epicfaceness · 2 months
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He's such a tease! 🇺🇲
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epicfaceness · 7 months
3 am fictional burp story
It was nearing the end of 7th period. Class was almost over and Kent could finally go home. He’s always been a shy boy, ever since he figured out he’s gay things have been confusing. Suddenly he’s attracted to this guy and that guy but never has the confidence to talk to them. Though he can get away from it all as soon as that bell rings to signal class is over. A few minutes before the bell however the intercom comes on, and it asks for Kent to the office. He’s worried sick to his stomach. 
“What could be so important 5 minutes before we could leave?” He thought to himself.
 As he nervously walked into the office he sees his physics teacher and principal sitting in-front of an empty chair. Clearly waiting for him he took a gulp and sat down. He was intimidated not by the presence of his principal but the large and prominent figure of his Physics teacher, Mr. Smith. He was a large man, arms like bull and legs that looked like they could crush watermelons. 
Not to mention his huge pecs, “He could probably snap me like a twig!” Kent thought horrified.
 Kent himself was just short of a twink, he tried to keep a sort of muscular build but mostly has a good waist. Still he looks tiny compared to Mr. Smith. Snapping back to reality, 
Kent finally asks “Why am I in here?”
 He accidentally lets a voice crack out. The principal responds with a stern and powerful tone 
“You’re just about failing Physics young man, you’re going to have to stay after school with Mr. Smith every day till you bring up your grade.”
 Kent was shocked by the news, his heart rate sped up a bit and he wondered why he was failing, to Kent, he always took good notes and paid attention.  However the decision was set by the principal and nothing could be done. Kent gave a light glance to Mr. Smith, who only had a light smirk on his face. He gets up from his chair, thanks the principal and signals to Kent to follow him. Kent obeys and follows him to the classroom, where Kent will be spending an hour almost every day after school. Though it isn’t all bad, while following Mr. Smith, Kent got to have a full view of Mr. Smith’s extraordinarily large rear. It almost made up for how scary he looked to a small guy like Kent. Once they arrived Mr. Smith simply sat down in his chair and put his feet up on his desk, telling Kent in a loud strong voice, 
“Sit down wherever you’d like.” 
Kent, feeling almost compelled to sit down, took the desk closest to Mr. Smith’s desk. They both sat there quietly until a loud grumble shattered the silence and almost scared the life out of Kent. 
“Was that y-you?” Kent asked, as to him that sound was monstrous. 
“Yep, must be about time for a snack…”
 Mr. Smith shifts his feet off the desk to Kent’s dismay. He reaches towards a small mini fridge underneath his desk, it’s stocked with various drinks, yet he pulls out something particular. Mr. Smith brings out a huge container of something and sets it on his desk, it makes an audible thud as he does.
 Kent getting a better look at the label asks “Milk?”.
 Mr. Smith responds confidently “Oh yeah, gotta keep these muscles fueled.”
 he ends his boast with a small flex, his monstrous arms nearly bursting out of his dress shirt. Kent watches as Mr. Smith sits up and starts to drink. He watches the first few gulps take almost a third of the milk, yet Mr. Smith seems to not even be phased by this. Kent watches in amazement as the milk continues to disappear, Mr. Smith’s large throat bobbing up and down rhythmically with each gulp, and the loud emanating sounds come with each motion. He finally finishes the milk, crushing the huge container with his fist and squinting for a moment, he pats his chest and puffs up his cheeks. Mr. Smith lets out a long and wet 
Letting out a big sigh after. His dress shirt was just about ready to give way for his now milk bloated gut, and he was grunting and licking his lips, all while patting his stomach. Kent was in utter shock and amazement, his blush very clearly showing on his face he didn’t even know what to say. 
After a bit of gawking he mutters “e-excuse you.”
 This makes Mr. Smith laugh and scoot his chair out from behind his desk, revealing to Kent his belly, ready to break free from the tight shirt. Mr. Smith pushes back his straight, brown, hair and asks 
“Why don’t ya c’mere, I got a special assignment for ya.” 
Kent agrees and walks over to the large intimidating man, he’s never been this close before. Almost out of instinct he reaches a hand out to Mr. Smith’s belly and rubs it a bit. He looks at the teacher for a response , yet he doesn’t seem phased. 
Kent musters the courage to ask “C-can I unbutton your shirt sir…” he asks with a clear blush on his face. 
Mr. Smith smirks and responds “Go right ahead, just don’t bite off more than you can handle.” 
He ends his sentence with a wink and Kent gets even more red. With the confirmation, Kent meticulously unbuttons each and every one of Mr. Smith’s shirt, each one freeing more and more. 
Mr. Smith sighs “Thank you, I needed that, now why don’t you get to work there boy.” 
He said in a sly tone. Kent did as he was told and started to rub the bloated gut, his chest and belly was a lot hairier than Kent expected but it only made him blush more. With every couple of rubs Mr. Smith would let out a vicious 
Eventually after a bit of rubbing, Mr. Smith decided he would do something different. 
“Stay right there.” He said to Kent, knowing he’d obey.
 Mr. Smith went back to the mini fridge and found a second container of milk. The second Kent saw it he knew what was about to happen and was eagerly awaiting it. Mr. Smith once again chugged down the large milk container within seconds, letting out a huge guttural 
His gut nearly doubled in size, almost to that of a soccer ball. Kent never thought someone could even have a gut this big… and he loved it. Mr. Smith was clearly ready to let loose as he was undoing his belt, even telling Kent 
“Lay down on the floor kid.” 
Kent eagerly obeyed and waited for Mr. Smith to make his move, he watched his huge hairy gut from below and not even his pants couldn’t hide his excitement. Mr. Smith walks over and squats down, he then starts to lay down, right on top of Kent. He’s a lot bigger than Kent and so his huge gut almost enveloped Kent’s entire torso, leaving Kent pinned, with their faces matching up perfectly in position. Mr. Smith smirks at Kent and says 
“You know Kent, I haven’t been able to do this in a few years, the principal said you’re with me till you pass this class. So looks like you’re gonna be stuck with me a while. And speaking of being stuck, how’s it feel under my big gut huh?”
 Mr. Smith was interrupted by a loud grumbling from his stomach, they both knew what was to come. “Hell yeah now the show’s starting” Mr. Smith said with joy. Kent listened with a sort of fear mixed with infatuation as he waited for the torture awaiting him. 
Mr. Smith had gotten extremely close to Kent’s face and let out a rumbling 9 second burp. Bits of spit landed on Kent as the terrible gas filled his nose, he’d never smelled something so terrible. “Mmm… s-stop” the boy whimpered. “What was that? You want more?” Mr. Smith laughed as he rubbed his gut trying to stir up more gas. 
He releases 3 consecutive burps onto Kent’s face, the boy is writhing from the smell but still likes what’s being done do him. He puts his hands on Mr. Smith’s rumbling gut and whimpers 
“More… please sir”
Mr. Smith decides he wants to tease Kent a bit and sits up, still pinning him under the weight of his huge legs but holding Kent’s arms away so he can’t feel his belly. 
“What’s that?”
“You’re gonna have to tell me what you want now boy.”
He lets out burps into the room and away from Kent, who furiously tries to get him to stop. He struggles and blushes hard, his pants are stained from how horny this whole ordeal has made him at this point and he can only ask for more. 
“P-please sir, I want more of your burps…”
Mr. Smith immediately shoots back down to his original position, crushing Kent under his belly once more, sucking in a bit of air and pinning his hands to the floor.
Mr. Smith sighed, the burp was long and powerful and left Kent a heaving mess. It’s like each burp was just making him hornier, and the same could be said for Mr. Smith. This escapade of burps and horny pleas continue until they’re both out of breath. By now Mr. Smith has digested most of the milk and his usual semi bloated abs came back. As for Kent he was a sweaty mess, heaving and wishing it would’ve been longer. 
“Could we do this again sir?” Kent asked with a light blush
“Sure kid, but you’re paying for all the milk alright? Oh and one more thing before ya leave.” 
Mr. Smith gets back onto Kent quickly, this time with his ass directly on top of Kent’s face. He grunts and lets out a loud and wet fart
He sighs and says to Kent, still dazed from the bombardment of one of the worst things he’d ever smelled. Once Kent regained his composure he could only think about the smell and how much he wanted more of Mr. Smith.
“Don’t let me drink milk kid, gets me way to gassy, or do, and enjoy the consequences.” 
The man buttons his shirt back and heads out of the room, leaving Kent to await their next meeting. 
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epicfaceness · 9 months
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epicfaceness · 1 year
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epicfaceness · 1 year
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epicfaceness · 1 year
So sweet🥰
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epicfaceness · 1 year
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epicfaceness · 1 year
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epicfaceness · 1 year
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Commission I finally got done! Beowulf macro pic.~
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epicfaceness · 2 years
I just love it when good looking guys get fat.
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