ems-smoll-sanctuary · 7 months
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{Quotes:Nitya prakash/Richard siken ,crush}
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top surgery tip 1)
get yourself used to sleeping on your back (and possibly elevated depending on your surgeon) BEFORE surgery.
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This is so real 😭
having a normal one on good omens ao3 rn
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oh yeah, with the new size limit for .gifs this thing can finally be posted
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Conversation with a Native Son: Maya Angelou and James Baldwin
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This meme is inescapable on French insta so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
Oh boy I can't wait to log into discord and see what my friends were up to while I was asle-
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
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MAJOR UPDATE: I’ve replaced all the pages with freshly revised/proofread ones that will be used for the physical comic. This will be applied to other parts of the comic once im done revising them.
So here is a short comic i’ve been working for 3 weeks, about old wounds and untold secrets between those fools.
I also have this headcanon that angels would cry blood when they’re emotionally distressed (and considering how many eyes Zira has, oh boy…)
I’m sorry if there’s anywhere that looks unpolished, has weird dialog or just overall not good, I apologize. I tried my best.
I’m not sure about making a continuation of this (potentially nsfw or sth if the last page means anything) , maybe it’s up to you guys to decide if its even acceptable or anything.
Tagging @mymultifandomhell @echosilverwolf @rubyjones1332 @just-katsumi @witchingwhovian because you guys asked me to!
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
The Stone Rose, featuring: Rose’s Very Human Mouth
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It brings me great pleasure to see Rose Tyler returned to her normal squishy state. Let’s see what she and the Doctor are up to, now that she’s mobile once more…
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1. “Friend” and “lost without her”
Every time he describes Rose as his friend, a weeping angel loses her wings. On the bright side, this little moment is genuinely adorable.
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2. “Minerva-gram”
They’re gonna roleplay with her as Minerva in bed later, I just know it. Like, I love that he’s fully into the aesthetics of “Rose, Goddess of War.” That’s the feminism I need.
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3. Crying Rose, owwww!!
This is some Romeo and Juliet shit, like… damn. Only we know Rose, and she is gonna HANDLE this situation, because she’s a badass.
Poor baby, though, it’s all gonna be fine!! Maybe if you kiss him, he’ll transform back? Just a thought.
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Rose wishing for chips is the most relatable part of this story so far. The vivid description of the “fat golden chips” is the icing on the cake - or the extra sprinkling of vinegar on the chips??? Whatever. “At least I won’t starve”?! Wow. We stan.
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5. “So, I die twice. Typical imperial overkill.”
Rose may not have A-levels, but she has class consciousness, and that’s worth infinitely more.
Also, this bit plays out very much like something on the show, to the point that I can visualize it super clearly.
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“Gratitude and joy”?? Yeah, that and universe-changing love!!! This is it!! This is love, folks!!! Also, “intense brown eyes”?? ROSE, YOU BESOTTED, LOVESTRUCK FOOL. YOU ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS LITTLE IDIOT. YOU LOVE HIM!!!!
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Unspeakable pleasure at being alive?? “Wotcha”?? “My imagination’s not that good”?? Him complimenting her on hella handling this situation?? Her making him feel needed again?? ALL ARE SO GOOD. SO GOOD. I’m a ball of emotion, wrapped in a blanket of shippy goop.
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7. Shit is gonna go down.
Gimme scary, vengeful Doctor. Gimme.
The final installment of my read-through of The Stone Rose will probably come tonight!
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
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We stan!!!!
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chaotic good
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
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I couldn’t sleep until I drew this
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
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2008 // 2023
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
“And anyway, they like holding hands”
Hi Mr. Gaiman! A question suddenly popped into my mind, and it's not making me sleep at all! In the Good Omens TV show, you added the final twist about the bodyswap. But is it really a bodyswap? How come when they shake hands to swap back, we see an external change? If the outward apparence is the one that changes, wouldn't that indicate that Aziraphale simply took Crowley's appearance, and Crowley took Aziraphale's? Because if Crowley and Aziraphale truly swapped bodies, the real change would be just internal and not visible to the eye, so swapping back wouldn't be truly visible. Does this make sense? Am I overthinking stuff? (I probably am)
It wasn't a body swap. It was an appearance swap.
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ems-smoll-sanctuary · 2 years
hello !! i hope you’re well !! I’m looking for a fic where crowley comforts aziraphale in some way? thank you !!
Hey! I have some comforting Crowley fics for you...
Bless This Water, Curse This Flame by elwinglyre (E)
“What’s it like to know your love is more dangerous than Holy Water?” That's the question posed to Crowley. After demons nail poor Aziraphale by his wings above Crowley's door, what can he do but walk away to keep his friend safe? Crowley decides there must be a way to be together. Despite the danger, neither of them can let go of their friendship. With both Heaven and Hell against them, Crowley enlists Aziraphale’s help with a plan. How will they harness the power of love and break the curse?
Guilt by lalaland666 (T)
Aziraphale is used to being the shoulder that others cry on. He does not need help. He does not need comfort. He has done far, far too much wrong to deserve such things. And he’s fine, really. There’s absolutely nothing wrong. He is perfectly alright.
Until, one day, he isn’t, and six thousand years’ worth of guilt and shame and fear spill out before he can stop them.
Good thing Crowley’s there to help.
I’ll Be There by retiredseraph (T)
The angel’s face was entirely expressionless except for a very small, almost imperceptible pulling together of his brows. He wasn’t looking at Crowley, just forwards and towards the ground, focused on nothing in particular. “Oh, angel…” Crowley said softly, slightly sadly
While sorting through old letters from, Aziraphale stumbled upon some old assignment letters from Heaven, which reminds him of all the times he’s fallen short. The reaction this leads to is unexpected, but Crowley takes care of him until it passes.
Astraphobia by Starlight_fallen (NR)
So where does my mind go to when it storms horribly? Well it goes to ‘What if Aziraphale is terrified of storms himself? What if he has PTSD from the Flood and the thunder and lightning terrify him too?’ So you get this!
It's raining in London, which isn't new, however this storm is going to reveal more than was expected.
Baptism by Aethelflaed (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley thought they were free, but Heaven calls their wayward angel back to get the last word.
After being humiliated and robbed of everything that matters, Aziraphale seeks out Crowley and the one place he will always belong. -- “I just...don’t know what to do anymore. I thought I finally could...make my own life.” Aziraphale looked down at his fingers, resting on the bed between them. No ring. Would he ever get used to that? “And they come along to remind me. That they’re in control. That they can still hurt me, still take away everything I have. Still leave me feeling so weak and alone.”
Letting Go by AZFell_Ineffable (G)
An exploration of how Aziraphale might see himself in the context of his relationships with Heaven and Crowley, and how Crowley reacts when he finds out.
Inspired by the writing style of racketghost's Strange Moon series, which I currently hold in the highest esteem because of how effing BEAUTIFUL it is. Trying to break some writing rules to create something special - hope I succeeded!
- Mod D
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