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not every piece of fiction needs to be a how to on morality and artists arent obligated to teach you how to be a good person with their work. i dont think its unfair to hold your audience to basic expectations wrt morality, and to expect them to understand the difference between right and wrong, and i dont think its a creator’s fault when their work is misinterpreted. i feel like the way leftist media crit is heading u guys want everyone to just write heartwarming childrens media that has a diverse cast of good people and only that, and like thats great n all but i kinda wanna ever have fun and write something dynamic and interesting and for adults with a remotely nuanced understanding of morality and i dont think thats inherently wrong 2 do 
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Accidentally coming out to my family
Uncle: are you texting a boy?Me: no
Uncle: why not??
Me: boys are gross
Uncle: *sarcastically* you a lesbian?
Me: *doesn't look up from phone* yeah
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i dont need a pair of booty shorts that say “are you nasty” i need booty shorts with “are you salty” because i would have to wear them over a pair of tights like a fuckin comicbook vigiante. because i am always salty, i do not forget mild irritations, and i do not let go of grudges. i form them arbitrarily and unnecessarily and i am ready to fight about it at any point in time regardless of how much energy i have.
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miscommunication as a plot device makes me angry
if you just talked to each other but no
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thank you
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I don’t agree with everything communismkills says but the whole “ha let’s edit everything” thing that @memeufacturing and other tumblr funnymen are doing is literally illegal (plagiarism or fraud or something, I forget) and also generally a crybaby thing to do
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Watch: Michelle Obama chokes up in passionate speech at the DNC
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The most important thing riding has taught me is how to work with fear.
A popular mantra for many riders is to be fearless, but I think they have it all wrong. It’s impossible to not get scared in this sport, no matter how confident you are. Everyone knows that awful sensation in the pit of your stomach when you’re cantering towards an oxer and all of sudden you see nothing but a big nasty chip coming up. Or when your horse spooks at a dog dashing past the arena and bolts towards the far end as if they’re never going to stop galloping. Or even something as simple as your horse tripping at the trot and for that one second you think you are both about to tumble to the ground. Fear is unavoidable, because so much can go wrong. If it hasn’t happened to you, you’ve seen it happen to someone, or you’ve heard of it on the internet. We know the risks and we know there are a lot of reasons to be afraid. And the worst thing about it all is that, sometimes, we just can’t turn our fear off. We’re cantering towards that oxer and we know the worst thing to do is freeze up out of nerves but sometimes we just can’t help it. Fear takes over.
So don’t try to be fearless. It won’t work. You have to work alongside fear. You have to overcome it. You cannot be brave unless you are first afraid. Bravery is about conquering fear. Riding teaches us that. Riding teaches us to be tough and push through. We canter up to that oxer and we see no distance and our brain immediately starts to panic, but we overpower it. We ride through it. Somedays it is more difficult than others, but we know that freezing up is the worst thing we can do, so we stop doing it. I’m a firm believer that fear is a great motivator, and so even though I constantly struggle with my nerves in the saddle, I know that I must be brave. Why? Because freezing up and crashing through an oxer is going to be a whole lot worse than acknowledging my fear, focusing myself, sitting up, and gritting my teeth as I try to salvage a rough jump.
Some people are pretty fearless, and that’s great for them. They’re confident and daring and it takes a lot to scare them in the saddle. Thirteen-year-old me would jump anything on any horse without a worry in the world. Experience and age has erased a lot of that fearlessness - and recklessness, to be honest - from me but, in the long run, it’s only making me braver. This sport forces us to be stronger than the things that scare us because we know the consequences that can arise when fear takes over. And when you realize that it’s not just you but your horse beneath you that may be scared, the motivation to be brave grows. Your horse is trusting you, or at least trying to, so you can’t cop out. 
Don’t dismiss your fears. Eventually they’ll catch up to you. You have to look your fears in the face and ride through them. Yeah, I’m scared, but am I going to let that stop me? Hell no. 
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D’you guys think that anytime someone questions anything about Sulu’s flying capabilities he has a split second where everything goes red and the disembodied haunting voice of Christopher Pike comes drifting out of the fog to say, “Is the parking brake on?”
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what does "pinche gringo" mean?
it means “i love americans” in spanish
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obi wan and ahsoka returning from the farmers market:) ahsoka probably showing him the latest hilarious photos of anakin (i think ahsoka would have a variety of ridiculous anakin photos on her phone) again for @gaymaul @generalskyguy @anakinsboots ;)
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I was bored and tired of arguing with assholes so I made a movie poster for them <3
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i’m sick of these SJWs telling me not to buy bottled water
i propose a new hashtag
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