egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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  Starter call to both Mutuals and non Mutuals !!
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
Oh look I forgot about this account. oops. to bring back or not too? I have evy muse but dunno if people would be willing to roleplay with her?
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
not everyday is a good day, but there is something good in everyday, and you are brave, and beautiful, and smart. and there are so many people who love and adore you, i myself am one of them. and i know tumblr these days can seem like a hole of darkness, but you are a true light. please never forget how amazing and wonderful you are 💖
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Thank you so much that’s incredibly sweet of you.
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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“You’re learning quickly, Nefertiri. I’ll have to watch my back.”
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
I’ve put this under read more because it does have something triggering in it. This is why I have been so distant from my blogs. I hope you can all forgive me.
Keep reading
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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  Starter call to both Mutuals and non Mutuals !!
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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  Starter call to both Mutuals and non Mutuals !!
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
‘ baby driver ‘ sentence starters.  (  ask  meme  )
          –––   a  list  of  quotes  from  the  new  movie  ‘ baby  driver ’   with  partial  credit  to  starswritten​  for  a  good  chunk  of  them  !
❛    i  thought  we  weren’t  allowed  to  discuss  our  real  names.    ❜ ❛    you  two  are  perfect  for  each  other.  i  mean  that.    ❜ ❛    this  is  your  fucking  mess  !    ❜ ❛    where  do  you  get  off  ?    ❜ ❛    you  know  that  bitch  ,  baby  ?    ❜ ❛    what’s  the  name  of  that  song  you’re  singing  ?    ❜ ❛    you  know  what  would  be  real  ,  real  romantic  ?  if  you  stabbed  him.    ❜ ❛    you  never  had  a  lucky  song  before  ?    ❜ ❛    tell  me  what  we’re  gonna  do  with  all  that  money.    ❜ ❛    i  make  a  mean  cup  of  coffee.  no  i  don’t  ,  i  make  terrible  coffee.    ❜ ❛    is  she  a  good  girl  ?  do  you  love  her  ?    ❜ ❛    she  was  a  good  girl.  i  loved  her.    ❜ ❛    i  think  …  we  should  get  some  sleep.    ❜ ❛    don’t  listen  to  him.    ❜ ❛    the  bad  news  is  ,  you’re  about  to  make  a  lot  of  money.  the  good  news  is  ,  you’re  about  to  make  a  lot  of  money.    ❜ ❛    look  ,  baby  !  mommy  and  daddy  are  getting  it  on.    ❜ ❛    you  are  so  …  beautiful.    ❜ ❛    you  must  have  friends  in  high  places  to  get  a  table  there.    ❜ ❛    was  he  slow  ?    ❜ ❛    are  you  just  starting  your  day  or  did  you  just  get  off  ?    ❜ ❛    they  call  ,  i  go.    ❜ ❛    i’m  a  driver.    ❜ ❛    well  ,  aren’t  you  mysterious  ?    ❜ ❛    that’s  my  baby.    ❜ ❛    …  questions  ?    ❜ ❛    sometimes  all  i  wanna  do  is  head  west  on  20  in  a  car  i  can’t  afford  ,  with  a  plan  i  don’t  have.    ❜ ❛    that  shit  is  bananas  ,  dog.    ❜ ❛    …  and  that’s  what  makes  him/her/them  the  best.    ❜ ❛    one  more  job  and  i’m  done  ?    ❜ ❛    the  moment  you  catch  feelings  is  the  moment  you  catch  a  bullet.    ❜ ❛    one  of  these  days  ,  baby  ,  you  gotta  get  blood  on  your  hands.    ❜ ❛    time  to  face  the  music.    ❜ ❛    i  have  to  end  this.    ❜ ❛    well  ,  ain’t  y’all  cute  ?    ❜ ❛    people  love  a  great  bank  robbery  story.    ❜ ❛    well  ,  aren’t  you  the  lucky  one  ?    ❜ ❛    that’s  right  !  you  tell  ‘em  ,  baby.    ❜ ❛    that’s  some  oscar  shit  ,  right  there  !    ❜ ❛    you’re  the  best  in  the  business.    ❜ ❛    for  god’s  sakes  ,  [  insert  name  ]  ,  leave  the  kid  alone.    ❜ ❛    yeah  ,  watch  your  mouth.    ❜ ❛    there’s  no  escape  !    ❜ ❛    i  got  the  mental  issues  in  the  crew.  position  taken.    ❜ ❛    that’s  not  the  cops.    ❜ ❛    maybe  your  friend  would  like  to  fill  out  a  suggestion  slip.    ❜ ❛    b - a - b - y  ,  baby.    ❜ ❛    make  sure  you  tip  the  nice  lady.    ❜ ❛    i  thought  i  told  you  to  run.    ❜ ❛    fuck  you  ,  buddy.    ❜ ❛    if  you  don’t  see  me  again  ,  it’s  because  i’m  dead.    ❜ ❛    you  took  away  something  i  loved  ,  now  i’m  going  to  do  the  same  to  you.    ❜ ❛    he’s  a  devil  behind  the  wheel  ,  what  the  hell  else  do  you  gotta  know  ?    ❜
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
Ugh trying to click activity and its taking me to my posts. Anyone else getting this problem?
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
“Lucky guess or vivid imagination, take your pick.”
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Reply as DRY as sand paper, while there was a barely resisted urge to roll his eyes. Then a pause, word said in a very punctuated manner with a MEANINGFUL look to settle the issue.
“ Also pot, kettle, black. “
Truth was, he HAD been there, even if not at the exact place it happened { hell, he’d been there when he had been first born, back in the good ol’ days }; but after some grade A shit-talking on both Seth and Anansi’s part Gabriel came to the conclusion pretty quick he was not getting his hands DIRTY on this one.
“ Well I must say I honestly do not think its a lucky guess or causes for a vivid imagination.”
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Evelyn was not stupid, in fact she was far from it. She was smart and many didn’t like that -- especially men, as some still found it difficult to adjust to the fact Women began to have more rights, With her eyebrow arched, she very gently tilted her head to the side and felt a light laugh escape her lips, mostly of disbelief. 
“Pot Kettle Black you say?”
She took a few steps towards him, now coming to conclusion that he was not there to harm her otherwise he would have at least attempted to or she would have felt uncomfortable or in danger. “Who are you, exactly? I’m Evelyn, but most call me Evy. It’s odd because it feels like I’ve seen your face before. When in reality I know in this life our lives have never crossed, have they?”
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
Send me some positivity about your favourite blogs on anon and I'll @ them
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
give me a letter and i'll tell you my 5 favourite blogs starting with that letter
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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He’d been scouring the library now for what felt like ages. Dean had called him twice in the span of four hours asking if he wanted to grab something to eat, a count of nearly twenty books were currently piled around him, and he was pretty sure his ass had melded with the seat he was sitting in. Running his hands back through his hair, he let out a quiet breath, about to close the book he was on when something slammed down abruptly in front of him. Startled by the sudden noise, he looked up to find a rather attractive woman staring back at him. “Uh, hey…” How long had she been standing there? He hadn’t even heard her come in. “Rough luck, I’m guessing?”
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frustrated was not the word. When she worked in the library she often found answers in her books, and for this particular incident she couldn’t find anything there, so decided to head out for the library at that particular spot. Hand raised to gently push her raven curls back, and she turned to look upon the male after hearing his very voice, and she wasn’t sure whether she felt embarrassed by her outburst, or shocked that she didn’t even know there was another present. Usually she was completely on point on who was in her surroundings, but it seemed this time it failed her, and that was not the only thing that failed her either. Bloody books! “Oh uhm…” she gathered the books together into a heap and made sure that they were in fact in alphabetical piles. Gods she did not want a similar incident as she had in Ciaro. That took what felt like aeons to clean. “Yes.” She let a strained laugh escape her lips. “Usually I find something in these books but this time? Nothing. Nothing on this strange fog! I’m merely curious as to what is going on here…”
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
“i’ll wait for you.”
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eyes fluttered gently, gaze falling upon the male at her side. it seemed shock took her by surprise, for words were brimming at her lips but nothing came out. twas not until she closed her eyes, and let her body completely relax, was she able to speak.                       “Will you really?”
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
Video I made :) Hope you like!
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
Do I Follow Them?: 
Why Did I Follow Them?: 
Do We Role Play?: 
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: 
An AU Idea For Our Muses: 
A Song For Our Muses: 
Do I Ship Our Muses?: 
What I Think About The Mun: 
Overall Opinion: 
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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egyptinmyblood-blog · 7 years
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Endless list of favourite characters (in no particular order)
Evelyn O'Connell (née Carnahan)
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