erinisfruity · 2 years
*the marauders talking about being animagi*
sirius: see you guys are just never gonna understand how painful being a dog is. the claws and the fur shedding and the- @erinisfruity
james: sirius
sirius: -stupid tail and the urge to howl at everything and-
james: SIRIUS
remus: *standing in the corner of the room*
sirius: oh
remus: yeah i can’t imagine what that must feel like
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erinisfruity · 3 years
mcgonagall: im guessing it was you four who splattered fake blood all over the charms classroom walls and scared off the first years?
remus: no- never-
james: US? we would never commit such a sin!
peter: *going bright red* @erinisfruity
sirius: ACTUALLY it was a potions classroo-
remus: *slapping his hand over sirius’ mouth* SHH
mcgonagall: i’ll be seeing you all in detention at lunchtime?
james: yes professor
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erinisfruity · 3 years
hc: james was innocent before he went to hogwarts, but when he met sirius he filled him in on every inappropriate thing he knew about
fleamont: son, i think it’s about time we have this talk.
11 year old james: about what? sex? drugs?
fleamont: wha- HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT STUFF? i was going to talk to you about puberty
james: @erinisfruity
fleamont: sirius told you, didn’t he?
fleamont: that little bastard
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erinisfruity · 3 years
can we all please agree that james was a MAJOR theatre kid. i just can’t imagine him not being one of those kids who belted out broadway/west end songs in the shower and randomly slipped into dramatic monologues in conversations. and don’t get me started on him confessing his love to lily. HE WOULD GO ALL OUT. like he would probably sing some incredibly cringe song from a musical to her in the great hall at dinner, probably while standing ontop of the table with a goblet as a microphone and his glasses askew. and i have no clue why but i just KNOW his favs would be hamilton and beetlejuice. he would just unhealthily obsess over every song from them. @erinisfruity
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erinisfruity · 3 years
*james testing sirius on potions in the common room by the fireplace*
james: name one ingredient used in the luck potion on page 14 chapter 2-
sirius: rosemary extract!
james: damn you’re on fire @erinisfruity
sirius: duh i know i am
james: no seriously- you’re on fire!
sirius: haha funny my names sirius.
sirius: *looks down at his robes dipping into the fireplace* WHAT THE- IM ON FIRE WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME JAMES
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erinisfruity · 3 years
james and lily trying to have a date night:
james: wait did you lock the door?!
lily: yeah. did you turn off all the lights??
james: i think so… @erinisfruity
lily: hey we shouldn’t be worrying about these things this is a date
james: yeah you’re right
*ten minutes later*
james: shit did we leave the oven on?!
lily: maybe we should just go back home-
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erinisfruity · 3 years
remus being paranoid about exams and overstudying
sirius: moony it’s 1am and you’re STILL revising?! @erinisfruity
remus: no..
sirius: then what are all those books?
remus: uh- they’re just story books i’m reading..ive really been into charles dickens lately, heard of him?
sirius: they’re textbooks aren’t they.
remus: NO
sirius: put those away and get some rest!
remus: just one more practice essay plea-
sirius: BED. NOW.
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erinisfruity · 3 years
cute lil wolfstar headcanon/mini scenario that is actually HAPPY because this fandom is getting a bit too depressing rn
remus was the only one that was into abba, and he was obsessed with them. like- obsessed obsessed. but he respected the fact his friends didn’t like them so he never played abba when they were together. however, whenever he was up in the dorm by himself he couldn’t help but steal sirius’ record player and stick on an abba record while he studied. a simple abba study session soon turned into a little karaoke session under his breath, which soon turned into a full on dance party on his bed. jumping around messing up his bedsheets, using a quill as a pretend microphone to belt out the lyrics into, crumpling up his paperwork because he accidentally danced on top of it - this boy would have the time of his life. one stormy afternoon, remus was having his little abba session while the others had gone out to watch a quidditch match, when sirius came back unexpectedly early. of course, remus was unaware of this because he had been given an exact time by james to meet at the great hall to eat dinner altogether. when sirius climbed up the creaky stairs, he heard the faint tune of ‘dancing queen’ coming from his shared dorm, and a very remus-like voice singing along. sirius clicked open the door as quiet as he could, and peered inside, seeing an incredibly energetic remus lupin dancing ontop of his bed to his own record player. he stayed standing in the doorway watching remus jump and sing (even though he couldn’t think of anything worse than an abba song in his opinion) trying to suppress a grin forming on his face. he could have just walked in and embarrassed the dancing boy, but he didn’t want to disturb him. it meant the world to sirius to see him so happy. how could he ever forgive himself for disturbing a happy remus lupin? @erinisfruity
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erinisfruity · 3 years
lily and james in their house doing laundry
lily: AGH i can’t fit the last few shirts on the rack
james: we might have to use the door handle or something
lily: hang on, could you transform real quick??
james: uh..why? @erinisfruity
lily: just do it
james: okay *transforms into a stag*
lily: *hangs two shirts on james’ antlers*
lily: thanks! *grins*
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erinisfruity · 3 years
remus: do you think i’m a nerd?
sirius: totally
remus: oh
sirius: @erinisfruity
sirius: a very cute one may i add
james taking notes and gazing at lily: i should read more
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erinisfruity · 3 years
remus and sirius deciding on a couple name
remus: i was thinking……wolfstar *jazz hands*
sirius: oh @erinisfruity
remus: what?? what’s wrong with it? it’s perfect! wolf is me, and star is you
sirius: but i wanted to be first-
remus: seriously? what so just ‘starwolf’ then? that sounds stupid
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erinisfruity · 3 years
james: pads what the hell are you doing?
sirius packing up boxes of his stuff: i’m moving out.
james: what?! why? @erinisfruity
sirius already stepping out the door: remus slept in his own bed last night. clearly i’m not wanted here so i’m moving dorms
james: so he’s not allowed to sleep in HIS OWN bed?
sirius: no! i’m his boyfriend hes meant to sleep in mine! MY BED. OUR BED.
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erinisfruity · 3 years
james walking into the common room: you know, i’ve been thinking…
remus: @erinisfruity
sirius: ?
remus: what?
lily: …what have you been thinking james?
james already flipping through a quidditch magazine: hmm? oh did i say something??
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erinisfruity · 3 years
sirius: moony, what does being drunk feel like?
remus: ummm…basically you kinda go blurry and do stupid things, make stupid decisions, your mind goes fuzzy
sirius: oh @erinisfruity
remus: basically like becoming sirius black for a few hours
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erinisfruity · 3 years
sirius: y’know, i don’t think this whole ‘act like friends but are actually dating’ thing is going to work
remus: what?! why?? @erinisfruity
sirius: well because i don’t like the fact i have to sit across from you in the great hall everyday and watch you sip tea and be cute and hide the fact my INSIDES ARE FLIPPING INSIDE OUT AND I CANT FEEL MY TOES
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erinisfruity · 3 years
remus: let me guess, another leather jacket
sirius holding a shopping bag: yes. do you have a problem with that sir?
remus: that’s like the 6th one you’ve bought- THEYRE ALL THE SAME JACKET
sirius: ummm…no. they are all different types and thicknesses of leather
remus: i literally can’t see any difference
sirius: well there is a very clear difference to me okay? and you can’t talk, have you SEEN the amount of knitted sweaters you’ve got in your closet? @erinisfruity
sirius: that’s what i thought
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erinisfruity · 3 years
remus: pads! come here please
james: oh shit mate you’re in trouble
sirius: oh god oh god
sirius: *walks over to remus* …yeah?
remus: any idea where at least an eighth of my chocolate stash went?
sirius: uh no sorry
remus: really? @erinisfruity
sirius: yeah i’m sure
remus: …then what’s this? *wipes away the chocolate on sirius’ lip with his sleeve*
sirius: um its- it’s from-
remus: nice try love
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