ether-the-evoker · 2 years
Oh wonder - animation meme (little bit of lore) // Journey the wandering trader
hey! heres one of my more recent animations, explaining the lore of journey, my wandering trader oc. the story and animation is simple (it isnt even that colored lol) but i put a lot of effort into the frame-by-frame (and its flopping, good grief, only 95 views since ive posted-) so im just gonna bump it a bit on tumblr. hope you dont mind!
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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i tried playing around with pen pressure, and got this!
quick simple doodle on how vexes or fangs would probably look like in my world :)
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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((Refs for Meera and Thoros! Still not askable but important. Meera’s ref was released before Thoros was revealed so that’s why he’s absent on her sheet!))
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
ether snorted in mild amusement at the girl’s words, and folded their arms. “why would i even want to hurt someone who hasnt hurt me first, or whom i know is going to hurt me? though i could easily dispose of you if i wanted to, im not a barbarian.”
the evoker let out a soft sigh, and continued, “really, i don’t know why the others think of us this way. it isnt logical. it doesn’t make sense.”
“uh, about your second question. i guess it was my own foolishness that got me lost.” they admitted, suddenly becoming very interested in the floor. “…dont scold or nag me or anything, but i was secretly following a pillager patrol earlier, see, and i must have wandered off their trail. and uh… yeah, this happened. it seems like staying here overnight’s out of the question, so d’you have a map or something that i can follow?”
//i am afraid of what might happen to ether should they approach rosemary, but oh well. all the rp accounts i have are of my illager characters anyway. i apologise if this ask isnt suitable, and if im your first rp ask, glad to be so!//
(ah yes, the classic “getting lost” rp starter. character used: ether the evoker // 14 y/o // they/them. theyre young and still have yet to learn about things, so they arent hostile to villagers. however, due to an incident, they are hostile towards players, but neutral to all other mobs.)
the world they lived in was extremely… vast. and if they daresay, confusing. confusing enough that they had somehow managed to get themselves lost on what they had planned to be a peaceful midnight walk.
as they stood in the clearing, the forest of trees behind them, the illager let out a frustrated groan- how were they ever going to get back now? let alone survive the night? should they try to find another person or something, and go from there?
they looked up with their lamp-like eyes, like green headlights shining in the darkness. seeing firelight in the distance, they gravitated towards it like a moth. nearly tripping over their long, flowy robes as they ran, they approached the source of light, a daring ray of hope shining in their heart… until they discovered the light came from a familiar-looking cluster of houses. hadnt they seen these somewhere in a book before?
“this is a village,” they frowned and thought aloud. “villagers live here, and i dont think they’ll welcome me here, will they?”
they scanned the area for any people they could talk to- and spied a figure in a green dress. a girl of their age, they assumed, with red, curly hair, and dodgy, playful, yet timid eyes. ether doubted they would know anything, but- maybe this girl could guide them to somebody they could actually ask for help, or at least somewhere where they could stay for the night.
they cleared their throat, and spoke. “uh. hey.” they began in a quiet voice. “hi. i- i dont mean any harm. in fact, im lost. is there anyway you could possibly help me?”
The girl turned to meet the illager’s eyes and nearly fell back in fright, letting out a squeak. Pallid grey skin, dark hair and attire too finely woven for villager life, the stranger was most certainly one of the ill. Pip had never seen an illager herself, but she had been told countless times by her elders that they meant trouble -However, this particular stranger seemed to be of no harm. After all, they were around her age, perhaps a bit older, and Pip saw no hint of malice in the gray figure’s expression.
But the ill can lie, Pip thought, remembering the fearful expressions of her elders when the subject of their banished brethren were even passingly mentioned.
The young villager clutched the satchel she had slung over her shoulder with white knuckles, ‘Y-you’re an illager.‘ She blurted out, crossing her arms into her robe, ‘I’m not ‘spose to talk to you.’ She glanced behind her nervously, lowering her voice, ‘The other villagers won’t want an illager here. They’ll think you’re gonna hurt us. Where are you from?’
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
there is a SONG in my HEAD and i cannot FIND IT. hagd and ratree
there is an IMAGE in my HEAD and i cannot DRAW IT. hatred and rage.
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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the first is with the dialogue, the second is without.
a quick doodle depicting how it would be like if ether got taken over from using too much dark magic. the handle at the bottom is my twitter handle, sorry about that-
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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||angst/hurt and comfort
“you wanna… talk about it?”
“its fine. its okay.”
“let it all out.”
(the brown haired boy is @nemesis-the-iceologer)
(the duck person is somebody i have yet to make an account for, but its coming soon!)
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
Character information 
This account is a minecraft roleplay account used mainly to roleplay as the character Ether, but I will be posting art as well! I am also an animator, so you can look out for some nice little animations haha
Basic information:
Age: 14
Hostility: During raids, normal evoker hostility, other times, hostile toward untrusted players, Neutral toward everything else. Isnt passive to anything.
Pronouns: They/them
Sexual/romantic orientation: Asexual, Demiromantic
Gender Identity: Agender
Status: Alive
Classification/species: Male battle mage/ghost summoner/necromancer, Illager, Evoker
Personality: (don’t see if you don’t want spoilers) Cunning, cold to people they just met, loyal to a fault. Quite cynical/suspicious of most people when they first meet, but once they know the person has good intentions, they will slowly become closer to them and start trusting them more. Their favourite food is pumpkin pie.
Strengths: Strong willed, Careful, thinks twice, dashes very fast
Weaknesses: Extremely weak in physical combat (aurelia, my witch oc, can beat them in arm wrestling.) Can be rude and insensitive at some times.
Some other information:
Ether’s voice is very quiet, like the type you’d expect from a shy kid giving a presentation. Its got nothing to do with shyness, though.
With new character interactions, Ether will come across as kinda cold, straightforward and reserved, avoiding personal stuff or over-friendly talk.
If you interact with them more and more though, they will slowly become more friendly towards your character.
If you attack them, they WILL attack you back, no matter who you may be (illager, other evoker, whatever.) Of course, you can always do this for some drama, but i will end the rp if one of our characters gets close to dying / is severely injured.
If you dont already know what an evoker is, here’s the link to the fandom page: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Evoker
Their abilities:
Evocation fangs:
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(Please ignore the watermark and illager alt text. This was screenshotted directly from an animation of mine.)
They call huge fangs about twice the size of an adult human head. They can make the fangs bigger to swallow entire people up, but at the cost of their energy.
They go in a straight line, and bite peoples feet to restrict and hinder movement.
If Ether tries to control them, they could, but dark thoughts would start to take over them if they dont try to keep a sane mind. These fangs are dark magic, malicious spirits that are just out to get you. If the Evoker does not keep their own will, they could quite literally start murdering everyone they see. You know, controlled by an insane, deranged spirit and all- you get the point.
The fangs go about their own will if Ether lets them be, and that is to charge at and bite and tear at anyone and anything they see. Theyre just wild, murderous beasts in a sense.
It is noteworthy that these spirit fangs are not affiliated with the Evoker like vexes are, the Evoker just summons them to attack because they will attack anything they see.
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Vexes, in my world, are chosen by the evoker to be their specific companion and helper. That means once an evoker chooses their Vexes, that specific Vex will stay with them for life.
Vexes, in my world, are the spirits of deceased illagers. Any other type of spirit (villager, player, piglin etc) cannot become a vex. Purebred illagers will be prioritised over illager hybrids, so it is extremely rare that an illager hybrid spirit would become a vex.
They are transparent, winged little spirits/ghosts about the size of a medium-sized teddy bear, though sizes do vary.
They can pass through walls in pursuit of their target, and they can sense targets through walls as well.
When they are fighting, they will be overcome by anger, turn red and screech piercingly at the entity they are about to attack, stabbing and slashing and doing as much hurt as they can with their sword. After this, they will fade away and somewhat ‘die’, but they can respawn later at the Evoker’s will.
When they are not fighting, the Evoker can choose to summon them as companions/helpers. They will not fade away after a certain period of time if they arent fighting, but once they do engage in battle, normal vex ‘dying’/spawning rules resume.
The Evoker can choose to name their vexes, and most do, though there are some that cant be bothered and leave their vexes nameless.
Ether has four vexes like most other Evokers, though there are some more powerful ones who can summon five. Their names are Fish, Chips, Cookies and Cream. (Come on. They were seven when they named them. Cut them some slack.)
Talking to the deceased
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(Please ignore the illageralt text. It gives major spoilers for my story.)
Basically- Evokers, in my world, can interact with the deceased, by summoning their spirits.
Only they can see them, though, and only they can hear what the spirits say. They can still convey what the spirits said through indirect speech, though.
The Evoker cannot summon someone if they have not met them before at least once. This makes sense, doesn’t it? You cant just call to life someone you haven't seen in your entire life.
The Evoker also cannot summon someone if they have already become someone’s vex. Only the Evoker who has ownership over that vex can control when they appear.
The longer they hold the spirit there, the more drained of energy they will become. The Evoker could even collapse and faint if they reach their limit.
Character interactions:
Of course i wont be accepting or replying any nsfw asks, or asks of a sexual/overly-romantic nature.
Cross-Universe asks are allowed! That means if your character is from another universe like Genshin or something, you can still interact with Ether, as long as it is canon, and as long as you dont do a major, plot-impacting event or something.
My other roleplay accounts:
Nemesis The Iceologer: https://www.tumblr.com/nemesis-the-iceologer (side blog)
Might be editing this post later on if something or another crops up. See ya!
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
some character backstory - ether
they flounced through the off-yellow trees of the birch forest, cookies and cream whooshing silently like ghostly blue owls behind them. ether stumbled out of the viridian forest, just in time to see a group of five rowdy pillagers leaving the outpost, one with a banner strapped to their back. the juvenile evoker's grin widened, and they proceeded to tail the group, in search of adventure. they didnt harp over getting lost- cookies was like their little homing pigeon, always lighting their way back to the mansion when they strayed a bit too far from their home. 
the band of five traversed over the vast plains, unaware of the magic-doer hot on their heels. their thirst for adventure kept the evoker going, and they passed fearlessly through monster-filled forests in pursuit of the patrol. they stopped to attack the occasional player or two, taking them down with their powerful crossbows- which, ether noticed, they were not so good at aiming with. lucky they had enchantments on their weapons to back them up.
when they passed by their second village, ether realised they had lost the band of pillagers somehow. cursing under their breath, the evoker turned to his two little companions, ordering them into the sky to search for the crossbow-wielding illagers. cookies and cream did not waste any time, soaring into the air on their spectral wings, empty white eyes sweeping the area for any sight of the pillagers. 
the faint clanking of armor came from within the blanket of foliage. 
unsettled, ether turned around, jewel-green eyes like lamps searching for their stalker in the darkness.
two arrows whizzed into the air, one zipping past cream's huge wings and one catching cookies straight in the chest. 
cookies squealed in surprise, tumbling out of the air and dying in a whiff of smoke. seeing this, ether shot to full alert- that had to be a player. pillagers weren't hostile toward vexes. cookies would respawn later. right now, their concern was what caused the vex's temporary death. 
"why dont you come out, hider? fish and chips can come through blocks to get to you, you know." ether raised their arms, and summoned two more vexes- the ones they fondly referred to as 'fish' and 'chips'. they brandished their sleek, shiny iron swords, prepared to fly into a battle, into the face of whatever was about to attack their master. cream pulled her own sword from thin air as well, wide wings spread protectively over ether, like a mother chicken protecting her child. 
there was a flash of jewelled cyan, and the three vexes screeched, turned a furious red, and lunged for ether's assaulter. the tall player pushed his way past the little fairies as their swords bounced almost harmlessly off their diamond armor, slashing out for the evoker behind. ether turned to flee, but felt cold steel lacerate their robes, blood blooming over the yellow trim like some sinister rose. the magic user hissed in pain, and summoned spectral fangs from the ground with a cry, that rose past the armor of the player, biting into the skin underneath.
the player seemed unfazed, shaking off the fangs and biting into a round golden fruit- a golden apple. lilac particles flew from the player as he lunged for the evoker again, sword outstretched with killer intent. ether's winged warriors threw themselves in front of them, shrieking shrilly as they slammed themselves with all their might into the player. however, the magical healing properties of the golden fruit negated their damage, and they slashed the little fairies out of the air easily, slaying them with two quick strokes of a sword. 
ether's mind snapped from fight to flight, and they wheeled around, dashing with quick feet away from their attacker. an arrow sank into their shoulder before they could get far, and they crumpled to their knees, tripping over their torn black robes. ether made a grabbing motion up into the air, calling another set of fangs from the ground to restrain the player's movement. their face contorted with concentration, they willed the fangs to bite as hard as possible for maximum damage, their fist tightening as the fangs chewed harder into the player's feet.
the player struggled against the crushing jaws of ether's magic, their face creased in pain, streaked with sweat and cuts from the attacks of the vexes before. they called a bow from their inventory, and nocked a strange arrow with a poisonous black glow, aiming it at ether. the juvenile evoker whirled around to run, but they reacted a second too late.
arrow met eye, and ether let out a yelp of pain and surprise as the strange black projectile sank into their left eye, unleashing a first an unbearable, burning agony, then numb, creeping pain that seemed to eat away at the flesh surrounding the wound. their hand flew to their eye, and came away with blood- which was, to their horror, inky black, instead of the usual rosy red it should have been. this injury seemed to creep all over their body, eating at them, weakening them. it drained even more color from their already sickly gray skin. it stole life from their body, like a plant wilting away and dying. sweat beading on their forehead, the evoker curled up against the tree with a whimper of pain, clutching their wounded eye, breathing heaving and deep.
the player loomed over the teen evoker, and raised his sword over their heart to claim their prize.
there was no silver sword plunging into their chest. they heard the shattering of glass, the sizzling sound of something corrosive against flesh, and the shocked yelp of a surprised player. there was the noisy clattering of armor as the player inside vanished in a puff of smoke.
ether could smell the acrid stench of a harming potion, and they knew at once it was another player- witches wouldn't simply attack players who attacked illagers. were they another player looking to claim their totem, perhaps? they tried to find the strength to at least lift their head to look at the newcomer, but strength didnt come - that stupid, strange arrow did something to them. was it tipped with poison or something?
a small, cold but gentle hand propped their head up by the cheek, and with their good eye, ether could just make out the image of a long, white haired female with tiny stature, carrying a huge leather sling pouch that ether wondered how in the world she carried around without falling over. she wore a satin sun-hat with a wide brim that shadowed over her features, and her face was even more hidden by her long, straight fringe. 
she squatted down, the familiar clattering sound of glass bottles emanating from her pouch. flourishing a bottle of hot pink liquid, she uncorked it with a pop, and tipped its contents into their mouth. ether didnt refuse the potion- they knew all too well that was a helpful one, that healed your injuries when you downed it. 
a player helping an illager? ether’s mind reeled, and they thought to themselves, ‘isn’t she scared about getting herself killed or something? isnt she afraid ill attack her?’
apparently not. this girl didnt look fazed at all- she looked unnaturally at ease, as if she were around an old-time friend rather than a potentially dangerous person that could jump up and attack her at any moment.
‘not like im gonna do that, anyway.’ the illager mused. ‘number one, im not a jerk. number two, i doubt i have the strength to do so.’
wavering lilac particles rose like pixies from the evoker- they could feel their strength returning. they mustered the energy to sit up, and look at the girl.
"thank you." they rasped, still weak from their injury.
"youre very welcome." she answered in a airy, pleasant voice. "apologies for being brash, but you look terrible."
"well, whaddya think?" they snarked, "i literally have an arrow in my eye. my blood's turned black, and-" they never got to finish that sentence, for a pain like their head had been run through by a drill stabbed into them, and they brought their hand to their face with a cry. aurelia's hand flew to ether's head, and she gently turned their head over to look at the injured eye- well, not really an eye anymore. the girl couldn't see an emerald-green eye- only a shrivelled, black hollow that looked like it had been infected. she cringed at the withered mess, and took hold of the gasping magic-user's shoulders.
"evoker! breathe!" she commanded, as she fumbled around in her bag for another regeneration potion that would stop the pain, but she found none. she shook her head, gritting her teeth.
the pain came back in a violent stab that was nearly unbearable for the juvenile evoker. ether gave a loud yell, eyes watering, breathing punctured and agonizing. "its painful. its really, really painful!" they whimpered, nails digging into their grey skin.
"it is because the regeneration potion ive given you wore off, so the pain has come back. hold on!" she snapped, and uncorked a bottle of gray liquid this time- one that ether recognised as a weakness potion. "thats a harmful one! why are you-"
"this thing will make you go to sleep. the standard weakness potions would have just enough glowdust to make the drinker drowsy, but i added a bit more in case i couldn't sleep or something. makes it a bit more dangerous to drink, but whatever. and now, since youre in so much pain..." she held it out to the shaking evoker, and motioned for them to drink.
"dont." they hissed, untrusting of the shady gray potion held before them.
*player point-of-view*
“okay.” she sighed. “okay, okay okay. please work.”
the girl made a sudden and swift throwing motion, leapt back and watched the bottle shatter against the evoker's chest, splattering its murky contents over their body. as she promised, the potion was indeed strong enough to lull someone into deep sleep, with ether slumping over seconds after the potion's magic took hold. the player tentatively put a tiny hand under their chin, and felt the weak, but steady beat of a pulse.
"good! it works, and it didnt kill him to death. very good." she exclaimed in relief, her features lit up.
the witch-player dove into her bag of potions for her last bottle of healing liquid, held the evoker’s head steady, and carefully poured some of the potion over the wound- it wouldn’t be as good as a regeneration potions, but it would have to do for now. after she was done, she put away the glass bottle, and found herself staring at the illager boy.
out of pure interest she’d read a lot about his kind in the library back during her visits to the savanna village- they summoned spirits to aid them in battle, from huge, snapping sets of jaws that swallowed any unsuspecting enemy up, to winged little ghosts the villagers called ‘vexes’, that swooped down from the sky, slashing into their enemies, all while cackling and giggling like a child having fun. it all seemed rather fascinating to the witch, and she’d taken a sort of liking to the magic-users, though she’d never actually met one in the flesh until now.
apparently, there werent many of them left- the likes of them were rare, their numbers were dwindling, and it was becoming surer and surer that those mysterious illager necromancers would soon die out completely.
‘and that is why i should focus on saving this one, and bringing him back to his mansion.’ aurelia reminded herself.
could she try to search for one? those homes of illagers were notoriously hard to find, though, cleverly implemented in the concealing environment of the dark oak forest. hopeful treasure-seekers would wander for miles and not find one. the player put a hand to her temple, tutting disapprovingly at the situation that loomed- time was ticking, and if she didn't find something, anything to help this evoker soon... well, there was no telling what would happen. 
"think, aurelia, think. they don't call you 'the north witch' for nothing." she hissed at herself, tapping her foot on the grass.
an arrow whizzed past her head, and aurelia gave a surprised yelp, whirling around, her hand instinctively flying to the harming potion she had in her pouch. she spied a wary group of people clad in plaid red uniforms through the trees, crossbows loaded and pointed at the duo.
"who's there?" a young one with sideswept, brown hair and a banner strapped to their back called. "drop your weapons. were armed!"
the witch blinked, realising the stony-greyness of their skin in the moonlight.
well. looks like she didnt need to find a mansion after all.
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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i finished this yesterday but only posted it now. he is an illager called ivory, and he’s one of the ones you call a vindicator. i think my shading kind of improved on this one…
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
*a female Pillager walks up to Ether, she smiles showing she is friendly and she has facial scars showing she has been in battle before* Hello, Fellow Illager.. My name is Valkyrie. Valkyrie Reigns. Would you like to be friends? *she asked.*
ether took a look at the female pillager, otherwise known as valkryie. studying her up and down, the evoker noticed she was much older than them- about six years, if they dared guess. they glanced at the four vexes surrounding them, and cookies, one of the four fairies, excitedly nudged them forward, eager to acquaint themselves with a new friend.
“hi, uh, miss reigns. the name’s ether. if you cant already tell by my dressings and vexes… im an evoker. nice to meet you, i guess?”
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
oh? this seems interesting. some questions would be nice, i guess.
Eyo, I'm feeling in writing mood-
Are you a Minecraft ask blog?
Comment or reblog if you'd like some Asks in your inbox!
I'll try my best to throw a bunch at you.
Maybe give a heads up if you RP or accept character interaction. Just in case.
Will probably ask unrelated questions to any story that is going on, because I am disconnected like that, oop
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ether-the-evoker · 2 years
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hello, tumblr. i dislike the way i shade hair, but its all ive got for now.
here’s my profile picture, which i drew in about- thirty minutes? i have no idea, haha.
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