ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Airplanes || M.C.
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Requested: Not really but my bff josie really wanted me to do it so i did this is for you bae
Word count: 2,619
Warnings: foul language / mention of sex / alcohol
Pairing: Michael/Reader
Writer: Ellie
Summary: Based on Airplanes by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Listen to it here.
Michael considered the day you told him you had a boyfriend the worst day of his life. Since 7th grade he had been planning to ask you out for the end of school formal. He had the intention of asking you on one of your midnight walks around the neighborhood, but along came Damon
You were actually Calum's bestfriend. Well, best girl friend at least, because Calum's actual bestfriend would be Michael himself. Every since you got transferred to the boys' class due to a couple of girls bullying you, Michael had fallen head over heels for you. For three years, he had sat on his hands, thinking that would keep him from doing anything stupid. It hadn't.
One day in 10th grade, during the 20 minute break, Michael had been playing football with Calum and when he kicked the ball it landed straight on your face. Calum immediately ran to you and helped you up. Everyone laughed and your bullies made a huge deal out of it, but Calum managed to make the laughing stop. He took you to the nurse and Michael followed quietly, whispering sorry every ten seconds.
After that Calum and you had become great friends. You and Michael would have little talks sometimes about music or video games, but he always was so unusually quiet around you. He never was his real self because he was scared you wouldn't like his real self. You were in his head all the time. Your eyes reminded him of bright neon signs that lighted up the sky and every time you smiled, everything suddenly seemed brighter, better.
Calum had offered multiple times to serve as Michael's wingman, but Michael never agreed. He was always looking for signs that you liked him too, but they never came.
You always thought of Michael as the mysterious pop punk guy who was your best friend's best friend and to be honest when puberty hit him he became rather good looking, however you never thought of him as a crush. It was obvious you had many interests in common and that you could talk for hours, but it just never crossed your mind.
One night in 11th, you had left your house at midnight. You sat at a bench close to your school and just cried. So much was going on and you just couldn't take it. Coincidentially, Michael had left his house too that night. When he couldn't sleep he would walk around, and on that night's walk he saw you crying so he went to you. That's how you actually started talking to him.
When you told him you were dating Damon he felt like his heart had been stabbed repeatedly. The man was good looking: brunette hair with emerald green eyes. He could play guitar, sing, and skate, all the things you told Michael your dream guy could do. Michael had 2/3 of the qualities, but the fact that he never spoke up ruined his chance. He'd gone straight to Calum's to let out all his sorrows.
"Do you have beer?" he asked Calum as soon as he opened the door.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" Calum said. "I obviously have beer."
"Good." Michael said letting himself inside Calum's house.
"What's up?" Calum asked Michael shutting the door behind him. Michael went directly into Calum's kitchen and opened the fridge to get out two beers. He threw one at Calum and then traveled to the couch, throwing himself on it ending up lying on his back.
"(Y/N) is dating that Damian guy." Michael said popping the beer's cap and taking a sip.
"You mean Damon?" Calum asks sitting on top of Michael's legs. "Yeah, she told me."
"But I had my plan and everything!" Michael said sitting up, making Calum lose his balance on his legs and fall to the side. "I was going to ask her out over one of our midnight walks. I was going to confess my undying love for her and she was going to be so moved because I'm so cute and she would accept."
"You took too long, mate." Calum shrugged. "You sat on your hands for too long."
"Thanks, you're really helping." Michael rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, but it's the truth, what do you want me to say?"
"I want you to say it's not going to last."
"Michael, Damon makes (Y/N) happy." Calum told Mike. "I'm not going to wish for their break up because you weren't brave enough to ask her out."
"Wow, okay." Michael said standing up and heading for the door. "See you later, mate."
He slammed the door shut and started walking home.
Weeks passed before you turned up for another midnight walk at Michael's window. Michael wasn't expecting you to come since you stopped coming several weeks ago, so he was asleep. You knocked a couple of times before he woke up. He rubbed his face and checked his clock. 12:04.  When he noticed it was you he freaked. He was wearing an old tshirt and boxers. He ran to his closet and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and tried to fix his hair on his bathroom mirror. He then ran to open the window for you and you sat on the frame.
"Hey." you greeted.
"Hey." Michael said trying to not look as nervous as he was. "I wasn't expecting you."
"I know, I'm so sorry." you told him. "I've been doing other stuff so I kind of skipped a few weeks. I hope you're not that angry at me."
Michael kind of wanted to be angry at you. You could've called, texted, told him in school, but you didn't. Then he looked into your eyes and his stomach felt like when he was on an airplane and it had just taken off. Your eyes sparkled like ember in the darkness and then he wasn't angry. Not even a little bit.
"I couldn't be mad at you if I tried." Michael said heading back to his bathroom to brush his teeth. You went inside his room and turned on the light.
You were wearing a black skirt with a bunch of cartoon aliens printed on it and a tank top tucked in on it. On your feet you wore platform booties and your hair was in a bun. Michael loved how you looked. Every time he looked at you, even if it was only for a second, loud sirens played in his head and sparks lighted around you. He felt as if nothing bad could ever happen. He felt invincible.
He finished brushing his teeth and then changed his old shirt for an Iron Maiden tank. It was almost summer so it was getting hot as hell, but that didn't stop you from having your walks.
"What do you want to talk about today?" Michael asked you as he laced his converse on.
"About how I'm not a virgin anymore." you said as if it wasn't a big deal. Michael dropped the laces and looked up at you. "And how I have a date for the formal."
"Oh." Michael said. Fuck, he thought. He really had missed his shot now.
"Don't worry, I'm not giving you any dirty details." you joked. "I just thought I should tell you. And I know that it's not really a big deal, but I'm actually excited about it."
"Yeah?" Michael asked. He tried not to say much so his voice wouldn't give away how upset he was.
"Yeah." you smiled. "And about formal..."
"Damon asked you?" Michael asked standing up.
"Yeah." you nodded. "But I can't dance for shit"
Michael tried to smile, he really did.
"I was wondering if I could practice with you." you said. Michael frowned.
"(Y/N), I can't dance either." Michaell told you.
"I know, that's why I'm asking you." you told him. "That was we can both practice for formal."
"I don't think I'm even going." Michael confessed.
"What the fuck?" you asked. "Why?"
"I don't have a date." Michael shrugged getting out his window and onto the grass. "The girl I was thinking about asking is already taken."
"That doesn't mean you can't go!" you said following him. "Calum can be your date."
"Are you kidding me?" Michael laughed waiting for you to catch up to him. "He has every girl at school at his feet."
"Oh, come on!" you said pulling his hand to you. Immediately he heard the sirens in his head again and his heart beated faster. You pulled him so he was standing in front of you."Let's dance."
Michael looked at you. You looked so beautiful. The only thing providing light was the streetlight you were standing under. He wanted to kiss you. God, he wanted to kiss you so bad. He knew he wouldn't though, so he didn't.
"You know what, I'm not feeling very well." Michael said slipping his hand away from yours. "I'm heading home."
"What?" you asked sadly.
"I'm sorry." he said and then he ran home. He couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. All he could think about was you and how you were wrapped around the arms of another man.
The night of the formal, Michael actually decided to go. His idea of formal were unripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket, so that's what he wore. He got there later than everyone else, so when he came inside the building everyone was dancing already, slow dancing. He spotted Calum and his date on the dance floor and a bunch of girls looking at them in awe.
He went to sit down on one of the empty tables. Half eaten plates were sitting on the one he chose. He looked at Calum and the girl dancing along to a song he recognized as Sam Smith. He wished it wasn't the same song for all the slow dances ever, but brushed it off. After a few seconds he noticed you dancing with Damon. All he could think was how fucking beautiful you looked. At one point he was so angry at himself. He was sure you two were made for each other and he didn't want to wait for you anymore.
The song ended and the DJ played a fatser song and the couples started to dance to that too. Michael saw Damon whisper something into your ear. You smiled and then Damon left you. You continued dancing by yourself on the dance floor. He watched you song after song, as creepy as that sounds. He just couldn't help it; you looked so happy!
He stood up to get a drink and a girl that seemed to be drunk walked up to you.
"Heyyy!" she shouted over the music.
"Hey." Michael said uninterested.
"Do you want to fuck on the bathroom?" she laughed. Michael frowned and then rolled his eyes.
"Jesus Christ." he mumbled before walking away with his punch in hand. He went to sit on the table he was and sniffed the drink to see if it was spiked. The smell of vodka immediately filled his nostrils. He hesitated on drinking it a first, but then he didn't care.
"Fuck it." he said before chugging the drink. The strong liquid burned his throat, but he didn't care. The woosyness hit him instantly.
He looked up to the dance floor again, but he didn't see you. He looked around but didn't suceed on finding you. He stood up to get some air.
"Forget about her, forget about her, you fuckhead!" he told to himself. He hit his head a couple of times before breaking down. He slid down the wall. He harshly wiped his tears away. He was so angry about everything. Why couldn't he have been braver? Why couldn't he had been the one who got to call you his?
He was on his way home, wondering why he even bothered to come, when he saw you sitting on the same bench he found you crying two years ago. You had your head down, so his first impression is that you were drunk and fell asleep, but as he got closer he saw your shoulders raising and lowering, giving away that you were crying. He walked to you and then sat next to you on the bench. You looked up to see him sitting there. Your make up was dripping down your cheeks, but to Michael, you still looked amazing.
"Isn't this how we met?" Michael asked you. You smiled wiping your tears (and makeup) off your face.
"I believe we met when you kicked a ball and hit me in the face." you told him. Michael chuckled and looked down at his hands.
"What's up, ladybug?" he asked you. You frowned. He hadn't called you that for so long. Maybe it was because you didn't talk to him in the last two months.
"You're going to say I told you so." you said. Michael didn't say anything, he just stared at you with concern. "Damon cheated on me."
Michael's stomach filled with fury and his jaw clenched, but he decided to play relaxed.
"I never told you Damon would hurt you though." Michael reminded you.
"But you thought about it." you replied. "I know you, Michael."
"I'm breaking his pretty face, you know?" Michael told you.
"No you're not." you said.
Michael wanted to scream. He wanted to scream everything he never told you. How every time he saw you those fucking sirens played in his head, how your eyes shone like lighted up kerosene, how every time your skin came in contact with his he felt like he was on a plane that was about to take off. All these things mentioned earlier, he wanted to scream them at you.
"I'm going to tell you something now." Michael let you know.
"Okay." you said in a confused tone.
"(Y/N) I am so fucking in love with you." he said.
"What?" you asked wide eyed.
"Shh!!!" Michael shut you up. "Ever since 7th grade I've had the biggest, dumbest crush on you and I never did anything about it because I just didn't think you'd like me. (Y/N) every time I look at you I feel like I'm being raised off the ground and there's this fucking noise in my head as if to warn me. I've been keeping this and I asked Calum to keep it because I am too much of a damn coward to do anything about it, but I have to admit I'm a little drunk and very sad and very angry so I'm saying it now. Besides if I have to keep this shit to myself for one more goddamn night I'm going to explode, so if you want to run the fuck away from me and never talk to me again, then do that, but at least I'll have finally told you what I feel. I can't keep crying myself to sleep regretting not ever telling you."
"Fuck." you let out after that. "Michael, us as a couple had never gone through me head."
Michael ran a hand through his hair nervously. He was ready to stand up and leave. When you saw his intentions you stopped him.
"Wait." you ordered. He sat back down. "I never considered the fact that I might like you too."
Michael bit his lip.
"We- we can give this a try." you told him. "We can try this."
The sirens in Michael's head grew louder.
" 'This' meaning?" Michael asked.
"This." you said pulling his face to yours, your lips crashing against each other. The sirens were blaring in Michael's head and right then they started to sound in your head too.
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Safety Pin by 5 Seconds of Summer || Luke Hemmings
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requested: no, i got them feels
word count: 2436
pairing: luke/reader
writer: ellie
Summary: Based on the song Safety Pin by 5 Seconds of Summer.
So I know it’s been like 34 years but dude high school is taking all of my time i’m sorry, but i will still upload some stuff so yeah
When you ran away from home you weren’t thinking straight. You weren’t thinking when you snuck on a train and somehow ended up in Sydney. You weren’t thinking straight when you thought you could make it on your own. How would a homeless, moneyless, 19 year old runaway survive in a world where no one wanted her?
The answer to that is the following: Luke Hemmings.
You were sitting on a pavement outside a Mexican food restaurant chewing on a granola bar you had bought for a dollar, your food for the day, when a family of five came out of the restaurant, all blonde. The mom seemed to be scolding the tallest. His blonde hair was styled to the side and he was biting his pierced lip. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white tank top that made perfect contrast with his golden skin. His jaw was adorned with a light beard and his eyes glittered baby blue.
“You can’t keep dodging your liabilities, Luke-” his mom scolded. For a swift second, the boy’s eyes glanced at you, frowning when meeting yours. They then traveled to the guitar that was resting in its case next to you and then back to you. As he continued walking next to his family, his head turned more and more to keep looking at you. “Are you even listening? Luke!”
He finally stopped staring at you and then turned back to his mom. As the family got back in the car, the mom kept scolding him.
A couple days passed after you saw the boy again. This time he was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a baseball shirt along with a maroon snapback.
He was passing along with a group of friends. One of the guys in the group, the one with colored hair, pointed at you.
“Isn’t that the girl you’re talking about?” he said to the blonde one. He turned his head to you and his eyes widened.
“I’ll catch you later.” the blonde boy said to his friends without even looking at them and started walking towards you.
When he got to you he looked like he didn’t know what to say.
“Um, I’ve been looking for you and it never occurred to me that you could be here again.” he said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He then sat down next to you and exactly in that moment, your stomach growled. Your face turned completely red from embarrassment.
“When was the last time you ate?” he asked you.
“Two days ago, I think.” you answered, not exactly sure why you were talking to a complete stranger.
“Jesus, you need to get some food.” he told you. “Let me buy you something, yeah?”
“I don’t even know you.” you responded as you saw him stand up. He looked down at you. “Why are you doing this?”
“To be honest, I have no idea.” He answered. “I mean, for all I know you’re a serial killer or something.”
“Funny, I was wondering the same about you.” you smiled at him. He laughed and then offered his hand to you. After a couple seconds of hesitation you took it. He pulled you up, and in the process your legs failed to hold you, making you stumble forward onto his chest. You blushed once again and the boy laughed nervously.
“Um, I’m Luke.” he told you when you regained your balance.
“(Y/N).” You answered.
You two didn’t really talk much during lunch, partly because you were taking all the time eating and partly because he didn’t talk either.
After that, you had seen him pass on cars, in didn’t matter if it was with his family or his friends, he always turned his body to the window and smiled and waved at you. You always did the same and, between smiling and waving, you kind of were starting to trust him.
He came back a couple of weeks later with puffy eyes that showed he had been crying before. His blonde strands of hair were all over the place and his hands were inside the sleeves of his baseball shirt.
“Can I sit?” he said when he got to you. No smile. No wave. You slowly nodded before he proceeded to sit cross legged next to you. He sniffed once, making you look at him, then he wiped his eyes with his shirtsleeve.
“Why are you crying?” you asked him scooting closer to him with a concerned frown. He looked down at you before answering.
“Do you ever feel like not even your own family wants you?” he says, his voice steady.
You look down as you snort. “Why do you think I’m here?”
“You ran away.” he says not as a question, but as a statement. You nod slowly.
“It’s not like I didn’t try to fix things. Believe me, I tried being a nice daughter, I tried doing well at school, I tried…” You say with sad eyes. “I really, really did, and I only fucked it up even more.”
Luke looked at you with his blue eyes and for a second you felt your stomach tingle.
“You’re really beautiful.” he told you without looking away as the sniffed and rubbed his nose. You snort and then smile looking at him. Both your heads were against the hot wall of the Mexican restaurant.
“I haven’t showered in like two months and I use mints instead of brushing my teeth, which is not even effective to actually clean them.” you say. “I’m the farthest from beautiful I’ve ever been.”
“If you’re dirty and this pretty then I will probably faint when I see you clean.” Luke smiled.
After that he constantly came to see you. He often bought you lunch and he helped you get a job at a local McDonald’s. You didn’t love it, but a girl’s gotta eat.
It was a cold June evening when he went to the McDonald’s you worked at. He normally would buy only a soda or those very tiny overpriced apple pies and then leave you huge tips. You told him to stop many times, but he never did.
That specific time, he came in with a girl, and you felt your gut twist and growl at the sight of him with a girl that wasn’t you. He walked along with the girl by his side to the counter, where you were standing.
“Hey.” Luke smiled at you. The girl remained close to him. She smiled shyly at you.
“Hi.” you said, managing to crack your voice in the single syllable. You then cleared your throat and regained your confidence. “So, is it going to be a soda or a single hot chip?”
“Very funny.” Luke said. “We’re actually eating a full meal today.”
“Oh, that’s new.” you teased. “What’s it going to be?”
“Combo 5 and 1 please.” Luke replied and then turned to the girl he brought. “This is Marissa, by the way.”
You only nod giving them their cups. “I’ll call you when your food is ready.”
Luke frowned slightly. He knew something was wrong. “Alright.”
Both him and his whatever she was went and sat at the table Luke usually sat at. You passed the order to the kitchen and waited, looking at Luke and the girl. They laughed as they sipped from their drinks. Every once in a while, Luke glanced at you, but only for a second before going back to his conversation. Usually, Luke sat at a table and talked to you from there, sometimes, when your manager was around, he would text you. Your phone wasn’t much, and it didn’t have a plan, but all you did was text Luke anyways.
“Luke!” you called when the order was ready. He stood up (without the girl) and walked to the counter. He took the bag from the counter before talking.
“Is everything alright?” Luke asked you. His eyes looked different, as if the gears in his brain were working ten times faster than usual.
“Sure.” you said glancing at the girl.
“Um, okay…” Luke rubbed the back of his neck like he usually did. “You’re off in 30, right?”
You checked your phone before answering. “Twenty-seven, actually.”
“Can we go somewhere?” Luke asked you in a low voice. His eyes looked so bright. No one’s eyes should shine that bright. He bit his pierced lip with a hint of lust, but you weren’t sure if that was it.
“Where?” you asked with a sarcastic chuckle.
“Anywhere.” Luke shrugged.
“And you leaving your girl here?” you asked with raised eyebrows.
Luke turned his head to the girl, who had her back facing you, and then back at you.
“(Y/N), I really need to tell you something.” Luke said in a rushed tone.
“Luke, I’m working, can this wait?” you asked him. You normally wouldn’t respond like that, but he was getting on your nerves. It wasn’t like you had the right to be jealous, there was never a thing between you and Luke (besides your strong crush on him).
“It could, but I have been saving it for so long and I-”
“Luke. I. am. working.” you said sternly.
“Please just listen to me.” Luke begged as he grabbed your wrist. You looked down at his hand wrapped around your wrist. Luke stared at you for a few seconds, but it felt like ages. His blue eyes looked amazing even in the shitty lighting the shop had. He looked into your own eyes, looking lost in them.
“What are you doing?” you asked shaking your head, but instead of answering, Luke literally jumped over the counter. He jumped to your side of the counter and pushed your waist towards his body before kissing your lips heavily. Your lips moved in sync with his, and you didn’t even notice the moment you moved your hands to his cheeks, his thin beard tickling the palms of your hands.
“(Y/N)!!!” you heard one of your co-workers yell. Startled, you separated your body from Luke’s.
“Has it been twenty-seven minutes yet?” Luke asked a little short of breath.
“It has not!” your co-worker scolded.
“Meet me at my house when you get out.” Luke told you before climbing back to the other side of  the counter.
“Wait, what about the girl?” you asked in a whisper.
“She’s my cousin.” Luke smirks.
And that is the story of how you became Luke Hemmings’ girlfriend. You never thought you would fall so hard for him, though.
There were countless the times you felt safe around Luke. After a while you started working at a music store and spent all your time at Luke’s house. You had managed to earn enough money for an apartment.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Luke said to you one time you were lying on his bare chest. The bed sheets (and your hair) were a mess, but for once, your mind wasn’t. It felt like Luke was slowly fixing you and you were addicted to the idea.
After one time Luke’s mom found you making out on Luke’s bed, she started hating you, so Luke started working at the same music store you worked at to spend time with you. Yes, he was clingy, but you didn’t mind at all. It was very often that people went “awww” and “look how cute” when they saw Luke hugging your from the back and kissing your cheek.
He told you he loved you the day you woke up next to him in your apartment. You were picking your clothes for the day, only wearing his shirt and panties.
“If I wear a sweater, I’ll be too hot,” you said. “but if I wear a t-shirt, I’ll be too cold.”
And then, just like that, he said it.
“I love you.” he said calmly, making you turn around to face him. “Don’t act so surprised!”
“I love you too.” you told him as you climbed next to him and kissed him.
Things seemed to be much better on both of your lives. You were still struggling with money, but you had Luke, and he made it all so much better.
One day, you were walking around your apartment eating ice cream and listening to New Found Glory at full volume when you heard many rapid knocks on your door. You made your way dancing to the door with the pint of ice cream in your left hand. You opened the door to see Luke standing behind it. He was rubbing his arms with his hands and his hair was a mess. His black shirt was stained with what looked like water and his eyes were puffy from crying. You set down the ice cream pint.
The second he saw you, Luke hugged you tighter than he had ever hugged you before.
You then noticed that the stain on his shirt was actually alcohol, but his breath didn’t smell like such. He sobbed onto your shoulder for a while until he was calmer. You played with his hair the whole time, something you knew he loved.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask Luke placing your hands on his tear stained cheeks.
“My dad freaked out I don’t know…” Luke said. “He and mom started fighting and then I tried to stop it and he threw this- this vodka bottle at me and- and then my mom started yelling at me and I- I just-”
“Shhh…” you tried to calm him, but the punk music in the background didn’t help much.
“(Y/N)- (Y/N)-” Luke stuttered. “Run away with me.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What?”
“I know you’ve been struggling and I can’t live in that house anymore, I just can’t.” he cried “I love you more than anything, (Y/N).”
“Luke, how will we survive?” you ask him. “Last time I did that I ended up surviving on granola bars, Luke.”
“I’ll bring all the money I have.” Luke told you. “We can go to Melbourne, Calum has this van.”
“Luke, you’re mad.”
“I will be if I keep living there.” Luke told you. “They guys and I can make money playing gigs around the country and then when we have enough we can move to LA.”
“What did they say about this?” you asked him.
“I’m sure they’ll be on board.” Luke said. “Please.”
You looked at him hesitantly.
“(Y/N), I can’t leave without you.” Luke said.
And then you remembered the first day you met Luke.
You were homeless, feeling like complete trash, you had nobody. Then along came Luke. You were both fuck ups. People saw you as renegades who were against grown ups and safety. They saw you as these twisted teens who didn’t know any better but to hurt themselves and other people. You were two negatives, but if you remembered middle school math correctly, negative plus negative equals positive.
You bit your lips, making sure you decided carefully. Luke was looking at you expectantly, so you opened your lips to answer him.
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Can you do each boy for it?
each boy for what?
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
For the nightmare before Christmas imagine you can choose which boy honestly bc that's too hard for me to chose lol!! But thank you!!!!
so any boy? I’m doing that in time fro Christmas by the way, don’t think I’ve forgotten ;-)
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Can you please do where you and luke have a big fight and he ends up yelling hurtful words at you and you try to hold back your tears
sure thing!
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Can you do something the Nightmare Before Christmas themed or the Corpse Bride themed (one of the boys could sorta be like Emily?)
do you mean like the boy emily and the girl victor? that would be fun omg
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Part 4 for wonderland? Thank youuu!!!!!! your writing gml
wonderland is only a three part story! I’m sorry about that!! I’m glad you liked it though :-) Feel free to request again 
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Outer Space 💫 || L.H
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Requested: Nope
Word count: 1587
Warnings: foul language
Pairing: Luke/Reader
Writer: Ellie
Summary: Based on Outer Space by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Listen to it here.
So I’m on holiday break so I’m hoping to write for some of the songs on sgfg because duh. Also I’d like to kind of give my perspective of some of the metaphors on this song first. 
So for the nothing like the rain verse I kind of take it as if you’re in space and you’re kind of dying of thirst and then it rains and you drink ??? does that sound too stupid?? Like you’re craving the water because there’s no water around and then the water comes. And also I take it as if in the chorus when it says “I’ll let go of everything” it’s like asking for the love, but then the last verses are “I’ll give you anything” as if pleading for this person to take them back. Idk it sounds kinda stupid but I wanted to kind of say that first.
Luke was standing in the middle of the beach staring at the ocean. When was the last time he had felt your lips on his? He couldn't remember.
The breeze hitting his face made it hard to keep his eyes open. There was something about the cloudy day that made him want to come to the beach. Maybe it was the fact that you loved cloudy days and the memory of you was too painful to just stay at home doing nothing, thinking about you. Either way, he was still thinking about you. He always was.
He thought about the last time you were in this very same beach with him. He was taking over the world, but you were breaking inside out. Truth is sometimes he forgot. He forgot how depressed you were, he forgot about how you needed constant reassurance. He forgot that even though Luke himself knew how much he loved you, you needed to be reminded.
His biggest regret was letting you go, letting you fall out of love with him.
He remembered so clearly the day you got to his house with tears running down your cheeks.
"I don't feel anything." you had told him as soon as he opened the door, before he held you in his arms.
Luke had overlooked your depression because it was when you were with him that you were calm, so he never saw you at your worst. When he was somewhere far away and you needed to talk to him, you always texted him because you didn't like the way your voice sounded when you were breaking down.
Now he regretted overlooking such an important part of you. Second biggest regret.
"What do you mean you don't feel anything?" Luke asked you while you were safe inside his arms.
"It's like I'm empty." you answered. Luke didn't know what to do. "But then if I allow myself to feel anything I just feel sad and guilty."
You let go of Luke's arms and he was startled by how sudden it was.
Guilty about what? Luke wondered.
"I can't love you." you started. Luke had never been heartbroken before, so he wasn't quite sure if that's what was happening in that moment. It felt like a thousand needles pinching his chest, making punctures in his lungs. For a split second, he couldn't breathe. "I don't love you anymore."
"What?" Luke said. His blue eyes grew like a sad puppy's and the fact that they were starting to get watery broke your heart.
"Luke, do you remember that guy I hung out with while you were away?"
Of course Luke remembered. He remembered being very jealous, but not saying anything because it seemed too possessive. He trusted you. You only told Luke about this guy once or twice, but you spent a lot of time with him. Unlike Luke, he constantly told you you were beautiful and that you weren't damaged just because you were mentally ill.
It's not that Luke didn't think you were beautiful or did think that you were damaged, it was just that he always kind of reassured you... in his head. He always thought "God, she's so beautiful!" or "She shouldn't be so insecure, she's perfect." It's just he never said it out loud. That was his third greatest regret.
He never told you how autumn leaves reminded him of your hair or how sometimes when he saw your face he thought you deserved to be on the cover a magazine. What a shame.
"Did you cheat on me, (Y/N)?" Luke asked quietly. Maybe he trusted you a little too much.
"I know that's how it sounds, but no I didn't cheat on you." You answered. "I didn't sleep with him, or even kiss him, but at some point I did develop feelings for him."
Then, Luke's punctured lungs deflated. He felt like he was choking, gasping for air.
Luke tried to say anything, but he stuttered, forming incomprehensible sounds.
"And this was when you were away so I just kept it to myself and stopped seeing him because I thought that if I saw you again and you told me you loved me then the thought of him would completely vanish." you said really quickly. "But you didn't even tell me you loved me when you came back."
"But I do!" Luke said desperately, ready to fight for you. He needed you to love him.
"Then why don't you ever tell me!" you complained.
That's when Luke started regretting.
"I just didn't notice." Luke shrugged feeling like an idiot. "I can tell you more."
"It's too late now, Luke." you said watching the first tear roll down Luke's cheek. "I'm needy and corny and you don't have time for that."
"I can make time, I'll let go of everything, I-" Luke started, but you shook your head no and he stopped talking.
"Maybe if I was well, this would work." You told him. "I'm sorry."
The last words you said to him were an apology, but Luke liked to pretend they were "I love you." The worst part is that he still checked up on you. You dated that other guy for a few months, but then broke up with him. This time it was a mutual agreement. You weren't depressed anymore, you were spreading positivity all over social media and smiling in all your Instagram pictures. Luke sometimes thought he was the cause of your depression. I mean, you were sad all throughout your relationship and then you broke up and were happy.
As the sound of the waves hitting the sand got louder, Luke started to walk away. Every now and then, Luke was tempted to go to your house and try to get you back, but at the same time he just wanted to get rid of you. It was like he was running away from you and to you at the same time.
The echo of your last words to him boomed around his head.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Maybe if I was well, this would work.
And then a light lit up in Luke's head. You were well now. Maybe it would work.
He turned around to face the ocean again. He looked at the wild waves dancing around and he imagined you drifting away among them. He was drifting too. His thoughts were too much for him to process. He was floating in a sea of guilt and heartbreak, floating without gravity to hold him down, to make him come down to his senses.
"Hey." Luke heard a soft voice say. He turned around and suddenly his feet were back on Earth. He wasn't floating anymore.
He didn't know what to say to you. It had been so long since you were in front of him. For a second, Luke worried it was trick of his mind, an apparition caused by his prior thoughts.
"I wouldn't know what to say if I was you either." you said with a shy smile.
"I was just thinking of you." Luke said with a crack of his voice. Then that seemed like a really stupid thing to say.
"You know I've been watching you staring at the ocean for the last half hour asking myself if I should talk to you or not." you confess. "I'm sorry."
"That was the last thing you said to me." Luke said. The world seemed to brighten up for Luke then, even though it was jet black a few seconds ago. He mumbled. "Fuck."
You smiled. Luke looked so different. His eyes were red and tired and he was thinner, his shoulders broader.
"I never realized how lucky I was to have you." you told him. "Maybe because I was too self-involved, I don't know."
Luke had been craving your touch so much for so long, so when you touched him he felt as if nothing was ever wrong. All it took was you pushing a hair that was falling over his forehead backwards. Your hand only brushed against his skin for a second, but that was enough for him to feel whole.
Luke wanted to kiss you like he never had. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you again and again. He wanted to wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head like he used to. He was sure your hair would smell like cinnamon.
"I missed you." Luke told you looking down at his feet.
"I missed you too." you told him.
"What do I have to do for us to be together again?" Luke asked sounding desperate. "I'd give anything."
"Do you really think that'd be a good idea?" you asked him.
"Yes." Luke laughed. "It's been awful without you. You brighten up my life."
You smiled and slid your hand up his cheek.
"I'm not that needy anymore." you let him know with a smile. He smiled down at you too.
"I'll tell you I love you every second if that's what it takes." Luke let out. You let out a chuckle and then tensed up just a bit as he got closer to you.
"That won't be necessary anymore." you shook your head. His lips no more than an inch away from yours.
"I will anyways." Luke shrugged. "I love you."
"After all this time?" you asked.
"Yeah." Luke admitted.
"Is that even possible?"
"Apparently." he said. "It's what you do to me."
"What if we date and then it goes terribly wrong again?"
"It won't, I promise I'll make you happy this time." Luke said. He didn't want to regret any other memories.  "Love me like you did."
"I do." you whisper, but he doesn't hear you.
"I'll give you anything."
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
me: i hate hey everybody
[hey everybody comes on]
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
5SOS: New merch!
5SOS: New tour!
5SOS: Pre-Order the album!
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Song Preference: Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots -Ashton Irwin
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Requested: Nope
Word count: 1576 
Warnings: foul language
Pairing: Ashton/Reader
Writer: Ellie
Summary: Based on Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots. Listen to it here.
So I had written this one before, but I re-read it and I hated it so I kind of made it longer (by about 566 words) and changed a few parts, but it’s the same story and concept as the old one ;) I hope you guys like it!
You were never the type of girls who searched for guys. Guys were bad news for you. No relationship in your twenty years of life had gone well at all. That was until you met Ashton. You had never heard of him or his band until you were walking along the streets of Los Angeles and you saw a little group of girls surrounding two guys. You couldn’t see the faces of the two men because the girls were covering them, but you could see the top of their heads. One had blonde hair and the other brownish curls. Since they were in your way, you had to pass through the group people. You said excuse me a lot of times, but they wouldn’t move. After about a minute, one of the tall men, the one with golden brown curly hair, told them to “let the pretty lady pass by.” You smiled at him and he smiled back. For the rest of the day you thought about how that simple act of kindness had made your day much, much better.
A few hours later you stopped to have lunch and a nearby In N Out. You opened the door and made your way to the always long line for ordering. As you waited, you checked your phone, switching between a couple apps. The line was long, but it was moving fast as usual.
“Hey,” you heard a voice say, but you assumed it wasn’t for you, so you didn’t look up from your phone. “I saw you earlier!” The same voice continued. You then looked up only to see the guy with the golden brown curls from before standing in front of you.
“Oh, yeah, you were the guy that was in my way.” you said with a sarcastic smile before going back to playing Candy Crush.
“Not having a very good day?” the boy continued. Usually, when you were on your phone and people talked to you, you got angry. Who were they to interrupt your Candy Crush session? This one interruption didn’t seem to bother you though.
“Not having a very good life.” You confessed to the guy, finally putting your phone back inside your pocket.
“That’s not nice.” he said with a concerned frown. Something about the fact that he cared about you, a complete stranger, made you feel a little safe around him. “Let me buy you a burger.”
“No, that’s fine.” You say not wanting to get involved with him. You knew how it was going to end. He would get bored of you and cheat with a girl that didn’t have a thing on you. Then you’d catch him and he’d say “I can explain.”, but everything coming out of his mouth would be bullshit.
At least that’s how it usually went.
“No no, it will be my nice deed of the day.” he insisted.
“Listen, if you’re trying to flirt-“ you started.
“I’m trying to get you a burger.” the boy interrupted.
“Alright.” you gave in and let him pay. You were going to sit in a different table from his, but he didn’t let you.
“Come on, sit with me.” he told you almost as an order.
“Listen, honey, I don’t do boys.” You explain. A blonde boy that is sitting in the guy’s table chuckles.
“You don’t have to do me,” he jokes. “I just really like you, and it seems to me that you don’t deserve a shitty life.”
You blushed because most compliments you got from boys are like “you’re hot” or “sexy body.” This one just said “I just really like you” and that was cute enough to make you stay.
Ashton and you continued to meet up, and even though it was mostly at the studio, it was the most fun you’d even had. He introduced you to his band, which you really came to get along with.
Usually it would be Luke, the blonde one from the In N Out table, teasing you two about whatever. Michael, the guitarist, usually complained about wanting a “cute relationship like yours.” Truth is whatever was going on with Ashton and you wasn’t really a relationship.
You knew love was real, because if it wasn’t, then you had bled for years about nothing. At least the pain was a nice way to know you were still in fact alive. Ashton didn’t make you bleed though, on the contrary, he healed your wounds and punched your demons away. You started to feel unsettled when your emotions got triggered.
It was a sunny Wednesday day when he had asked you to go to lunch in his break from the studio and you were really happy about seeing him. You met up at subway, because that was the only place that gave him his food fast enough to have time to eat it and be back at the studio in time.
You took your sandwiches to go and sat on a bench near the studio.
“So what’s your life story?” Ashton asked you suddenly. You never really talked with Ashton about your past. You figured there wasn’t a need to let sadness get into Ashton.
“What?” you laughed nervously.
“Yeah,” Ashton nodded. “You looked sad when I met you.”
“More like angry.” you confessed. “But I’m not anymore.”
“Is it like that one Paramore song?” Ashton joked and you laughed.
“You’re such an idiot.” You tell him. Ashton smiled warmly at you. He had the kind of smile that could bring dead flowers back to life. The kind of smile that could bring you back to life. And that’s when you realized you were falling for him. If you were thinking about a boy’s smile in a corny, cheesy way, it had to be a crush.
Ashton gave little hints that he liked you too, but he never did anything about it. It was scary because you had a feeling he did like you, but also you were scared that if you did something about it, you would be wrong and make things awkward.
A few months passed and the boys went on tour. Ashton begged you to come too, even though you were just friends (what was he waiting for, seriously?), but you wanted to finish school. When he came back to LA after spending two months in Australia, you were the first one he came to.  He wanted to go on a road trip while you still had vacations. You said that maybe Mexico would be a good idea, so you started driving.
At first, Ashton insisted on driving the whole way there, but at night he gave up and let you take the wheel. He fell asleep soon after. Every hole on the road was hell. His head would bounce up and down and from side to side each and every time you went over even a slight hole on the road. You didn’t want to wake Ashton up; he looked so angelical sleeping.
Why do I pay all these taxes if they’re not going to use them on things that matter?, you thought. Suddenly, holes on the street seemed such a huge problem.
Being completely honest, Ashton was probably not waking up just because of a hole in the concrete. He probably wouldn’t wake up even if a bear jumped on the car, but yet, there you were, worrying about a boy and how to keep him asleep. You were so far up his ass and you knew it, you just didn’t want to admit it.
“So, should we get a room with two beds?” Ashton asked you when you were at the reception.
“Are you kidding?” You ask. “Why would we get two beds? It’s much more expensive than one.”
“Oh,” Ashton frowns. “okay then.”
“You’re okay with that, right?” You ask. The look on his face wasn’t his usual confident one.
“Oh, I’m fine with it.” Ashton nods repeatedly. “I just-“
“I’m completely fine with it, Ash.” you assured him, sensing that was what bothered him.
“I know but, you said you didn’t do boys.” he said pushing his hair behind his ear.
“What?” you asked confused.
“That time we met, you said ‘I don’t do boys’, and I feel like we’re getting very close and I don’t want to lose you because of that.” he confesses all too suddenly.
You frown.
“Ashton,” you start. “Is that why you haven’t, like, made a move or something?”
“You wanted me to ask you out?” Ashton widens his eyes. Even after spending a long time in the states, his accent is strong as fuck.
You wonder why it’s so hard for him to believe that you wanted to be with him. He was beautiful inside out, in every way a person can be beautiful.
“Well, kind of.” You laughed bitting your bottom lip.
“I thought you didn’t want to date.” Ashton said with a grin.
“Ashton, that was like six months ago!” you complained. “A lot can change in six months.”
“So you DO want to to go out with me.” Ashton asked just to make sure.
“That would be nice, yeah.” you admitted. You wanted to date a boy. You were happy. This guy was a miracle.
“Jesus, (Y/N), I’ve been wanting this for months!” Ashton exclaims excitedly.
“You should’ve said something, damn it!” you laughed.
“I thought you didn’t believe in love!”
“You sure have a way to make people believe again.”
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
hey guys
thank you so much to those who reblogged the ghost imagine ily it feels so nice when people want to share your work! I love you guys so much see you later xEllie
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Halloween Series: Ghost/Hair Color Changing AU - Michael
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Requested: No
Word count: 2,823
Warnings: suicide mention, death mention. 
Pairing: Michael/Reader
Writer: Ellie
So I guess this counts as a Malum one a bit because Calum’s involved in it too??? idk it’s more about Michael and it’s the first off the Halloween series I will be doing. If you want a Halloween related imagine or something you can request it. The link is at the end of this post ;-) ilyx
There is a bit of suicide talk on this, and talk about death just letting you all know so i don't trigger anything, ok? ily all :*
You didn't believe in God, you didn't believe in the Devil, and most definitely, you didn't believe in ghosts. No one in your family did, which is why when the realtor told your parents that a double death had happened in your new house to be, they brushed it off and bought it anyways. You would've done the same; the house was beautiful. Your room to be was huge and the kitchen was almost too big, even for your mom, you loved cooking all kinds of stuff.
The day you moved in nothing remotely strange happened. No creaking sounds at night, no weird air currents, no dead dogs (Burrito was actually really enjoying making you company in bed), and no shadows. It was the second day that made you re-evaluate your faith. It started as your curtain flying as if it was being blown by the wind, but all the windows were closed and the AC was not nearly strong enough. The next night a few things fell from your shelf. Things kept happening, but you tried to not let it bother you.
One day, after about a month or so of living in that house, your parents left you home alone while they bought a couple of stuff that the house was missing.You danced down the stairs, making your way to your huge ass kitchen to get a snack.You had your big headphones on, listening to Marina and the Diamonds at full volume with your Classic iPod in your hand, but as soon as you saw a levitating sandwich being bitten by something that was not visible, your iPod fell to the floor. Good thing those actually survived a fall.
Your first instinct was to scream and grab the closest thing to you as a weapon. The closest thing to you just happened to be a spatula.
"Well, you blew it, didn't you?" you heard a voice say, but you couldn't see where it was coming from. "You know, we don't even digest food, it's not like you will actually eat it!"
You aimed your spatula in different directions, making attempts at hitting whatever was talking. As if by art of; magic, a boy appeared leaning on the kitchen island. He had brown skin and dark hair and eyes. He was dressed in tight black jeans and nothing else, showing his toned, tattooed body.
"What are you doing?!" another voice whispered.
"Well, she saw you already, there's no point in hiding now!" the visible boy complained. "I mean, unless you have a way to explain a floating sandwich without showing yourself."
Another boy then appeared next to the refrigerator, revealing he was the one holding the sandwich. This one didn't look a thing like the other. His skin was as white as snow, and his hair was colored a lilac color. He was wearing a pair of jeans very similar to the other boy, but unlike the other, he was wearing a shirt: a black baseball tee with white sleeves. He had green eyes, no wait, blue eyes. Green or blue? You couldn't decide, but either way they were shining bright.
You twisted your hands, getting a tighter grasp of the spatula as you held it like a baseball bat.
"That's not going to hurt us." the dark haired one laughed. "I mean, you can't really hurt us at all."
The pale boy looked down at the sandwich in his hand, looking tempted to take a bite.
"Who are you?" you asked, not letting go of the spatula.
"Calum." the dark haired one replied extending his hands to you and giving a few steps your way, but you walked backwards. "I was just trying to be friendly. This is Michael by the way."
The boy with the sandwich waved shyly at you.
"What are you doing in my house?" you asked harshly.
"It was my house first." Calum said giving a step forward, but this time you didn't move.
"You can't just break in-"
"Oh my God, you just saw us appear literally out of nowhere and you think we're burglars?"
You say nothing. Michael gulped down saliva and Calum placed his hands on his hips in a sassy manner. You slowly started lowering the spatula.
"What do you want?" you asked.
"We don't want anything." Calum said.
"Then why are you here?" you asked.
"Because we can't leave." Calum replied.
"What are you?" you asked.
"We're dead." Calum says. "That tattoo on your thigh is very hot by the way."
Michael tried to silently take a bite of his sandwich, but the lettuce crunches loudly, making his cheeks blush.
You chuckle at the act and finally relax, letting the spatula rest on the island.
As weeks passed, you saw the boys more often. Calum always tried to keep quiet, but you could always tell when he was in your room. Michael in the other hand, gave you your space. One morning you found yourself awake at seven, which was early for you. You went down the stairs for a glass of water and found Michael sitting in your couch watching Beetlejuice on Netflix. His hair was not lilac, it was light blue, that was until he saw you. When he did, his hair turned lilac again.
"How do you do that?" you asked him intrigued. "Changing your hair color."
"Um, I don't actually do it." Michael said. "It just kind of happens. I think it has something to do with the way I'm feeling or something? I don't know, that's Calum's theory."
"That's interesting." you tilted your head, taking a seat next to him. "What does lilac mean?"
"Nervous, I think." Michael answered. "Is it lilac right now?"
You nodded with a smile, pushing your own brown hair away from your face.
"Was it you making all those noises at night?" you asked. "Moving the curtains and dropping my stuff?"
"Calum." Michael answered, his hair was now shifting from lilac to full on purple.
"What's the point of it anyways?" you asked.
"He has fun that way, I guess." Michael responded. "There's not much to do when you're dead."
"Where is he right now?"
"Ghosts sleep?"
"I don't, but Calum does." Michael explained. "I'm not sure why most of these things happen. I get hungry too and Calum doesn't really. He drinks lots of coffee though."
"Haven't you been a ghost for a long time?"
"Two years." Michael said. "but unlike this movie, we don't really get a manual."
"Can I ask something personal?" you say after about a minute of silence.
"How did I die?" Michael asked. His hair turned completely purple and then black, which really, really suited him.
"If that's okay." you told him.
"It's really stupid." Michael said, hints of lilac in his black hair. "I, um, took my own life."
"Oh..." you let out. "Why?"
"That's the stupid part," he continued. "for a girl. I thought she died and, uh, yeah, I loved her I guess."
"You guess?" you frowned. "Michael, you killed yourself."
"And she wasn't even dead, which is the worst part." he chuckled sadly.
"This is serious, Michael." you said still frowning.
"It's alright, I'm okay." Michael replies.
"Michael, you're dead."
He laughs, his hair turns blue for only an instant. It then turns light blue like it was when you first came down the stairs.
"I mean, Calum literally died falling down the stairs so." Michael said.
"Really?" you asked widening your eyes.
"Yeah, the dumbass got drunk and fell." Michael said, his hair turning red, which made him look soooo good. "He didn't handle my death so well, so he drank a lot and..."
His hair kept getting redder, but then Michael's facial expression changed from a frustrated one to a sad frown and his hair turned back to black.
"What does black mean?" you asked.
"Is it black right now?" Michael asked.
You nodded.
"Sadness." Michael said looking down rubbing one of his eyes.
You stayed up talking all night. Turns out the reason why they couldn't leave the house was because they both had died here. I won't get into details about it.
Months passed and you were getting close to both Michael and Calum. It was very confusing because you felt attracted to both of them in different ways. Like with Calum, you just wanted him to push you against the wall and leave hickeys on your neck, but Michael... With Michael you wanted to make out until your lips felt dry and then cuddle.
You feeling were very mixed until one night. You seeing Michael at night when you couldn't sleep became a habit, and this one specific night he was lying on the floor. His body facing the ceiling and his hands holding a picture. At least a dozen more pictures were scattered around him. His hair was a mix of black, red, and pink.
You hugged your body as you walked to him. It was always colder when the boys were around.
"Hey." you said. Michael's head shot up and then he slowly sat up. He didn't let go of the picture.
"Hey." Michael greeted back. His hair turned purple.
"What are you doing?" you asked. "And what the fuck does purple mean?"
"You ask a lot of questions." Michael laughed. "I'm looking at pictures, and I have no idea what purple means."
"Can I sit?" I ask him. "Sorry, that's a question..."
"I didn't say I minded." Michael winked, his hair turning magenta. "Of course you can sit."
You sat cross legged next to Michael and he handed you the picture he was holding. As soon as you saw it, you smiled. It was baby Michael sitting in some sort of wood basket with a chef hat on. You let out a giggle. When you looked up at Michael he was smiling at you, the kind of smile that made him look completely lost in you. His hair was now pink.
"Why are you smiling?" you chuckled.
"Am I not allowed to smile?" he asked with a fake offended tone.
"You are most definitely allowed to smile." you told him. "I like your smile, it's cute."
Michael's hair changed from lilac and pink repeatedly and he looked down, still smiling. You noticed a picture of Michael (with red hair) and another girl hugging his torso. He had his arm around her. She had olive skin and dark eyes. Her hair was dark brown, and you couldn't help to notice how good her eyebrows looked. You had come to the conclusion that when it came to Michael's hair, red meant anger, but he didn't look angry at all in the picture. You figured his hair didn't change colors when he was alive.
Michael noticed you taking hold of the picture and he smiled faintly, his hair turning half lilac half black.
"Is this her?" And then you noticed that you in fact did ask tons of questions.
"Yeah." Michael said.
"She's pretty." you said. She was. She was like the perfect example of society's beauty ideal. You were trying so hard to not get jealous. You didn't really have a reason to, but you did anyways.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he said.
"Mhm?" you asked still looking at the picture.
"I think you're pretty." Michael said taking the picture from your hands and sliding it away from you both. His hair was back to pink.
"Thanks." you said with a smile. It had been a while since someone told you you were pretty. "You're pretty too."
Michael laughed and slid his hand into yours. His eyes sparkled in the dim light from the lamp. You felt butterflies in your stomach. It was the same thing every night. You'd say something and he'd laugh.Then there would be a comfortable silence in which he looked at you with those sparkling eyes. You were always tempted to kiss him, but you never did. You always changed the subject before anything could happen because the idea of dating Michael seemed way too complicated. That night was different though.
"Can I ask you a favor?" you asked. "It's kind of a big one."
"Do I have to stand up?" Michael asked with a scrunched nose. You laughed at his laziness and then shook your head.
"No." You said softly.
"Then yeah, anything." Michael said.
"Kiss me."
Michael's eyebrows raised in surprise. Michael was about to talk, but you didn't let him.
"No, no, no," you said. "Just once. Just one time and that can be it."
"I wasn't going to complain." Michael said before putting his lips on yours.
Although most of the time his lips were chapped, they felt very soft on yours. He placed his cold finger tips on your cheek, slowly letting himself cup it with his whole hand. Your own hands rested on his shoulders. His hands were slowly making their way down. From your cheeks to your neck, from your neck to your back, from your back to your waist, but then he was gone. You were both startled by the sound of Calum's voice in the distance.
"Oi, Mikey!" he said. "Where are you, mate, I had this dream."
You quickly stood up and Michael remained sitting, you went to the fridge and pretended you were looking for food. Calum came into the kitchen with the curliest hair you had seen on him yet and watery eyes from just having woken up.
"Oh, hey, (Y/N)." he asked. "Looking good as usual."
"Thanks." you said, your voice cracking slightly. "Um, I'll be going upstairs now."
You left the scene without another word.
The next day, your parents were both out and you were playing Twister with Calum. It was funny because Calum was turning the clock thingie with like air currents and shit. After half an hour of playing without falling, you started getting tangled and after only seconds, you fell on your butts. Calum's butt bounced on the living room's wooden floor and your butt bounced on Calum's lap. You both laughed as you tried to untangle yourself from Calum's body, but he wouldn't let you go. He tickled your sides, making you shake in laughter.
"Hey, guys, have you seen the-" Michael started as he walked into the scene, but he stopped himself when he saw Calum embracing you. His hair turned from blonde to bright green. His jaw clenched and a little bit of red started showing in his fringe.
"Are you going to finish or...?" Calum asked after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.
"The pack of post its." Michael finished, his hair turning half red.
"Why would you even need post its?" you asked laughing. Your stomach was still sore from doing so too hard.
"Nevermind." Michael said, turned his heel, and left upstairs.
"Cal, what does green and red mean?" you asked, noticing his hair would turn those colors very often lately. You had your theories about red, but green...
"Red is angry." Calum frowned. "But it was never green before."
You stood up from Calum's lap and frowned. "Hmm..."
"He has off days, it's alright." Calum assured you. You still stood up and followed Michael upstairs. You noticed he was heading to your room. When you both had entered he shut the door without touching it or even being close to it.
"What's up with you?" you asked Michael, being a little startled by the door thing.
"What's up with you?" Michael replied. His hair was bright green.
"Not much." you said. "I mean not since last night, when I talked to you."
Michael let out a frustrated sigh.
"Did kissing me mean anything to you?" Michael asked. His tone wasn't loud, but it wasn't calm either.
"What?" you asked confused.
"Because if it's the whole being dead thing that's keeping you from doing this then I should remind you Calum is dead too."
"Keeping me from doing what?" you asked. Your tone was louder. "What does Calum have to do with anything?"
"We kissed last night, but then you were all over Calum minutes ago!" Michael said with an altered tone this time. His hair turned bright red. The furniture in the room started shaking and the main light flickering. "If something is going to happen then you can't be messing with more people, because I can't be fucked with this way again. Once was enough and I don't plan on forgiving this time. And I mean, of course you like Calum. I mean, why wouldn't you? He's all fit with his muscles and his like, biceps and shit. And yeah he's funnier and he's a lot more charismatic and he isn't the one with a fucked head. But you were the one that asked for a kiss, so don't just-"
And then you kissed him. You walked swiftly to him and pulled his to you. You instantly felt Michael's body relax. His hands rested on your waist, making your heated body a little cooler. After kissing for a while, you finally had to stop to breathe.
Michael mumbled a barely hearable "Fuck."
His hair was pink, but it was a different pink than the one that usually took over him. This one was brighter, richer.
"I suppose green is jealous then." you said.
Michael laughs and when you look up at him his eyes have the same sparkle you noticed on them the very first time you met.
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Hey can you do a nightmare before Christmas inspired imagine with 5sos??
sure thing! any details and a preferred boy or just whichever?
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
it’s halloween 5th!!
hey guys so i was wondering if you have any halloween related au’s that you would like me to write about??
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
When are you gonna do Shawn imagjnes again
i don’t think i am for a while :/ i might do a fan fiction over at wattpad but i’m working on two right now so it might be a while
sorry to change the blog so suddenly but i really started this as a 5sos writing blog and I would like to keep it going that way. Sorry to disappoint you all, but I need to do the things that I actually feel comfortable writing. I love you and I hope you don’t hate me haha
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ellie-writes-stuff · 9 years
Could you do an imagine where Y/N and Michael go to her first moshpit pleaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee
i have no experience with moshpits whatsoever :( So sorry, but anything else? lol
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