elijahsjungs · 2 years
They made it. In some sense, Diana always knew they would get out of the maze eventually. There are only so many routes you could take before getting out and if she had kept staying right like she originally planning, she knows it would have happened eventually. She knows it. And yet, to finally see the sky and get a view that wasn’t the red stained mirrors lifted a weight off of her shoulders that almost brought tears to her eyes. She let Tommy go to enjoy his own freedom as she leaned against the wall, running a hand through her hair.
They made it out. But Eli… Her eyes darted up, dread filling her stomach at the thought of having to go back in to search for her other friend that was in the maze. Just as she started to reach for the fire extinguisher she had initially tossed to the side, she saw him standing off to the side.
“Eli!” she called out, pushing herself off of the wall to go to his side, relief spreading through her veins.
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All of this bloody maze business really felt like some shitty Willy Wonka-esque fever dream and it had him feeling way out of his depth. Eli’s sister was the one handling blood on the daily and even she wouldn’t jump at the chance to deal with all of this. He couldn’t really remember which way he’d gone before he found the exit, he’d been running around the place without a system because his mind just wasn’t hardwired to be pragmatic about this kind of situation?
In the aftermath of it all, he was a little dazed, having lost sight of Tommy and Diana before he made it out. Fifteen minutes and an eternity after, he was still leaning on the wall, staring at the fake blood on his shirt.
Last he had checked, this wasn’t a part of the festival— Coolsville didn’t do the whole ‘Halloween in July’ thing and with all the other things going on this was an extreme cause for concern. His mind is going off on all these random theories when he hears the sound of Diana’s voice; Eli releases a breath and his shoulders drop ( he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding all that tension in his body ).
Without missing a beat, he’s opening his arms and hugging the bartender, an act that’s as much for her as it is for him. “Are you okay?”
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
CAM !!
Logically speaking, there isn’t a real reason to hate Eli. Be annoyed with him? Avoid him? Yes. But, hate him? No. Whether Cameron cared to admit it or not, it really wasn’t his decision to arrest her that night. and she had broken into the Logan house. That wasn’t subject to argument, and she would willingly take responsibility for that fact. There would be no remorse, because the Logan’s were two pieces of shit, but she could acknowledge that she had committed a crime. But, she now held a ridiculous amount of guilt over the fact that she had potentially ruined her best friend’s life. He would never say that to her, Danny would never view this as her fault. He saw it was a necessary step to protect her, but there would be nothing to protect her from if it wasn’t for their attempt at Oceans 11-ing his parents’ house. 
None of that was Eli’s fault either, but with no else to direct her anger onto, he was the closest related target. The real problem with Eli was that he fed into the system that seemed to have something personal against her. The Sheriff sadistic pleasure in arrest her, and quite obvious disdain in having to tell her that the charges against her had been dropped was the same that employed Eli. Sent him off to try and bust her for pranks and she didn’t do or chase her away from places she had every right to be. And, after years of him claiming that wasn’t who he wanted to be, it was exactly who he became.
So, when he tracks her down after she leaves him on read twice, wearing a bright and toothy smile, offering her fried Oreos, she thinks she might slap him. Or at least slap the cookies out of his hand. After staring at him for a long moment, waiting for him to take the hint, she finally speaks. “I figured you were smart enough to figure out that me blatantly ignoring you means I don’t want to talk to you. Guess not.” She glances from the Oreos, back to Eli. “But, I guess someone with intelligence would know deep fried cookies aren’t going to just smooth everything over.”
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With his position at the Sheriff’s office, his friendship with Cameron was one of countless things threatening to careen over the edge of the cliff that was his life. Elijah knew that she had very good reason to be angry at him in a macro sense, but if he’d let his emotions dictate his thoughts, this one felt a little unfair. Seemed like the new trend in Coolsville, though. It wasn’t fair that he’d had other career options put on the back burner in favor of family tradition; it wasn’t fair that a girl went missing and his father and the rest of them sat on their asses doing nothing; and it wasn’t fair that the town had painted a target on Cam’s back.
But you roll with the punches, he guesses ( though that seems to be easier with one of those three things; the others, easier said than... ). That and Eli was a persistent idiot, pushing past any hurdles in the road without so much as a second thought— he mouthed-off in the office, swiped a case file for the Logan and brought his favorite jailbird some fried Oreos. Where the latter is concerned, he opts to ignore the verbal lashing in favor of shaking the paper boat in a continued plea, “they’re a festival staple, Cam,” he tries, popping an Oreo in his mouth, “s’really delicious.” 
"Are you sure you don’t want one?” Another shake of the paper boat, and after a beat, “Cam, they’re no-strings Oreos, you don’t have to become a Young fan or anything, but I did wait in line for these and there’s no way I’m finishing them myself.” In an ideal world, the Oreos would have done just that, but his odds were looking terrible right now— he would have brought her fried Oreos while she was in the holding cell but you could only find the elusive food on the fourth. It strikes him now that regular Oreos could have sufficed, and that’s hindsight for you. This would have to be one of those long cons he’d seen in the movies.
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
for @camxwhite​
Okay so, he knows he isn’t to blame here— Elijah didn’t lock the cuffs on Cameron nor did he drag her all the way to the station’s holding cells, but he was part of the system that had consistently treated Cameron as less than she deserved. And just like he’d folded and joined the Sheriff’s Department at his father’s request, he’d gone and stood on the sidelines as it happened. Eli knows that one was out of his hands too, but arguing that point wasn’t going to do him any favors. With that in mind, deep fried Oreos might. 
Honestly, he really hopes they do because he had to wait in line for a really long time to get them; just when did those things become so popular? And more importantly, when had all the kids in Coolsville become so rude? He wasn’t anything like that when he was running around in his teens. 
But that wasn’t even the bigger issue here, he’d been looking around for Cam for so long, that by the time he’d found her the Oreos were...not-hot. Eli hopes they’re still an adequate peace offering when they’re not so hot they’d burn your tastebuds off. So he walks over to where she’s standing near the drop tower, with his best smile and some lukewarm Oreos, “Cameron, you like all that tooth-rotting sweet stuff, right, because I have something for ya,” ( translation, please don’t tell me that queue was for nothing ).
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
the insider— elijah young
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Welcome to Coolsville, the best little small town in Ohio.
…except for right now, but that’s not really ELIJAH YOUNG’S ( MICHAEL EVANS BEHLING ) fault, is it? Known as the INSIDER around town, HE is just your friendly neighborhood DEPUTY SHERIFF. Sure he can be BRUSQUE and SCATTERBRAINED, but he can also be DEPENDABLE and EARNEST just like any other 23 year old. That doesn’t mean he has anything to do with our string of recent chilling events, though… right? 
book currently sitting at the bottom of his jansport: normal people by sally rooney ( he thinks he’s a man of taste, it’s the latest book gabby’s left on the passenger side seat )  superlative(s): best eyes, tallest in class, most likely to sleep through an earthquake current quote: candid pics? no, take cryptid pics of me. make me as blurry as possible. my eyes glow. i’m in places i can’t logically be in. tv parallels: kronk ( the emperor’s new groove ), guillermo ( what we do in the shadows ), ruthie ( shrill ), stan ( good girls...before it went to shit ), a sprinkle of parrish ( teen wolf ), a dash of james mcguire ( derry girls ), jake peralta ( brooklyn 99 ), jim ( the office ) current brands he's loving: he doesn’t fucking know, the gap? dickies?
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full name: elijah nathaniel young age: twenty-three ( born december 20th, 1998 ) zodiac: sagittarius and that’s all he knows...ask his sister about the rest occupation & goals: deputy sheriff...reluctantly & well, he wanted to be a firefighter but that didn’t happen so idk, it’s not like he wants to make chief. 
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001. Eli Young was one half of a matching set, but you’d never hear him complain about it; if anyone had been there for him throughout the rollercoaster that was life, it was his twin. He thinks the two of them spent most of their childhood stranded on an island in the middle of the turbulent sea that was their home. To hear their mother tell it, their parents fought hard but loved harder— she’d told her children that those were two sides of the same coin, but Eli never thought it made much sense.
002. Still, he’d always feared that he could be just as angry, just as volatile as his mother and father had been. Elijah had felt it building beneath his skin when someone had yanked his sister’s hair or when that one bully had shoved him a little too hard during recess. He knew what he could be, and he knew it wasn’t the person he wanted to become— but it wasn’t always easy. For all of elementary and most of middle school, the people that would push Elijah would be pushed back twice as hard. 
003. All the same, everyone needs outlets, right? He’d picked up a string of them: played the drums in a band once, lost interest and then moved on to bass; volleyball didn’t manage to keep his interest and neither did swimming, but he’d try anything once. The only consistent roles in his life were ‘son of the chief deputy,’ ‘the taller twin,’ and ‘that one kid all the grandmas like’. Elijah hated the former but took the latter in stride, he’d wanted to be that kid more than anything else. 
004. In high school he joins the track team, because testosterone is at its highest, and he can’t find a better way to let off steam ( he’d never really liked football all that much ). He runs in the mornings before the sun is out, and is always the last to leave the field after practice— he’d probably been trying to spend as much time away from home as possible. It was obvious that his father wanted him to join the Sheriff’s Department as soon as he was able but Elijah didn’t even like cops.
005. That was a common thing in the Young home, with their father complaining about how unappreciated he was as a cop, and Elijah holding his tongue in response. Sometimes Eli thought the man did it on purpose, bringing up random points he knew would make his son uncomfortable. If his father wanted to make him feel bad about his constitution, it worked ( for the most part ), but Eli would just as quickly turn around and complain about the expectations hanging in the home.
006. He ran his mouth like the best of them, but sometimes it was all he did; that was cowardice for ya. Elijah would say he’d never join the force; he didn’t want to be like his father, or his uncles or their fathers or anyone else for that matter. And yet he found himself taking the test ( for formalities really, when your dad is chief, you get the job ). Next thing you know, he’s on the same trajectory as his father had been, and still was. Every day he puts on his uniform he feels like he’s drowning.
007. One silver lining is that Elijah’s always been a helper, that kid all the grandmas like. As a deputy, he’s given all those inconsequential calls, non-emergency situations where he spends half of the time rectifying the issue and the other half making conversation. He’s a people person at his core, and that part of the job doesn’t make it so bad. But he sure as hell isn’t making a difference and he sure as hell wishes he were making idle conversation over something else. 
008. Must be why he acts out at work, pushing against ‘efforts’ made when a girl goes missing because it’s not enough, he knows it isn’t. Elijah sees firsthand how his colleagues work through this case with lethargy and tunnel vision; he sees how they’ve exhausted their efforts after the first forty-eight hours. He knows the statistics, ( they’ve been drilled into this skull ), but it doesn’t even feel like they’re trying anymore, why arrest some girl who doesn’t know any more than they do?
009. Some decisions in life make themselves, and some come running right at you. He’d been pouring over the case files on his own before that group came barreling into the Sheriff’s Office, some familiar faces but none he’d thought would hang with one another just because ( he’d had eyes and ears in high school, like everyone else ). Seriously, the mayor’s daughter coming to bail out that other girl that somehow became their prime suspect? How did that even happen? 
010. What happens after could cost him his job, but then again, he’s not all that attached to it. For once he’s the last one in the office, slipping the case file into his Jansport before cutting off the lights. He’s fond of those inconsequential non-emergencies, but in doing this he feels like he’s actually doing something important— more than his father and everyone else is doing anyhow. Whatever happens after, it was probably meant to be. He’d needed a new outlet anyhow.
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&&. he’s got a ton of those enamel pins on the lapels of his deputy uniform, because he stands for all of that and also because he wants to rile up the old assholes in the office: a pride flag, a blm flag and his favorite, which stands for nothing at all, the kermit pin.
&&. the man is a collector and he’s been collecting those sappy novels on the low— blame his sister for leaving that one jodi picoult novel in his car ( he read it as a joke until it wasn’t )…and gabby kept leaving books after and he thinks she’s just going and doing it on purpose now.
&&. he’s gone to all the little hole in the wall places and posted about their shitty food. and he’s consistently going to the pub and trying out their even shittier food and blasting them on the internet because they never learn…everyone knows he runs this blog but he won't ‘come clean’.
&&. he’s got a lot of snacks in his Jansport, and a tool box because you really never know. you gotta be prepared for anything? even though he’s sitting on his ass most of the time, but you just really never know. especially now that he’s running with pseudo-vigilantes. 
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
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elijahsjungs · 2 years
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