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“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.”
Charles Glassman (via thursdays-at-the-coffeeshop)
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The way we treat others is the way we treat Jesus.
V (Max Lucado, He chose the nails)
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Don’t worry about having the right words; worry more about having the right heart. It’s not eloquence he seeks, just honesty.
Max Lucado (via hopemovementau)
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The Maker of the Stars would rather die for you than live without you. That is a fact.
Max Lucado (via graceandgracey)
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Some people survive and talk about it. Some people survive and go silent. Some people survive and create. Everyone deals with unimaginable pain in their own way, and everyone is entitled to that, without judgement. So the next time you look at someone’s life covetously, remember…you may not want to endure what they are enduring right now, at this moment, whilst they sit so quietly before you, looking like a calm ocean on a sunny day. Remember how vast the ocean’s boundaries are. Whilst somewhere the water is calm, in another place in the very same ocean, there is a colossal storm.
People Survive in Different Ways | Nikita Gill (via jolinxo)
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I’m very perfectionistic and very lazy, which is a terrible combination.
Robert Stone (via quotemadness)
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The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. // Psalm 33:6
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I’m gonna sing until my voice won’t let me As thunders roar I’ll shout Your praise
Hillsong- End of Days (via love-your-bible)
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Courage, dear heart.
C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (via kvtes)
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