nothing but my fav child azula is dressed at watertribe outfit
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the way maiko are with each other || otp questions
to be honest i LOVE their relationship so there are some headcanons that i think have a right to exist.
Who brings home stray animals?
zuko. guys he literally gragged a dragon to the palace.
Who wont notice a loss of their wallet and wont be upset if this happens and who will search the city for ten dollars?
mai only says " what a pity" and she goes on as if nothing had happened. zuko notices a loss after about a week (!) and he's always extremely concerned about it and checks several times in the garden, in the palace, in the vicinity of the palace, in the square, in the market and even in the avatar's house. after all that zuko's desperate and he asks mai to help and together they find the ill-fated wallet behind the bedside table in their bedroom. Fun fact: it's been there for not a week but a month.
Who will be the first to take the other by the hand?
mai. despite all her "coldness" she's very sensitive to others so she always knows when zuko needs support. after the unsuccessful negotiation she wraps a blanket round his shoulders, sits down next to him in silence and holds his hand. comforting words arent her strong suit but there is much more in these touches than can be said.
Who sings in the shower and who is annoyed by it bc because of this his couple spends several hours there?
im sure that no one expected to see this here but they BOTH sing. sometimes as a duet.
Who laughs out loud at their own jokes?
zuko. i bet that this is a family thing and mai's getting used to it and she no longer rolls her eyes at his "funny puns" and hyena screams that are heard immediately after another joke. she even giggles soflty bc no matter how different zuko and azula are, they have the SAME laugh.
Who do they ask to be their bridesmaid\best man of the bride\groom?
ty lee and aang.
zuko takes a long time to find the words, rehearses the speech several times in front of the mirror and for almost a month is looking for the right moment to tell a friend about the wedding. he confusingly and for a long time explains to aang that he's very dear to him and this is a very important event and alternately comes up with metaphors about the wedding so that the avatar begins to think with fear that zuko's proposing to him.
mai mentions the wedding between grumbling about zuko's turltleduck pajamas and unhappy comments about the weather but ty lee immediately understands everything and literally  "omg you WHAT-"
of course they both agree.
(ty lee braids friendship bracelets and now she and aang are officially "the best bridesmaid and best man forever")
Who gives their partner cute nicknames?
mai. this is what ty lee does when she, mai and suki go out shopping/for a walk to be exact.
"little turtleduck!!!! that's the perfect nickname for zuko!! no, you just look at him he looks SO fluffy even wearing fire lord's clothes as if he is about to quack"
"zuki? zyzi? zukluck? oooH I KNOW ZUZZA"
"and your couple we can call "maiko", isnt it really great?"
and if during the afternoon mai raises an eyebrow and looks at ty lee as if asking, "are you serious?", then later in the evening she looks at  smiling zuko and thinks that ty lee was damn right. he's her little turtleduck.
(she likes "maiko" too)
((she'll never admit this))
ps. hey let me know if you want to see the same for other atla couples! i also have some more ideas for mai and zuko bc they deserve it
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My own mother thought I was a monster... She was right of course, but it still hurt.
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has anyone ever imagined how looking in the mirror azula suddenly heard "im here zula and i love you" and she turned around, saw ty lee and ran to her laughing and weeping for joy bc she was no longer alone and she had someone who came back to her to love her no matter what azula did.
has anyone ever imagined how then azula hugged ty lee and closed eyes and was afraid to open them and when she finally did azula realized that there was no one in the room but her.
because i just imagined it. and im crying.
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Azula is a monster with no chance of redemption
ok for all that time that im an atla fan I have seen a tremendous amount of opinions about azula and her decisions. i respect every viewpoint but i just wanna say that sometimes people are too cruel when it comes to her. atla is literally an animated series about what everyone even the most complete villain deserves redemption and forgiveness. but when it comes to azula, fourteen-year-old girl, this leads to the title of this article.
UM you know what? i dont think she deserves such an attitude to her. shes not a monster from children’s fairy tales that must be immediately destroyed by a brave dragon hunter. lol no. shes a live human with her own fears, complexes and feelings. i admit that she isnt the ideal loving sister or compassionate, sympathetic friend but it doesnt mean she cant improve even if someone gives her a hand. azula may not be the best person but shes still a person.
morerover, shes fourteen okay? shes a teen who was raised by an abusive, despotic father in conditions of constant competition with an older brother for the love of first ursa and then ozai. of course azula doesnt understand what a normal relationship is. shes sure that she does everything right because ‘fear is only reliable way’ worked for all her childhood. but suddenly she finds out that she cant control the entire world and this is scared and this is new reality she needs to see – she cant build a ‘normal’ familiar relationship without her royal position or power. you can observe that in the episode “the beach” when azula tries to please other teens but they don’t pay attention to her.
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maybe if there was someone in her world too who loved her just like that and didn’t encourage her for power and cruelty it will be different. maybe if she doesnt have to constantly fight for love and parents attention azula could become a better person.
some of you can say that azula was a monster since a childhood but how many angelic children have you seen? without any whims? and how many children who were fiend of hell have you seen? without any positive qualities? this is impossible and nobody was born absolutely ‘good’ or ‘bad’. how can anyone even suppose that four-year-old azula was the cause of zuko’s nightmares? that she never listened to fairy tales with her brother? that the first time she called zuko ‘zuzu’ wasnt when she tried to pronounce his name but couldnt pronounce the second part?
azula just needs a good advice from a person who loves her and wants to take care of her. I mean like iroh who helped zuko during all his life or like gaang aka fraternity ‘everyone-loves-everyone-here’.
azula needs help and a friendly ear to achieve redemption but all she gets is blame, disgust and the mark of a fucking monster.
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