elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
I’ll randomly generate a number between 1-29 for one of the following:
A funny text
A sad text
A scared text
A late night text
An excited text
A taunting text
An angry text
A frustrated text
A concerned text
A loving text
A confession via text
An accidental text
A wrong number text
A text that wasn’t sent
A text for help
A helpful text
A comforting text
A drunk text
A bad idea text
A rude text
A long text
A one word text
A text asking for advice
A final text
A flirty text
A hyper text
A weird text
A sarcastic text
A heartbreaking text
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
fam while do i only have so little muse tonight rip
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
u would make an amazing mary jane in spiderman
DUDE OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. Literally Spiderman is my favorite superhero and I love MJ like that would be one of the highest of honors for me you have no idea.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
do u sing or dance
Yes!! I did so much musical theatre back in Tennessee. I love to sing and dance, and honestly I wish The Underground had more musical episodes cause I would probably die of happiness.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
what's something (or someone) you shouldn't have done, but did anyways?
Probably spend an entire day to memorize the Pokerap. Will it serve me any proper use in the future? Probably not. Do I regret it? Hell nope.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
hey ellie my stupid 6 year old sister wants me to ask if ur a real mermaid
Tell her of course I am! If I wasn’t a real mermaid, then how would I be able to breathe underwater or aquatic life?
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
is it hard for you to swim with the tail on?
So when I first started out as Marina, I thought it was gonna be impossible to swim with the tail, but really it’s just like a giant flipper, so it’s a lot easier than you would think.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
If you had a giraffe, where would you hide it?
Giraffes are like 15 feet holy shit I wouldn’t able to be hide it anywhere. rip giraffe
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
What does it mean to live boldly?
Personally, I think it means to live with total confidence, and to step out of your comfort zone. I don’t know, I guess I never really thought about it before.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
Here we go, go, go, go, go again
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
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“i always wanted to order one of those sorts of drinks without being laughed at,” wyatt remarked, gesturing towards her cosmopolitan. “isn’t it nice?” he asked, in reference to the bar. “finding a place where you won’t be instant recognized is basically impossible in LA,” the actor added, taking a sip of his beer. “it’s a great city, except when it isn’t.” he let out a light laugh, putting a finger to his chin. “alright, so, LIFE versus CAR. we know that they’re aware that they’re cars, obviously,” wyatt began. “so that right there, i think eliminates the need for BOTH, don’t you think?”
Ellie raised an eyebrow and motioned her drink in Wyatt’s direction. “Do you want to try it then? I promise you’ll be able to enjoy it, laughter free.” She told him with a soft smile. Looking around the bar, she took in the much more lowkey atmosphere. “Yeah, it is nice to have a little peace and quiet in a place that isn’t our hotel room.” She laughed along at his comment about LA, and once again when he brought up Cars. She took another sip, contemplating it a little bit more. “Okay, so I actually thought about this on the way here, and personally I think it’s life insurance. Cause like think, most of the things that are just usual car things in this world, are like normal things in the Cars world. Like they never say they need to fill their tank with gas, they’re like ‘Oh I’m gonna get a drink of oil’. And just saying that out loud now, I recognize that gas and oil are two different things, but still. I don’t think oil is ever referenced as it’s intended purpose.” Once she finished, she took a moment to realize just how crazy she was sounding, which only made her laugh yet again.
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
☾˙ ˖ ✶ imessage » open
maeby: would you be willing to come to my room briefly so i can order a bunch of room service?
maeby: i don't want them to think i'm strange
maeby: i just don't know what i want
ellie: yaaaaaaas let's have a girls night
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
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      the bar wasn’t too busy considering its proximity to the busy hotel wyatt was calling HOME for the next couple days. the sound of the door opening, then, drew his attention, and he saw his co-star with her trademark red hair enter the venue. the actor raised his hand slightly to signal her to where he sat: a booth halfway back. as she neared, he tipped his glass towards ellie. “CHEERS. you made it. for a riveting discussion with your favorite co-star.” @elliemcintire
There was a part of Ellie that didn’t understand why Wyatt would want to go to a bar that was a mile away from the Bridgecon hotel...that was until she saw how packed the hotel bar was, with stars and fans alike. She had to admit, the change from that loud and hectic scene to the quiet car ride and much more peaceful bar she found him at was astounding, but not disliked in the slightest. Once she entered the bar, she scanned the room trying to locate her costar. Once she found him, she smiled and waved towards him. She would’ve made her way to him right away, but she felt it was only appropriate to also get a drink for herself. She quickly ordered a cosmopolitan from the bartender, and made her way towards the blonde once the drink was in her hand. Upon sitting down, Ellie met her glass with his in more of a greeting like fashion that a toast. “Cheers.” She started off, taking a sip. “Now, where should we begin?”
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
imessage ✉ ellie + wyatt
wyatt: wellll i'm not i've only ever ridden a horse like 1.5 times
wyatt: thank youuu
ellie: when will the lies end wyatt
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
imessage ✉ ellie + wyatt
wyatt: well good thing other shows don't have you
wyatt: no, i'm pretty good at rodeos. i'm basically a professional cowboy.
wyatt: it came up because i saw a commercial for the movie on tv here ok
ellie: i know, right?
ellie: oh is that so? cause i mean i'm from the south so like that's basically our thing
ellie: okay okay i gotchu
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
imessage ✉ ellie + wyatt
wyatt: eh i don't like the early rise time but a chance to do music talk is cool but thanks! damn i lucked out huh
wyatt: yeah it's pretty hectic but nothing less than what i was expecting
wyatt: ok so then how don't you get the questionnn el
ellie: you know you did. any other show would be lucky to have me
ellie: yeah pretty much. this isn't our first rodeo 🔫🔫
ellie: nooo i got the question, what i didn't get was why/how you came up with it lol, it was just very random
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
imessage ✉ ellie + wyatt
wyatt: yeah i've just got a radio interview locally for the morning radio show mainly about my music stuff at 9 am but i gotta be there at 7. don't worry, not prying
wyatt: really? getting sloppy drunk and shitfaced isn't your style? never would've guessed. nah, no paps here and mainly a slightly older crowd, it's chill.
wyatt: the cars from cars the movie, you know what i'm talking about right?
ellie: ooh well isn't that fun. good luck with it in advance! I make sure to tune in and support you like the good castmate i am
ellie: oh shut up. but cool, it'll be nice to be in a chill place after all the craziness that is bridgecon so far
ellie: of course dummy. pixar is my life.
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