eunwoo-bot ยท 2 years
in my overwhelmed era
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eunwoo-bot ยท 2 years
The way I feel has never changed as well. You've always been a source of immense light to me. It triggered this deep rooted jealousy within me because I knew that so many other people could sense this about you too. A subconscious jealousy. I myself am surprised every time it tears its ugly head because, I lo... . Itโ€™s a complex emotion because I donโ€™t want you to not be brilliant. I just donโ€™t want everyone else to see you as brilliantly as I do. But... some things have changed now, haven't they? What happened has happened, I don't want to stand in the way of anything. But your back? I got you, Luna. Iโ€™ll be there, always, unmoving. Don't look back, don't worry.
You will keep the flowers? That eases me a bit. Yeah, I know they're purple hyacinths, but they aren't intended to impress... Coffee? Sure. I wouldn't mind getting coffee together to catch up... every once in a while.
Hey. Are you doing well? I hope you are. Have you grown tired of waiting? Itโ€™s okay. Iโ€™m.. sorry. Iโ€™m really sorry. For as long as we've known each other, Iโ€™ve realized that whenever youโ€˜re cheerful, I feel happy too. And whenever youโ€™re upset, my life feels gloomy too. This time, I am the reason you were feeling so low, and I cannot tell you how awful I feel about it. The thought of causing someone I love, like really love, any pain at all, is far too much for me. It completely destroys me. I don't expect you to forgive me. Heck, I'd never forgive myself, so you don't have to answer but, I'm still sorry. But I do hope you accept these flowers. They aren't much but they are the best fit of how I truly feel right now.
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I- I didn't grow tired of waiting... I just didn't know what to do... everything reminds me of you and I would spend nights missing you, feeling lost but I had to start trying to function and be normal... ๐Ÿ˜” I knew you weren't able to be around and why you were gone and I understood, I really did but I still stayed up wondering whether you were okay, missing your touch and voice, wishing you were here. The way I feel has never changed. You've always been in my heart, you will always be in my heart and I... it's so hard to stand here and not run to you. It's hard to not drop everything and fall back into you but I'm scared... I don't know what's right now when you are bonded to everything fibre of my body... I... ๐Ÿฅบ I love the flowers, thank you, you know I'll cherish them but... maybe... maybe we can have coffee sometime? If-If you want
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eunwoo-bot ยท 2 years
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โ โ€”a semi-selective, single show canon muse, multi-verse, kink and chatbot friendly account penned by h o n e y. mun: 23 | she|her | libra โ€” status: online.
โ rules โ€” all about joong โ€” wanted opposites โ€” wanted plots โž
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eunwoo-bot ยท 2 years
๐•ฟ๐–Š๐–†๐–˜๐–Š ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–Š๐–˜๐–‰๐–†๐–ž
๐ŸŒ— ๐–‚๐–Š๐–—๐–Š๐–œ๐–”๐–‘๐–‹ ๐•ฎ๐–๐–—๐–Ž๐–˜
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Roses are red, I'm alone at my place, why don't you come over and sit on my face~?
@clubwnderland ๐ŸŒธ
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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"I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure,"
"Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us, bodies together.."
"A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw.."
"In the bed all day, bed all day, fucking in, fighting on.."
"It's our paradise and it's our warzone.."
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
You're literally the only reason I actually am looking forward to Christmas this year, maybe I've something special planned for you too~ Hmm, let's just stay in yeah? Never too early to see the lake but it can wait for now. The last eggnog I had tasted fucking vile butโ€” I'd be willing to taste test your attempt.
Oh look - it's the 9th. To end and start another month with you, my love. โ™ก
It is! Happy monthiversary, baby~ I'm so happy to be able to spend the end and start of another month with you hehe I have something special planned for Christmas so I really hope you can wait until then for your gift~ but I have learnt how to make eggnog and thought we could make some Christmas themed cookies together? How does that sound? Or maybe we could go to that lake I was talking about~
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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It has taken us 24 years to get to this place, to getting to know you and learn about you while you learned about me and who I am. You wanted to go watch the stars, lay in the meadow, you called me a handsome young man as you touched my check and smiled. I wish we had done this sooner but... I can't change that, I know I can't and there isn't really anything for me to feel guilty about because you're here now, always with me.
I'll be taking her home, heading down and maybe I'll return later, I'm not sure. I don't really have anyone to come back for other than Moonbyul and she'll come collect me if I didn't return on my own so I guess there's that. Humans, they may not leave much of a mark on the world but they always leave a mark on someone they knew.
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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๐“๐€๐“๐“๐Ž๐Ž ๐“๐”๐„๐’๐ƒ๐€๐˜
I started this trend a little over a year ago and wanted to bring it back. Some people are still doing it and thatโ€™s great but letโ€™s get more of you on board. Show off your ink and let us know about any meaning or significance behind them. Art is beauty.
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โคž rose. Inspired by a quote from Kahlil Gibran that I try to live my life by: โ€œThe optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.โ€ I struggle with having a pessimistic view on life so this tattoo is a reminder to try to look at the rose instead of the thorns.
โคž black stallions. This one is a little difficult to show off for obvious reasons but I tried my best. Black stallions are a symbol of death and rebirth. It signifies the closing of one door and the opening of another; the need for you to take a leap of faith. Trust intuition even if you canโ€™t see the reason or the result. Go blindly forth and believe.
โคž butterfly mask. Thereโ€™s really no meaning behind this tattoo which is perfectly fine. I was going through my tattoo artistโ€™s flash sheet and thought it was really beautiful so I got it.
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[Question of the Day]: If you could get any tattoo you wanted, what would it be?
Please tag me if you do this so I can admire your ink.
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
Tuesday 30th
"Peace resides
in your own pieces"
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"Stop looking elsewhere for
the peace that resides
in your own pieces."
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Chan smiles in awe at the boy next to him, lost in the way the colors of the sunset bring his entire being to life. He looks so warm, so peaceful, so in sync with the world- If he wasn't already whipped, Chan would certainly be now.
Felix's eyes sparkle softly, grin remaining on his face as he speaks words that the wolf doesn't fully catch in time to answer. Suddenly, his eyes are meeting the youngest's, his head tilting as Chan blinks a few times to speak up. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening..." Chuckling alongside Felix as he jokes about it, his cheeks burning slightly at the tease, the wolf looks away and clears his throat, giving silence a second to settle before he breaks it again. "I have something for you." Reaching for his bag, Chan takes out a wrapped box from it, and attempting poorly to undo some of the wrinkles in the paper he hands it to the boy. "I remember you mentioning once how you wished you could take the forest with you everywhere. I know someone, so I guessed I could- Yeah, I got you some customized forest smelling candles." He laughs as Felix picks up one of the jars inside he box to inspect it curiously, his hands instead resting back on the stone they've been sitting on for the past twenty minutes to relax as the sun finishes setting.
Chans eyes study the sky and sunset for a second before setting again on his boyfriend, deciding at that moment that nothing else in the world could ever beat the sight of his bunny's smile.
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
Cw nsfw: Tease Tuesday
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Trying something different. I did think about it quite a few times as I thought it will be cute and I finally did it and bought it. This lingerie is amazing and cute, being a black bunny~ I also have the cutest ears. Is it good enough for a tease post? See the bunny but no touching the bunny~ Though it's a shame that I am the one holding the leash hm? Happy Tuesday to everyone~
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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Before work, during work, after work. There's a lot to do coming up to this time of the year. The festivities mean that we need to get certain stock in too match it all and that's not to mention needing to actually decorate. Miss Irene is letting me handle this, she wants to see how I go which is both scary and exciting. If I manage to do well enough then my parents might actually back off and not be constantly telling me that I need to do something with my life. I am - it's just not what they want.
What is something that you like to do after work? I like to head down to the arcade or go see a friend and have a drink, unwind, relax. Have you ever wanted to take a vacation? I've thought about it... don't know where I would go though...
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
tease tuesday
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slightly early, but that never hurt no one. this is one of my oldest lingerie sets but it still fits more than perfect, donโ€™t you think? @mverses
โ€” hayoon ๐Ÿ’œ
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
~๐•ฌ๐–“๐–“๐–Ž๐–›๐–Š๐–—๐–˜๐–†๐–—๐–ž ๐–‚๐–Š๐–Š๐–~
๐Ÿ’œ 28th-5th dec ๐Ÿ’›
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"An eternity isn't enough time
by your side."
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From the 6th to the 12th of December, Chan will be posting daily the different things he and Felix did during their first year anniversary getaway! โ™ก
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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fuzzy socks and warm drinks are the best for winter season !! ><
I went ice skating for another vlog today and asked one of the ringโ€™s workers to film and take some pictures for me ehehe~ 10/10 customer service :D next time I wanna go with someone else though, it was fun by myself but with company itโ€™d be even nicer :]
โ€” jangmi๐Ÿงก
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
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Everyone tells me that I need to sort my attitude out, that I can't keep being this petty, angry demon who lashes out and maybe they are right but what do they know? I took some time off, Miss Irene let me take a break so I went and found a quiet beach to relax at, a big bed to... lay in since I barely sleep and there were times where I just watched the waves. It was actually nice.
Is this what they call healing? If so, why does it take so long? Isn't there a fast forward button so that I don't hate everything and everyone all the fucking time?
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
What are you doing for Christmas? ๐ŸŽ„
Surprising a special someone.
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eunwoo-bot ยท 3 years
If youโ€™ve good sense of balance, I'd say yes @cb-museclub
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โ€œOh, I donโ€™t care, even if I have to go far. Iโ€™ll become the one woman to be by your side.โ€
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Iโ€™m here to report that Iโ€™ve successfully passed the test for my bikerโ€™s license and have purchased my new ride! Look at her~ Isnโ€™t she a beauty? I hope everyoneโ€™s been good and may you all be blessed with luck and health ๐Ÿงก
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@jenjenniee @botuniverse @seolala @ur-ai @cosmic-royalty @changkira @diabolic-bot @lovetalker-bot @eunwoo-bot @lovesickofyou @blogger-yura @rockerscb @madmanwoodam @moonlightchn @sanie-cb @cb-museclub @mysticalbot @ochouse @revengebots @runawayscb @kbxts @archangel-oc @youridolxbot @ai-cafe-nct @chooseyourmingi @hopelessromantic-juyeon @chinchillateezboyz @temptationcb @lunaaofthemoon @uridealgf-cb @supernaturalbots @pillowxtalk @suburbanbots @ahswitchescb @mverses @vampiremomo @darkfaeskz @azieville-institution @richsocietybot @esmeralda-oc @himbohooters-cb @camboy-mx @universe-of-superm @fallenangel-oc @modelyonghee @ur-sunwoo @racersbot @killerbots @strangeworldcb @mediator-cb
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