eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“For me~? Oh, you’d love to know wouldn’t you…” she trails off, stepping towards the girl and smirking. She had no reason to lie at this point. “It was simply a matter of upbringing~” and that is all she will exposit~ “That’s all you need to know,” she says whilst snatching the scroll out of Fujino’s hands, the object crumbling to dust.
“I’ve yet to see it all, too~ apparently there’s a huge magical region to the far, far east~” she explains. “Might go there one day~” Reines comments, a small mischievous smile tossed Fujino’s way, the blonde walking towards a watch store now. “Did you enjoy making others suffer, Asagami-san?” She asks, returning the question, even if she didn’t entirely know the circumstances, ah, there’s that tail again.
Even when her hands tightened around the scroll, she didn’t oppose Reines when this one snatched the thing out of her hands. Seeing it crumble down while listening to the blonde’s answer made Fujino raise one of her eyebrows a little. Any smile that could be there before, was now gone.
“Upbringing...your childhood must have been a strange one, then.” Not like her own childhood was completely normal, either. Hers was one where pain was lacking, one in which she had to pretend she was normal, like everyone else.
Getting closer to the store, her red hues would stare at the watches behind the glass, pensive.
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“Is it a good or a bad magical region?...although, it caught my attention, nevertheless.” With that topic, she tried to cover the fact her heart was actually beating rather fast when Reines asked about if she liked to make other suffers; she may not be looking at it, but Fujino noticed that mischievous tail coming back as well.
“I don’t want to hurt people...but when I’m really pushed and cornered I...well...the people I killed, they deserved it.” She pressed her lips together, making a small pause and then looking directly at the blonde. “I try to convince myself it wasn’t that way...but I enjoyed it...I enjoyed making them suffer for what they did. But they were rather special circumstances.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Wait. You would offer me that?!”
Illya couldn’t believe her luck. Bowing her head, and putting her hands together like a clap, and just endlessly thanking them. She really doesn’t want to stay stinky for too long. It might be strange, but she’s a little kid after all, so it was more reasonable for a kid to be worried over her stench. Illya always liked to be clean after all.
“I can’t thank you enough…I promise to clean the shower, or bath once I am done! I may need to take quite a bit, in order to get the stink out.”Though she sort of gulped. Being in a bit of a panic once again, realizing that she’d have Ruby still with her, and she wouldn’t want Ruby to go snooping around their home, and doing something that would upset them.
Illya stood still for a moment.
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“Y-You should! But um….I wouldn’t want to be disrespectful, and I’m sure your home, and background is wonderful. But um. Can you handle Ruby? I wouldn’t want Ruby in the same room with me as I shower/bathe. But I’m afraid Ruby will cause a scene in your home, and I wouldn’t want to offend you, or anyone at your home.”
Seeing her being so grateful, Fujino couldn’t help but smile a little, even letting out a really soft laugh before her fingers covered her mouth. When it came to manners, the Asagami seemed almost like a doll- so elegant and delicate, even when there was more to it than that.
“Yes. I have no problem with letting you borrow the bathroom. The place I live in is rather big for one person, you see?...” For some people, such a place could feel lonely at times because it was too much for just one person, but Fujino didn’t seem to really mind about that.
When Illya brought up the magic staff, the purple haired woman couldn’t help but stare at Ruby with her almost ominous red eyes, in silence at first.
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“Well...if Ruby doesn’t behave, I will make sure to handle them myself.” Here where the Asagami seemed harmless, the half closed eyes, the glare and the smile she was giving the staff could make someone shiver. Somewhat the calm girl could come off as scary at times, and no one could tell if she was doing it on purpose or not.
Possibly on purpose at the moment.
“I live alone, after all. And there are certain rooms in my house that I wouldn’t like to get messed up.“
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
Reines scoffs. “In your eyes, maybe.” She says, following her out of the store. “It’s only enjoyable if I get to make others suffer~ not anyone else…. though, what they did is far and away from my wheelhouse~ hmph…” the blonde watches Fujino smile, grimacing right back at her. “That smile’s insufferable…” Reines states, walking past her and placing a hand over her eye.
“Shinobis exist, yes… in this world, at least.” She explains, quickly summoning a mock-up of a shinobi scroll. “Catch,” Reines throws it to Fujino, the scroll having an eerie outer glow to it, almost as if it was ripped straight from the underworld. “It doesn’t work~” Reines teases.
Despite her current calm demeanour, Fujino stopped in place for a second, looking at Reines from the corner of her eyes. With her eyelids dropping slightly, she then made the question.
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“Why do you like making others suffer, Reines-san?” Judging by her tone, she wasn’t making the question to judge the blonde, instead, she was simply curious, mainly because she enjoyed making certain men suffer once, even when she still tried to deny it to this day.
While wondering what the answer could be, the Asagami girl actually caught the scroll with both of her hands, although not without letting out a soft yelp before her hands tightened around the ominous scroll. Acknowledging that demons, mages and even fairies existed, it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that shinobi still were a thing as well.
“Interesting, however...there’s still a lot I need to learn about the world we live in.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Very complicated…” she throws a pin in that conversation, a small eyeroll eliciting. “Hmph… interested in ways you won’t expect…” Reines trails off, smirking as she continues walking into the store, eyes traveling to all the different types of clothing and accessories, finding most of them gaudy. If anything all this was Luvia’s closet.
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“On the topic of demons.. there’s Youma and Phantoms; they’re always causing trouble, but most of them are in Japan anyway. Go ask a Shinobi about it or something,” Reines says, as it stands she couldn’t do anything with her powers anyway. “Your father’s an idiot. In this world, with all these evils, we need all the good people we can get. I’m not one of them, as you can see~” She gestures to herself half-heartedly. “Do you want anything from here?” She asks.
Even with her trailing off, Fujino can’t help but smile slightly, even when her eyes are on the clothes at the moment and her hands are inspecting them. None of these are really catching her attention, but she finds the style rather interesting.
“I see...I guess I should’ve really left Misaki Town more often. I’ve been so enclosed in learning things from the commodity of my own home that, I still have to get involved with more supernatural occurrences...and a Shinobi? I didn’t even know those still existed, but I shouldn’t be so surprised.”
Leaving the clothes aside, the red eyed girl shook her head and turned around. No, there was nothing in this store she was interested in, so she would turn around with the intention to leave. However, when Reines said her father was an idiot, the Asagami’s smile increased, almost turning into a small grin, and at some point, Fujino even laughed softly.
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“Well, it’s true you’ve joked around about things that weren’t really funny, but you think my father is an idiot...that already makes you kinda good, don’t you think?...” Making a small pause, the purple haired girl looked around the mall once again, letting a pair of fingers rest over her chin. “My father is long gone, though...but that doesn’t rest that my step-father continued medicating me...it’s been a few years since I escaped from that kind of treatment, but I can’t outrun the permanent effects in my body.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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“Only joking, Asagami-san~ then, a-ga-in…” The blonde’s left hand plucks out a random Orb, staring at Fujino to gauge a reaction… holding her gaze for a moment… then, drops it back in, smirking. “I can’t do anything with this; it’s equivalent to a toy~” she brings in her fingers inward, each trailing behind the other, the World Container vanishing as soon as her hand closed.
“Then? Why so concerned about it? Do you plan to ‘save’ her? Ah, you probably already have.. hm..” She asks, shaking her head, turning toward a high-fashion store to the right. “Demon hunters? Ho~? Then, maybe we can search for some elsewhere some other time,” Reines says. “Consider me interested, Asagami-san,” she smiles weakly, moving a few strands of hair behind her ear.
Upon staring at the orb, the Asagami’s confusion grew slightly, although soon, her red hues would be staring at Reines’s irises instead. Somewhat, hearing it was the equivalent to a toy made Fujino a little less concerned. But she still had to figure what exactly that thing was.
“Hmh...I was concerned because those powers of hers are not only hurting and killing people, but they also hurt her in the process...all because she doesn’t want to hurt others...it’s a complicated situation, isn’t it?...” The purple haired girl didn’t consider herself a saviour, and she definitely didn’t think she saved the other girl yet, but at the very least, she wanted to help out with all she could.
Upon seeing the blonde look at a nearby fashion store, Fujino would look at it as well, wondering if the girl was interested in going in.
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“You mean...looking for a demon?...I thought those didn’t cause trouble nowadays. In fact, my family thinking people like us aren’t needed anymore is why they...why my father sealed my powers away. They really think demon-hunting isn’t needed anymore, and thus, we aren’t needed.” Falling silent for a moment, the Asagami seemed to try and guide Reines a little to get closer to the fashion store, so she could look at the clothes that were presented at the entrance.
“But you? Interested?...that’s the interesting part instead, Reines-san.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Antiques~? Here? Pfft! Hahaha! That’s hilarious~! Edelfelt-san is such an elitist, you’d have better luck at a regular mall… unless ancient artifacts that have the potential to be haunted count as antiques.” She explains. “This mall only serves as the pinnacle of high fashion, so she says..” Reines rolls her eyes.
“And, Shinozaki-san? I wouldn’t know; I couldn’t control it when I used it, so.. it’s unlikely. Why are you so hung up on that? Would you like to try?” Aaaand there’s the World Container again, floating above Reines’ open hand.
“Actually...ancient artefacts with the potential of being haunted are good as well.” Fujino didn’t seem disappointed with the answer. In fact, she was intrigued and possibly more interested than before. She even made a small brief pause before looking away from Reines.
“Long ago the main branch of my family was part of the Demon Hunter Organization. As of late I’ve been researching their origins, so in return, I’ve also gotten interested in relics that could’ve been part of my family at some point.” And thus, the reason of being interested in getting her hands in whatever she could.
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When the blonde decided to bring up the World Container again, the Asagami half closed her eyes, with her smile disappearing and her head shaking softly.
“No...I...I don’t want to try it, Reines-san...”
Her eyes were fixated on the artefact that was floating on the other’s hand, however, wondering what it was, and not liking the sensation it gave her.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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“I expected as much, Asagami-san~ so? How did your little rendezvous with Shinozaki-san go?” She asks, smiling. “Oh~? Ufu.. I was already pushing you around enough last night, like a dog to its master~ you took the bait and I ran with it. I’m satisfied, Asagami-san~ maybe I’ll string you along next week. Look forward to it~” she says coolly, eyes wandering across the mall, staring at its egyptian-style architecture and mish-mash of styles.
It was a mess, but, since it came from Luvia, it was expected to be. It was only her third or fourth time here, but for Fujino, Reines knew it was their first. She decided, begrudgingly, to dial back the teasing for today. Even so, her tail pops up and swings around excitedly. “Any stores you wish to go to first?” She asks, passing by a fine jewelry outlet.
Despite trying to keep smiling, it seems the terms of dog and master were something Fujino didn’t like, but she tried to ignore the feeling, shaking her head gently instead and looking all around herself.
This was a strange place...it’s the first time she saw a mall with a design such as this one. But she simply assumed people in London were more openly artistic than the generic malls in Japan?...
“It went well. Better than expected...Ayumi-san is simply a girl wanting friends. Is there any way she could learn how to control her powers, Reines-san?...”
Worth a shot, even if it felt like it was a shot in the dark. In part, she didn’t even want to think much about it, it felt like she would just break the ‘normal’ experience she came to have here.
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“But, oh...hmh...are there any antique shops here?...second-hand stores, perhaps?...” Kinda humble options when Fujino’s family was on the high end of things, although there was a reason she was interested in those.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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Headcanon that Fujino has the need of having to take a shower/bath at least once a day because if not, it helps her grow uncomfortable with herself.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Hm? Did you run into Shinozaki-san~?” She asks, her perceptiveness knowing no bounds, and of course, with such a sight she saw last night, Reines had a hunch she was in proximity for the Nirvana to kill someone. “The Nirvana isn’t a worldwide ability when it comes to randomly killing someone, Asagami-san~ while I will admit that my actions last night were in foul taste, I did enjoy seeing you freak out… nevertheless, I’m sorry~” she actually apologized!
Maybe Reines WAS a human after all… who knew.
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“Now, with that behind us, let’s enjoy a shopping spree.. I hope you’re fine with carrying my bags.” Reines smirks.
As Reines walks, the owner of the establishment glances their way….
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But didn’t say anything~
“Perhaps I did.” Despite leaving it vague, it was clearly a confirmation to her question. What took her off guard was the apology, although Fujino didn’t know if to take it as it being genuine or not.
Wanting to give the other a chance, the red eyed girl guessed she should just give the other girl time.
“I will accept your apology, Reines-san. Even when I feel your sadistic nature will be trying to push me around in the future some more.” The girl didn’t even know if to take that as a good or a bad thing but, when Reines mentioned having to carry her bags around, she half closed her eyes and huffed even so softly to herself.
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“But I am not your maid. I fear you will have to carry your own bags yourself.” She was smiling back, and despite the calmness of her posture, it was obvious she was teasing back.
Afternoon. Reines waited just outside Carnac tapping her foot impatiently. "Hmph... taking her a while..." she says, sighing. Maybe she did too much last night? Hard to feel remorseful over a little joke, but it was what it was. If Fujino wasn't going to show up then it was just time wasted... not like she had much planned anyway. Just then, a turn of her head would show exactly who she was waiting for!
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"Took you long enough, Asagami-san. Why the holdup?" She asks, bluntly at that.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Hm? And I expected you to be punctual~ your aura’s all over the place~” she grins, shaking her head. “No matter, let’s go..” she turns around and walks through the sliding doors into Carnac. “Did you really take that long to eat? Or were you held up by something else? Hm?” She asks. Reines took her time, but not to point of making someone wait. “Hmph… Asagami-san, let’s have fun, shall we?” She asks, hoping for no flare ups today.
“Yes, sorry...like I said, it won’t happen next time. I don’t like making people wait.” Just as expected of someone that acted so proper. Although, Fujino passed a hand by her hair, letting some of it to get behind an ear while still trying to catch her breath, softly.
Following the blonde inside the mall, however, already made her feel a little better. She recovered fast.
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“Well, I got distracted this morning, so I ended up going out later than I planned at first...but that aside. That was all.”
The Asagami seemed to smile, perhaps because she found ironic her encounter was with Ayumi of all people.
Afternoon. Reines waited just outside Carnac tapping her foot impatiently. "Hmph... taking her a while..." she says, sighing. Maybe she did too much last night? Hard to feel remorseful over a little joke, but it was what it was. If Fujino wasn't going to show up then it was just time wasted... not like she had much planned anyway. Just then, a turn of her head would show exactly who she was waiting for!
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"Took you long enough, Asagami-san. Why the holdup?" She asks, bluntly at that.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
Hopefully she wasn’t all that late because she liked getting to places on time, or more like, she hoped Reines wouldn’t mind too much.
The Asagami girl seemed to be painting softly, with a hand resting over her chest. It couldn’t be easy to increase her pace while wearing that kimono of hers...
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“Ah! Sorry, Reines-san...I actually told myself to visit the Hotel’s surroundings better to find a good place to eat...got a little distracted with that in the end.” Bowing softly, she apologized. She liked to eat at her own pace, after all.
“Did I make you wait for too long?...I am usually never late, so you don’t have to worry about this happening again.”
Afternoon. Reines waited just outside Carnac tapping her foot impatiently. "Hmph... taking her a while..." she says, sighing. Maybe she did too much last night? Hard to feel remorseful over a little joke, but it was what it was. If Fujino wasn't going to show up then it was just time wasted... not like she had much planned anyway. Just then, a turn of her head would show exactly who she was waiting for!
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"Took you long enough, Asagami-san. Why the holdup?" She asks, bluntly at that.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
Illya began waving her hands in an apologetic manner. While she was very grateful of their offer and such. She couldn’t simply accept that.kind of offer! She’s just a kid after all, a good one at that. A good kid appreciates, but can’t really fully accept that kind of offer.
“I would’ve rejected the offer to begin with. I appreciate how kind and thoughtful it would’ve been, but the train seems more than fine! Though, I may have to, have a form of a wash after my fall.”She’s looking all over herself, after all, she’s the one who fell into the garbage. Sniffing round, she didn’t want to end up getting looks from strangers, but also to put those looks on the other too. Seems she had forgot on the idea of flying back, and was more concerned with getting the smell out.
“If only there was magic to get the smell away haha…”She gave a small giggle, before a sigh soon followed. If she can’t get that now, then she’ll just have to hide her face until she gets home, and has a proper wash to get the stench out of her, and her clothes. As Illya soon started following, giving a small nod.
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“That’s right! I’ve mainly lived in Japan though, I haven’t been over there that much in my life.”
Oh, she didn’t want to stay? Out of respect, perhaps? It was just how she was raised it seemed. As long as she didn’t have to leave at night, Fujino was fine with it.
“The offer still stands for if you need it anytime...guess I could offer you to have a bath at the very least? Or a shower?...” If that’s all she needed, then she could offer it as well. The Asagami girl didn’t want to sniff too much to not take in the smell the other had. After all, falling on the rubbish of all things wasn’t the best possible outcome.
At least, Illya was alive, though.
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Fujino’s house wasn’t all that far, but it would take a bit from here to get to it. It wasn’t in the main part of the city, due to Fujino not liking to be in the middle of the busiest part of town.
“That’s interesting, though...my family was born here, and that’s how it has been, always. Although I would like to get out of Japan and learn about other countries, as well...” There were motives behind that but, nothing this young girl had to know about.
“Maybe one day, with those powers of yours, you can get anywhere you want.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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At this point we all can agree that Fujino having red eyes is not really normal or natural and it’s from the fact the Asakami side of the family ended up sleeping with demons at some point.
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“Eh? So… do you think you and Reines-san could… become friends?” Based off what she said it was only logical. The bluette walks into the room and sits on the bed, the laying down, a vein appearing to cover up her undergarments from being seen since she was wearing a skirt. Ayumi closes her eyes. “It does sound very conflicting, Asagami-san. Maybe she hasn’t shown you her true colors yet?” She says, proposing an idea and moving onto her side and sighing. “I’ll be here… thank you again, Asagami-san.” Ayumi comments, red tendril still wriggling and writhing as it protected her.
“It’s a possibility...” But Fujino wasn’t stupid, though. If something got too out of hand, she knew when to break the friendship with someone. “It’s true she seems cruel, but at the end of the day, your powers weren’t hers...it was just a coincidence. One that really worked on her favour.”
The veins don’t go unnoticed. The Asagami finds that interesting, it’s as if that entity, the Nirvana, was protecting her, in a way.
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“There’s just a way to find out. I will give her time and...oh! If you need anything, feel free to use the phone of the room. You can call for the different services that way.” Making a pause, the red eyed girl attempted a smile. She hoped Ayumi would be fine here until she came back.
“Try to not get in trouble, Ayumi-san.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
“I can… do the same…” Ayumi slowly nods, giggling just a bit at the other’s comment. “Let’s be strong together, Asagami-san.” She whispers, flashing a tiny tiny smile.
“Eh? With Reines-san? H- hm! I don’t.. mind waiting, no.” If anything, she’ll be off to bed by the time she gets back. “Tell them I said ‘Hi’,” Ayumi says. “But… stay safe, Asagami-san. They… for what they did, using my power as a means to frighten, they don’t sound like a good person.” She nods, affirming it. She would want to give them a piece of her mind but, it would go on for hours.
At the mention of Reines, Fujino started walking again, to reach the entrance of what was her room, in order to open it.
“Yes, Reines-san...I actually don’t know if to mention it to her, that I met you here...at the same time, I feel she would eventually find out by herself anyway.” She was definitely...playful, and Fujino still didn’t know what kind of tricks she had under her sleeve.
When Ayumi said Reines didn’t sound like a good person, though, the red eyed girl stepped inside the now opened room, after inviting Ayumi inside.
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“Well...she isn’t a good person. I don’t think so...I don’t like her. But you know what happened the last time I didn’t like someone?...” Making a pause to make it a little more dramatic, the Mystic Eyes user then closed the door behind them both, with a smile. “The very person that was sent to kill me, a person I didn’t like at first...she ended up being the one to cure my appendicitis.”
After mentioning the disease, she rested a hand on her abdomen again. To let the other know what she was referring to.
“She let me live...after removing what was killing me...it was very conflicting.”
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eyesofdistortion · 3 years
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