Chris Halliwell x OC imagine: Oh, The Pain (part 4/4)
(set in mid 2025.
power/s: telekinesis, umbrakinesis, healing)
Valerie sauntered back into the sunroom, not sparing Coop a glance. "PJ, what do you hate more; hunting in packs or the empousai?
"These are creatures straight out of Greek myth, after all. Hunting them into extinction would improve the image of all wraiths, you in particular, even though it would take plenty of time and plentier casualties."
The horrid face of the three-legged amalgamation twisted in a snarl.
Valerie bared her own teeth in a grin. "A wraith and an empousa share the body of a Cupid-Witch. Sounds like the start of a joke."
"She will tear both of your covens apart!"
"You can do better than that." With a dip of her chin, Valerie pinned PJ's upper body to the floor, and suspended her feet in mid-air. Something like a whimper slipped through PJ's lips. "PJ could, anyw—"
Then something banged Valerie's head against the tiled floor.
She blinked away the spots in her vision and managed to see a male hand wearing a pink ring remove the crystals. 
Uncle Coop's face was turning darker and see-through. He moved as if he didn't know whether to keep his distance from PJ or be as close as possible.
Valerie pushed herself to her feet, in time for the wraith-empousa to burst into motion and shove her through a colored window into the garden. Her clawed hands tightened around Valerie's throat, her paw and hoof pinning her feet down. PJ buried her copper leg into Valerie's stomach, laughing gleefully at the blood that burst out.
Valerie was dimly aware of her name being called, followed by the sounds of fighting inside. As a wraith (or something close enough, anyway), Uncle Coop could turn everyone against each other by getting in their minds. If Aunt Piper could freeze him, then they might stand a chance. Wyatt only learned to project memories minutes ago, so he was still susceptible to the mind games. Chris always had a mental shield raised, but couldn't singlehandedly extend it to—
PJ twisted her foot, laughing and hissing with delight over the choking and gasping noises Valerie was making. "Ashthorn blood..."
Valerie's shadows hesitated to heal her. The tang of metal filled her mouth, and a fire that wasn't there burned her body from her limbs inward. Every inhale shredded her windpipe and erased almost all cohesive thought from her mind.
"Chris..." she rasped. For a small second, hearing his name made the pain go away. "Chris!" 
His blood went cold. As if with a mind of its own, Chris's telekinesis crushed PJ's waist, enough to break her focus, and pulled her away from the bleeding Valerie, right into Uncle Coop as he stumbled within range. Chris extended both hands, pinning his cousin and uncle against opposing walls of the room, hardly noticing what else they broke along the way.
He nearly removed the garden doors off its hinges trying to reach Valerie. 
Her eyes were darting aimlessly, her chest rising and falling too quickly as the hole in her stomach kept spurting blood. "Ree? Ree! Valerie, stay awake. I got you."
His hearing perked up at every sound of pain she made as he gathered her into his arms and stood. "Your writing, Ree, tell me about your writing. Come on."
PJ and Uncle Coop were frozen. His mom had her arms outstretched, ready.
"Go to the living room, Chris. Wyatt's healing Dad there."
"You'll be alright?" 
She gave him a look. 
"Stop..." Valerie choked on the word. She must be reliving the pain. Chris moved carefully, hurriedly.
"I stopped... writing.." 
Valerie passed out before they could reach the living room. 
After checking on his uncle, Wyatt returned to the living room. Valerie's face already showed more color, and a third of her stomach was restored under Chris's steady hands. 
Wyatt muttered. "Turns out, PJ got to Uncle Coop while he and dad were reading Valerie's journals. Aunt Phoebe and the girls got the wraith out of him in time."
"I took her to the attic and put her in an orb shield. Mom's going up as soon as she's done glamouring the damage."
They both look toward the sunroom, where Piper stood before the window that PJ and Valerie flew through. Chris's breath stumbled, and he looked back. "Her shadows were slow to heal her, so I triggered her water magic. Uncle Coop stabbed her in the side, and part of her spine was dislocated when it hit the window, but she's fine now."
Wyatt blinked, not only at the injuries Valerie sustained but at the tension still lining Chris's body. "What is it?"
"... She said she stopped writing."
The floor swayed slightly beneath Wyatt. "What? That's impossible. How...?"
"I don't know." Chris paused from healing, rubbing his hands on his face with a sigh. "I don't like not knowing."
This was no time to poke fun at what was going on between them. Chris needed silence to think, and as long as Valerie was with him, whatever state she was in, he could think rationally. Wyatt gripped his little brother's shoulder and walked away. "Tell me when she wakes up." 
Valerie waited until the footsteps completely faded to mutter. "You won't."
Chris's head whirled towards her, then his shoulders slackened. "Don't use your reverse psychology on me."
She chuckled, but pain shot through her stomach all the way up to her throat, choking her. Chris's hands already hovered and glowed above her. "Where?"
He followed where her hands led, and she kept quiet. To help quicken the healing, and to focus on the thin net of shadow magic she spread in all directions.
Chris glared at her, sensing it. "Stop that."
She did, partly because he continued. "Peyton and Parker aren't upset. In fact, they want to apologize."
Valerie laughed breathlessly.
"Yes, I told them how stupid they were being."
She managed to open her eyes and look at him. "Neurotic Evermore."
The corner of his lips lifted, and her heart pounded a little louder. Damn, she missed him. 
"I want to ask you a question about Michael, if that's alright."
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Chris Halliwell x OC imagine:  In Conclusion, Yes (part 3/4)
(set in mid 2025.)
"You're back." Chris breathed, his disbelieved smile a solid blow to her gut.
"What about my back?"
He rolled his eyes as he laughed, then crossed the space between them. Valerie couldn't — didn't — stop herself from smiling as she met him halfway and wrapped her arms around him, as he pulled her close. 
His scent of eucalyptus and musk, with hints of Purgatory embers, slammed into her, and her knees threatened to buckle. Now — now, she was home. "Hi, Pretty Boy."
"Oh, I hate that nickname." he smiled into her hair, and they pull away. Valerie choked the urge to hold his hand, to keep holding him. 
"That's the point."
"I didn't know you'd be here." he threw a pointed look towards his brother, who suddenly found something interesting about the ceiling.
Valerie whispered loudly to Chris. "Call him too, and more often."
The corner of Wyatt's lips curled up, and Chris chuckled, dismissing it for later. "If you're helping, then you know what happened."
"I also know a bit of what's going to happen. If Melinda's being turned this very moment, now is our only chance to reverse the effects of the empousa blood for good, otherwise we risk her new pack leader sending her here." she turned towards Wyatt. "Projecting images of empousai dying stuns them, so they can feel fear. I'll show you my memories later."
"What, your shadows weren't enough?" Chris frowned, offended for her.
"They are, but no one gets away with hurting those girls." Valerie spoke the words as they are; one of the most understood facts throughout the magical world. Piper and Coop shared a sympathetic smile.
Wyatt glanced between his brother and their childhood friend, and struggled to hide his smug delight. "I'll go start on the supportive potions. Mom can help you improvise after you go through these again."
"I can help with that, in case Wyatt missed something."
He whirled, just as Valerie nodded. "Good point."
"Alright, let's go be nerds." she smiled fondly. "Oh stop, Wyatt. Reading never was your thing. Now go. Shoo."
Wyatt jokingly groaned, leaving with the adults.
Chris took a seat, eyeing the books. "I never thought I'd see you ordering him around again."
Valerie opened a moderately thick book and sat across him, because she had to focus, or die trying. "It's all part of my master plan to be prettier in your eyes."
"Assuming you were pretty to begin with."
She threw him a playful glare that he didn't see, and telekinetically shut the book he was scanning so it bit down on his thumb. 
"Ow!" Chris jumped.
Valerie laughed, letting him go. "These are everything I have on empousai; signs of presence, variations in appearance, primitive Grecian methods of eliminating them..." 
His face lit up with undeniable curiosity. "Wait, Grecian? When? Where?"
She tried not to gush, or look too smug, and failed miserably on both. "Epirus, 623 B.C."
Chris scoffed dramatically, and she giggled. "Keep being salty and I won't answer the what's and the how's."
"City-states were still being invented at that time, Valerie."
She gave him a pointed look. "Salty!"
Triumphant, she returned to her book. Empousai that consume a woman with a menstrual impurity commonly exhibits a lesser strength than those of its kind that consume cattle, particularly sheep. In that regard, empousai that prey solely on livestock commonly assume a beastly visage with no less than four different feet, and exhibit remarkable to unstoppable mobility, as proven with the assist of Valeria—
"It's good that you're back.”
Valerie's breath hitched. Focus. She told herself, begged herself. Pretend it's anyone else but Chris.
"With your firepower, I don't think the wraiths stand a chance."
Her head shot up so fast it was a surprise she didn't pop a vein. "What did you just say?"
"You didn't know." Chris blinked, understanding. "The wraiths—"
"—and the empousai could be working together. I knew I was stupid, but not this much." She shot to her feet, passing book after book, rearranging them across the floor according to vague relativity, until she finally sat beside him.
"It's not possible because they're sworn rivals, but it's also possible because of that. Two people licking each others' bleeding wounds in the street would attract attention anywhere, but compared to wraiths, empousai wouldn't be able to plan around that on their own. They're a chaotic mess." 
"Sounds familiar." Chris smiled, making Valerie grin.
He forced himself to focus on the Book of Shadows, flicking his fingers to bring it towards him. "It also makes sense because empousai can physically shapeshift, but wraiths can shapeshift and assume an astral form at the same time. No one but PJ's parents and sisters came into her room before she clawed Uncle Coop, and Mel always stays in crowded places when she goes out on her own."
"You two tell her to do that?" 
Chris chuckled, "Isabel and Morgan don't deal with the same thing?"
"Shut up."
He smiled slightly, showing her the page of Astros. "The empousa I brought to Purgatory mentioned her."
Valerie skimmed. "Demon sorceress... self-indulgent desires and power.."
"Maybe not the girls directly, but we can assume that the empousai pack leader got most of that part." Chris took a photo of the page.
Valerie stood again, pacing. "I'd want to be friends with her if she didn't want you guys dead." That made him laugh.
She paced back and forth. "Wraiths, and a demon sorceress... okay, so..."
Piper entered the room, waving for her. "Valerie? Someone's looking for you outside. He said his name was Michael...?"
Valerie cursed. "Chris, hold that thought."
Chris angled his head in confusion as he and Piper watched her leave the room.
"You better hold on tight, honey." his mom muttered. "It's the new boyfriend." 
He clenched his jaw, looking away. "Oh."
Piper's voice softened, and she tilted her head to read off the book. "What does 'Astros' have to do with our problem?"
Chris cleared his throat. She could've sworn he was grateful for the change of topic. "Not sure yet. I barely heard of her when I was looking for Melinda, only something about talking to an empousa pack leader. She's had her fair share of Warren witches, has the power of thermokinesis and desire projection, but we can't be too confident. This was written way back."
"Right here."
She snapped a picture of the ingredients and procedure when Wyatt swiftly passed behind her, stirring half of a vanquishing potion in a steel container. "Wyatt, should you be running around with that?"
"It's okay." He telekinetically held up a curtain, and almost immediately reeled back. "That's her new boyfriend? Now I'm getting worried."
"Wyatt, don't." Chris groaned.
"Worried? I'm disappointed in her. He's not her type of guy." Piper said.
"We all know her since before she learned how to walk. Do you really believe she's happy with him?"
"Is that why you're being defensive?" Wyatt turned towards his brother, a grin creeping up his face.
"I'm not—"
They heard the front door closing, and Valerie's footsteps returning. "Alright, we need another vanquishing potion, for a demon sorceress. The empousai and wraiths are being manipulated."
Piper blinked, looking between her and Chris. "Hold on, wraiths?"
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Chris Halliwell x OC imagine: Chris (part 2/4)
(set in mid 2025.
power/s: umbrakinesis)
Valerie had taken a spot on a couch in the living room, marked by a ring of books that either hovered or laid down. The Book of Shadows sat open on the coffee table. She telekinetically flipped pages with a finger, her dark brows narrowed.
Wyatt entered from the sitting room, carrying the last seven of Valerie's journals and books. His dad helped bring the books in, and divided it between themselves so he and Uncle Coop could read from the sunroom, and Mom could read from the kitchen while she was making Valerie a dessert. 
He blinked away the memory of a younger Valerie in that same state. "The city library is the last I heard from her. She went looking for books about school, but I doubt there's anything Wiccan in that."
Valerie hummed, "Nothing Wiccan; something Melinda. What about PJ? She sure as hell won't be a writer-gone-rogue on her own."
"I don't know." Wyatt heaved a deep sigh. "All Aunt Phoebe sensed was a lust for blood. I healed Uncle Coop in time when they beamed here, but just barely."
Valerie shut the book on her lap and tossed it aside, pushing her hands against the bridge of her nose with a frustrated huff. "What is going on...?"
The strings of the couch she was sitting on, and of the nearby carpet, began to unravel, along with the leathers on some of her books. Wyatt set the books down and waved a hand, restoring everything that Valerie's projection power affected. So she still struggled with control there...
He gently removed the book beside her and sat, placing a tentative arm on the headrest at her back. "We'll find them. You'll scold their ears off, give them a good smack upside their pretty little heads, and make fun of them for turning into..." he gestured to a book opened on a page about empousa. ".. then we'll look back on this day, and I'll laugh at how neurotic you still are."
Her frown broke into a smile. "I am not!"
"Yes, you are! You wouldn't be perfect for Chris otherwise."
"I am n—"
His mother paused at the threshold. "Would you like some blueberry cheesecake with that denial?"
Valerie threw her an unimpressed look, and Wyatt sniggered. 
"Sorry." Mom's smile spread. "Here. For returning to this mess, and staying anyway."
"I'd be suspicious if things are going too well. Thanks."
"Also, Chris called." Valerie's grip on the plate nearly slipped, and mother and son laughed in delight. "He said he'll check in the Enchanted Forest again before coming back here to help."
Wyatt nudged Valerie on the other shoulder. "Ooh, he's on his way~"
"I see he still doesn't like you."
"Psh. He loves me." Both of them were momma's boys, after all.
After Mom returned to help guard PJ, Wyatt recalled their progress. "Few witches have turned into empousai before, even in the things you wrote, but they all turned after a day. Melinda and PJ were fine this morning, but they turned at around twelve in the afternoon. How likely is it that being Halliwells isn't the only cause of that?"
"Very likely, actually."
He was going to ask something about her time in Epirus when suddenly, she stared off into space. It was more of an epiphany than inspiration, this time. "Few witches have turned into empousa before..." She met his gaze, her blue-gray eyes clearer. ".. witches..."
"I see your brain gears working, but we already tried to tap into both of PJ's sides separately and simultaneously, Valerie." She rose to her feet. "She's still caged like an animal." 
"Have you tried tapping into her empousa side?" 
"No." Then it dawned on him. "No, no. Ree, don't—Ree!" 
Valerie stomped back to the family room and noticed Uncle Coop sinking into his seat. PJ whipped her head towards her, the movement so animalistic that it was almost too easy to raise her hand and aim for her airway. She didn't know who asked her to stop, but she didn't listen. She created a black, translucent force field between Coop's and the crystals'.
Wyatt arrives, glancing at his parents to make sure they were alright. Both of them looked prepared to fight. 
"Take yours away."
"What?" Coop breathed. "Take your force field away, Uncle Coop!" Valerie looked at him, pleading.
The empousa in the crystals grinned wickedly. "Make this easier for me."
"Wraiths are better than you."
It hissed, offended. Valerie lowered one palm, aiming for PJ's hip area where the three legs began. A choked sound slipped through her mouth. Then, Valerie forced its mind open to let her in. 
The Pindus mountains burned under the sun, and any empousai that crossed the right flank burned under Valerie's swords. Her left one buried into an empousa's neck, as her right slashed across its torso, cleanly severing the six different legs. With each breath, Valerie--or Valeria, as she called herself here— cut them down by the legs. The screams hammered into PJ's head, shrill over her own.
The nostalgia grounded Valerie. "It stops if you speak the truth."
The empousa in PJ glared up at her. "Soifig was a coward to yield to you."
"... wrong truth." from the force field she made, a dark hand reached out and grabbed hold of the empousa's hoof. Valerie shut her eyes to focus, squeezing harder with her power until the yelling she heard changed pitch.
She opened her eyes, and it was Chris who stared up at her... or at least, Chris with three different legs. 
Wyatt stepped up to her side, half confused, half smug. "Why'd she shift into Chris?"
"To piss me off." she waved, levitating and turning the empousa upside down. It instantly looked unsettled. "Honestly, it's working."
Crashing and breaking rang from different directions, followed by numerous footsteps simultaneously. Everyone turned towards separate entryways, bracing, but still too slow to stop the stream of hirudin that burned Coop's back. Wyatt waved another jet past Valerie's head, hitting the empousa as it broke through the window, smug to have injured one of them.
A six-legged one aimed to fire at Wyatt, but Piper threw out a hand, freezing him in place. 
She blinked, raising her other hand. "Oh, I didn't mean to do that—"
"No!" said Valerie, "Spare one!"
Valerie turned her head and fired a shadow blast at the four-legged empousa who kicked the crystals around PJ, leaving it to the force field to keep her contained. Using the same hand, Valerie's telekinesis grabbed a copper hoof and crushed it to tiny, shining grains. 
Wyatt finally reached his uncle, and orbed with him to Piper and Leo's side. 
Valerie asked the still hovering empousa. "Did all that yelling summon them?"
It grinned widely at her.  
She clenched her jaw. "Noted." 
Her twin swords materialized in her hands, and her grip both tightened and relaxed at the same time — a nostalgia of a different sort. Wyatt came to her side, his hands lighting up as he braced to fight.  
Valerie flicks her wrists, smiling wolfishly as her blades caught the light. "Gimme them toes."
Afterwards, Valerie collected the information from the extra empousa, and added it to the pile that everyone helped separate from the destroyed books.
Wyatt picked up an intact page and stared between the five books he gathered. "I thought empousai could only shift after they read the mind of their victim?"
"They can. I put down my mental shield, and then the empousa shifted into Chris."
Valerie felt his attention on her, and paused from scribbling to throw him a dirty look. "We needed to stall for time. The transformation takes an entire day, remember? Don't get any ideas."
"Did his face flash in your mind? The resemblance was so uncanny." she could hear him smile. "Getting to you through your Pretty Boy feels more like a tried and tested fact to me than an idea—"
She threw her hands up, and with it, the journal she held. The corner of her mouth was curling up. "You know what, I've had it up to here with you—"
"Mom, are you alright?"
Her breath hitched. That's how he sounds now?
"Oh yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine." Piper's voice replied from the dining room. "What about you? Did you find your sister?"
"Not sure yet. Where's the Book?"
Footsteps sounded. Wyatt grinned a fiendish grin. Valerie glared at him. "In the living room with Wyatt..."
The empousa could never imitate the green of his eyes.
".. and Valerie." Aunt Piper stood behind him, smiling with what Valerie recognized as contentment. 
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Chris Halliwell x OC imagine: Ashthorn (part 1/4)
(Set in mid 2025.
trope: the entire family knows about their feelings for each other, but the both of them don’t dare to act on it.
power/s: sass...?)
The demon sorceress Astros targets Melinda in a time of self-doubt, and PJ in a time of self-loathing, in an attempt to cripple the power of the next generation. She did not consider Valerie Ashthorn, The Expert on the Matter and their childhood friend.
Valerie rang the doorbell, and her heart raced even faster. She breathed deeply, and thought about what she was going to say. Melinda's 18th was two weeks ago, so she must have moved out. If she's lucky and the twins are here, they'd be loud when they see her, and save her from introducing (or reintroducing) herself.
The door opened to reveal a pleasant-faced young man. "Hi."
Valerie smiled, resigning herself to social interaction. "Hi... I'm looking for Wyatt Halliwell. Has he visited this house recently?"
He chuckled like she said something funny. "Yes, I have. How can I help you?"
"Wow..." And so, there was no such thing as something she planned to say. There's only this older, good-looking guy in the shoes of one of her greatest friends. "I-I mean, my name is Valerie Ashthorn. We last saw each other—nevermind. I'm moving into my folks' old house across the street. I figured seeing if you still remember me, it won't—"
She had turned her head to face the house, so dull and plain compared to the Halliwell Manor, and couldn't brace herself for the weight that crashed against her body. 
Wyatt hugged her and exclaimed, "Ree! Oh my goodness, that's why you looked so familiar!"
He pulled away, grinning. "Wow! You're a sight for sore eyes... Or maybe Chris's eyes."
She smacked his arm, ignoring how built he felt beneath her hand. "Ten seconds! You can't even last ten seconds without being an asshole!" 
"You can't even last one without blushing." he smirked. "Please, come in."
It took all of Valerie's willpower to keep from being choked up at how familiar the walls and furniture and windows and floors looked, as if the house itself was alive and welcoming her back home. She put her bag aside, letting Wyatt place an arm around her shoulder as she slung one around his waist. This has always been home, no matter the mind-reading evil beings that tried to destroy her memory of it over the years.
Wyatt led them to the living room with a contented sigh. The memories continue to flood back, and would've barreled into Valerie if she hadn't seen the frowns on Aunt Piper's, Uncle Leo's, and Uncle Coop's faces before they perked up at the sight of her.
She and Wyatt pulled away from each other. "I'm back. Demons?"
Piper rose from the couch and wrapped her arms around her. Please don't cry, Valerie told herself. "Valerie, hi. It's so good to see you... no, not demons. You know we're never that lucky."
Despite how deeply they frowned, they were alright. It was Melinda and PJ who were at risk.
Leo asked her. "What do you know about the empousai?"
"I know enough to vanquish them."
"Nobody's vanquishing anyone." Coop muttered, his ring stark against the dark expression on his face. "That's not an option."
"It is for the one who turned PJ, Coop." Leo stated, before turning back towards Valerie. "And the one who's going to turn Melinda.”
"... Premonition." Valerie guessed. She received nods.
An inhuman growl sounded from the sunroom, low and guttural. One second, Valerie was frozen, surprised. 
The next, she was bolting across the room, ignoring Wyatt's warnings, as well as the force field he placed around her. 
Not three steps into the sunroom and a jet of white fluid shot across the room. She threw her hands upward with a yelp as the fluid hit the force field, redirecting it upwards into an LED light above her head and cracking it. 
Wyatt and the others caught up. His eyes were wide and alert, darting between her and the partly-turned empousai on the floor, inside a ring of crystals and a pink force field. 
The disheveled brown hair and tattered clothes screamed that it was PJ, when the three legs — all different from each other — and the wholly red eyes watching her every move said it was an empousa in the middle of transformation. 
"Are you okay? That thing she spits didn't get you?"
Valerie pointed to the broken LED light overhead, with bits and pieces that were still falling and bouncing against Wyatt's force field. Her attention remained on PJ; one of her legs was a cat's with its claws out, the other a horse's or goat's hoof that she kept stomping the ground with, and the third a thing of pure copper that was shaped like a human leg. Patches of her skin were different tones, indicating either she tried to shapeshift, or the ability is being opened to her. 
PJ snarled, revealing cracked, unused canines, and Valerie cocked an offended black eyebrow. "You got the aesthetic, at least."
Coop gave her a dirty look, even as he stepped up to her side. "We had to use my power to make the force field, hope that through the heritage I passed down, we could reach her. We already tried appealing to her witch side."
"Is everyone accounted for?"
"Yes." Piper answered. "Your Aunt Phoebe is with Peyton and Parker, and Uncle Henry is on leave, so he's with Aunt Paige and the kids." 
Wyatt added, crossing his arms over his chest. "Chris went alone to look for Melinda, get her back here before she can fully turn. Ideally."
Valerie made a double take, blinking at him. "Empousai seduce. Why is he alone?"
"... Seduce?" a smirk slowly spread across his face. "I wouldn't be too worried. The only one that can get him to do anything through seduction is you."
Valerie's ears warmed. At the corner of her eye, she noticed the adults, even Uncle Coop, trying to hide their smiles. She massaged her neck, the quickest way to make Wyatt understand how annoying he was being. "I went back in time before and encountered empousai. When I was in Greece, three dozen of them attacked Epirus."
PJ snarled at her when she looked. Valerie was half-inclined to snarl back. "I brought journals and books with me in the car and the house. I'll see if I can find anything."
"I'll help." Wyatt hopped on his feet, following her out the door after Piper nodded in reply.
"Promise not to be a dick."
He put one hand in the air, and the other on his chest, as if he were vowing. Then he made a funny face. "Not entirely, anyway."
Valerie guffawed. "Already more than I expect."
The magma pool burned far, far below Chris, but he could still feel the heat on his face. The empousa he'd been interrogating whimpered at the sight of the stone cuffs around its wrists, its five different legs dangling uselessly in mid-air. Chris clenched his jaw against the knot forming in his temple, and removed another small piece of rock from the cuffs.
"Wait, wait! You won't even ask me what they want with those girls first?"
"Frankly, I don't have time. Now again, what sent the empousai?"
The empousa's lips pulled back in a snarl, just like the one Melinda had given Chris when he last saw her. "The empousai send themselves...!"
"Is that what your pack leader said when he agreed to work with wraiths?"
"We will annihilate their kind after we're done with you!" it yelled, the sound echoing through the few entryways dug throughout Purgatory. 
"Scary." Chris drawled. The wraiths were always a sore topic. "Empousai answer to their pack leaders, and those are decided from how quickly they turn victims. What asked for your help?"
The empousa drew its vicious lips into a line, refusing to answer. Chris flicked his wrist, and a larger chunk of the cuffs broke off, falling into the fire below. The empousa's feet writhed and clicked against each other in a panic. Without something to stand on, these beasts would be out of their comfort zone, and suddenly become the most cowardly of the new generation of evil. Only the sight of his theory being proven true kept Chris's headache at bay.  
"Astros! Astros! She called herself Astros!"
He blinked, trying to recall where he encountered the name. Then he removed the entire stone from the empousa's right wrist. The headache pounded more with the empousa still trying to get into his head.
"She would have excelled if she were one of us! The wraiths will let her skills go to waste, but she will thrive with us..." it glared at the single piece of rock keeping it from both death and the nearby surface that led to safety. "after she exploits the power of your family."
The simultaneous sound of multiple, different footsteps came from the tunnels on its side. Chris watched the fear sink into its horrible, pale face before he tugged at the stone cuff. "The wraiths say the same thing."
Its eyes were wide with rage and self-absorbed disbelief. Chris shrugged. "Or something close enough anyway. From what I've read about your kind, you're cannibals, if motivated correctly."
He removed the cuffs from its wrist after all its feet hit solid ground, and then orbed home. "Must be painful."
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hey guys i’m starting school soon so if anyone wants to come to my house and kill me that would be cool
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Season 5 going like
Chloe: *dances with death again*
Other character: *marvels at it*
Chloe: "My guardian angel is good at his job."
Lucifer: +10000 love for one (1) detective
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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i hate david tennant for taking two of the goofiest fictional men on the planet and making me feel sad things about them against my will. the audacity of the man.
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Dialogue Difference
S4Lucifer: I have to go back
S5Lucifer: I have to go back home
You feel me?
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Nothing is so real
to an ardent book lover
as worlds of fiction.
D W Eldred
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A year of waiting for the next season?
Good thing I haven't deleted the last four, then.
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If my boi doesn't return to Chloe with the most powerful, annoyingly cocky, and sweetest "Hello Detective" in the history of the TV series I will flip myself
or a simple "Hello Chloe" it probably will have the same impact on meh
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Netflix, I love you
There's a strong fandom backing Lucifer up so...
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Is Adam gonna be the last antagonist?
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What is this purple shirt that you speak of?
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SPN 13.06 Tombstone
It's killing me. Jack is suited up. Why is he suited up? What the hell man?
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An update, by yours truly
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*me, binge watching S12 because I literally cannot wait to meet Jack*
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