erismemes · 4 years
          —        requested  by  anonymous
You shall seal the blinding light that plagues their dreams.
You are the Vessel.
May your Shade at last find rest.
Losing a battle earns you nothing and teaches you nothing.
Laughter spreads like a disease, and soon everyone is laughing at you.
When you rest, your body strengthens and repairs itself. The longer you rest, the stronger you become.
The past is painful, and thinking about your past can only bring you misery.
Think about something else instead.
Your home is where you keep your most prized possession - yourself.
You can rely on nobody, and nobody will always be loyal.
When we die, do things get better for us or worse?
Fear can only hold you back.
Once you've made a decision, carry it out and don't look back.
Facing your fears can be a tremendous effort.
If you're going to attempt something, make sure you achieve it.
Promises of love or betrothal are to be avoided especially.
The best protection? Never having a weak point in the first place.
You must constantly be alert and scrutinizing your enemy to detect their weakness!
As soon as I could, I left my birthplace and made my way out into the world
If someone opposes you, they don't deserve respect or kindness or mercy.
You'll get sick if you spend too much time in filthy places.
Let your own desires be the only law.
A mysterious force bears down on us from above, pushing us downwards.
No one has ever made a statue of you or I, so why should we pay them any attention?
When others speak, they usually lie.
If the meaning behind something is not immediately evident though, don't waste any time thinking about it. Just move on.
Strange ideas, not your own, can worm their way into your mind.
Nothing should be locked away for ever, so hold onto your keys.
If you catch a glimpse of another's desires, resist the urge to claim them as your own. It will not lead you to happiness.
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erismemes · 4 years
             —        requested  by  @savedgames
i thought this was supposed to be the most advanced security system on the planet.
we don’t have all day.
hurry up!
do you have satellite?
are you certain the target is on site?
oh, she’s here alright.
okay, you’re in.
i cannot wait until the inspection is over.
turrets are down.
i am in position.
incoming, right now.
tell me we are still on schedule.
this will ensure the future of russia.
just a little bit further.
hold the perimeter, we’ll take over.
i’m cut off, it’s on you now.
i’m all over it.
they’re getting away!
i’m working on it!
where did she go? find her!
you have no idea what it took for me to make this meeting happen.
i mean, i’m the one who set off the alarm.
okay, listen, i’m here to make a friend.
what would that do to the future of russia?
what do you want?
i’ve always wanted a friend like that.
clock’s ticking.
as if i had the choice.
i’ll be in touch.
mission failed, target escaped.
get back to the ship.
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erismemes · 4 years
           —        requested  by  anonymous
i don’t need your help.
leave me alone.
i don’t care what you say!
i’ve had enough of you.
i can do this on my own, just as i always have.
leave, it’s what you always do.
it’s not like anyone ever stays.
all you’ve ever done is prove to me that you don’t care.
just when i thought we were getting better, you showed me the truth.
once again, your true colors come to light.
just let me go!
i hope you find peace someday.
i’m sorry, i really am.
i care about you, whether you think so or not.
believe me, i understand what you’re going through.
please, let me help you.
don’t move, you’re going to hurt yourself more.
let me try and heal your pain.
i’’ll listen, if you let me.
do you need anything?
if there’s anything i can do, let me know.
just know that i’ll always be here for you.
i’m ready to talk when you are.
i wish i could take your pain away.
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erismemes · 5 years
            —        requested  by  @liddellvxndort
as  always,  change  pronouns  if  necessary !!
all the needles are falling off it and the bark is peeling.
i guess i’m more upset about it.
she is totally absorbed in her volunteer work at the clinic.
i guess it’s good that she found something she’s passionate about.
chaos reigns.
it was difficult to find the house, especially when it was already dark when we arrived.
he simply drove straight until we arrived at the house.
in the headlights, i saw an old shed off to the right of the path.
he would rather perform the exorcism away from the house.
the kids and i miss you more every day.
i think she’s getting cabin fever.
yesterday they came in with their hands covered in blood.
i think we might have a coyote problem because when i went out with them to look at the deer, it was a pretty gruesome sight.
can’t wait ‘til you come home.
our office has had difficulty identifying who was buried there.
the inscriptions on the gravestones are written in a language that we cannot identify.
i will reach out to you when i get a response from them.
you will meet our representative there and accompany him back to rome.
i felt for him. there was guilt and shame in his voice.
it is hard to describe the look on her face. it was not the kind of look a child gives you.
it really brightened my day hearing from you.
it’s what you might call a pagan religion.
he got real quiet and scared looking after that.
see you in four months!
after a few minutes, we couldn’t hear much of anything down in the basement so i went down to check on things.
she is here.
i guess i was the only one who thought to check in the attic.
we spoke briefly, although it was frustrating to talk to her.
i called for help from the others but nobody came.
so i raised my crucifix and began the rite again.
i think she would rather have a phone instead.
i don’t feel safe in my own home anymore.
i hear voices around the house at night.
i can’t stand to be around her and i don’t know why.
i heard a door open upstairs.
the nightmares i’m having are real.
she’s still there, waiting for me. i can still help her.
if i don’t come back, know that i love you and i’m sorry.
my god, what happened to you?
do you think my face is pretty?
i have to finish what i started.
it is hard for people to trust what they don’t understand.
if there is anything i can do to help you, just let me know.
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erismemes · 5 years
             —        requested  by  anonymous.
as  always,  change  pronouns  if  necessary !!
when i was a girl, i had a fear of spiders.
i was told that they felt no emotion, that their hearts never beat.
but i know the truth.
we are all one.
before me, i see the future.
trying to crash another party, love?
shooter on the roof, i repeat, shooter on the roof!
this is a secured channel.
get him out of here!
there’s been a breach, we need to leave now.
such a sweet, foolish, girl.
what’s that?
looks like the party is over.
no, no, no!
why? why would you do this?
adieu, cherie.
at the moment of the kill, they are never more alive.
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erismemes · 5 years
              —        requested  by  anonymous.
as  always,  change  pronouns  if  necessary !!
i play to win.
she’s become a national hero. only last week, she risked her life again.
but they pulled off another victory.
now, ( name ), is celebrating with some hard earned glitz and glamour.
hey, ( name ), shouldn’t you be out signing autographs or something?
but life wasn’t always like this.
i wonder what glitz and glamour tastes like?
i could use a little glitz and glamour in my life, ya know?
it’s overrated,  ( name ).
this is where the magic happens.
really? you’re still mad about that? we won the race.
yeah, and you almost killed yourself.
they won’t be back for months, you need a break.
i - i can’t.
we barely won last time.
the enemy is out there, adapting, getting stronger.
if i make a mistake and they get through us, we lose. everything.
i need to finish the tests.
stop putting it all on yourself! it’s okay to ask for help!
i’ve got this. really.
hey, that can’t be right, it’s too soon.
wait! you can’t do it alone!
they’re splitting up!
get to cover and wait for reinforcements!
they won’t get here in time!
i can’t stop this thing.
i - i need your help.
what? are you crazy?
if we don’t do this, thousands of people will die.
okay, buy me some time.
trust me,  ( name ), i’ll see you at the finish line.
stay with me! i’m here!
oh man, this time off is great? isn’t it?
what’s not to like? there’s delicious food and drinks. and good friends, the kind that are always there for you when you need them most.
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erismemes · 5 years
they existed together, but each saw things in their own way.
i do, i made my choice.
gives you the creeps, huh?
what the fuck! shit!
shit, i’ve got to get out of here.
everyone must be dead!
i’m sorry?
i need you focused, i need your attention.
everything we do is a serious matter.
conviction must be proven with action.
without this asset, our research will mean nothing.
why not just take him?
the boy is a leverage piece.
obviously, that’s unsuitable.
have no illusions: it will be dangerous.
come, take a walk.
where did you come from?
like a vaccine? to protect me?
the infusion should protect you to some extent.
why send me alone?
you won’t be alone.
everything will be arranged.
their consequence is of little value.
in regards to your mission, they’re expendable.
i’ll come back with him.
i needn’t remind you the consequences for failure.
loyalty is a sensitive subject for us.
trust is a valued commodity in today’s world.
now, you must back up your words with actions.
now, i’d like to ask you some questions.
have you ever felt abandoned by the ones you trusted?
oh shit, what could have done this?
what? terminated? maybe i can force it open with the computer.
in that case. where do you fit in?
perhaps it is better that i continue to be the one to contact in this situation.
we should all be able to have a productive conversation.
i - i don’t know what came over me.
look, let’s just get out of here.
there’s something wrong with this place.
we’re counting on you.
it’s odd though, why would they catch you instead of just killing you?
i know who you are.
you should have followed your orders.
don’t be a coward! come out, dammit!
why are you making me do this?
you should have just stayed out of the way?
are there sins you are ashamed of?
wait a second, this house. no - it can’t be.
mother would sit in her chair, rocking back and forth killing time until the next service.
she barely spent any time with us.
in life, we constantly search for a place we feel safe, a home we can always come back to.
we imagine that place in our minds and are drawn to it.
it’s all right, i’m here. nothing is going to get you.
you have to stay with me. there’s no other way.
what do you want with me?
i’m just making sure you’re doing your job.
we’re all their pawns, eventual victims.
i will destroy what they wish to control.
stop it! let him go!
i sense a conflict of interest.
just what was your mission, exactly?
they’ve been watching you.
i - i can’t let that happen.
you swore allegiance but you are not in a position to make decisions like this.
run all you want, you can’t escape.
like everyone else that crosses us, we will hunt you down!
enough game, stop running!
having all of you in one place will provide us with opportunities.
i can’t trust you, not like this.
you’re getting out of control.
there are some things here that are to remain in the dark.
a little hasty with that gun.
what is it you plan on doing?
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erismemes · 5 years
i want to know who you people are and i want to know what’s going on here.
you and i have the same employer.
your marriage is a fake.
they live and work underground. their research is of the highest importance.
our position on the map is indicated by heat signature.
why can’t i remember anything?
so you’re saying this place was attacked?
i’m afraid things are a little more complicated than that.
what happened here?
get out! get out! you can’t be in here!
she’ll try to deceive us, confuse us.
i implore you.
implore away.
you’re all going to die down here.
what was all the shooting?
because blood doesn’t do that until after you’re dead.
where are the bodies? where did they go?
all the people working here are dead.
when you cut the power, you unlocked the doors. you let them out.
we’re never going to make it to the surface.
some of us provide information, others give their support.
what kind of research?
maybe she trusted the wrong person, maybe they set her up.
where are you taking those?
that homicidal bitch killed my team.
tell us what’s going on down here.
even in death, the human body still remains active.
it brings the dead back to life?
they are driven by the basest of impulses, the most basic needs.
how do you kill them?
you mean shoot them in the head.
why did you kill everybody down here?
it’s almost impossible to kill.
whoa, we’re not infected.
just one bite, one scratch from these creatures is sufficient.
i was trying to stop them.
no, nothing ever changes.
i don’t want to be one of those things walking around without a soul.
i’m missing you already.
bitch wouldn’t open the door so i had to fry her.
i’m not dead yet.
i could kiss you, you bitch.
i shot her five times. how is she still standing?
you’re going to have to work for your meal.
when i get outta here, think i’m gonna get laid.
your boyfriend’s a real asshole.
no pressure, guys.
i’m not sure i want to remember what went on down here.
i don’t deal in chance.
she was right. we are going to die down here.
yeah, you like how i taste, don’t you?
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erismemes · 5 years
What makes someone reach beyond the boundaries of human experience to face the unknown?
We learn, we accept, and gradually, we lose our capacity for wonder.
The others, they’re done.
That’s gonna be a hell of a climb.
I’m not turning back.
You should stay here with them.
You’re almost there, wait ‘til you see this view.
Take my hand!
Alright, let’s take it easy here.
We just need to keep moving!
I know, but I have a good feeling about this.
No! It’s too dangerous!
You’re gonna give me a heart attack.
It is the greatest cruelty of life that we’re all taken too swiftly from it.
We age, we decay, we die, but what do we leave behind?
I may have found the next piece to the puzzle.
They’re following me, watching my every step.
Could this really be it?
I can’t quite make out the translation.
It could be extremely dangerous.
Who the hell are you?
I suspect you already know.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Don’t play games with me.
Are you kidding me?
Are you listening to yourself?
You know there’s more out there, this could be real!
I’ve lost too many friends. I don’t want to lose you too.
Stop blaming yourself for what happened.
They’re fools!
You’re scaring me.
Someday you’ll understand.
Don’t fear this suffering.
Our goal is within reach, but we must be vigilant.
I didn’t think they’d come after you. This is all my fault.
I told you not to do this.
Just hold on. I’ll get us out of here.
Come. We do not have much time.
For now, I’ll do what I can to help.
Keep pressure on the wound.
I can feel pain. I can be hurt.
This is not my destiny.
This was never your destiny.
Don’t you walk away from me.
Burn in hell.
I’m willing to make that sacrifice.
Death is a part of life.
I can stop them, I can make a difference.
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erismemes · 5 years
send  💓  for  an  aesthetic  board  for  your  muse  !!
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erismemes · 5 years
feel  free  to  send  meme  requests  because  a  lot  of  the  time,  i’m  just  winging  it  when  i  remember.
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erismemes · 5 years
MORTAL  KOMBAT  11:  INTRO  DIALOGUE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   (  d’vorah’s  intros.  )
It is better than your scent.
Killing you was simple.
History won't repeat.
It will die trying to catch me.
What was it you said last time?
You're the bug, I'm the windshield.
That's what you baddies always say.
And who makes those rules?
The many's needs outweigh the few's.
Why so dismissive?
I have only fought for its survival.
Never trust those of the flesh.
It is doomed to failure.
The Swarm will have victory.
You lead us to extinction.
Not if you obey my commands.
You would prefer This One your enemy?
This frost bites back.
I don't serve, I lead.
Many tried, none have finished me.
Your father's faith was lacking.
Close enough for This One to kill you.
Ive heard enough of his drivel.
How you figure that?
You seriously can't tell us apart?
Why not come closer?
This One will enjoy your death.
Least I've got personality.
Your limbs will be torn off instead.
Though you failed, you impressed.
Was a pretty ballsy move, eh?
I do a job right, or not at all.
She is the ultimate survivor.
You claim to know my father?
How will death profit you?
I care not to envision that future.
I thought you had faith.
This One will not be judged.
But you are as easily slaughtered.
Are you trying to make me vomit?
To what do I owe the displeasure?
This One sees nothing special.
Your angel of death awaits.
You will be kept waiting, devil.
As long as I live, our flame burns.
Are you not used to bondage?
To kill us, you must destroy all things.
I will kill you to validate it.
You do smell young and weak.
Fool, you came alone.
Afraid you will catch cold?
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erismemes · 5 years
MORTAL  KOMBAT  11:  INTRO  DIALOGUE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   (  cetrion’s  intros.  )
History indicates you cannot.
I come in peace.
First, you must demonstrate remorse.
Why weren't you on the frontlines?
I work in mysterious ways.
What has Mother done this time?
We are all flawed. I accept it.
Playing goddess is dangerous.
I am no false idol.
Then why destroy what it made?
Virtuous prayer leads to favor.
Actions speak louder than prayer.
What a faithless statement.
The road to Hell is paved in sins.
Sonofabitch had it coming.
Your poor, withering soul.
She wishes to test us both.
I have already proven perfect.
I write my own story now.
Do not deny your jealousy.
You embody virtuous loyalty.
A lost heart burdens you.
Forge your own destiny.
Fate has been so cruel to you.
Yours is not a virtuous life.
Get used to it, doll face.
Have you a shred of virtue?
That would be no.
Your soul must be balanced.
It should not be a source of pride.
I can see across time. It is not as you hope.
I know my place in the universe.
In that balance, there is perfection.
Why have you betrayed him?
I came to answer your prayers.
I will not fall without a storm.
There is no virtue in revenge.
Dark and light must be balanced.
I was made promises.
I wonder how your blood tastes.
You will taste only bitter defeat.
Why do you fight, soldier?
All beings deserve compassion.
Your heart is truly frozen.
Love gets in the way.
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erismemes · 5 years
MORTAL  KOMBAT  11:  INTRO  DIALOGUE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   (  cassie’s  intros.  )
Those teeth could use a dentist.
Dude! You're so metal!
Why do I even try with you?
My god, pinch me.
You're wide awake.
Invasion of the body snatchers!
Inner demons, looks like.
You remind me of someone.
Little on the nose, don't you think?
You're with the good guys, right?
And here I thought we'd be pals.
There is, like, no family resemblance.
Here for a rematch?
Your life insurance paid up?
Good luck pinning me down.
This your idea of flirting?
This is me swiping left.
Lose those guns and what've you got?
Why does everyone call me that?
Oh honey, let me help you.
Didn't we have this fight?
You have no authority over me.
My fists beg to differ.
Ugh, that sounds exhausting.
What's our sparring record?
So when do I get promoted?
First, you gotta kick my ass.
Don't blame ring rust for losing.
My attire is purely functional.
Functional isn't the word for it.
That's cute, but I don't think so.
I know the future looks dark.
This future is bullshit.
It's one of my worst nightmares.
It's amazing I was ever born.
This is why I'm in therapy.
Anything you can do, I can do better.
I can do anything better than you.
Dude, you've got a B.O. problem.
Your agent thinks I should be a big star.
Should I be impressed?
You'll be another first round knockout.
Three strikes and you're dead.
I only need two strikes to gut you.
Just the asshole I've been looking for.
You sound like a shit ass American tourist.
We need a girl talk.
Hands where I can see them.
You look surprised.
All democracies are doomed to fail.
Only if you admit I am greatest.
If anyone's the G.O.A.T., it's me.
Not living up to your family legacy.
I set my own standards.
Please, you embarrass me.
Talk about throwing shade.
How can I ever make amends?
I've got a few bad ideas.
Vanity is weakness.
Do you challenge my honor?
Can I say it, just once?
Never thought I'd get to kick your ass.
Who is this 'Dracula'?
‘Creepy' doesn't offend me.
Slacked on your training last week.
It's called vacation, you should try it.
I'm the new, improved you.
Where's the ninja convention?
Could I ask for a favor?
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erismemes · 5 years
Would you let fear consume or would you overcome?
We sent a message into the past, a warning.
We can change our fate, we can change the future, we can change the past.
Tired eyes, barely open, crippled by a promise broken
I have seen an empire falling.
Can you tell me what is real?
Now that I'm down here again.
I'm down with the fallen again.
Turn away from all that I know, burning this bridge behind me.
I will not run, I will not fall.
I can see you running, running, every night from the same darkness.
You make me superhuman and if you need me to, I will save you.
If it means the death of me, I won't let go.
I could be the one who's always there to break your fall.
I won't let go.
All my life they let me know how far I would not go.
But inside the beast still grows.
Take away everything I am.
Bring it to an end.
No one needs to hear your words.
Who are you to change this world?
I hear you calling from behind the star fields.
I feel you radiating energy like eternal northern lights.
I will travel the distance in your eyes.
we'll fuse when we collide.
Even a well-lit place can hide salvation.
But everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found.
But nothing could ever stop us.
We will face the odds against us and run into the fear we run from.
It has begun.
It's written in the walls.
Mayday! Mayday! The ship is slowly sinking.
They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling.
They wanna break me and wash away my colors.
Oh you make everything okay.
I cannot stop this sickness taking over.
It takes control and drags me into nowhere.
I need your help, I can't fight this forever.
I know you're watching, I can feel you out there.
The more I fight, the more I work.
But then fate knocks me to my knees.
Above the earth I am transformed. The energy has set me free.
I've risen up beyond the sky. I am awake, I am alive.
If you wanna break free, you know where to find me.
I call your name as I walk alone.
Send a signal to guide me home.
You led my way then disappeared.
How could you just walk away and leave me here?
Light the night up, you're my dark star.
Blinded, I can't do this on my own.
You were all I've got, to guide me home.
I could lie awake just to watch you breathe.
But I found in you what was lost in me.
I had plans to make you whole.
There's nothing left, but I'm not leaving.
And if I could find a way, then I would bring you back tonight.
Your eyes stare right through me.
And you left me more dead than you'll ever know when you left me alone.
They said there was no way.
I am gonna take the past away.
I will find you, if you’re near or far.
I am stealing the energy.
There's a memory of how we used to be.
Forgetting lies and pain but I can't go back.
The ashes call my name.
There's something sinister about the way it hurts.
It's uncontrollable, such a beautiful desire.
I won't turn around.
I know, this is the point of no return.
Watch them all lie down.
They could never blind me.
When I attack I'm taking all.
You push my back against the wall.
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erismemes · 5 years
MORTAL  KOMBAT  11:  INTRO  DIALOGUE  SENTENCE  STARTERS   (  baraka’s  intros.  )
i shall feast on your flesh.
what sorcery is this?
you will die first.
can you prove you’re one of us?
you’ll know from the taste of my blades.
time has been broken.
are you my past or future?
size doesn’t matter.
stop, you’re flattering me.
war is our way of life.
i’ll have your brain and heart.
dreaming of revenge for your future?
i will kill you all.
there’s soon to be a stabbing.
i am the future of pain.
i’ll try to surprise you.
be assured, i will rise again.
i hate cold things.
you won’t say much without a tongue.
where are your weapons?
put your money where that big mouth is.
who needs trust when you’ve got leverage?
what happened to your eye?
she was created to spite me.
first, prove yourself in kombat.
why so confident?
trust will not come easily.
the family legend precedes me.
my style is inspired by dragons.
i despise ghosts.
we are done fearing you.
your death will be warning for them.
i will not negotiate.
i’ll pick your bones clean.
the savage eat the skilled.
we can still fight.
we meet again.
we owe nothing to him.
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erismemes · 5 years
there is nothing to chain them to the places where their bodies have fallen.
and left all alone, this is how they rot.
from where i am now, i can be sure of only a very few things.
the pretty thing you are looking at is me, of that i am sure.
i’m going to be staying with you from now on, i hope that’s alright.
it has always been that wearing white reassures the sick that i can never be touched.
no, no, no!
the first night in a place always weirds me out, you know.
why would you say that to me right now, in the middle of the night, when i’m here all alone?
i mean, what does a person say?
yeah, it’ll be good to be here.
well, that sounds pretty yummy right about now.
maybe i’ll bake a pie.
i’m gonna give myself a heart attack.
so that’s where you’re hiding.
because time spent in a house with death in it passes more quickly.
this is how you rot.
well, it will be, when the time comes.
no, um, i scare too easily.
and the very next day, they were gone.
some people just get spooked.
but now i am dead.
i am wearing nothing but blood.
grow up, you dumb old scaredy - cat.
out of respect for the dead, you understand.
quite dead but not quite buried.
carelessly concealed in a grave too shallow to be rightly called a grave at all.
how does one forget a death?
surely this is how we make our own ghosts.
i did nothing but sit and listen.
but left alone, with only your own eyes looking back at you, and even the prettiest things rot.
but it is me that still cannot see any of what it coming.
i remember thinking that it felt like fall would never come.
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