emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Aude Guo: Innovafeed Redefining Sustainable Futures By Insect Breeding For Plant and Animal Feed
Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers. These three entities make up the entire food chain where every living thing you can find in the world co-exists in the food chain. Certain animals, plants, and insects can thrive in particularly specific areas and regions of the Earth. Unfortunately due to adverse climatic conditions and growing environmental concerns, the insects are affected more and they are forced to relocate to other suitable conditions. Some even get trapped and can soon see their populations going extinct. 
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Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? The Butterfly Effect is a theory proposed by Edward Norton Lorenz – a Mathematician and Meteorologist. Simply put, the theory proposes that when even the smallest of things change or cause disruption however small, it will lead to catastrophic events of a larger size sometime down the line and in the future. Similarly, when we apply this theory to the food chain, it is truly eye-opening. All of the living and non-living things that we know of on Earth are part of the environment’s ecosystem and biodiversity. Even the displacement or the complete removal of insects can disrupt the entire food chain and throw it off balance. The co-existence of all species is what keeps the food chain together, and without which certain consequences are seen. 
The consequences that occur due to the disruption of the food chain as well as to the environment’s ecosystem and biodiversity can be loss of life, complete extinction of important species, relocation, global warming, climatic changes, natural disasters, etcetera. With the rapidly increasing population requiring more food and fuel for sustenance and improving the quality of life, humans hurt and harm the planet by constantly digging, killing, consuming, degrading, exploiting, and wasting. Now, the world has come to a place where the only solution that can save all of our species is leading a sustainable lifestyle with the adoption and incorporation of eco-friendly farming practices, environmentally conscious mentalities, and sustainability initiatives. 
Therefore to move towards a sustainable future where with the integration of technological advancements in innovation and agriculture, many companies and businesses have started up and invested in projects that can save the fall of the food chain during our future generations’ time. Agricultural Technology industries have blown up as of late and are always coming up with innovative and creative solutions to addressing and solving problems. One such cause for concern is the quality levels of food consumed by humans and animals, and how bringing back a certain species of insect fly can help save humanity from hunger as well as the Earth. 
Innovafeed – which was co-founded by Aude Guo, Bastien Oggeri, and Clément Ray, is an AgTech business and company in Europe that uses its disruptive technology to lead the largest insect rearing of – Hermetica illucens (Black Soldier Fly), bringing it back to the heart of the food chain. To feed tomorrow’s world, this insect is bred in vertically indoor farms in the factory plant as a nutritional protein feed for plants, animals, and humans. In this article, we share interesting insights into the company’s co-founder and Executive director – Aude Guo, as well as the missions, aims, and future goals. 
About Aude Guo – Co-Founder and Executive Director at Innovafeed:
One of the 3 co-founders who started Innovafeed together is, Aude Guo. Aude has a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the National School of Bridges and Roads, and a Master’s in Business Administration from the College of Engineers. Soon after Aude Guo started her career and in 2010 became a Junior Consultant at McKinsey & Company and later an Associate/Junior Engagement Manager. She also worked in the Aeronautical division at Safran Corporate University for 2 years in between her time at McKinsey & Company. 
In the year 2016, Aude Guo, Clément Ray (who also worked at McKinsey & Company before co-founding Innovafeed like Aude), and Bastien Oggeri (a 4-time start-up founder and entrepreneur) banded together and started their mission – “to contribute to the emergence of sustainable food systems by developing a pioneering and innovative industry”. 
The co-founders founded and started this biotechnology research company in the AgTech industry in the year 2016, as they saw how humans, plants, and animals are consuming low-quality food in recent years. With the deterioration, degradation, and exploitation of the land, air, and water, by humans, the concerns in food quality have become a growing consequential issue. The company is established and located in Paris, France, and strives to provide – “natural and sustainable feed solutions to feed tomorrow’s world”. 
Innovafeed achieves this by breeding a specific insect called the Hermetica illucens – Black Soldier Fly as an extra nutritional protein source for animal and plant feed. With this objective, the company is also helping in bringing back this insect to the food chain. By using technological advancements and agricultural by-products from other AgTech industries nearby, the insect is bred in vertical indoor farms present in Innovafeed’s factory plant. 
This strategy and initiative also helps promote sustainable futures through the adoption of a circular economy principle and zero-waste carbon emission helping the company play its part in recycling over 300,000 tons of agricultural by-products from other factories and plants and avoiding wastage and landfill dumps. Innovafeed has also seen an annual record of 57,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions reduced, over 250kgs of pelagic fish saved after 1 ton of the fish were fed insects bred by the company, and over 210mᒾ of arable lands saved after 1 ton of poultry were fed the Hermetica illucens insect. Innovafeed’s future goal is to help the insect reclaim its place in the food chain, improve food and farm qualities, and sustainably preserve non-renewable finite resources that are in short supply. 
Encouraging a circular economy principle and zero waste carbon emissions, Innovafeed has saved almost 600 workers from job displacements by establishing this company. The expansion to help other sectors such as – Aquaculture by Insect Proteins, Agriculture by Organic Fertilizers, Agro-Industry by Cereals and Agricultural By-Products, and Poultry and Swine by Insect Oils. Therefore Innovafeed contributes directly to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life On Land. The business is looking to expand and establish ten more operating plants by 2030.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/aude-guo-innovafeed-redefining-sustainable-futures-by-insect-breeding-for-plant-and-animal-feed/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Ana Climent: Leading Rescue Project Bringing Valencia Peanuts Back to Spain at Ca Climent
Peanut Butter, PBJ Sandwiches, Reese’s Butter Cups, Snickers, Peanut Butter Twinkies, Salted Peanuts, and more. Ahhh delicious right? Peanuts aren’t tree nuts either, they are planted and grown underground. This savory legume is not an actual nut, despite its name. I know, how ironic, right? Peanuts are used in several food products, animal feed, food processing, oil production, etcetera. 
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Peanuts keep the soil in which they grow rich, they use very little water, and they have the lowest carbon footprint produced than any other plant or crop. The legume is densely nutritional and helps in maintaining a sustainable diet. Rich in fat, fiber, protein, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, weight loss, heart health, and digestion are improved with regular and balanced consumption of this legume. 
In agricultural conservation, peanuts are known to grow better in calcium-rich, sandy loam soil that is well-drained and in a climate that is warm, exceeding 21℃. In Europe, over 74% of the legume productions are made in Bulgaria and 22% in Greece. Netherlands, Germany, and Spain too are producers of Peanuts. In Valencia, Spain, peanuts are going extinct, especially the 2 species of Collaret and Cacaua. This article will talk about the journey where Founder – Ana Climent led a huge rescue mission project that became successful. She founded Ca Climent – a start-up business that rescues peanuts of Collaret and Cacaua, to bring the native, organic, and original Valencia peanuts back to the once dormant fields of La Granja de la Costera. 
About the Founder – Ana Climent, Founder of Ca Climent:
The founder of Ca Climent is Ana Climent. The name “Climent” is a generational name. As a little girl, Ana recalls that she along with her parents and grandparents would plant and grow the Collaret and Cacaua peanuts species in their fields of La Granja de la Costera. This is a small municipality area in the Valencia province of Spain. 
Ana Climent has a Journalism Degree from the University of Valencia and a Master’s Degree in Marketing Management from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. After her education, the founder worked in various positions in several companies, such as – a Production Assistant at MediaUni University of Valencia, a Content Manager at La Maga Rooms, and a Content Writer at Hello Valencia. Ana finally founded Ca Climent with the help and support of her father – Eduardo Climent. 
Although Ana moved away from home for work, she regularly visited her hometown in La Granja de la Costera. Then the unfortunate COVID-19 Pandemic hit the world. Everyone was quarantined and nobody was allowed to travel. Ana had always enjoyed the Cacaua peanuts that her family used to grow in their fields many years ago. However, due to the Pandemic, the planting and cultivation of legumes was brought to a standstill. Peanuts were soon seen to be imported into Spain from China and the USA. The nearby supermarkets were selling imported packages of peanuts, and most were also labeled as “Valencia” or “Collaret”. She realized that the peanuts that were imported didn’t even taste the same though the label read “Valencia Peanuts ”. 
Ana was disappointed. Residing in a province that once cultivated massive numbers of peanuts, An wanted the province to bring back the cultivation and production of the legume. Hence Ana came up with a project to rescue the extinct organic and native peanut species of Collaret and Cacaua back to their fields and lands. This was the inspiring moment that urged her to build Ca Climent.
Ca Climent – founded by Ana Climent, in the year 2021. Wanting to support his daughter’s ventures in a much-needed cause, Eduardo Climent helped Ana a lot initially when the business project was starting to take shape and gain momentum. Ca Climent is established in La Granja de la Costera, Valencia, Spain. 
With the integration of sustainable farming practices and initiatives, Ca Climent also takes it up a notch in sustainably packaging their produce in recyclable and biodegradable materials such as paper and PLA (Polylactic acid – a thermoplastic polyester made from corn). Their efforts always pay off as the reduction in carbon footprint in 200g of local and close supply chain is 22 times better than the peanut cultivation and export process from the USA. 
“We believe in agriculture that maintains tradition and cultivates innovation, that which is redesigned to be more sustainable.”
Along with her family, Ana Climent grows, cultivates, and produces Collaret and Cacaua peanut species in their family fields. With the vision to – “Rescue crops in danger of extinction”, Ca Climent is on a mission to – “Create new opportunities for traditional varieties, now in danger of extinction”. A 4-time generational farmer family, Ana turned the once dormant fields into flourishing peanut-rich crops, and slowly revived Valencia peanut cultivations and recovered authentic flavors. Keeping the supply chain short and close, Ca Climent Project rescues, revitalizes, recovers, grows, cultivates, roasts, and sells its produce for local and national consumption only.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/ana-climent-leading-rescue-project-bringing-valencia-peanuts-back-to-spain-at-ca-climent/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Max and Sara Marquart: Sibling-Duo Manufactures World’s 1st Cocoa-Free Alternative at Planet A Foods With ChoViva
Chocolate…ahh! That smooth, velvety, brown, aromatic, soulful goodness! The taste just speaks for itself. Manufactured and produced individually or combined with many food products, chocolate is one confection that is loved by many. If it takes around 400 cocoa beans to make just 1 pound of chocolate, you know it’s a big deal. 
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The thing is, as much as many people love chocolates and confectionary goodies, this ingredient is used in various other dishes and cuisines worldwide. Therefore the demand for chocolate is always at an all-time high. Invariably people lack the knowledge and awareness of just how much it takes to grow, manufacture, and produce this confectionary, although numbers are present. 
From 2021 – 2022, over 4.9 million tons of chocolate were globally produced. Estimates say that in the crop year of 2023 – 2024, over 4.5 million tons of chocolate is expected to be produced, where the biggest cocoa-producing countries are – Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana making up for over 60% of cocoa produced, Ecuador making up for over 7%, and followed by Indonesia which is the largest cocoa-producing Asian country. 
Since cocoa trees can only grow in climatic Rainforest areas, cocoa manufacturing farmers, industries, and companies disrupt the environment’s ecosystem and biodiversity when cocoa trees are grown to be manufactured and produced. Many environmental detriments occur where cocoa trees are planted and grown. Over 4 million hectares of trees are cut down to plant, grow, harvest, manufacture, and produce cocoa beans. The massive deforestation also comes with huge quantities of water being used and wasted. Further estimates from the Global Forest Watch say that the complete process of the production of chocolate from 2001 – 2021 in Ghana, has cut down over 1.4 million hectares of trees in Ghana which has released 739 million tons of Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which is a staggering number and to be taken very seriously.
Therefore in this article, we will be sharing aromatic and delicious insights into how a trailblazing and pioneering sibling duo – Max and Sara Marquart co-founded Planet A Foods – which specializes in sustainably manufacturing food ingredients that are devoid of environmentally exploitative actions, to manufacture the world’s first cocoa-free alternative for chocolate through the use of proprietary technology to produce ChoViva – a delicious, flavourful, aromatic, velvety-smooth, brown goodness! 
The Trailblazing and Pioneering Sibling Duo – Max and Sara Marquart: 
The Co-founders of Planet A Foods and ChoViva are German nationalities – Max Marquart who is the Chief Executive Officer and his twin sister Sara Marquart who is the Chief Technology Officer. The sibling duo manufacturers recognized the major environmental impacts that were hurting the planet to great extents and hence decided together to call to action in addressing these global food concerns that are contributed by the Cocoa Manufacturing and Producing Industries worldwide. 
Dr. Max (Maximilian) Marquart has a Post-Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, and a Doctor’s Ph.D. Degree in Engineering from RWTH Aachen University and at ETH Zurich. Max started his employment career in prominent and leadership positions and roles, such as – Project Leader at BMW Group, and Managing Director at 27Pilots, and soon co-founded Planet A Foods and ChoViva alongside his twin sister. 
“At Planet A Foods, we produce future-proof chocolate using fermentation processes. We can create cocoa-free chocolate called ChoViva that is 10x more sustainable than conventional chocolate.”
Dr. Sara Marquart has a Master of Science Degree in Food Chemistry from the Technical University of Munich and a Doctor of Science Degree in the same field as well as university. Like her twin brother Max, Sara too went on to start her career in leading positions and roles, such as – Food Scientist at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Ph.D. Research at Technische Universität München, Chief Curator at Deutsches Museum, Principal Scientist at Atomo Coffee, Head of Flavour at ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Finally alongside Max, she co-founded Planet A Foods and ChoViva in the year 2021. 
About Plant A Foods and ChoViva:
Planet A Foods is the world’s 1st-ever cocoa-free chocolate alternative manufacturing and producing company that uses locally grown Oats and Sunflower Seeds to sustainably innovate and create a delicious substitute for chocolate. Devoid of environmentally exploitative actions in deforestation, excess water consumption, and staggering CO2 emissions, the company uses its proprietary technology to produce ChoViva – a delicious, flavourful, aromatic, velvety-smooth, brown goodness! 
Founded in the year 2021, Planet A Foods has its headquarters established in Munich, Germany. A biotechnology research facility and company that “deliciously crafts sustainable food for everyone”, replaces Palm Oil with their cocoa-free chocolate butter as well. The fermentation process of Oats and Sunflower Seeds follows an ancient beer brewing technology that contributes to half of the work done in making this exquisite cocoa-free chocolate experience. 
Mission Statement – “To create dramatically more sustainable food ingredients and thus save millions of tons of CO2 emissions each year.” 
Reducing the need for land and labor resources, the company keeps its supply chains short as Oats and Sunflower Seeds which are the main ingredients are locally grown. Using 30% less sugar, 94% less water, 100% naturally grown ingredients, and avoiding deforestation, Planet A Foods makes ChoViva with vegan options, keeping the deliciousness levels at a premium level, and has since seen a huge 90% reduction in CO2 emissions. Planet A Foods is partnered with Kölln, REWE, LambertZ, Penny, Lindt, Seidl Confiserie, and De Beukelaer. From manufacturing and producing cocoa-free alternative chocolate, ChoViva also covers a range of Granolas and Cereals, Bakery items, and Snacks.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/max-and-sara-marquart-sibling-duo-manufactures-worlds-1st-cocoa-free-alternative-at-planet-a-foods-with-choviva/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Lex Hoefsloot: Renewable Automotive Alternative with Solar EVs at Lightyear
You know how people and children walking and playing on streets and lanes used to know when a vehicle was going to pass by because of their loud and unique sounds? Yes, that used to be an indication of oncoming motorists and trucks which had loud sounds coming from their exhausts as they got nearer and when they passed by. 
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But with electric vehicle innovation, electrically powered automobiles and bikes cut down on their loud sound pollutants and give a smooth, low, and soft buzzing sound as the riders and drivers whizz past. Sometimes, you wouldn’t even know a bike or car passed by if it was electrically powered. EVs also cut down on a lot of carbon emissions that are produced by fueled vehicles in the drive toward sustainable mobility solutions. 
The environmental impact of transportation from the increasing use of Electric Vehicles in the world today estimates green and bright futures in a few more years of consistent and growing use by more and more people. The innovations and creativity made and put together in the automotive and manufacturing industries to improve sustainability initiatives and environmentally conscious actions, provide us with better advancements in electric mobility by reducing several negative impacts that are detrimental to the ecosystem and biodiversity. 
Therefore in this article, we will be sharing insights into one such start-up company in the Netherlands called – Lightyear, founded and led by Lex Hoefsloot, is an automotive company that manufactures the first-ever scalable, grid-independent, and long-range solar electric vehicle as an improved and upgraded renewable alternative solution to other power-consuming EVs and fuel-consuming vehicles. On a mission to – “bring clean mobility to everyone, everywhere”, Lightyear aims to cover the world’s combined car driving distance of a Lightyear with their Solar EVs by 2035. 
About Co-Founder and CEO – Lex Hoefsloot:
The Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lightyear is Lex Hoefsloot. Having received both a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s of Science Degree in Engineering and Automotive Technology from the Eindhoven University of Technology, Lex has a good background, learning, and experience working around automotive and related technological facets.
“I strongly believe that technology should be used for the right purposes……….to directly change the world’s biggest problems. We are not alone. Technology is here to give us a hand.” – Lex Hoefsloot, Co-Founder and CEO of Lightyear. 
Lex has good work experience and career from working in varying positions such as – A Member of the Automotive’s Publicity Team at the university where he studied, the Owner of Hoefsloot Web Design, the Co-Founder and Team Manager at Solar Team Eindhoven, the Co-Founder and Project Manager at Blue Jay Eindhoven, and finally Lex founded Lightyear which he is also the CEO at. 
Lightyear was founded in the year 2016 by Co-founder – Lex Hoefsloot. The co-founder and his team of experienced, skilled, and talented workforce members have created the 1st electric car that charges itself through sunlight with integrated solar cells. Established in Europe, Lightyear’s headquarters is located in Helmond, Netherlands. 
Mission Statement – “To bring clean mobility to everyone, everywhere.”
“Good for the planet and Good for you”, Lightyear is a powerful sustainable mobility vehicle. As the world is transitioning to electrically-powered vehicles and renewable energy resources to create and lead comfortable and sustainably green futures, there is still the huge consumption of energy and power grids. This would again create a cycle where we would need to decrease the usage of the power consumed. Therefore, as an alternative mobility solution for other power-consuming EVs and fuel-consuming vehicles, Solar Electric Vehicles have been made. 
This Solar-powered EV by Lightyear addresses many socioeconomically present challenges. The automotive industry plays one of the bigger parts that contributes to adverse climatic changes, haggard power grids, and energy-generating dilemmas. In response to this, Lightyear has manufactured and designed solar integration in automobiles that can go off-grid. This means that the dependencies in regularly charging electric vehicles through sockets and plug points are reduced. Renewable energy such as solar can now be harnessed by 5 sq. ft of solar cells that charge on the go, allowing one to drive for months after their last charge. 
Lightyear shares numbers saying that around 9,460, 000,000,000 kilometers of combined car travel is made in one year alone. This is the distance of a Lightyear. Hence the name Lex Hoefsloot chose as he envisions and aims to cover the world’s combined car driving distance of a Lightyear with their clean, green, and scalable Solar EVs by 2035. The company has since achieved a global reach of 20 billion with 4 world solar companionships. Using sustainable materials such as recycled carbon fiber body panels in the exterior body and naturally sourced materials for their vegan interiors, Lightyear’s solar EVs turn wheels and heads as drivers of sustainable, innovative creators of positive change, as they continue to industrialize their idea of offering clean and renewable mobility for all.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/lex-hoefsloot-renewable-automotive-alternative-with-solar-evs-at-lightyear/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Solveiga Pakštaite: Driving Sustainable Food Preservations with Bump by Mimica
Have you ever encountered a situation where you can’t decide whether a food product is past its expiry date or not? We know that the Expiry Dates labeled on food packaging are important factors in determining whether the product is fresh or spoilt. But logically, this does not help. Labels on food packaging are just an estimated number mandated by the government to be on the safer side. Companies too just put in an average number after stability tests on a few batches in varying temperature conditions. 
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Although the expiry and manufacturing dates are quite important for consumers to be aware of the use and safe consumption of food products – especially perishable items, they are honestly just a rough estimation of the food product’s quality and safety. Prioritizing your family’s health and safety as well as driving initiatives in sustainable food preservation is very important. But when you’re mindful of the shelf life of the products that need storing for a while, you can extend the use of the food product even after the labeled expiry date. 
For example, when we buy dairy products like milk, the shelf life of the product can vary anywhere around 7 days, depending on the packaging and pasteurization processes. But, what if we properly refrigerate the milk in appropriate packaging and in the right temperature condition, the milk can be stored for a few more days. This would still be safe and of good quality even though it’s now past its expiry date. Due to this guess rule game of expiry date estimations and the lack of reliable methods like food expiry indicators that can help determine when a food product is no longer safe for consumption, statistics say that the food waste produced amounts to over 10% of the world’s greenhouse gases every year. In Europe, a staggering 83% of food that is wasted, disposed or discarded is still fresh and safe for consumption, but due to the labeled expiry dates on the packaging, people naturally choose to stay on the safer side. 
Therefore in this article, we will cover the interesting insights of a European company located in London, England – Mimica, founded by Solveiga Pakštaite, who specializes in smart packaging and wanted to “radically reduce unnecessary food waste”. Mimica manufactures a patented product label called Bump, that provides real-time indication of when a food product is still good and safe for consumption or when a food product has gone bad and is time to be disposed of. Used in juices, seafood, and poultry packages, Bump by Mimica is driving sustainable food preservations for better futures. 
About the Founder and Director of MIMICA:
The Founder and Director of Mimica is Solveiga Pakštaite. She was the brains behind the idea of manufacturing a product called Bump in the year 2017, which provides real-time temperature-sensitive indications of when a food product has really expired or is still safe for consumption. 
Solveiga Pakštaite has received an education in the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Industrial Design and Technology from Brunel University London (a public research university located in Uxbridge, England). The founder of Mimica worked in several roles after her graduation, such as – a Graphic Designer and Researcher at Mima (a CCD Design and Ergonomics Limited company), a Trends Researcher at Canvas8, a guest Lecturer at Brunel University London (where she is an alumnus), a User Experience Consultant at UX Connections, a Director at Design By Sol, a Consultant at Kantar Consulting, a Founding Board Member at Fast Foward 2030, an Honorary Lecturer at UCL, and lastly the Founder and Director at Mimica, London, UK. This was the beginning of Solveiga Pakštaite’s journey with Bump by Mimica, which has gained recognition for efforts in the sustainable preservation of food products by many food companies. 
The Concept Behind BUMP by MIMICA:
“The next generation of food expiry labeling” – Bump by Mimica is on a mission to improve the quality and safety of food products and help reduce the huge amounts of food wastage that occurs due to expiry date labels. The idea behind Bump by Mimica was industrialized in the year 2017, in London, England, UK, as a patented product that can be used by the Food Industry to provide real-time temperature-sensitive indications of the quality of food products, especially perishable items. 
Mission Statement – “To Radically reduce unnecessary food waste.”
For her Degree project, Solveiga came up with the idea behind Bump. She wanted to create a reliable method and design a product initially for visually impaired people. But soon realized that the contributional factors behind increasing food waste were because of the estimated expiry date labels on the packaging of food products. As this product in sustainable packaging materials invented by Solveiga was gaining rapid recognition by supermarkets and food companies, the founder roped in a team of experts and professionals in the industry – Laurence Kayson and Lawrie Matthews, to industrialize the idea and make Bump a patented product under Mimica. Therefore this is how Bump by Mimica came to be manufactured in the Packaging and Containers Manufacturing Industry in London, UK.
Designed and manufactured specially to support the packaging of Beverages, Dairy, Meat, and Seafood – Mimica aims to become the “globally recognized mark of freshness for industries, consumers, and communities”, the patented product manufactured by Mimica won the James Dyson Award in its efforts in shelf-life extension, helped the startup company acquire grant funding from the European Union (EU), the UK Government, as well as from the Mayor of London. Mimica is looking forward to expanding its designs to become compatible with the packaging of Vaccines and Organ Transportation in the future as well.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/solveiga-pakstaite-driving-sustainable-food-preservations-with-bump-by-mimica/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
EVUM Motors: Martin and Sascha Redefining the Manufacturing of eMobility with EUVs in Germany
People are making huge lifestyle changes by switching to electric vehicles from fuel-driven vehicles. The awareness of increasing global warming, rapid fluctuations in climatic changes, the onset of more and more natural disasters, increasing greenhouse gases and pollution, rise in temperatures, etcetera are all some of the environmental detriments that we are all seeing nowadays. Our Earth is fading away slowly. But fortunately, the innovative thinkers and doers of our world, are making changes and encouraging us to drive toward sustainability initiatives. A little can go a long way. If everyone could do their part, it can be estimated that in a few years, the Earth will gradually begin sowing visual signs of healing and getting its greenery and breath back. If the Earth is healthy, so will we. 
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In the manufacturing industry, there have been many innovations that have been created and designed specifically to battle one or more environmental concerns. As of late, e-mobility is on the rise. The shift to many electric-powered vehicles is increasing and many automotive manufacturers are designing and building vehicles accordingly to suit and fit their needs and purposes. To walk forward while instilling eco-friendly practices, many companies, businesses, and organizations are pushing for sustainability initiatives and ESG principles and values. 
Therefore in this article, we will be covering a Germany-based automotive and manufacturing company and business named – EVUM Motors, which was co-founded by Martin Šoltés and Sascha Koberstaedt. This Bavarian vehicle manufacturer which was founded in the year 2017, is a compact, all-electric, and all-wheel drive that is designed specifically as Electric Utility Vehicles (EUVs) for a “ new kind of commercial vehicle”. 
About the Trailblazing Co-Founders of EVUM Motors:
The two brains behind the operations who founded a sustainable transportation company – EVUM Motors are – Dr. Martin Šoltés and Sascha Koberstaedt. Initially being just a research project at the Technical University of Munich, the co-founders saw a bright future with this idea and did not want to stop just yet. 
“Shaping the future of eMobility and eWork” – EVUM Motors. 
Martin and Sascha were the project leaders when they brought the idea behind EVUM Motors into existence. Their sole mission after the research project was to “industrialize the research project”. Driving toward sustainability initiatives and affordability by all people, the co-founders have designed and manufactured EVUM Motors in a way that electrification of primary vehicles will lay the groundwork for the future of our Earth. Keeping this in mind,  EVUM Motors has designed and manufactured “aCAR”. 
“EVUM Motors’ aCAR is – the smart transport solution for optimal productivity and effortless work life on four powerful wheels.” 
Dr. Martin Šoltés – the Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Managing Director at EVUM Motors, has a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautics-Space Technology from the University of Stuttgart. Having vast experience and knowledge from studying in this field, Martin went on to work in several diverse roles and positions in many companies, such as – an Internship at Porsche, Local Committee President at AIESEC, Tutor for Higher Mathematics at the University of Stuttgart where he is an alumnus at, attended and submitted his Final Thesis at Bosch, and a Project Leader and Research Associate at the Technical University of Munich. This last place of work and learning is where the idea for EVUM Motors was brought to fruition with his partner and colleague – Sascha Koberstaedt, through an idea as part of a research project. 
Sascha Koberstaedt – the Co-founder and Co-CEO at EVUM Motors, has a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and received a Doctor’s Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. This led Sascha to work for job opportunities such as – a Tutor at the Institute for Product Development, as a Working Student at IAVF Antriebstechnik, attending an Internship and a Diploma at BMW Group, and lastly Dr. Martin’s Research Project Partner and Associate at the University of Munich. Thereafter, both colleagues continued on their mission to “industrialize the research project”. 
Founded in the year 2017, EVUM Motors is a “new kind of commercial vehicle”. Established in München, Bayern, Germany, the vehicles are designed and specifically manufactured to be an all-wheel drive (AWD) and commercial electric cars that integrate ecology and economy. The aCAR by EVUM Motors ensures that everyone in the world is treated equally and aims to include countries that are still economically developing as well. 
“Economical and Ecological” – aCAR is a vehicle that calls for low-maintenance services and is very durable and strong for off-road locations. Germany – which is famous for the types and kinds of top-rated cars and automobiles that they manufacture and design, the team, and workforce put their talent, skill, and learning together in making EVUM Motors cost-effective, zero CO2 emission vehicle, has an all-wheel drive feature (AWD), has various loading platforms and has a capacity of 1,200 kgs, has a mobile portable power supply, charging socket is home-friendly, and a towing capacity (braked) of over 1.5 tonnes. 
Being provided with the ability to recharge the vehicle remotely or off-grid through portable chargers, aCAR’s vision is that – “our vehicles are not just a means of transportation but a total energy solution for tools, devices, infrastructure, and even other vehicles, creating a completely self-sufficient work environment.” This electric vehicle is a multi-purpose transport use but especially for commercial uses where drivers require reliability, comfort, efficiency, quiet, and seamless operations to travel to destinations. Be it in the municipality sectors, indoor plants, factory use, agricultural activities, tourist activities, as well as for daily uses, EVUM Motors – innovation in automotive industry, is sustainable, greener, compact, friendly, and innovative.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/evum-motors-martin-and-sascha-redefining-the-manufacturing-of-emobility-with-euvs-in-germany/
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emeaentrepreneur · 5 months
Infinited Fiber: Founder Petri Alava Redefining the Textile Industry Sustainably with Infinna
The textile industry is faced with many challenges that threaten the environment’s biodiversity and ecosystem. The increase in population all over the world leads to an overproduction of clothes to meet ‘fast-fashion’ trends. This also leads to a rapid decrease in the finite natural resources that are being used in huge quantities for several purposes on a global scale. The trends in fast fashion lead to an overproduction of clothes which in turn increases waste generation of textiles. Disposed textiles and clothes are either dumped in landfills or burned which brings about a lot of environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 
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As the world realized the need for quick actions and changes to be made indefinitely, various sustainability initiatives, environmentally conscious mindsets, and eco-friendly practices have been adopted and integrated into almost every organization as principles and values of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Likewise, many companies, startup businesses, and drivers of change – entrepreneurs, are acknowledging and educating themselves and others in the awareness of sustainability and its actions in cleaner tech and innovation, to help facilitate a green Earth and future. 
Therefore in this article, we will explore the story and journey of one such company that aspires to be the Drivers of Change – Infinite Fiber. Founder and CEO – Petri Alava is redefining the Textile Industry with Infinited Fiber’s patented premium textile fiber – Infinna, which aims to reduce the dependency on the world’s natural resources and to innovatively and sustainably recycle and reuse old and used textiles and clothes.  
About Petri Alava – Co-Founder and CEO at Infinited Fiber:
The Founder and Chief Executive Officer who started and established Infinited Fiber is Petri Alava. Initially, the company had two founders – Petri Alava and Ali Harlin, who together founded Infinited Fiber. Ali stepped down as a Board Member along with a few others and were all replaced with other Board Members. Having started the company in the year 2016, Petri Alava wanted to be a driver for change by making the – “textile circularity an everyday reality”. This was Infinited Fiber’s Mission Statement to date which has urged them to continue their ventures and works in driving environmentally sustainable efforts. 
Having a Master of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering from LUT (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) University, and also attended an International Business Executive Program (IBU) at Fintra. Petri has over 15 years of experience working in various Board Positions in different companies. From being an Export Manager to Acting CEO at Finncot Oy – a subsidiary firm of GWS Group, from Business Area Director to Environment Business Area Director and Organizational Development at Vapo Organization, and from Chairman of the Board at Terassi Media Organization to finally being the Co-founder and CEO of Infinited Fiber. 
Petri Alava has the experience, skills, talent, strategic and development vision, and managerial and board positions that have given him the required knowledge and awareness to start his own company with Infinited Fiber. 
About Infinited Fiber:
Infinited Fiber – co-founded by Ali Harlin and Petri Alava, is now only led by the latter founder. The company was founded in the year 2016 and has its headquarters established in Espoo, Finland, in Europe. The inspiration behind the conception of the company was to address one of the biggest challenges posed by the textile industry in the world – increased waste disposal of overproduced textiles and clothes and the decrease of natural resources that are used by textile industries globally.   
Mission Statement – “to make the textile circularity an everyday reality”.
Together with a team and workforce consisting of chemists, disruptors, engineers, and innovators, Infinited Fiber is using technology that transforms and recycles waste and disposed textiles and clothes into a premium textile fiber material called Infinna, which helps hugely in reducing pollution to the environment and in reducing the use of natural resources in such abundant quantities. 
The recycled and reborn fiber material has almost similar properties as cotton and hence is durable, breathable, lighter, and serves its purpose, in sustainable ways. The circular economy strategy and approach that is adopted by Infinited Fiber is encouraging and inspiring everyone to follow a sustainable innovation in fashion and apparel. Born from waste and fully circular, an alternative to Virgin Cotton, the uses only natural ingredients, is completely biodegradable, has zero presence of microplastics, is soft and light to the touch, conserves water usage and wastes produced, Infinited Fiber alongside Finnish technological innovations has proven to be sustainable and a truly environmentally conscious enterprise. 
Infinited Fiber – being recognized for their great initiatives in being drivers of change, work with some of the most reputed and famous brands across the globe such as – Adidas, Calvin Klein, Wrangler, Zara, H&M Group, Patagonia, Tommy Hilfiger, Kipas Textiles, Suominen, and many more. The company is also set and geared up to build and open a commercial-scale Infinna Factory in 2026, in Kemi, Finland at an old Paper Mill site.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/infinited-fiber-founder-petri-alava-redefining-the-textile-industry-sustainably-with-infinna/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Boohoo: Empowering a Global Social Generation with Pioneering Duo – Mahmud and Carol
A ‘Global Social Generation’ is a generation of multicultural people with a unique perspective in approaching, viewing, and understanding things in the world. But, what does affordable fashion even mean? In simpler terms, affordable fashion is clothes that can be both expensive and high-quality fashion that follow global fashion trends, or they can be high-quality but inexpensive to purchase. It can also follow and incorporate sustainability initiatives and instill eco-friendly strategies into its core operations. 
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Global Social Generation, which is also known and referred to as Generation G, is the group and community of people whose presence covers most of all social media platforms. Millennial and Gen Z fashion follow a fast fashion industry as it is very popular amongst young adults. Thrifting or purchasing clothes from stores whose business models are built on the mass production of inexpensive clothing in huge quantities. With social media platforms available at the fingertips of all people around the world, social media marketing strategies by fashion and apparel companies, independent designers, and clothing label stores, are widely adopted to have a better reach and engagement with customers among other advantages. 
Encouraging and inspiring people to accept and love their bodies and feel good in clothes that empower them, is a prioritized aim and factor that benefits all parties in this generation. As this is a good thing, the fast fashion industry is here to stay with the adoption and integration of sustainable fashion initiatives. Therefore in this article, we will discuss in-depth about two Co-founders who wanted to be ‘Fashion Game Changers’ by building a brand that leads online fashion on a global scale. At Boohoo, the Co-founders – Mahmud Kamani and Carol Kane strive towards a future where potentiality, ambition, strategy, fun, and trendy fashion empower and encourage women and men to feel confident and realize their true potential with their affordable fashion business approach in fashion, apparel, and lifestyle. 
About Mahmud Kamani and Carol Kane – Co-Founders at Boohoo:
The two co-founders of Boohoo Group are Mahmud Kamani who is the Executive Chairman and Carol Kane who is the Executive Director. Boohoo Group was founded and launched in the year 2006 in the United Kingdom and has since taken to social media platforms with the help of social media influencers and other influencer collaborations. Boohoo.com is one partner brand under Boohoo Group where 12 other partner brands are being actively operated.
Mahmud Kamani – the Executive Chairman, states, “I genuinely believe there’s no greater company to work for because of all the amazing people at the heart of creating our success story”. “Expect the unexpected” commented Mahmud, who alongside Carol Kane built Boohoo Group and started 13 leading British fashion brands under it. “We are the fashion game changers, disrupting the market and challenging what our brands are capable of achieving. With huge potential, big ambitions, and a clear strategy, we aim to lead online fashion globally” – states Carol when asked about the brand. Starting from almost nothing, Mahmud and Carol now have Boohoo Group in their arms and are the drivers and inspirations for change and success. 
For more interesting insights and reads, visit The Europe Entrepreneur. 
About Boohoo:
Boohoo.com is one of the 13 leading British fashion brands under Boohoo Group. Co-founded in 2006 and led by Mahmud Kamani and Carol Kane, the Group strives to ‘provide great clothing for everyone, everywhere’. Boohoo is a fast-fashion retail brand established and headquartered in Manchester, Greater London area, in The United Kingdom. 
Vision Statement – “To empower a global social generation to look and feel confident, for every day and every occasion, and do so affordably.” 
Boohoo is a global brand targeting a 20’s something age group that believes in an ‘affordable fashion for all’ approach. Providing retailing services such as buying clothes from customers as well as ‘delivering on-trend, high-value fashion with speed and convenience’ to customers and fashion enthusiasts, sharing the purpose of being – “The No.1 Destination for 16-35-year-old women”.  Boohoo establishes four fundamentally important pillars that provide the support and steady foundation of the brand, and they are – Empowering customers and employees at Boohoo by setting in place a judgment-free culture, Mentoring and supporting customers and employees in their personal and self-realizing journeys, Supporting and instilling positive change by addressing mental health concerns, Educating customers and employees in sustainability futures by creating awareness in ‘reducing the impact of fashion’. 
In educating, empowering, and inspiring Boohoo’s customers and other stakeholders, in ‘Fashion for Every Body’, social causes are driven with the help of social media platforms and its social media influencers. With over 17 million people around the world, Boohoo has 40% of its audience equally shared between the UK and the US. The brand shares its statistics which show that over 127 units of clothes are sold every minute, over 1.8 million parcels are distributed and shipped every month, and around 21.7 million units sold in a year to over 189 countries worldwide. 
The online presence of Boohoo can be researched by their audience through a downloadable app that works in 5 languages and is accessible in 14 countries. Many famous influencers and big stars in the entertainment industry have collaborated with Boohoo, and some of them are – Zendaya, Megan Fox, Paris Hilton, and Gemma Collins (GC). Looking ahead positively to collaborating with more reputable, famous, and influential collaborators, Boohoo is on a mission to – “Become the global leader in the fashion e-commerce sector and are passionate about doing this in a way that respects people, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, investors, and the world”.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/boohoo-empowering-a-global-social-generation-with-pioneering-duo-mahmud-and-carol/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Petteri Lahtela: Elevating and Revolutionizing Fitness and Health Solutions with OURA’s Smart Ring Tech
Smartphones, Smart Homes, Smart Cars, Smart Clothing and Apparel, Smart Innovations, and Smart Everything! The world today has transformed into everything smart. With continuous advancements in technological tools and resources, smart, clever, skilled, and talented human minds create more tech-savvy innovations that make life-impacting changes and transformations that contribute to the betterment of the world. Many companies, organizations, businesses, and brands benefit hugely from being the first to create one-of-a-kind innovative and smart technologies that make people’s lives just a little better and easier. 
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The need for such innovations and minds is always present as smart technology can easily help identify what is in demand and what improvements and corrections are to be made to particular services and products so that better results can be delivered efficiently. They benefit from being recognized thereby increasing customer engagement and driving their sales and profits, from their unique identity and services that are provided, and much more. Smart technology has proven to enhance and improve lives above and beyond – be it in any industry and sector, the ever-evolving tools and resources help in addressing many challenges around the world. 
Therefore in this article, we shall cover the advantages, benefits, needs, and impacts of Smart Wearable Tech that has impacted our lives for the better and how global start-ups are using this to their advantage in addressing Health and Fitness in the Fashion Industry. Hence one such start-up company that will be chosen as an example and spoken about in-depth would be OURA Rings, co-founded by CEO Petteri Lahtela. 
Petteri Lahtela – Co-founder and CEO at OURA Rings:
Petteri Lahtela is one of the 3 co-founders and was the Chief Executive Officer(from 2014 – 2018) who was behind the creative innovation and brains of the entire OURA Ring product and app. Being the world’s first sleep quality, health and wellness ring app, OURA and its co-founders have revamped the fashion and apparel industry with the addition of this Smart Tech Wearable. 
Petteri Lahtela has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer and Information Science and a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications. He later studied for an EMBA (Executive Master’s in Business Administration) in International Business, Marketing, Economics, Strategy, and Corporate Management at The University of Oulu. The co-founders of OURA Ring launched and established the business and brand in the year 2013 providing technologically manufactured rings that help in monitoring sleep tracking, health and fitness. 
For more interesting insights and reads, visit The Europe Entrepreneur. 
OURA Ring:
Established by co-founder and CEO – Petteri Lahtela, alongside two other co-founders, OURA Ring was founded in the year 2013, and is headquartered at Oulu, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland, in Europe. OURA Ring is a fitness technology and wearable device that has been manufactured to monitor and provide metric based results on sleep, stress, women’s health, fitness and activity, illnesses, and heart health tracking. 
“Better lives through better sleep.” – OURA Ring. 
OURA Ring is a Brushed Titanium smart ring that monitors sleep, activity, heart rate, and oxygen levels through just your fingers and provides insights and metric based results on a smartphone downloadable app. “Easy to wear, everywhere” – OURA Ring’s makers share that our fingers hold accurate readings for over 20 biometric datasets that can be used to detect an individual’s heart rate, general or specific health tracking, quality of sleep and duration, temperatures, blood and oxygen levels, etcetera. Titanium provides durability, water and sweat resistance, and is lightweight which gives the wearer a free, uplifting, and a glamorous feel. 
Mission Statement – “Make health a daily practice.” 
As commented by USA Today – “An absolute marvel of modern wearable technology”, estimates say that over 86% of wearers saw sleep improvements after purchase of the OURA Ring, and around 88% saw an overall health improvement. The brand has globally sold out over 1,000,000+ rings by around 475+ employees all over the world, after undergoing 10+ years of the product’s research and development by over 20+ highly-qualified PhDs. Putting the lives and health of people first, builds trust which drives OURA Ring’s wearable devices to reach higher in providing solutions together. In 2022, OURA Ring was awarded with The Best Activity Tracker by Popsugar and The Best Sleep Tracker by Men’s Health. In 2023, he brand was awarded with The Best App, health and Fitness by The Webby Awards and was one among The CNBC Disruptor 50 List.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/petteri-lahtela-elevating-and-revolutionizing-fitness-and-health-solutions-with-ouras-smart-ring-tech/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Giovanna Laudisio: Reducing Microplastic Pollution with Renewable Resources at Naturbeads
Global environmental issues are a growing concern every day. These problems are increasing rapidly and are currently affecting the Earth’s natural biodiversity and ecosystem in detrimental ways. These issues are Global Warming, Climate Change, Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Deforestation, Marine and Air Pollution, Endangering Ecological Life, Extinction of Species, Soil Degradation, Depletion of the Ozone Layer, Depletion of Natural Resources, Overpopulation, Acid Rain, and many more. All in all, every living organism on this Earth is in danger and is threatened when made to exist in the present living conditions. Unfortunately, if these problematic concerns aren’t handled and managed well in time, there can be quite horrible and adverse consequences.
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One such global environmental issue and concern in water consumption and marine life is Microplastic Pollution. This type of pollution is caused by the over production of plastic products. The use of plastic is directly proportional to the continued production of plastic to meet needs and requirements. Statistics say that disposed plastic products take around 20-500 years just to break down and unfortunately even that doesn’t decompose completely and remains present in the environment. Microplastics are plastics that are less than 5mm and which take over 100-1000 years to break down. They are produced from plastic products after hard use or overuse. Since these microplastics are non-biodegradable as well as in fact micro and small, they are easily present in the air, water, and land and can get inside the body’s system and cause health issues. They are majorly present in oceans and seas as well thereby detrimentally harming the marine and aquatic life. A solution that can be taken to reduce the production of non-biodegradable items such as plastic which can have quite adverse reactions when overproduced and overused are by using biodegradable materials, recyclable, and eco-friendly products that do not cause any harm to the environment and which are sustainable. 
Therefore in this article, we will uncover and talk about the entrepreneurial journey and story of a Chemical Manufacturing company – Naturbeads, co-founded by Giovanna Laudisio, that’s on a mission towards providing natural and sustainable solutions for a greener planet. 
Giovanna Laudisio – Co-founder and CEO at Naturbeads:
The co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Naturbeads is Giovanna Laudisio. Hailing from Bath, England, in the United Kingdom, Giovanna is an inspiring and motivating entrepreneur, leader, creative, and an innovative thinker who realized it was high time to call for action towards combating global environmental issues by providing natural and sustainable solutions towards a greener planet and future.
The co-founder has a Master’s Degree in Chemistry and a CNR Fellowship in Biomaterials. She went to receive a PhD. in Materials Engineering and then a Masters in Business Administration in Innovation Management. Giovanna started her employment and working life while she was still studying and worked in diverse roles and positions.
From being a Research Fellow to a Research Associate, from an Advanced Materials Technology Manager at DuPont to Manager/Executive Advisor/Entrepreneurial Lead in Technology Translation and Innovation Partnerships at NUS Enterprise, from Director at CleanTech and Advanced Materials at Budding Innovations to being a Mentor at Lead for Sustainability, Giovanna has had an extensively skilled, talented, and experienced working career in her field before co-founding Naturbeads alongside David Mattia who was the company’s Technology Advisor. 
For more interesting reads and insights, visit The Europe Entrepreneur. 
Naturbeads is a chemical manufacturing company co-founded by Giovanna Laudisio in the year 2018. The company is established in The United Kingdom, in Bath, England. Naturbeads specializes itself in manufacturing and commercializing Cellulose Microbeads that are biodegradable, recyclable, and as a substitutable solution towards the fight against reducing microplastic pollution. Showcasing and providing the same features as plastics, Naturbeads’ Cellulose Microbeads are manufactured and commercialized impersonal care and in cosmetics and are currently looking to expand their applications with more production plants.  
There have been many sustainability initiatives taken alongside the use of greener technology as eco-friendly alternatives. Environmental innovation is the approach and strategy taken to decrease the detrimental consequences that occur due to global environmental issues. Improving products and services, Using renewable resources, Encouraging the implementation of new regulations for sustainable living, Fostering eco-friendly and environmentally conscious mindsets, and Preservation and Conservation of the ecosystem and biodiversity, are some of the solutions that can be adopted and followed by the people. 
Naturbeads Cellulose Microbeads – “A material which conjugates unique mechanical and chemical characteristics with the same biodegradability of a tree’s leaf “. 
The scientists and engineers at Naturbeads join hands to bring out the best innovations in producing biodegradable microspheres made of Cellulose to reduce the production of plastics and its pollution, which are being incorporated into everything that we know of. The presence of these plastics in enormous quantities in water, air, and the land is harmful to every living and breathing organism. Since only very few companies are built on providing innovative solutions in combating the problem associated with the continued production of microplastics, Naturbeads believes in making every possible change and transformation necessary in the world through fostering and establishing the use of  – “Circular, Renewable, Sustainable, and Natural Resources”. 
Naturbeads have been working hard towards building their first ever production plant which is estimated to be completed and to be in operation by 2025. The company has received approximately 1.4 million pounds from 3 Innovate UK grants in order to build two production plants thereby expanding their production of the cellulose microbeads in paints, coatings, and other consumer applications. The company also has won the “Winner Manufacturing and Engineering Startup of the Year 2022”.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/giovanna-laudisio-reducing-microplastic-pollution-with-renewable-resources-at-naturbeads/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Chinkilla: Women-Led Athleisure and Sustainable Fightgear Brand Empowering Women to Fight Back
In today’s world and generation, supporting and empowering women have risen and come far away and apart from the past traditional, conservative, and restricted norms and nuances type of treatment that have been meted out to them. We all know how women were restricted, made to be at home, uneducated, controlled, and taken advantage of, and unfortunately some women are still treated this way even today. When women started to raise their voices and fight back against all the restrictions and barriers that were blocking them, they came out braver, stronger, brighter, and healthier, and they fought to be completely themselves, redefining the employment industry with their talent, skills, and other contributions. Some women became great innovators, learners, teachers, thinkers, doers, wives, mothers, motivators, inspirations, entrepreneurs, and just flourishing hard-working women in whichever field they took up and worked in. They contribute hugely to the economy and the development of communities which encourages, promotes, and fosters equality as well as equity in the world. 
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Female empowerment is very important and essential in ensuring that our women are made to know, feel, and be safe, protected, happy, accomplished, and educated. Redefining gender roles, breaking down walls, and pushing through traditional barriers, rules, and logic can make way for women to be more open and free, as well as make the workforce and families stronger with their contributions and potentialities. Empowering women to feel safe and protected in the wild, predatory, and dangerous world that we live in even today is a very demanding topic that needs to be dealt with. Women are now freely participating and involving themselves in things that very only seen as ‘manly’. In kickboxing, Muay Thai, and other Martial Arts, for example, women are now deeply involved, but there are still hesitations, fear, embarrassment, judgments, and other restrictions and avoidances that they are faced with. Encouraging women to fight hard against the shells that societies and norms have built around them is very important. 
Therefore in this article, we will be covering the inspiring and entrepreneurial story and journey of two strong, hard-headed, brilliant women – Dani König and Sarah Barakah, who together banded and started an Athleisure and Sustainable Fightgear Brand Clothing Line in Apparel, Health, and Fitness, in Germany, and which also led to the #JoinOurFight Campaign that took the world by the reins.
About Dani König and Sarah Barakah – Co-founders at Chinkilla:
The Co-founders of the Athleisure and the Sustainable Fightgear clothing wear brand – Chinkilla, are – Dani König and Sarah Barakah. The two co-founders co-incidentally met each other in the Middle East in Jordan, when they were on their respective work trips in the year 2016. Dani König shared that Sarah Barakah lived with her husband and worked in Amman, Jordan, where the latter undertook Kickboxing courses and it was the first-ever Women Martial Arts Studio in the Middle East. Dani was also in the area filming a documentary – WATERPROOF which was her debut film. Being a pro-martial artist and having a keen interest in that world, Dani decided to check out Sarah’s studio. 
This was where the two met and were quickly and easily acquainted with one another on shared topics and interests. Upon learning that Sarah was soon going to cross-country to Germany with her husband to the very small-paced town of Weimar where Dani lived, they both were ecstatic. Sarah moved to the town of Weimar and soon looked to open a Women’s Kickboxing Class in the year 2017. The next year in 2018, Dani contacted Sarah and opened up to her about the idea of making a German city tour where girls get interested in Martial Arts and Self-Defence. Sarah was on board with Dani’s proposition immediately and that was the start of the journey towards finding Chinkilla. 
For more interesting insights and reads, visit The Europe Entrepreneur. 
About Chinkilla:
Chinkilla is all about – “Making the world safer by empowering women to fight back”. This mission statement also became the Campaigning line for their #JoinOurFight hashtag in 2022 years later. The brand was established in the year 2020 and revolves around women’s activewear.  
Sarah Barakah and Dani König are the Co-founders of Chinkilla and the latter is the Chief Executive Officer. Dani has completed her formal education with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film/Video and Photographic Arts from Bauhaus University and then a Master of Fine Arts in the same field and university. Before meeting Sarah, Dani was a self-employed documentary filmmaker. Sarah lived and worked in Amman, Jordan, Middle East before moving to Germany, where she established the first-ever Women’s Martial Arts Studio and undertook Kickboxing classes. 
When Dani and Sarah banded together on their German city tour, they traveled from one city to the next attracting a full women following base as they offered Self-Defense and Kickboxing Workshops and Bootcamps. After this, they separated as Sarah moved to Paderborn 500 km away from Dani. But this did not distract them from their vision and goals, they skyped each other and stuck to their mission and passion of empowering women. In the year 2020, Chinkilla was officially established and headquartered in Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, North Western Germany. In the year 2021, Chinkilla produced their first sustainable lifestyle clothing line in Fightgear for women. Thereafter, Dabi soon joined Sarah at Paderborn, and from there the duo continued to manage the thriving and flourishing start-up business.
In the year 2022, on International Women’s Day, the co-founders at Chinkilla started a campaign with the hashtag – #JoinOurFight. This move helped Chinkilla a lot as 25 Gyms in and around the area reached out to the brand’s co-founders. The Gyms reached out to offer 800 women free classes in Martial Arts and Self-Defense courses. Thereafter, around 10% of all sales profits made by Chinkilla are used to fund free Martial Arts and Self-Defense Events for Women in Germany. The brand later rolled out a Streetwear clothing line alongside their initial Fightgear and Athleisure wear. Chinkilla also is an environmentally conscious journey of practicing and incorporating initiatives towards sustainable fashion.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/chinkilla-women-led-athleisure-and-sustainable-fightgear-brand-empowering-women-to-fight-back/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Agnieszka Wójcikowska: Redefining Outdoor Stay-cations with FDomes Glamping
Who has thought about just upping and leaving mid-week for a getaway to a far-off place as a spontaneous trip during a tiring work week? Well, you aren’t alone. All of us have had this feeling and thought of spontaneously planning, discussing, booking, and traveling to places to relax, unwind, and just feel peaceful and to get far away from the noisy, routine, monotonous, rat-race of busy lives and dizzy buildings. A break from a routine and a monotonous rhythm in people’s lives can prove to be very healthy and beneficial in unwinding and de-stressing, especially if their work life is that tedious and demanding. Regardless, holidays, leaves, breaks, and vacations are a must to stay on track, to better work towards goals, to reduce risks and detriments to health, to re-route your life, and come back well-rested, fresh, relaxed, and motivated with full vigor and spirit. 
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As much as regular breaks from work life are essential to everyone, the type of place chosen for the trip, essentials, facilities, necessities, the type of stay – be it hotels, lodges, motels, bunking, etcetera., and the satisfaction of the environment and surrounding at the destination are all important factors that are taken into account to ensure that a fun, adventurous, relaxed, and worthy trip is had. A good stay-cation can contribute towards a worthwhile trip and stay for the cost, effort, planning, idea, and unwinding. Families, friends, colleagues at work, solo trips, and even strangers join together to plan and go on life-experiencing trips to spend time together and make wonderful bonds and memories. As innovative solutions to make people’s lives easier and happier, many businesses and organizations create and develop platforms and enterprises where they offer their services in providing beautiful and scenic stay-cations, that include packages of commute and food expenses as well. 
These businesses provide their services in ways through discounts and packages, which attract a huge customer base, especially if the locations are very beautiful and interest travelers in achieving their aims and goals of a much-needed trip. Camping is one such outdoor activity that people or individuals go on for a trip or as a stay-cation. Camping is an activity that requires staying or living in a tent temporarily in surroundings and environments that are mostly very green and nature-friendly. It can be in resorts, in the wild, in green and natural surroundings, in the backyard of homes, etcetera. Being one with nature, the quiet, and the peaceful tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city life is an experience that can be life-impacting and changing. 
Therefore, in this article, we will be covering the entrepreneurial journey and story of one such start-up idea that came to fruition and then which soon developed into a business because of its exceptional, quality, and professional services. Here, FDomes Glamping (‘glamorous camping’) is a business founded by woman entrepreneur Agnieszka Wójcikowska that manufactures, designs, and supplies Domed structures globally to interested buyers. This article will explore the journey traversed by the founder and her business through the years and its recognition today. 
Agnieszka Wójcikowska – Founder and CEO:
The Founder and Cheif Executive Officer of FDomes Glamping is Agnieszka Wójcikowska. Brought to fruition from an idea, potential possibilities, creativeness and innovativeness, as well as a passion to provide a solution to reward customers with a life-changing experience that would be remembered forever. Initially established in 2008 by the Wójcikowska family, the company is now lead by Agnieszka Wójcikowska. 
The founder of FDomes Glamping underwent her education at Munster Technological University, Poland, Europe, and from where her career took off. From an Architechtural Technician, Agnieszka became the Founder and Managing Partner of Freedomes – World In a Sphere, which is now called FDomes Glamping – Geodesic Dome Kits. 
For interesting reads and content, visit The Europe Entrepreneur for more. 
FDOMES Glamping – Geodesic Dome Kits:
The Geodesic Dome Kits that are manufactured, designed, and supplied by FDomes Glamping are hemispherical structures that are built in the shape of domes to act as tents, warehouses, homes, greenhouses, etcetera. Founded and established in Kolbaskowo, Poland, Europe, by Agnieszka Wójcikowska, FDomes Glamping was actually launched in the year 2016. 
These Domes are manufactured in Poland itself from premium and top-quality materials. The Engineers and designers of the company play a huge role in the interior space designing of the domes as well to conclude bathrooms, bedrooms, furniture, electrical appliances, mezzanine, and more. Glamorous + Camping = Glamping, is the type, style, and standard now that businesses have started to adopt as a strategy to attracts customers and retain a loyal following base around the world. Customizable domes and interiors, Flexible upto 5 sizes, All weather and season resistant, Made to last, Environment and eco-friendly accommodation that encourages sustainability initiatives, Low maintenance, and Quick assembly of the structures, are the features of these Geodesic Dome Kits. 
Partnered up with many companies and celebrities such as – Audi, Ford Mustang, WILDPOD, Gaia’s Spheres, SunCity Camp, Lady Gaga, and featured in a movie – “The Martian”. FDomes Glamping are delivered and assembled for the customers worldwide and provide upto 5 years of warranty service. Having over 15 years of experience in this business, FDomes Glamping – Geodesic Dome Kits have overseen 1,799 projects of 6,146 domes in over 55 countries, and was also awarded by Forbes for ‘Diamond Awards’ in 2024 in luxury camping earlier this year. FDomes are keen on continuing and integrating more innovative and creative solutions to world challenges to make its an everlasting people-centric experience.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/agnieszka-wojcikowska-redefining-outdoor-stay-cations-with-fdomes-glamping/
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emeaentrepreneur · 6 months
Mathilde Le Gagneur: Sacs in the Hauts-de-France at Atelier Le Gagneur
Totes, Clutches, Crossbody, Duffel, Fanny Packs, Beach, Saddles, Backpacks, Satchels, Briefcases, and many more different types of bags – designed, crafted, and hand-stitched even to provide an authentic, genuine, hand-made touch with premium materials, fibers, yarns, threads, and leather.
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From collectors of designer and branded bags to fashion enthusiasts who just love matching bags with different wardrobe styles for every occasion and place. It has to match! It has to just go along with it! And most times the wardrobe styles have to be decided around a particular bag. 
At the same time, when speaking about creating or bringing anything into existence in this day and age, every strategy, action, and goal is considered on how to reduce pollution, waste production, and harm to the biodiversity and the ecosystem by incorporating and integrating sustainable innovations in the making.     
Hence, efforts are taken by people in all industries as well as entrepreneurs to think highly about encouraging sustainability in their works and operations.
In the fashion and apparel industry, sustainability can be encouraged by – not harming the inhabitants of biodiversity and the ecosystem, reducing enormous waste production, reducing the use of natural resources by opting for sustainable approaches and methods, and more. 
Therefore in this article, we will be talking about the story of one such entrepreneur who climbed high and reached the skies of the Hauts-de-France (region in France) in designing and handcrafting her very own feminine handbags or ‘sacs’ for women by a more sustainable fashion.
Mathilde Le Gagneur – Founder, Designer, and Entrepreneur:
Having always had a passion for the field of arts and design, Mathilde Le Gagneur developed a liking for and was very soon smitten with her entrepreneurial enthusiasm from a very young age to do something different that bridged the gap between her identity and something that she would love working on. 
She took to drawing very quickly in school and was sure along with her family that she was destined to be a part of the fashion industry in one way or another.
Mathilde Le Gagneur left her hometown in Normandy, in the northwest of France, and traveled to Paris for her enrollment and studies at the National School of Applied Arts – Olivier de Serres, when she peaked at 18 years of age. 
Soon after a short study and experience at Decorative Arts School – Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD), Mathilde Le Gagneur left for London to enroll in a public art school – Central St. Martins. This place is where she blossomed and started to quickly gain experience from this impactful phase of her life. 
With an interest in clothing, a teacher back at Central St. Martine in London helped Mathilde Le Gagneur lock a job opportunity down in the famously known Louis Vuitton.
Here, she designed and worked on a variety of pieces as a French Fashion Designer for Leather Goods and designed wallets, clutches, purses as well as jewelry for bags. 
Her hands-on experience working in a huge reputable and popular place like Louis Vuitton, Mathilde Le Gagneur became pregnant and had at the same time bought a house back in her hometown Normandy. After moving there for her pregnancy, she was motivated and driven to do something that would launch her into the industry landing her on a bigger and recognizable platform. 
This is where Atelier Le Gagneur was founded and established.
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Atelier Le Gagneur:
A self-made and handcrafted leather goods company named – Atelier Le Gagneur was founded by Mathilde Le Gagneur in the year 2017. The company and its business operations were established in the founder’s hometown – Normandy, Northwest France. 
With the experience of living amongst a vibrant and aesthetic culture and lifestyle that felt comfortable and truly like home for Mathilde Le Gagneur, she soon started designing quality feminine handcrafted bags or Sacs (French for ‘bags’) for comfortability, functionality, elegance, rawness, and all with a touch of sophistication. 
Atelier Le Gagneur – Made in France, Designed in Normandy, was hand-made and designed with utmost care and passion. 
Raw materials such as raw linen canvas are used going through a meticulous treatment of water-repellent. The OEKO-TEX Label is partnered up with Atelier Le Gagneur in testing their materials for 350 chemical exposures before giving the all-good signal. 
The raw linen canvas is sourced from Masters of Linen and Ecotex, where the linen is woven in Belgium. 
The leather material is sourced from Vegetable-tanned French cattle collars. These leather materials are sourced from French Tanneries of Arnal and Sovos-Grosjean. Leather naturally softens over time and hence the founder provides solutions as to how to care for her leather bags more carefully. 
Her bags are either upcycled or recycled in her mission to lead an environmentally sustainable business. Satin, Denim Upholstery material, and Wool are some of the items used as an eco-friendly strategy. 
Currently, Mathilde Le Gagneur is on a temporary journey to finding a partner in marketing to help her continue to the next chapter of Atelier Le Gagneur. 
The right color, utility, fashion sense, durability, origin, material, feel, smell, and especially the designer who made it, are the factors that every woman would consider and research when planning to purchase any bag. A form and symbol of accessory statement in the fashion world, bags are designed in different styles for various occasions – be it casual and day-to-day, or for glamour and luxury. French Designer of Leather Goods – Mathilde Le Gagneur has made her dreams and passions come true with Atelier Le Gagneur, and is excitedly waiting for the next chapter to begin!
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/mathilde-le-gagneur-sacs-in-the-hauts-de-france-at-atelier-le-gagneur/
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emeaentrepreneur · 7 months
Gerrit de Bruijne: Sustainable Potatoes From Farm-to-Fork
To all the potato lovers – be it crinkly cut or straight cut, be it spicy, salty, or ‘the usual’, be it short, fat, tall, and skinny, be it included in various other dishes or standalone, Potatoes will always be tasty and appetizing in whichever form and size they come in. 
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What makes it delicious is how it’s cultivated, grown, manufactured, selected, processed, packaged, and distributed. With love and care, anything can grow beautifully and deliciously. From farm to fork, this vegetable comes in more than 800,000. Being a truly tasty nutritious staple product in the food production industry, Potatoes are an antioxidant that is rich in the Vitamin C group.  
Potatoes contain other essential nutrients like – Vitamin B6 and Phytonutrients, minerals like – Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Manganese, Protein, Fibres, Carbohydrates, and Fats. 
Establishing sustainability goals in Farming Practices and Agriculture is essential in this day and age. 
With all of our natural resources depleting rapidly as the years pass by, Agricultural Sustainability is the norm. It adopts, incorporates, integrates, and implements certain practices alongside the appropriate tools and resources to ensure that natural resources remain in supply for the people in the future. 
Consumer awareness is very important as the factors and steps that are involved in farming, manufacturing, and processing, as well as in packaging and distributing, the potato cultivation is a phase that determines the quality of the produce that will reach your plate – good or bad. 
Therefore in this article, we shall explore the journey and story about one such business that has been actively running its operations in the food and beverage industry for potato cultivation in The Netherlands.  
Gerrit de Bruijne – Founder of Farm Frites:
The founder of Farm Frites – a Food and Beverage Manufacturing Company is Gerrit de Bruijne. Farm Frites was founded in the year 1971 after Gerrit de Bruijne was inspired to start this company after a visit to The United States of America. 
During his visit, the founder noticed and realized the importance and essentiality of including potato fries in almost every fast food dish on the streets and in restaurants in the country. Seeing how many businesses in the market made with the manufacturing, processing, and production of potato cultivation alone motivated Gerrit.
Upon Gerrit de Bruijne’s arrival back at Oudenhoorn, The Netherlands – he started his delicious journey of potato cultivation in sustainable practices. The company was initially an autonomous and family-owned business called Farm Frites. 
Farm Frites:
Farm Frites is a Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing company that cultivates potatoes. Founded by Gerrit de Bruijne, it has its headquarters established in Oudenhoorn, The Netherlands. 
“Enjoy the Fresh Taste of the Land.”
The various Potato selection dishes that Farm Frites manufactures and sells are – Chef’s Harvest, Chef’s Specials Crispy Coated, Sweet Potato Fries, Finest, Originals, and Appetizers, for every occasion, mood, and situation. 
Having its roots in a vast supply chain, Farm Frites’ partners help the business in its operations in Delivery, Takeaway, and Bulk Distribution, or Wholesale Distribution of Frozen potato fries. 
Cultivating potatoes is a daily routine for Farm Frites, growing around 1.5 million tonnes of the vegetable yearly to distribute orders of over 80 varied potato types. Now having over a 1,500-member workforce, Farm Frites has expanded to 100+ countries in other areas of Europe and internationally as well. 
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Operating in 5 facilities – The Netherlands (headquarters), Egypt, Poland, Belgium, and Argentina, there are over 700 cultivators of the vegetable in these countries as well as the sales team monitoring and leading the manufacturing and processing of the potatoes are done in around 40 sales offices present around the world. 
Farm Frites has traveled a long way from just being a small family startup to a full-blown business franchise present globally. Distributing their frozen fries to chefs, guests, and consumers, is the main driver and passionate goal of the company.  
Taking the cultural importance of diverse communities wherever they go, Farm Frites is dedicated to serving its people with the best taste and look of their fries. 
Cultivating over 10 varieties of potatoes from their farms around the world, the business manufactures and processes around 80 diverse types and kinds of potato dishes, with complete recipes provided for some of them on the official website. 
Vision Statement – “Growing together, from potatoes to happy faces.”
Having a workforce that has most employees already well-versed in potato cultivation, agriculture, and sustainable farming practices, ensures that the vegetable is being grown in the right and skillful hands for a delicious farm-to-fork experience. 
In sustainable farming and agriculture, Farm Frites adopts tools and resources for better caring and cultivating of their farms. 
Tools like Agro ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are used and managing experts are called on-field to make important decisions for and in the said farming practices.  Intending to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and over-consumption of natural resources, Farm Frites joins hands with the world for greener futures by sustainably making use of renewable energy like – Wind, Hydro, Bio-Energy, and Solar. Maintaining good soil health, potato cultivation is known as the ‘greenest crops’ for being one of the top best in water management. Minimal plastics used in their packaging and distribution also are one of the strategies and actions used by the enterprise in its packing solutions journey toward a better tomorrow, delivering tasty fries sustainably.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/gerrit-de-bruijne-sustainable-potatoes-from-farm-to-fork/
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emeaentrepreneur · 7 months
Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change in Socio-Economy of Business
The popular news and major issue of concern is our Earth and its environment. The adverse consequences that are faced by us for years together now due to our man-made actions are, the dangerous and impacting effects we see from the steep rise in Global warming and Climatic Changes in the environment.
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Global warming and Climatic Changes are set to be a huge and dangerous rollercoaster ride for all of us until we get some positive work and improvement done in climate mitigation efforts and sustainable business practices.  
Due to these apocalyptic effects of Earth’s Global Warming and Climatic Changes, there is one aspect and sector of the world that is impacted along with the population in all countries – the Business Economy. 
Therefore in this article, we shall be discussing on the various ways in which Global Warming and Climatic Changes are affecting the Business Economy in Europe. 
What is Global Warming and Climatic Change?
Global Warming is the effect and phenomenon that is seen when all of the heat from the sun as well as the harmful Greenhouse Gases produced, gets trapped under the atmosphere of the Earth. This increases the temperatures from comfortable to uncontrollable and unbearable levels for inhabitants. 
Climatic Changes are the effects and impacts seen all around the Earth, regarding the weather conditions such as – temperature, wind patterns, and precipitation levels. Adverse and abnormal changes in weather conditions pave the way for climatic changes to take place. This too is triggered and caused mostly by man-made actions and can last for a very long time. 
For more interesting insights and reads, visit The Europe Entrepreneur. 
Socio-Economic Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change:
The effects and impacts that we undergo as inhabitants and occupants of Earth due to the consequences of our actions are just dangerous. 
Be it as a society and community, as an economy, and as living beings, Global Warming and Climate Changes can also alter and bring changes to – our food quality and quantity, work, housing and infrastructure, man-made innovations, natural resources, biodiversity, health, safety, and work. 
In the Socio-Economy, the population on Earth is extremely and negatively affected in the following ways. 
Supply Chains – changes and abnormal climate and weather conditions can interfere with businesses in transportation and supply chains, consequentially impacting their operations and management. The Productivity of the working population can be affected in carrying out their daily activities and duties during severe weather conditions. 
Economy Growth can be affected if interruptions occur in business outcomes, revenue generation, operations, management, services, products, employability, and labor. Inflations can very much affect the population regarding real estate purchases, food, fuel, etcetera. 
The Population of lower income and vulnerable areas can seriously succumb to worse conditions over their already existing issues. 
In Europe, there were many debts faced in the economy due to the extreme and adverse Global warming and Climate Change phenomena. Estimations of around 560 Billion Euros from the late 90s to just over three years ago, and 145 Billion Euros in just the last 10 years alone, were lost.
Droughts extremely affect crops, agriculture, natural resource supplies, and the food industries in production rates. The supply of raw materials such as – Critical Raw Materials of Lithium, also affects the economy in their rapidly depleting and scarce supply levels. 
The Tourism and Hospitality Industry operations in Europe are interrupted by sudden changes to weather conditions as well which would bring down the overall economy that keeps the market afloat. Additionally, there are pitfalls and dangers that businesses will face if they do not follow and adhere to strict governmental laws, policies, and regulations enforced regarding Global and Climatic Changes. 
What now?
To combat these issues and concerns that revolve around Global Warming and Climate Change, which surely would stay around for a few more years, the dire need would be to adopt, establish, implement, and encourage the continuous use of certain strategies, especially with the inclusion of clean technology innovations alongside the combined efforts by everyone around the world, together as one people. 
To Conclude:
To the inevitable consequences that will have to be faced, certain strategies are enforced by the Government of Europe. The European Commission in early 2021 established the EU Adaptation Strategy, in response to the growing and rapidly increasing rates of global weather changes that are impacting daily life and biodiversity, by Green Marketing Strategies and Climate Risk Management actions. Urban adaptation actions and environmental solutions such as – Carbon Footprint Reduction, and Renewable Energy Investment, have been established and implemented. Other options such as transitioning to a net-zero future can be beneficial.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/effects-of-global-warming-and-climate-change-in-socio-economy-of-business/
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emeaentrepreneur · 7 months
Erwin Buckers: Redefining the Real Estate Industry with Chainels
How many people have had to come together, discuss all of the issues at hand, and plan to approach their landlords to fix a meeting or request that their issues be resolved immediately? 
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How many people have had to call, text, or email their landlord beforehand to fix meetings or to just contact and communicate about an issue, or query? Confidently – all of us, for sure! 
How many landlords have had to try reaching out to the almost always unavailable and busy tenants about an issue, update, query, and feedback? How many landlords have had to call, text, email, and go further in putting up notices and sending letters by post for anything? 
Surely, at some point in time, this was the norm and the only way to reach out and communicate with someone. 
When the advancements in the use of real estate technology, reaching out to one another to communicate and establish online collaboration became easy and efficient. 
There could’ve been social media groups that would’ve been specifically made with all the tenants and their landlord added to make communications effective with one another. 
But when integrating the features and contributions of Artificial Intelligence with operations and communications, companies and organizations can better improve their digital strategies with platforms that give them what they need and require all from one place. 
An effective yet efficient, user-friendly, and environmentally sustainable platform that solves and answers all queries, feedback, doubts, information, and communication preferences, will always be liked and preferred more than any other services and products that a simple social media application like WhatsApp lacks to provide. 
As the saying goes, “Modern problems require modern solutions.” This idea helps agents and landlords in their journey of comfortably and seamlessly navigating the real estate industry with a modern touch of digital transformation. 
Therefore in this article, we will explore and discuss the fascinating journey and story of an entrepreneur – Erwin Buckers who co-founded and led a platform that provides landlords and their tenants with an all-in-one solutions app – ‘Chainels’, that aims to improve and strengthen communications and better relationships.  
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Erwin Buckers – CEO and Co-Founder:
The Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Chainels is – Erwin Buckers. Having a degree and master’s in Computer Science and Information Architecture, Erwin Buckers founded the company alongside another co-founder named – Sander Verseput who is the COO and CFO. 
These young minds came together at the Delft University of Technology where they integrated and shared their passions and ideas for a better future and started their long and fascinating journey together. 
Vision Statement – “To make living and working in your properties a joyful and sustainable experience.”
Initially, Erwin Buckers and his colleague came up with a business idea that they wanted to start and grow. The idea started in November 2011 and quickly blossomed into a successful start-up business by 2013 and was established in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Europe.  
From their 1st shopping center customer launch in 2015 to their 1st office customer launch in 2018, and from their 1st mixed-use customer launch in 2019 to their 1st residential customer launch in 2022, the co-founders along with their active, fun, young, ec-friendly loving, and thriving workforce have successfully established Chainels in 17 countries across the globe. 
About Chainels:
Chainels is an all-in-1 solutions application, designed and developed to bridge the easy communications and engagements between landlords and their tenants. The start-up provides its services and platform for seamless and comfortable use for Retail and Commercial Real Estate, as well as for Office, Residential, and Mixed-Use.
Chainels bring all the members, occupants, and tenants of a building and space, as well as other stakeholders such as – landlords, investors, owners, locals, local officials, operators, and developers, to establish happy and satisfied community engagement.
An innovation in real estate, this digital transformation strategy by the start-up contributes solely towards providing an optimized tenant experience. 
Mission Statement – “To build the most comprehensive tenant experience app, connecting everyone working and living in properties with its workflows and systems in place.”
Be it collecting and monitoring KPIs, Chatboxes, Raising Tickets, Submitting Requests, Organizing Events and Planners, Analyzing Data Metrics, Tenant Performance, as well as Informing of Amenities, Perks, and Benefits provided, Chainels – “help create engaging, sustainable, and safe environments that enhance communication and stimulate tenant retention.” 
In the form of communicating, informing, collecting feedback, collaborating, and engaging, the company is reshaping the real estate industry triumphantly in value and efficiency. 
To Conclude:
In the real estate industry, Chainels has succeeded in gaining recognition on a global scale and is still actively running its operations to date. Launched the company in 2013 by Erwin Buckers and his colleague in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Europe, the best of smart building technology is here! As of the beginning of last year – 2023, Chainels has accomplished one of its prominent and impactful milestones in achieving a 3 Million Euro – Series A investment to gain a better reach and brand equity. Having operations in 500+ communities of 100+ cities in Europe and South America, Chainels is an all-in-1 digital solutions app that helps connect and engage with all stakeholders of a community.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/erwin-buckers-redefining-the-real-estate-industry-with-chainels/
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emeaentrepreneur · 7 months
The Importance of Team-Building and Encouraging Collaborative Mindsets
The various goals that businesses and organizations around the world would work hard to achieve and accomplish as their essential principles and values, can revolve around – trust, culture, effective communication, strength, bonding, collaborating, competing, encouraging, innovating, creating, providing, giving back, attracting, engaging, retaining, problem-solving, improving, etcetera. 
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This concept is known as Team Building and it paves the way for creating and forming an integral culture of an organization, management, and team. Collaborative mindsets in the Team-Building concept is an essentiality that helps the employees in the team and the overall management to work together towards reaching and achieving common goals. 
The concept of Team-Building is a process that is continuous and always in play. The various techniques and strategies seen while implementing this Team-Building Concept in organizations will be discussed in the below article, in conjunction with how a collaborative mindset is highly encouraged.
What is the Concept and Strategy of Team-Building?
The concept of team-building in simple words, implies that it is a continuous process that is always in motion wherein certain techniques, strategies, and steps are taken in building strong teams to develop and enhance employee relationships with one another. 
This is done to increase and improve the team’s efficiency, performance, and productivity, as a whole, which will in turn further improve the overall management and operations of the company and business. 
The Team-Building concept lays the foundational stones for developing and improving – Communication, Teamwork, Collaboration, Leadership Skills, Brainstorming Sessions, Team Dynamics, Inspiring Ideas, Creative and Innovative Approaches, Forming Trust, Individual, and Supporting and Problem-Solving, etcetera. 
To implement any concept, strategy, and method in any organizational culture and management, there is always a step-by-step process involved. 
Visit The Europe Entrepreneur for more interesting reads on diverse topics.
Techniques and Strategies of Team Building:
The 4 types of Team-Building techniques that are used by organizational leaders when initiating the implementation of the concept are as follows. Personality-Based, Activity-Based, Skills-Based, and Problem-Solving Based. 
Accordingly, the management will choose their choice of implementation methods in the form of Best Practices and Important Steps. 
Best Practices – best practices are essential methods and actions adopted by the leaders in an organization for implementing any strategy, concept, and policy in business management for developments and improvements required in Team-Building. 
Some of the various methods that organizational leaders can encourage while enforcing Team-Building are as follows. Creating and establishing a safe space for employees and team members so that inclusivity and rapport are built. Recognizing and acknowledging the skills and talents of individual team members as and when they showcase their effort in work and projects. 
Applauding and commending all the achievements and goals accomplished by individual team members as well as by the whole team together. Establishing visions and missions that are communicated and explained so that a shared goal and purpose is formed to be worked towards. Rewarding team members by sponsoring team outings, and holding fun activities regularly for a good break between projects and tasks. 
Important Steps – when implementing strategies, the importance of teamwork must be focused on so that the steps can be effectively carried out with a clear-cut vision. The full involvement, engagement, and participation of the team members is a very crucial step. Team dynamics and communications get better with constant improvement when all members of the team are present. 
Establishing achievable goals and expectations such as SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based) can be implemented so that work duties and processes are accomplished faster and with successful outcomes.
Utilization of digital transformations in the business and organization paves the way for brighter futures, hence working closely together and sharing individual ideas and collaborating on them are bound to be very efficient. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) can be used in monitoring and assessing the developments made by the team as a whole. 
Strategies – some of the team-building strategies that are adopted and implemented in the management by organizational leaders for team members are as follows.  
Peacebuilding, Problem-solving, Establishing specific goals and expectations, Providing and collecting feedback, Collaborating, Brainstorming, Listening, Creating, Acknowledging, Applauding, Trusting, Investing time and effort, Sponsoring and organizing activities and events, encouraging, Supporting, Leading, Including, and Communicating. 
To Conclude:
The importance of team-building and its strategies play a very integral and essential role in improving the overall efficiency of the team so that developments in their productivity, performance, communications, and collaboration are increased. Learning and understanding the concept of team-building and the use of strategic implementations is beneficial for the organization’s growth and reputation. This concept also encourages as well as fosters the need for collaborative mindsets and how learning to work together towards a common purpose and goal can bring wonders.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/the-importance-of-team-building-and-encouraging-collaborative-mindsets/
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