“I think it was more along the, ‘spread your wings’ type of situation with emotional support from them.” 
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“I mean, that’s good at least, right? Personal growth and all.”
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“Yeah, no kidding. I’m a firm believer in giving people chances, but this town has a way of proving me wrong over and over again.”
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“And that doesn’t sound super depressing or anything.”
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“It’s not that I don’t trust them, but, you grow up hearing stories about witches and how they’re all bad and evil and…then you find out they’re real and they exist in real life. How else am I supposed to deal with that news?”
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“I mean, I don’t trust them, but I can imagine,” she agreed, “Cautiously I would assume. It’s better to be on the safe side just in case.”
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“I just finished school not long ago and decided to look for somewhere new to start my actual career. I found a pediatrician opening here and after some discussion with my family, I decided this was the place to be.”
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“Your family lives close then? Or was it more of a ‘spreading your wings’ kind of thing?”
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“Well, I don’t think I’ll be the last either. This place has a track record and while I’m not running for the hills just quite yet, it seems like a pretty smart move to be quite frank. Though, who knows, with spells and shit, anything’s possible,  I guess.”
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“Yeah, I don’t mess with witches for that exact reason. They can pull off some sketchy shit with no warning and I’m not down to be on the receiving side.”
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“So, you’re also new to Hawthorne? What brought you here? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking. I don’t want to seem nosy..” 
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“Not nosy, it’s small talk,” she reassured, “Mainly I’m just trying to find a place that feels right. I thought I’d try here out. What about you?”
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“Yeah, this place is cursed or something. That’s a thing, right? Witches and spells or whatever? I’m clearly not as accustomed to it all as I thought I was.”
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“Yeah, witches or spells or whatever. Definitely cursed. You’re not the first one who’s told me that and I think I agree.”
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“Oh good! My name is Isabel, by the way.”
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“Evelyn. Nice to meet you.”
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“Did we enter some sort of hellhole dimension where vampires just run amuck now? I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”
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“I’m starting to think so. Welcome to Hell I guess.”
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“I can’t even imagine. I feel like a fool already! Would you like to tag along? I’ll get you a coffee.” 
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“Uh, sure. I’m not exactly in a place to turn down free coffee.”
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“Your guess is better than mine! I only just got here yesterday and I have already gotten myself lost.” 
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“Just be glad it’s not New York or something. At least here it’s small enough that even if you take a dozen wrong turns you’ll somehow eventually find your way back.”
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Isabel sighed and looked at the closest person to her. “Could…Could you tell me where the nearest coffee shop is? I seem to be a little lost.” 
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“Uh... Great question. I’ve only been here for a week. I think if you go right up here there should be one around the corner? But don’t quote me on that.”
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“Good to know I’m not just teaching a class for beginners,” Nell said with a smile, continuing her stretches in the front of the room. “I’m Eleanor, but you can just call me Nell. I’m just warming up for now while we wait for everyone else to file in, but if you have any questions feel free to ask, it’s mostly what I’m here for.” Nell stretched her arms up high before falling back and catching herself in a bridge. “You can follow along with me for now, or warm up however you wish.”
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Evelyn dropped her small bag to the side by the mat that she had picked, grabbing out her water bottle to take a drink before putting that to the side as well. It had been a while since she had done any yoga, but she at least knew the basics. It might have taken a while for her flexibility and ability to get back to where it had been, but at least she wasn’t completely green. “Yeah, I mean I wouldn’t claim to be an expert, but I at least know some,” she agreed, shaking out her limbs to try and warm up her muscles before starting to stretch.
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I already work with a ton of female writers who are brilliant, and I want to work with female directors. I really want to work with actresses my own age. I’m trying so hard to get projects up and running with an ensemble of young female characters, because that’s my life, my group of girls, we’re a gang and we roll together and I’m like: ‘Why is that not reflected in film?’
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“I mean, I guess so. I hope so.”
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“You don’t seem so sure.”
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“Well, you might be right there, but we can’t just start attracting attention. That’s not our purpose here. It’s for safe guarding. Giving away free stuff only warrants more people to come join us here.” Lincoln certainly enjoyed the privacy of the place, despite the gossip that went around, but that was more petty than anything it seemed. “I can handle myself pretty well, thank you.” He was merely just doing his best to compliment her, maybe get her number or something, but she certainly seemed to be putting up some sort of guard. Newbies in town always had something about them anyways. “Alright tough girl. You got it. I’ll let you handle things and figure out things on your own, but seriously, if you ever need a helping hand—” He looked to her, wide blue eyes staring back at her with the slimmest grin he could muster. “I guess I should give you my number just in case you do need some help. Or just a familiar face around.”
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“You’re not wrong,” she agreed, “But I have to warn you--the only reason I ever heard about this place was through word of mouth.” Not that she necessary thought that he meant there should be no new residents, but the own of Hawthorne and what it held had at least gotten as far as making it to her ears. She could only imagine the other people that might have learned about it and the types of people that it held since then. His reassurances only confirmed her assumption that he was either a warlock or a werewolf. She’d met people of both types that were often rather sure of themselves. “Sure,” she agreed as she pulled out her phone. There was no need to put up a fight for any reason, after all, it could be something that came in handy later, “You can be my potential Get Out of Jail Free card somewhere down the road.”
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“You think? It might make the place more palatable for it’s newer guests. Make them feel more at home, right?” Lincoln certainly had a brief moment of shrugging back at her as they had had their fair exchange. He only looked glanced around the room at other people still trying to make the party a party after everything that had happened. He was only there until cleaning showed up anyways. “You have that sort of look to you.” He nodded back. “Oh trust me, no one would have the heart to kill you. And, if anybody gives you any trouble, well—” He chuckled whole-heartedly again. “Well, again, I’m not anybody who has authority like that, but I do know the police chief. And he owes me one.”
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“Exactly. And who doesn’t love free stuff?” Her gaze had turned back towards him and away from the party as he mentioned the look that she had about her. If only he knew. “Well if this town is so hellish, I wouldn’t use your one little police chief favor on me,” she reminded him, “You’ll probably eventually need it yourself.” But it was good to know that apparently he was familiar with the police body of Hawthorne as well. Her luck was certainly turning in a favorable way if she had stumbled into talking to someone so connected during her second night, unless he was lying to her or stretching the truth of course. “At least let me pretend that I’m hardier than I look.”
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