equitatus · 2 years
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Hey, fancy joining me at the tavern for a bit?
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equitatus · 2 years
Happy Birthday Kaeya!❄️
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equitatus · 2 years
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U can't change my mind
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equitatus · 2 years
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This moment will be frozen in time ❄️
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equitatus · 2 years
hey don’t cry. press and hold the A button while jumping and you’ll be able to fly short distances. this is called gliding
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equitatus · 2 years
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❝ Pfhh.. What a serious man you are. ❞ An easy smile paints over the cavalry captain's lips as he reclines his back against his seat and lifts a leg to rest over his knee, lazily staring at Theodore's visible little morality struggle from his position. Now just you look at him go… Wasn't he just taking things a little too seriously? In all truth, as much as he wanted to keep toying and waltzing around with Theo's temperament, part of him was perhaps a little too well aware of both of their peculiar timing, and how... Oddly honoring it felt to be sitting next to the other, or better said. of being a witness to another's weaker more vulnerable side, of perceiving a truly unfiltered version of the introverted and timid librarian he knew.
In other words, he didn't take his position for granted despite how it fell under a rather entertaining slot, and thus, Kaeya leans forward once again, elbows resting over his knees as he laces his own fingers against each other. ❝ Come on, lend me a little favor and make me happy. I'll be owing you one if you drink half of this soup, how about that? ❞
ㅤㅤTHEODORE'S eyes had been dutifully trained on the metal spoon that the knight had been circling the edge of the bowl ( perhaps out of pure fixation as his hazy mind was struggling to focus on anything else ) but when a hand came to tuck some loose hair behind his ear, he blinked and lazily glanced up to meet Kaeya's ( for some reason ) amused expression. Almost as if he were a child retaliating, he shook his head to let the strands fall back in place and pouted. " ... If the universe was a bowl of chicken soup then it would just be a circle without the hole in it ! Oh ... but a bowl is like a half circle and then the world would be the chicken soup ... wouldn't I destroy the world if I ate it ? "
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equitatus · 2 years
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/ What if I hypothetically sent Kaeya to poke at your muses-
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equitatus · 2 years
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Franny Choi, from “Catastrophe is Next to Godliness”
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equitatus · 2 years
Why have mixed feelings when you can have mixed drinks
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equitatus · 2 years
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/ when whenen nwhen when k.aeya's hands-
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equitatus · 2 years
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❝ Hmhm .....~ ❞ With a hand resting against his cheek, Kaeya lightly hums, entertained by the sick librarian's thoughts as he comes to stop circling the edge of the bowl of soup sitting in front of him with the tip of the metal spoon he was holding in his left hand. It is then with his now-free left hand that he tucks one of the loose strands of Theo's hair behind his ear before calmly retreating it once again as he allows for a chuckle to slip past his lips. ❝ But then― what if the universe was in the shape of a bowl of chicken soup? would you eat it then? ❞
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ㅤㅤ" IMAGINE .... the universe was in the shape of a big doughnut so when we eat a doughnut, aren't we in a sense eating the reflection of the universe ? " He's sleep deprived don't listen to him.
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equitatus · 2 years
EN kaeya animation again bc.. him……
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equitatus · 2 years
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@eraba-reta-unmei said ; ❝  sorry.  looks  like  you’re  involved.  ❞ / ❥         𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐋'𝐒      𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆      𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄
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❝ Hoh― Already making this a transactional relationship? hahaha~ I see, I see. ❞ With a light chuckle slipping past his lips, a wry little smirk follows by as the captain lightly rests the side of his head against the wall he's been slouching his shoulder against. His arms remain crossed over his chest as he observes Miya, only leaning down the slightest bit as to properly listen to her explanations and mentally pinpoint to himself her mannerisms. Like this, Kaeya leaves her to do the speaking, only allowing himself to hum here and there as to let her know that he was truly listening to her, or rather said; recollecting every piece of information she was presenting him from her end.
❝ Don't get me wrong, I see no drawbacks to this. ❞ his arms are now raised in frankness, almost like how a bandit would do upon getting caught and having no choice but to cooperate with its lawful counterpart. ❝ However― ; If this is how it'll be, then how about we make this profitable for us both then? You say I am involved, yet what actual proof do you have of this? I could easily decide to leave at any given moment if it were in my interests; however, surely you know I am not like that. ❞ No, because this matter precisely fell under two categories that were part of Kaeya's utmost concerns.
One; how interesting said concern was to him and two....
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❝ You will have my undivided cooperation here, but in exchange, there are a couple of matters about this case that I would require your valiant assistance in helping me wrap my hands around. Worry not Miya, these will impose no danger on you, and even if they did, then you will have solid evidence to incriminate me. Sounds rather reasonable, doesn't it? ❞
―Now if only she knew he's been involved in this matter since the very start.
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equitatus · 2 years
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" (...) He is surprisingly popular among the elderly of M.ondstadt, even earning himself the title of 'top candidate for grandson-in-law.' "
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equitatus · 2 years
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kaeya n the generic white blouse
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equitatus · 2 years
❥         𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐋'𝐒      𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆      𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄     (    ₂₀₀₅   )     ﹔please  do  not  add  to  the  post.  you  may  adjust  any  pronouns  as  needed.
❝  there  you  are,  sweetheart.  sorry  i’m  late.  i  was  looking  everywhere  for  you.  ❞
❝  where  to ?  i’ll  be  your  escort  this  evening.  ❞
❝  don’t  get  alarmed,  i’m  being  followed.  act  normal.  ❞
❝  sorry.  looks  like  you’re  involved.  ❞
❝  see ?  not  so  hard,  is  it ?  ❞
❝  that’s  my  girl.  ❞
❝  so  that  did  happen.  it  wasn’t  a  dream.  ❞
❝  of  course  he  did.  he  was  trying  to  steal  your  heart !  ❞
❝  you  need  to  be  more  careful.  it’s  dangerous  out  there.  ❞
❝  i’m  not  asking  what  they  would  have  wanted.  i  want  to  know  what  you  want.  ❞
❝  it’s  your  life.  do  something  for  yourself  for  once,  will  you ?  ❞
❝  you’re  by  far  the  tackiest  thing  here.  ❞
❝  the  best  part  of  that  spell  is  you  can’t  tell  anyone  about  it.  ❞
❝  what  do  you  think ?  it’s  all  the  rage  in  kingsbury.  ❞
❝  you  can’t  stay  here  like  this  for  long.  ❞
❝  there’s  nothing  but  witches  and  wizards  out  there !  ❞
❝  i’ve  always  hated  turnips,  ever  since  i  was  little.  ❞
❝  i’ve  had  more  than  enough  of  witches  and  spells.  ❞
❝  you  turnip-head !  ❞
❝  look  at  that.  they  call  this  a  castle ?  ❞
❝  make  up  your  mind.  are  you  gonna  let  me  in  or  not ?  ❞
❝  i  don’t  envy  you.  that  is  one  bad  curse.  ❞
❝  you  promise  to  help  me  if  i  help  you ?  ❞
❝  come  on !  you  should  feel  sorry  for  me.❞
❝  what  do  you  think  you’re  doing  here ?  ❞
❝  keep  quiet  and  don’t  cause  any  trouble.  ❞
❝  i  need  some  breakfast.  i’m  starved.  ❞
❝  i’m  not  taking  any  orders  from  you.  ❞
❝  i  don’t  cook !  ❞
❝  i  never  should  have  let  you  in  here !  ❞
❝  here’s  another  curse:  may  all  your  bacon  burn.  ❞
❝  who’s  side  are  you  on,  anyway ?  ❞
❝  you’re  being  so  obedient.  ❞
❝  wait  a  second,  you’re  all  gonna  eat  while  i  do  all  the  work ?!  ❞
❝  even  the  manners  are  a  mess  in  this  house.  ❞
❝  that  is  ancient  sorcery.  and  quite  powerful,  too.  ❞
❝  i’d  appreciate  it  if  you  didn’t  torment  my  friend.  ❞
❝  oh,  be  quiet.  you’re  alright.  ❞
❝  i  like  your  spark !  ❞
❝  what ?!  not  again …  ❞
❝  i’ve  seen  all  that  i  can  take.  ❞
❝  you  sabotaged  me !  look !  ❞
❝  now  i’m  repulsive.  i  can’t  live  like  this.  ❞
❝  i  saw  him  do  this  once  before  when  a  girl  dumped  him.  ❞
❝  i’ve  never  once  been  beautiful  in  my  entire  life !  ❞
❝  i  am  such  a  big  coward,  all  i  do  is  hide.  ❞
❝  you  obviously  don’t  know  what  these  people  are  like.  ❞
❝  you’re  wearing  that  hat ?  after  all  the  magic  i  used  to  make  your  dress  pretty ?  ❞
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equitatus · 2 years
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our only hope
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