organize this for you, how do you find anything in here!? Look you have dress clothes all mixed up with tank tops and band t-shirts….hell you even have your basketball shorts hanging with some ties what the heck !?” She turned to face me grabbing a few things from hangers shaking her head at the mess I have let accumulate in my closet.
“You don’t have to do that Little one, I will get to it after Christmas I promise.”
“I know I don’t have to but I want to…because I know if you do it….it just…well ….it wont be…I dunno..”
“Perfect!?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Oh shush no I don’t mean perfect I don’t do things perfectly its just…” She started muttering but I cut her off again.
“Yea,,its perfect…everything you do is perfect… I will let you do it if you really want to.” She giggled when I agreed and finally found something for me to change into.
“There ya go Ames, go ahead and get changed. I will see you in a bit handsome man.” She said winking at me and she kissed my cheek before leaving me to get ready.
Livvie walked into the kitchen pulling her long hair back getting ready to help out with the cooking, Chris who was sitting on a stool at the counter looked over and whistled at her with a smile making her blush and Stone turn around where he was standing at the stove.
“Well hellloooo there gorgeous.” Stone smiled while she walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hi babe….Im ready to help what can I do?” She asked rubbing her hands together in front of her looking around the kitchen that was a bit of a mess.
“Were just about done love,  dinner should be ready very soon its okay I got the rest of it. Plus you don’t want to ruin that pretty dress you have on, go ahead go sit and relax.”
“Yea Liv go chill on the couch or something we will finish plus I think the girls are waiting for you.” Chris winked at her and she nodded her head agreeing with the boys and she joined the girls in the livingroom and they all jabbered about upcoming wedding plans that would now be in order, typical girl talk of course.  When dinner was ready they all sat in the dining room together and enjoyed eachothers company, laughing and joking around with one another like one big family. Eddie and Sam were being lovey dovey of course making Liv laugh at how sweet Eddie was being. Livvie of course noticed Jeff still being kind of quiet but he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, Eddie noticed it too but kept it to himself.  Everyone spent the rest of their Christmas at Stones place soaking up the free time because tour would be starting soon and everyone would be back to their busy schedules.
** A few months into tour the guys had a week off in between the next set of shows so they booked some studio space so they could rehearse and maybe start working on some new material for the next album. Sam and Livvie were both busy scheduling this and that for the band and making sure things went smoothly of course.**
“Eddie I am going to pick up something for lunch do you want anything?” Sam asked him  digging through her purse for the keys.
“Umm hmm…whatever your having is fine babe.” He said looking up from his notebook he was scribbling in.  Sam walked over and gave him a kiss before getting ready to leave.
“Does anyone else want anything I am going down the road to pick up lunch?” She asked allowed to the guys. Everyone put in their orders and she looked around the room for Olivia.
“Hey Gossard where is your Fiance at…I was going to see if she wanted something as well.”
“She fell asleep on the couch in the other room, but you can get her something you know what she likes. I will make sure she wakes up to eat because she has to take meds soon anyway.” Sam agreed and left to go get lunch for everyone.
“Stone do you want me to go wake up Liv so you can finish up going through the artwork?” Jeff asked, Eddie eyed him from the corner of the room.
“Sure man that would be great, just tell her that lunch will be here soon and its time for meds.” Jeff went into the other room and saw Livvie curled up in a ball on the corner of the couch, he kneeled down and kissed her cheek and rubbed the back of her hand softly.
“Little one….time to get up.” He said softly to her waiting for her to open her eyes.
“Little one…its Ames..come on you need to come eat lunch and take meds,…wake up love.”  Olivia growled at him and tried to roll over the other way.
“I’m not hungry.” She said in a grouchy tone.
“You have to eat now come on, get up.” He said laughing a little bit.
“Ames, I don’t want to. I am too sleepy, my  legs are too tired to walk.” She answered back at him peeking out from one eye making him laugh more.
“Fine.” He said standing up, she smiled thinking he was going to leave her alone but much to her surprise she felt him pick her up and he was holding her in his arms like a baby.
“What!?  Your legs are too tired to walk…well I will carry you in there, you’re not getting out of eating you have to so you can take your pills. Stop being stubborn little one.” He walked into the next room carrying her and arguing with her at the same time.  Stone looked up from  the work he was doing when he heard Olivia.
“What’s wrong are you okay Liv?” He asked getting up walking over to her as Jeff put her down .
“No I’m not okay I am tired, Ames wouldn’t let me sleep!” Olivia crossed her arms in front of her and pouted with her sleepy face.
“I told him to wake you up, you can sleep after you take your medicine,…sorry babe but were not going to let you skip taking your meds.” Stone stood in front  of her with a smile on his face and put his hands on her waist pulling her in close to him. He kissed the tip of her nose making her giggle and smile back at him before  she gave him a kiss. Jeff rolled his eyes and went to the other side of the room to talk to Mike and Dave.  Eddie just sat by quietly watching everything wondering if he should go talk to Jeff about what he th inks is going on or not.
When  Sam came back with the food everyone sat down to eat, Stone opened the take out container that had Olivias food in it and he put it in front of her. Olivia took a look at her food and slammed the lid closed really quick and backed up in her chair.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked. Olivia covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head.
“I cant eat that…the smell of it is making me sick.” She said.
“What?! Liv its your fave pasta .” Sam said.
“I know Sammy it is my fave ….well it used to be….last few times I’ve tried eating certain things I just cant do it…I am sorry Sam.” Stone looked at her and then at Eddie they both were worried about her.  Sam’s eyes went wide and she thought to herself for a moment …..Sam got up and grabbed Olivia by the hand.
“Come on Liv, lets go outside for some fresh air for a few minutes.”  She dragged Olivia outside and they stood out by the parking lot.
“I am so sorry Sam. Thank you for bringing me lunch I feel so badnow…”
“Don’t worry about it, maybe we can go get you something else, but first I have to ask you something…”
“Oh god she knows…shes going to ask me if I am pregnant….what am I going to say!? Do I tell her the truth? I found out a few weeks ago but I just don’t know how to tell Stone or anyone for that matter…everyone is so busy while were on tour and I don’t want to distract Stone from his work…But I guess I have to tell them soon before I start showing…” Olivia thought  to herself waiting for Sam to ask the question.
“Um…well  I have been watching you the past few weeks and I ….well I was just wondering if you might be pregnant. I mean you are so tired all the time, you cant  eat the stuff you used to eat…I don’t know …I was just curious is all.”
I looked up at my bestfriend who was smiling at me but still had a bit of worry on her face, I knew I had to tell her I knew she would help me figure out how to tell everyone else.
“Truth?” I asked her. She shook her head yes.  I reached in the pocket of the jacket I was wearing and pulled out an envelope and gave it to her, It was the pictures from the appointment when I found out I was pregnant.
“OH MY GOD YOU ARE!! YES!! I KNEW IT!!!” She squealed with delight looking at the pictures.
“Shh shhh no one knows…well…that’s my problem…”
“What!? You haven’t told Stone?”
“No I ….I want to and I need to but…were all so busy right now and I just didn’t want to distract him from work…I just well I suppose I am kinda scared to tell everyone.”
“Don’t be scared Liv…come on you gotta tell Stone, he will be so excited. I am so happy for you ! This is amazing. Okay I will be right back I am going to go tell the guys were going to run a few errands and get you something else to eat, and we can think of a  cute way for you to tell Stone, go ahead and get in the car I will be right back.” Sam gave her the envelope back and went to tell the guys.  They were gone a while and the guys rehearsed while the girls were gone.
 Everyone was hanging out at the studio after rehearsal was over. The girls came back in and Olivia was holding a large blue box and she asked everyone to have a seat.
“I have a present for Stone, I know his birthday is months away but I want everyone to be here when he opens it. Here love this is for you.” He smiled and looked at her for a moment before taking the bag. She sat down across from him and they all watched as he opened it up.  He took the lid off and moved the tissue paper out of the way and Saw a folded t-shirt inside, he lifted it up and read it. “worlds greatest dad<3” and underneath in another box was the pictures from the first sonogram she had the week before.  Stone’s eyes went wide and a smile washed over him, his face flushed a bit. He turned the shirt to show everyone and he lifted up the picture as well. He looked over at Olivia not knowing what to say for a moment he was shocked and excited.
She nodded at him “Yep, that’s right…Stone my love you are going to be a daddy.”
“Oh my god Liv…a baby..were having a baby!!” Stone got up quickly and wrapped his arms around her  and began to smother her face in kisses.
“I love you Olivia,… I love you so much!”
“I love you too Stoney…for always.” She said giving him a wink before she pulled him down towards her to give him a kiss.  She looked over when she heard a chair slide across the floor, Jeff got up quickly and ran out of the rehearsal room and outside.
“Um,…is Ames okay?” She asked looking over at Eddie. Eddies eyes were wide, he knew what was wrong with Jeff but he wasn’t about to say anything about it to anyone so he made up an excuse.
“Oh yeah..he told me he hasn’t been feeling good all day…I am going to go check on him...” Eddie managed to stammer out and he ran after Jeff who was standing outside in the parking lot kicking at rocks pacing back and forth with his hands in his pockets.
“Jeff whats up man? Liv is in there asking if your okay do you want me to have her come out and talk to you?” Eddie asked. Jeff turned quickly to look at him, his face and eyes were red.
“NO…no…Im fine…but I cant talk to her…not now.”
“You’re not fine man we all watched you storm out of there after Olivia gave her good news to Stone…Jeff…hey!...Ament…I know what’s up okay so don’t lie to me…come on man your secret is safe with me just talk to me man.” Eddie said to him putting his hand on his shoulder trying to get Jeff to calm down.
“You cant know whats up Ed…man…no one knows…no one can ever know just…leave it be…I will be fine. …I just need some…space…from…”
“From her…your in love with her…I know you are. I have known for a long time..Even while I was with her I knew in the back of my mind that you and Stone both were in love with her but you being the loyal friend to the both of them weren’t going to stand in the way. I know ….. it’s okay man. I wont say anything to anyone.”
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eddie-vedder-luv · 10 years
i miss your fic :(
i miss it too! lol i have been soo super busy and now i have super writers block i am not sure where i want to story to go....any suggestions or anything you would like to see in the story!?!
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
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Forever in our hearts! We miss you!!
Go watch MALFUNKSHUN today.... Can find it on iTunes :) remember this amazing talented young man who left this world far too soon ❤️
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for the follow. You are a very inspiring human being. I wish you the best in your future! I've started reading your fanfic "Tangible Existence" and I'm liking it. I've been writing as well. If you have some downtime and feel like checking it out I would be honored. Take care.
 Thank you so very much...comments like these totally make my day!! I would absolutely love to check out what your working on... I am going to finish up the last page of an update and i will take a gander at it. Thank you for taking time to write to me and for puttin a smile on my face! :) 
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
Jeff Ament Fan Fic Chapter Fouri
I woke up the next morning after our night out, sitting up in bed I leaned against the pile of pillows stretching and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I smiled to myself when I heard music playing from the living room and could hear Jeff singing along.  I got up wrapping myself in my robe and headed out from the room and saw Jeff dancing around in the kitchen with his boxers on while he was cooking.
“Woo Hey there sexy man!” I said giggling. Jeff turned to me and smiled and flexed his muscles doing a little pose. I started cracking up and I walked up to him giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Good morning Gorgeous, breakfast will be ready in like ten minutes.” He said stirring the eggs he had in the pan in front of him.
“Smells amazing Jeff..thank you. I will go feed Annie and then hop into the shower really quick.”
“I already fed Annie, go ahead and shower.” He grinned at me and kissed me again, I smiled back and went to get myself ready for the day. When I was finished I came out into the kitchen and saw Jeff sitting there with Andy, Xana and Stone. Everyone was starting on breakfast.
“Well hello there Carmichael.” Stone said with a smile.
“Good Morning Gossard!” I walked over to him and kissed the top of his head. I hugged Andy and Xana.
“Good Morning Ari.” Andy said sweetly tying up his long blond hair before he started eating.
“Sorry if you weren’t expecting us Aria.” Xana apologized.
“It is quite alright, you are all welcome here anytime.” I answered back warmly watching Jeff sitting back in his chair holding Annie in his arms. I snickered to myself and shook my head.
“What’s so funny?” Stone asked looking around.
“Oh nothing, just that whenever Jeff is here she never leaves him alone.  The other day she even tried to hop in the shower with him which was pretty hilarious.”
We all laughed and teased Jeff about Annie having a crush on him while we ate breakfast before leaving.  The guys went down town for rehearsal while Xana and myself went to pick up the merch to sell at the next show in a couple of nights.
“So how was your night last night with Jeff did you guys have a good movie night?” Xan asked as we drove down town.
“It was great,..we watched another old movie but then before we popped in another to watch we both decided we wanted to go out instead so we came downtown and walked around the shops. We saw this guy performing in the street playing his guitar and singing, he played a song for Jeff and I and we started dancing it was really sweet.  I had a nice time.” I said with a beaming smile on my face thinking about how much I loved spending time with him. Xana smiled over at me and shook her head.
“What Xan?”
“Nothing its just cute, and a little insane how much you two like each other. I am glad you two had a nice time, now have Jeff speak to Andy and make andy do cute things like that with me.” She joked laughing a little bit.
“I will let him know that Andy needs a good talking to haha.” Xana and I spoke back and forth about the guys and their next gig while we picked up merch and then she dropped me off at home so I could change and go down to the office so I could go in and work on some editing for the paper, It was normally my day off but I had gotten a bit behind on things.  I walked in and tried to sneak into my office without being noticed but that didn’t work so well. Here she came my friend Chloe, ready for some juicy gossip about the band or about jeff and I …and I wasn’t really in the mood for any of it I just wanted to get some work done.
“Yo Ari, hows things? I saw you try to sneak in her…cant get passed me lady…spill the beans whats up with you and Jeff!?” She asked plopping down on the chair in front of my desk, I rolled my eyes behind my computer, I knew it everytime…she cant just leave things be.
“Nothing is up with me and Jeff…were just…me and Jeff.”
“Come on that’s such a lie…you guys spend every moment together you cannot keep telling me you guys are nothing to each other, come on girl tell me…like..is he a good kisser? Is he good in bed!?” She twirled her long blond hair around her finger and grinned at me.
“I couldn’t tell ya I haven’t ‘slept’ with him, I mean other than really just sleeping that’s it.” I tried to inform her.
“bullshit your such an ass just tell me.”
“Chloe…I have only kissed him for the first time the other night that was it nothing more, now drop it when there is something I feel like sharing I will do just that alright, now please I have to finish up editing these columns. If your so curious about him why don’t you come the the guys show at the end of the week okay? I can introduce you to the gang alright.. Please just let me get to work.”
She jumped up excitedly and smiled at me.
“Fine I will take that then…does Jeff have any hot single friends huh?”
“Stone is single…rhythm guitarist for the band…you might like him lets just see what happens huh?” I got up and led her out of my office and shut the door quietly and got back to work. Apparently I had lost track of time I was brought out of my editing zone by the ringing of the phone that lay on my desk.
“Seattle post.”  I answered quickly getting a pen and paper ready for whatever chore I was sure I was going to have to do next.
“What are you wearing sexy?!” I heard Jeff say and attempt to hold back some laughter, I smiled to myself and giggled a bit.
“Wouldn’t you like to know kind Sir, now what can I do for you!?” I asked him while I doodled on the notepad.
“Well I was wondering if you could tell me when my girlfriend was going to get off of work so she could come to dinner with me.”
“Girlfriend?” I asked raising a brow happy but yet surprised by his choice of words.
“Yes her name is Aria Carmichael, shes about 5’5 short curly brown hair, hazel eyes, totally gorgeous…I am sure you know her well.”  He went on and as usual I felt a smile wash over my face. I don’t know where this guy came from or what I did to deserve having him in my life but he was absolutely incredible.
“Oh yes… I do know her ..is this um,…is this that bass player…Jeff something or other..!?” I joked hearing him laugh as well.
“Yes you got it right, can you give her the message for me that I will be waiting down town at the normal spot at about six oclock.”
“I will do that for you, thank you Jeff have a nice evening.”
“You as well Miss.”
We both hung up the phone and I looked up at the clock, it was already five thirty and I didn’t have time to go home and change into something more comfortable so I guess I was going to be going down to the diner with everyone in my pants suit looking like a total nerd.  Oh well I was just excited to go see my ‘boyfriend’ I suppose and the gang. I saved what I  was working on to work on tomorrow morning and I packed up my things and drove down to the diner. 
I looked in the rearview mirror at my done up hair and my black rimmed glasses and back down at my clothes, thinking again to myself that the gang has never seen me looking like this before I was sure someone was going to say something.
“Jeezus Carmichael get a damn grip this isnt high school anymore…get over it..who cares what they say. Jeff wants to see you that’s all that matters…plus their your friends now. Grow up already!” I scolded myself for thinking such stupid things, they were my friends now…time to just be me.  I grabbed my bag and keys and went inside, I was sure it was just going to be the mother love bone guys but I was mistaken, Chris, Kim, Ben and Matt were all there too.  I heard whistling as I walked back to the corner booth where we always hung out in the dimly lit diner. I saw Andy standing up on his chair with a grin on his face.
“Whoa there Miss Aria you look quite cute tonight.” Andy said giving me a wink and he hopped down from the chair and gave me a hug.
“Thanks And.” I said quietly to him giving him a grin.
“Cute!? She looks fucking hot ..damn Aria I like that sexy like librarian look….sexy!” Chris said eyeing me making me roll my eyes, Jeff stood up in front of me and glared at Chris.
“Yo back off my girlfriend Chris..go flirt with some chick at the bar.” He said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I pressed my lips to his gently closing my eyes while I reached up to take the clip from my hair and letting it fall down to my shoulders.
“Girlfriend!? Since when has it been official!?” Chris shrugged.
“Since a few days ago…now leave them be Christopher!” I heard Xana say.
We pulled away from our kiss and Jeff looked at me, he didn’t say much he just stood there staring at me for a moment.
“What’s wrong Jeff?”
“Nothing is wrong …just that you really do look cute like that…”
“Well thank you, it may look cute but it’s totally not comfortable, I wanted to go home and change into normal clothes but I didn’t want to be late. These pants are squeezing the crap out of me, these high heels kill my feet and I am all sucked into this stupid jacket, I feel so….stiff!” I said laughing, he reached forward and unbuttoned the black jacket I had on over my button up blouse and he took it off me.
“little better at least!?” he smiled, I shook my head yes and we sat down and joined everyone saying our hello’s.
“My god Aria I thought you were only going to work until like noon, I waited for you to call…I had to go shopping by myself..” Xana said with a pout
“I am sorry Xan, I really lost track of time I started editing some columns that I need to have finished by tomorrow and I just got sucked into it.  Can I have a raincheck on that…maybe this weekend.?”
“Of course this weekend, I never say no to shopping.” She said digging through her purse for her cigarettes.
“So how was everyone’s day, did you guys get all the merch stuff signed and everything?” I asked before ordering myself a beer  and lighting up a cigarette as well.
“Rehearsal was good, my hand is cramped from signing stuff, all in all it was a good day just would’ve been better if you were there.” Jeff said sweetly, putting his hand over mine.
“Oh god ..puke! puke! Puke!” Stone said making a face at us and the comment Jeff made to me.
“Gossard…you getting jealous over there? Do you need some love huh? Because if you do…I invited my friend chloe to the show, she was asking me if any of yall were single I told her you were.” Stones eyes were wide and he smiled and shook his head.
“So um..Ari…tell me more about this Chloe friend of yours.”
“Yes shes gorgeous if that’s what you mean, tall, long legs, blonde hair, blue eyes…typical Barbie girl yep.”
“Sounds like our next show is going to be even better than usual.”  Stone sat back with a smile and chugged down what was left of his beer I shook my head and laughed. I felt Jeff tracing a pattern into the palm of my hand, he was staring at me I could feel it, I looked over at him and he still had a smile on his face.
“You are quite happy today Mister,….whats goin on?”
“nothing, just happy to see my girlfriend that’s all.”
“Jeff darling you act like we haven’t seen eachother in ages, I was with you this morning.”
“ I am not allowed to miss you? Why you didn’t miss me huh Carmichael?”
“Okay maybe I did…maybe I thought about you once…or twice…just little bit.”  I said snickering at him, he laughed and winked at me I looked up from my moment with Jeff when I heard a high pitched squeaky voice from some red head that stood in front of our table.
“JEFF OH MY GOD ….HI BABE!” She said excitedly she pulled his hand away from mine and budged herself between him and I and she wrapped her arms around him tightly, I saw him hesitate a moment and he hugged her back.
“Wow..ummm…hello Amy…uh….um…”
“Oh stop it Jeffie…don’t act like I’m some stranger babe.”
Jeffie?!?Amy!?! WHAT THE FUCK!? Who was this redheaded bimbo with her tits popping out the top of her shirt and why was she hanging all over my boyfriend, I almost flipped my lid when I saw her sit down on his lap wrapping her arm around him.
“Introduce me to your friends Jeffie..hi everyone I am Amy!” She said pushing her chest out and giving everyone a fake smile oh I could’ve slapped the shit out of this broad but I kept my composure and I tried to smile back.
“Uh Amy this is the crew um..Andy, Stone, Bruce, greg, xana, Chris, ben, matt, kim  and Aria. Guys this is um…a friend of mine. Amy.”
“Oh come on Jeffie tell them….we used to date…for a long time…I am not just some casual friend. Yea we were engaged some time ago….sadly this perfect man got away from me….didnt you babe!?” She kissed his cheek. I looked over at Xana with wide eyes trying to hold in my anger. She looked just as upset as I was, I grabbed my bag and slammed down the rest of my beer and I got up.
“I gotta go…um Xan Call me later love.” I said quickly and I ran out of the diner and hopped into my car and just sat there not knowing what to think..was I supposed to be mad? Was I supposed to be sad!? Should I go in there and say something!? What the hell just happened!?
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
well thank you so much! I finally got a few hours to myself right now after all this hectic stuff so i am going to work on the update...lets hope i can get a few pages down. :)
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
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my new tattoo..the RH in the heart are my fathers initials... Rest in Peace Ricky Hill. I love you!!! <3
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
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Happy Birthday to Mr. John Frusciante <3
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
Are you male or female?
um i am a female lol
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
how did you loose your leg? you are amazing and I agree pearl jam help a lot I'm now 15 but I've been recovering from ana since I was 12 and they were always there even though I've never met them or seen them live they have helped so much on a personal level
i had a condition in my leg called lymphedema that made my leg swell and retaind lymph fluid because my lymph glands in my leg didnt work. My leg weighed over 200lbs (yes just my leg) it was a painful disfiguring condition that left me home bound and pretty much stuck in a bed for years of my life...i couldnt walk or barely even stand. I made the decision in october to have my leg amputated in hopes of getting a life back...i got out of the hospital after months of therapy and now I am learning how to walk again. :) Yes it is so amazing what Pearl Jam can do for their fans...they are an incredible bunch of guys so inspiring and so talented.
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
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 And here it is....I finally got my finished prosthetic the other day! YES this is why I have been out and away for so long. Most of you read my answered questions as to why I have gone missing...well I am learning how to use this and to walk again so thank you for your patience. I have been staying up til around 3am the past few nights trying to get updates for all 3 of my fics finished. I am doing my best... please please bare with me here.  I am so happy to finally have my prosthetic...the therapy is hard and frustrating at times but I know its all going to be worth it in the end. Of course I had to make a tribute to the band...the one thing that got me through this process of becoming an amputee..thanks to them...i am still...."alive" 
xoxoxo Oktober
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
Fics and stuff.
 hello loves!
sorry again for going missing for a while...i get my finished prosthetic tomorrow and have been doing therapy like crazy please excuse me for trying to get my life back in order. As well as my Grandmother passed away a few days ago so my family is trying to get everything situated. No i havent forgotten about the fics...yes i plan on continuing i just ask that you give me some time. Thank you for your patience.
xoxox Oktober
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
the jeff fanfic? :( Big fan!
 working on that and my kurt and stone fic right now... please be patient it is on its way hehe  thank you i am glad you read my work. 
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
fucking awesome! don't even know what team i am now :D
LOL I have been getting mail like crazy of peeps telling me they want livvie back with eddie...i even got a few saying that she just needs to dump stone and get with jeff since hes so in love with her...HAHA I dont know what is going to happen yet but all this feedback is incredible!
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eddie-vedder-luv · 11 years
great update, but noooo, i'm still for team eddie, i'm still waiting for her to go back to him :(
Is everyone still on Team Eddie here?!? Lol wow I love all this feedback!
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