ella-la-danii-blog · 4 years
Is there any benefit in donating blood?
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1. Blood donation can stimulate the body's hematopoietic function and make the hematopoietic function more vigorous, thereby maintaining a relatively vigorous metabolism and continuously producing more vigorous young cells.
2. A large number of studies have shown that healthy emotions can communicate with the brain and other tissues and organs through nerves, body fluids, and endocrine systems to keep them in a good state, which is beneficial to the enhancement of human immunity and resistance.
3. People who have participated in unpaid blood donation will have an unpaid blood donation certificate. When you or your relatives need to use blood in the hospital in an accident, you can get the priority to use blood with the unpaid blood donation certificate. When the blood bank supply in the hospital is insufficient, priority The right to use blood is particularly important.
Since donating blood has so many benefits, should everyone be able to donate blood?
Blood donation needs to meet the following conditions:
Weight: male ≥50 kg, female ≥45 kg.
There was no cold or acute gastroenteritis within a week, no medication, no alcohol consumption within 24 hours.
More than 6 months have passed since the last blood donation.
You cannot donate blood less than half a month after minor surgery, less than three months after general surgery, and less than half a year after major surgery.
Girls should not donate blood during  3 days before and after menstruation.
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ella-la-danii-blog · 4 years
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The difference between 96-well plate and 96-well enzyme-labeled plate for cell culture in biological laboratory
  The ELISA plate used in the laboratory is 96-well without cover. Cover the disposable 96-well plate for cell culture. What is the essential difference between the two orifice plates?
      96-well plate case
  Is the ELISA plate coated with antibodies? The cultured cells are not coated with antibodies, but the surface is treated to promote cell attachment. The difference is still small. The ELISA plate is usually activated to increase the adsorption capacity. The materials of both are the same. The main difference is that ELISA plates are more demanding.
  ELISA board case
   1. For ELISA, add specific antibodies or polylysine in advance to increase the adsorption capacity.
   2. Determine the OD value. When the detection wavelength is in the UV range, the plate will be processed to allow UV to pass, and the plate of cultured cells cannot pass the UV.
   3. Our laboratories are universal. There shouldn't be much difference
  4. The material of the cell culture 96-well plate is the same as that of the ELISA plate, the difference is:
The surface of the 96-well cell culture plate is treated to be relatively hydrophilic, which is beneficial for cell adhesion. (Of course there are other cell culture plates, this is an ordinary TC treatment plate)
  The surface of the ELISA plate can be processed into a high-binding ELISA plate, or the ELISA plate with medium binding capacity can be processed without processing, and the ELISA plate can be classified to see the specific molecules to be bound.
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ella-la-danii-blog · 4 years
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Clinical Symptoms of Dairy Cow Diarrhea and Treatment Methods of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Dairy cow diarrhea is a common occurrence in the process of dairy cow breeding. It usually occurs in dairy cows that are older, weakened, and have fetuses and twins. The disease lasts for a long time, and its physical fitness after delivery, lactation and feeding Calves have a serious impact
1. Causes of diarrhea in dairy cows
Diarrhea in dairy cows is usually caused by unreasonable feeding and management. If feed is not added in time, the amount of feed is too random, the feed is not fresh, the feed temperature is unreasonable, there is too much dust or soil in the feed, insufficient drinking water is not added in time, and the feed variety is changed suddenly, etc. Diarrhea or other diseases occur. In addition, if the cow’s teeth are in poor condition and cannot adequately chew the feed that is too hard, it can also cause other gastrointestinal diseases, which can also cause diarrhea. In addition, in the feeding process, not only should pay attention to adopting appropriate management methods, but also pay attention to maintaining the environmental sanitation of the cattle barn and good feed hygiene. If the sanitary conditions are poor, it may also cause some other diseases and diarrhea. 
In the feeding process, because the cows are fed the same feed for a long time, the body may not be able to take in comprehensive nutrition, such as lack of certain vitamins and trace elements, and may also cause some diseases and diarrhea. At the same time, diarrhea may be caused by the unreasonable drinking water temperature of dairy cows. This is mainly due to the relatively weak adaptability of the gastrointestinal function of dairy cows. If neglected slightly, it is very likely to cause diarrhea. Drinking a lot of ice water that is too cold can easily cause diarrhea. After a cow has exercised vigorously, although the body emits a lot of water, if it suddenly drinks a lot of water, it may also cause diarrhea. 
2. Clinical symptoms of dairy cow diarrhea
Cows usually develop the disease immediately after delivery, or within 1 to 2 days. The main symptoms are diarrhea, severe dehydration, and acidosis syndrome. If the symptoms are severe, they will also appear to crawl, so it is very easy Confused with diseases with similar symptoms, such as paralysis, acute enteritis, or acute rumen acidosis, it must be differentiated. Sick cows show loss of appetite, coarse coat, weak limbs, significantly increased defecation frequency, and excretion of porridge-like or thin water-like feces, and also emits a sour smell, which will be scattered on the ground, and A lot of feces stick to the tail and around the anus. The body temperature is basically normal or slightly lowered, the muscles are obviously loose and weak, walking slowly or obviously swaying, it is difficult to stand up from the prone position, the rumen peristalsis is weakened or completely disappeared, and a small number of sick cows may have mild symptoms of sighing in the rumen. Severe diarrhea, frequent discharge of porridge-like or watery yellow-green-brown feces, and a small amount of bubbles and mucus mixed in, and emits a sour smell, the bowel sounds are significantly enhanced, and even running watery can be heard outside the body Bowel sounds. Especially after supplementary feeding with concentrate, the symptoms of diarrhea will be more obvious. 
Most of the sick cows have mild abdominal pain, show irritability, bow their waists and abdomen, and keep pedaling their hind limbs. Sick cows are often unable to feed sufficient concentrate after delivery, coupled with a large amount of milk, resulting in severe weight loss, while the milk production gradually decreases. After a sick cow has severe diarrhea, it will feel air entering from the anus after the defecation is over. As the course of the disease progresses, the sick cow’s eye sockets sink, the jugular venous pressure decreases, the skin becomes less elastic, the nose and ears are cold, the heartbeat speeds up or weakens, begins to grind teeth, visible mucosal cyanosis, muscle tremors, unable to stand up when lying down, and finally due to Severe dehydration, acute heart failure and acidosis lead to rapid death. 
3. The treatment of dairy cow diarrhea
3.1 Chinese medicine treatment
Take 18g turmeric, 18g licorice, 24g magnolia root, 18g red peony root, 30g myrobalan, 24g honeysuckle, 15g coptis, 30g tuckahoe, 15g poppy, 24g angelica, 30g Alisma, 30g atractylodes, 18g woody, 24g divine song, 18g Qingpi, all of the above medicines are researched into fine powder, prepared with boiling water, and after the temperature is suitable, it is administered to the sick cow. One dose per day, continuous use for 2 to 3 days. The main functions of myrobalan and poppy are to astringe the intestines and relieve diarrhea. The main functions of Magnolia officinalis and Atractylodes are to invigorate the spleen and dry dampness. The main functions of turmeric, green peel and woody are to promote qi and relieve depression. The main functions of red peony and angelica are It is activating blood and relieving pain. The main functions of Coptis and Honeysuckle are to clear away heat and dampness. Poria and Alisma are mainly used to divert water and dampness, licorice is used to invigorate qi, and Shenqu is used for digestion and stomach. If the sick steak bleeds, you can add 15g blood charcoal and 15g agrimony to the top; if you are weak, you should remove honeysuckle and coptis from the prescription, and then add 30g astragalus and 30g codonopsis. You can also take 30g licorice, 60g Coptis, 60g Divine Comedy, 30g Huoxiang, 60g Magnolia officinalis, 60g Malt, 60g Black Plum, 60g Guan Gui, 60g Myrobalan, 60g Hawthorn, 60g Gallus gallus, 60g Poria cocos, 60g Dried Ginger, 120g Codonopsis , 60g Atractylodes macrocephala, all ground into powder, divided into 3 doses, once a day, continuous use for 3 days. 
3.2 Western medicine treatment
Sick cows were intravenously injected with 500 mL of 10% glucose supplemented with 4g of amoxicillin and 500 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride solution supplemented with 0.4g of ofloxacin, once a day for 3 days. It can also be intravenously infused with 1000mL 0.9% normal saline, 5mg dexamethasone, 10mL 10% sodium cyanate, 20mL gentamicin, 1000mg vitamin C, 500mL 10% glucose injection, 250mL 5% sodium bicarbonate, daily Once, use continuously for 2 to 3 days. 
4. Matters needing attention 
The amount of concentrate feed should be appropriately reduced. The digestion and absorption function of the sick cow is significantly weakened. If the feeding amount of concentrated feed is still too high at this time, the burden on the digestive tract will increase significantly, which will seriously affect the recovery of digestion and absorption. In addition, after feeding too much concentrated feed, the sick cow cannot fully digest it, which leads to the formation of chyme, which is difficult to be absorbed, and may even become a poison, leading to further aggravation of the disease. Therefore, the sick cow should fast for 1 to 2 times, and check the feed to find out the specific pathogenic factors, and can only feed a small amount of forage that is easy to digest and absorb, such as hay, fresh grass, etc. If conditions permit, a small amount of polenta can be fed.
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