exoticmineral · 5 years
Reblog if your character has killed someone
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Malachite’s eyes seemed to light up at the mention of The Reef. She remembered when she got her first Pearl, and how fun it was to design her! She really missed her Pearl.. Her thoughts were quickly cleared when she was handed her Sapphire. With delicate and gentle hands, Malachite takes her Sapphire and examines the now whole gem. She could fairly see where the shards of the Sapphire had been bonded with the Pearl.
Suddenly the blue gem lifts out of Malachite’s hands and the Sapphire starts to form. She started to form like normal, but then her form seemed to glitch. There’s a bright light, and standing in front of Mali was her Sapphire. She had light blue hair that fell to her waist, with big fluffy bangs covering her single eye. She had an elegant dress on with the usual Blue Diamond on her chest. The top of her dress resembled more of a tank top instead of having the puffy sleeves that most Sapphires had.
She did, however, have a few differences that Malachite could see which she thought maybe came from the Pearl. The Sapphire looks around, more confused than anything before seeing Malachite.
“M-Mail..?” The gem asks, her voice seemed to crack and she sounded like she had two voices. The green gem grins, a few tears falling from her cheeks as she runs over to her Sapphire and pulls her into a hug.
“Sapphy!!” Mali says excitedly as she pulls the gem close.
Mali listens to the fusion talk. She just couldn’t help but worry about her Sapphire. Would she remember her? Would she ever fuse with her again? Would she be okay? Every question buzzed around in her mind.
“O-Oh… Good..” Mali replies as she watches Black Moonstone handle her Sapphire.
“So you did this with shattered Pearls? That’s interesting.” Malachite says, trying to keep the conversation going. It was mainly out of her own worry that she wanted to talk nonstop.
“Oh, no - the Pearls were not shattered.” Black Moonstone corrected, smiling slightly as a faint wisp of smoky heat rose from between her working hands. “They were simply empties I obtained from The Reef, unclaimed and unprogrammed. I used them as vessels for other, more useful Gems - scoring or cracking them and then filling the gaps with Dust or Shards.”
Calmly, as though she hadn’t just been casually talking about mutilating Pearls, she turned towards Mali, opening her hands to reveal the completely patched Sapphire, faintly striped now.
“I doubt you would have any need for a Control Ring with her, so I skipped that step - regardless, the procedure should work.”
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exoticmineral · 5 years
This is a friendly reminder that RPing nsfw content with anyone under the age of 18 is ILLEGAL. It does not matter what the age of majority in your country is - Tumblr guidelines fall under the United States governing laws, and you are considered a minor until you are 18 years old or older.
I understand wanting to RP nsfw content - it can be fun, it can be exciting - however it is ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. Any adult found to be guilty of this faces FELONY sex offender charges that will remain on their record for the rest of their life. Not only does it affect their lives, it affects the lives of their families as well. Finding housing, getting or keeping a good job…something like that on their record can completely destroy someone.
A bit of ‘fun’ roleplay isn’t worth ruining someone else’s life over, people. And that, I can guarantee you, WILL ruin someone’s life. So please. I get that nsfw is exciting and you want to participate…but please. Don’t lie about your age. Don’t try to force adults into RPing nsfw content with you if you are under the age of 18. Just……don’t. You can wait a few years - it won’t kill you. The repercussions are just not worth it.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Pros to ship with me
Our ship is probably gonna be rly cute
Cons to ship with me
I’ll talk about it all the time
I’ll give you what ifs and how woulds all the time
I will think of AUs and share
I will make playlists of them a lot
It will always have pain and tears
Probably will have to ask for 983454858645794 threads
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exoticmineral · 5 years
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Reblog if you’re open to improvisational rp and just “winging it” with threads
Whether it’s the first interactions between the muses so the chemistry is still up in the air and it’s still unknown as to whether or not they’ll click before potential plotting, or the muses have too much minds of their own and run wild the moment you set them loose in a thread, plotting is hard and occasionally your pre-planned threads jump the track and go in totally different directions than anticipated thanks to the muses’ creative differences. Reblog this to let your rp partners know that you don’t mind simply jumping straight into in-character interactions and threads.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Mali listens to the fusion talk. She just couldn’t help but worry about her Sapphire. Would she remember her? Would she ever fuse with her again? Would she be okay? Every question buzzed around in her mind.
“O-Oh... Good..” Mali replies as she watches Black Moonstone handle her Sapphire.
“So you did this with shattered Pearls? That’s interesting.” Malachite says, trying to keep the conversation going. It was mainly out of her own worry that she wanted to talk nonstop.
“Will she still act like she used to? Or will she act like the other sapphire?” Mala asks, holding her hands. It was quite morbid to Mala; taking the crushed remains of another dead sapphire and mixing them with hers. But the fusion said she had done this many times, and trusted her.
All Mali wanted was her love back.
“I also have another question..” Mali asks, feeling nervous. Why was she so nervous, BM was a fusion, so it’s not like she’d care if she said something.
“…Will we be able to fuse once she’s back?” Mali asks shyly. After all, the two were a permafusion back when the sapphire was alive.
“Hopefully, she will be herself. Mostly.” Black Moonstone assured in a mumble, focused on her task.
Once the cracks were as full as could be, the Fusion was quick to Bubble the leftover Dust, absently stuffing it away. Her hands glowed, shifting once again to an almost glass-like smoothness. Picking up the Sapphire, she began to rub it between her palms rapidly, using the friction to seal her latest creation.
She tilted her head slightly to let Mali know she was listening, cocking an eyebrow at the obvious hesitance. “I believe so, yes. None of my sweet Pearls have ever Fused, but I believe that’s more due to a lack of desire than a lack of ability.”
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exoticmineral · 5 years
“Will she still act like she used to? Or will she act like the other sapphire?” Mala asks, holding her hands. It was quite morbid to Mala; taking the crushed remains of another dead sapphire and mixing them with hers. But the fusion said she had done this many times, and trusted her.
All Mali wanted was her love back.
“I also have another question..” Mali asks, feeling nervous. Why was she so nervous, BM was a fusion, so it’s not like she’d care if she said something.
“...Will we be able to fuse once she’s back?” Mali asks shyly. After all, the two were a permafusion back when the sapphire was alive.
Malachite watches, her eyes focused on her partner’s remains.
“So you’re mixing her with another sapphire?” She asks, a little worried. She trusted the fusion, but was still worried.
Sure she had all the piece fitted as tightly together as she could without risk of grinding them, Black Moonstone kept it in place with two hands as the other two carefully scooped up the Dust of the other Sapphire.
“Yes indeed,” She answered, sifting the fine powder through the formed ridges and dips in her palms, watching closely as it slowly started to fill up the gaps in Malachite’s Sapphire. “A Shattered Gem cannot support itself on its own, even if we have all the pieces - it simply lacks the energy. However, using the residual energy of other damaged Gems, we should be able to get her stable enough to form once more, though she may look a touch different.”
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Can you reblog this if the mun is 18+
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exoticmineral · 5 years
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Subnautica → scenery
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exoticmineral · 5 years
nonverbal starters prompts featuring nonverbal scenarios.
guide take them by the hand, arm, or shoulder to guide them.
shelter protect them.
shove push them.
loop drape an arm around their shoulders.
touch a gentle touch like rubbing their back, hugging them, holding their hand. 
kiss a kiss on the cheek, knuckles, forehead, in their hair.
palm smack them upside the head.
bed rest gently push them back down when they try getting out of bed.
aid help them with a task.
note pass a note to them.
cry wipe away their tears.
wash wipe something off their forehead, cheek, so on.
bandage patch them up when they get hurt.
heal take care of them when they get sick.
book silently read a story with them. 
carry pick them up. 
scrap punch them.
cherry find blood on them.
sit help them sit down.  
medical wake up in the hospital and find them holding their hand.
steer place a hand under their chin to make them look up. 
beat dance with them.
stare stare them down. 
off track get lost with them.
no shaking their head in disagreement. 
yes nodding their head in agreement.
rush tackle them to the ground.
open hold the door open for them.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Malachite watches, her eyes focused on her partner’s remains.
“So you’re mixing her with another sapphire?” She asks, a little worried. She trusted the fusion, but was still worried.
“Oof. I remember hiding down there for awhile.” She says as a shiver runs down her back. Malachite watches the fusion handle basically her other half.
“I got all of her. I made sure of it.” Malachite says sadly. She remembered that day like it was yesturday. Mala had been down in the abandoned kindergarten to meet Sapphire. They both had fused when her Jasper found them and shattered the Sapphire.
Black Moonstone nodded with a quiet hum, taking a few distracted steps until she was before a large enough rock to set the Bubble on.
“That is good - very good.” The Fusion murmured, pulling a Bubble of her own out of her back-half, holding it in one hand. “It means less complex replacing, and more simplistic joinery.”
Setting her own Bubble down, it’s contents glittering in the faint light, she focused on the one holding Sapphire’s remains. Holding it steady with two hands, she shifted another until her palm was covered in sharp spikes she could use to pop the Bubble. “Luckily, I believe I have a near-identical match, so the differences should be negligible.” As she spoke, her hands worked hastily to fit the pieces of the Sapphire together, like the pieces of a puzzle.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
Feel free to interact with me!
Mun Rules
Hello! This is the Mun for @exoticmineral @amazoniannaga @diamondddemon and @nathaliaafterdark. I’m not too strict on rules but here’s the few I mainly go by:
No god modding.
No forcing ships. I’m a big fan of shipping, but please don’t force me to ship with you. It depends on our muses’ chemistry.
You must be at lest 17 y/o to interact with my muse. I’m a young adult (19) so I prefer to roleplay with other adults.
NSFW is fine with me as long as you are over 18. This is once again because I myself am over 18.
Im totally okay with heavy themes (gore, bodily harm, manipulation, etc.) but please check with me if you have something “controversial” you’d like to roleplay.
Please know life for myself is very busy! I may flake out and forget about our roleplay! If I haven’t responded in 2+ days since your response, remind me gently.
I’m not too too strict, so feel free to send me a message if you want to interact.
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exoticmineral · 5 years
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Full Name: Malachite Cabachon 5X0 Nickname(s): Malachite, Mali, Mala Gender: N/A (Pronouns: She/Her) Gem Location: Lower neck Era: Era One Gem Functionality: 5X0 Is an aristocratic gem. 5X0 is seen as a gem of higher status because of her ability to manipulate water. Would be a soldier like other Malachites if it weren’t for this ability. Weapon: 5X0′s weapon is shaped like a knife, but the blade is a dualsided saw. Weapon resembles an aquatic creature that resides on Earth; Pristiophorus cirratus (Long Nose Saw Shark). Height: Shorter than an average Quartz Soldier. Status: 5X0 was sentenced to be shattered after being found fused with a Blue Sapphire. The Sapphire was shattered by 5X0’s personal guard. 5X0 later stole a ship and crashed on the late Pink Diamond’s colony, Earth. 5X0 mainly hides in Earth’s deep oceans. Build: Unlike her fellow gems, 5X0 is thin. She has a large chest and hips, but has thin arms and legs. Defects: 5X0 is extremely clumsy. She walks as if she has two left feet. Her gentle and sweet personality makes up for this. Likes: 5X0 enjoys the marine life on the colony Earth. On Homeworld, 5X0 enjoyed spending time with her Pearl and attending the grand balls put on by higher up Gems. Morals: 5X0 dislikes the Hierarchy on Homewolrd. She believes that everyone should be treated equally. The only person who knows her morals and beliefes is her Pearl and 2XS
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exoticmineral · 5 years
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exoticmineral · 5 years
reblog this if your muse is Not Straight
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