hi! i havent visited this blog in forever because i didn't want to wallow in my trauma... but now that i looked at it again, i just want to say thank you to everyone who has sent me kind asks. they mean a lot to me.
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religious trauma things!!! round two
someone is always watching you, but you don't know who. you can be completely alone, yet something is seemingly right beside you.
everything is YOUR FAULT!
humans are naturally imperfect, but you are worst of them all. humans cannot be perfect, but it's wrong for you to not be perfect.
*hears mention of religion/church/cult* haha yeah... yeah it's sooo funny that they did that ..... haha (internally breaking down)
your body is GROSS! shoulders, stomach, thighs, arms, legs, chest, ass, NOTHING SHOULD BE THERE! WHY WONT IT JUST GO AWAY! you want to feel free and wear whatever you want but the SHAME
*does anything* dark brain: thats a Sin. Wrong. Bad
idk if its just me but not being anchored to your body it seems
again maybe it's just me but wanting to talk about it and even joking about it but being unable to talk about it in any serious way
forgetting things
thinking it couldn't have been REALLY traumatising/abuse because it happened under the guise of religion
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Just an important message for my fellow trauma survivors:
What happened to you wasn’t fair. Don’t downplay it, or tell yourself that other people have it worse. The bottom line is that it should NEVER have happened. What you feel about it is real and valid. It might not be okay right now, but one day it will be. Thank you for surviving. I’m so glad you’re here. 
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Ancestry.com created a “Slavery Love Story” commercial between a white man and a black woman, and removes the commercial after backlash.
They created the commercial to promote that Black Americans can also have their “Ancestry” “Traced” in America, since they can’t trace back Black people’s DNA because of Slavery, they’re implying that at least they can trace that “White blood” in you so you can participate in Ancestry com.
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🙈👀 what if we kissed 😘 in a long-term loving relationship 😳😏
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This happened during this most recent conference. But he was probably just speaking as a man in that moment, right?
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Honestly, being raised in mormony mormon Utah, I’m left wondering what I was taught is Christian mythology in general and what’s just mormonism. I’ve got no idea but it’s a wild ride
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the Mormon church circa 2019: see we don’t hate gay people :) we’re more accepting now!
the Mormon church literally a month later:
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cutting mangos while almost crying your eyes out while your stepsister plays the entertainer on the family keyboard in the next room over asmr
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please unfollow if you’re on my account just for the “aesthetics”
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love is not fear
love is not wrath
love is not vengeance
love is not allowing all of humanity to have an inherent flaw and then eternally punishing them for it unless they follow your specific set of rules
love is not commanded worship
love is not required, unquestionable loyalty
love is not everything the bible and the church tried to teach me it was
love is not fear
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I can’t believe I used to pray
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*gaslighting parent voice* “I guess I’m just a failure parent right? You’re saying this is all my fault huh?”
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If a child comes to you complaining about their parents, do not tell them that their parents love them, do not tell them parents mean best, do not tell them parents are human, and do not, by any chance,  tell them it’s like that everywhere else.
If a child is unhappy, angry, hurt, scared and upset with their parents, there’s a chance they have a good reason. There’s a chance this child needs your help more than their parents need your defending and excuses. Maybe you shouldn’t normalize parents hurting, neglecting, mistreating and scaring their child. Maybe it’s not the child being unreasonable.
Children’s emotions, experiences and opinions matter. Do not join in the crowd of neglecting what a child is going thru. Do not dismiss them. Do not tell them whatever the fuck is easiest for you to get the child to go away so this wouldn’t be your problem anymore. There’s a chance your listening ear will be best this child is going to have in a long while. There’s a chance your validation and you on their side would mean entire world to them, there’s a chance it would stop them from being alone, isolated, and feeling like they’re going crazy. Listen to what children tell you and take them seriously. If you end up spending half an hour spoiling a child with attention, there’s no harm done. If you ignore a child’s call out to help, the damage might never be undone.
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if i ever reblog from a freak accidentally PLEASE let me know
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