facesofprotest · 7 years
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Cliff Smith: “ To me, it’s really interesting that it looks like our high school students have now become more radicalized than our college students, and to me it’s an incredible jump in consciousness by our high school students. I was very active in the 60′s and 70′s, and I think beginning with Blacks Lives Matter we are entering a new era, just like the 60′s and 70′s. I’m very optimistic for the next 10 years. “ March for Our Lives, 3.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Bruno Vander Veld: “ I am as angry about this as I have been about anything, which is saying alot. I never thought I would be so proud or inspired by high school kids, but, that’s happened. We live in DC, and I believe really strongly in gun control, and that’s why we’re here.” - March for Our Lives, 3.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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March for Our Lives, 3.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Mark and friend: “I have been coming to all the protests since the thug got into the White House. I am here in solidarity with the workers of America.” - Working People's Day of Action, 2.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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- Working People's Day of Action, 2.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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David Barrows: “ The ruling corporate elite want to discourage union membership...it’s another viscous plot on behalf of billionaires, and the tricksters that run these super powerful companies, to rip off the working class. “ - Working People's Day of Action, 2.24.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Ayame: “ I believe that our generation is the change, and, obviously, just from all of the actions, and like, events that have taken place, I think that we just need a change right now. And we are the people that are going to be doing it. “ - Student Walk-Out to Protest Gun Control Laws, 2.21.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Nora Olagbaju: “ I’m here to stand in solidarity with all of the students who feel like they should be entitled to feel safe when they are in the classroom. I feel like it’s ridiculous that the gun laws aren’t regulated, anyone can get a gun, and it’s not regulated at all, to the point where someone could walk in and kill so many people. I just feel like students should feel safe when they are coming to school to learn. That is, like, the one fundamental place, the school and the home, that should feel safe. “ Student Walk-Out to Protest Gun Control Laws, 2.21.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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The National People's March On Washington 2018, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Donna Marie Bascalia: “ I’m here for the rights of all people, for all feminism, which is equal rights for all men, women, and all human beings. I think the only way we are ever going to make a difference is to keep letting our voice out. I think that’s the only way. I think we are really getting close to an impeachment, and I think if we stay silent nothing is going to change. Years ago, we were quiet, and we just followed the rules, and we tried to make change or tolerate. And now, there no more tolerance. Now we are standing up, having a voice, and everyone is standing up in unity. And now it’s time for change. “ - The National People's March On Washington 2018, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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The National People's March On Washington 2018, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Bob Weber: “I am a protestor from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and I came out because I’ve been a protestor since 1968, and I’ve been around awhile, and I see what’s going on in America as extremely threatening, extremely fearful of what’s happening. I’m kind of waiting for the 2018 elections to see whether or not we can sweep out the GOP. And if we can’t do that, then I’m going to be taking another look at what is really happening in America. If American people continue to support a fascist government, then I think it’s time to take a different tactic against them.” - The National People's March On Washington 2018, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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The National People's March On Washington 2018, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Raghad Bushnaq: “ I’m here to be with our friends, refugees. And of course we are rallying against the ban, the Muslim ban. I have worked with refugees for the last two years and it’s been devastating to see them...they came from very difficult situations, so, we have to accept them. “ Muslim/Refugee Ban: A Year of Resistance, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Mawal Sidi: “ I am a journalism student, and when I was a freshman in college I had a professor who once told me that, you know, if you exist, people can’t ignore you. If you are out there, and your face is out there, people can’t ignore you...and so I always wanted to get into journalism, to show muslims in different realms of american life. My goal one day is to be on TV, to show there are multiple faces to America. “ - Muslim/Refugee Ban: A Year of Resistance, 1.27.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Jay Converse: “I’m here because I was here last year, and last year it still sticks in my mind the catharsis, that so many people came together...and I just wanted to come back, and be with the same people again. To see in their eyes that things aren’t as shitty as it seems. “ - Women’s March on Washington 2018, 1.20.18
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facesofprotest · 7 years
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Women's March on Washington 2018, 1.20.18
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