Remember when you created a villain but couldn't handle the consequences of people having legitimate reasons to hate your character?
remember when i gave a shit about your unimportant, obsessive, lying ass???
me either 
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honestly im living for the fact that i got hate anons on here too and i didnt even realize until just then and the fucking notif is from like 70 something days ago like wow 
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well hello there r r r r ruby glad to join you on this safari of yours all hands feet wings and other limbs will be kept inside this metaphorical vehicle at all times wouldnt want to be giant kitty kibble  i rather like my limbs attached and not nibbled on
i am daev dont really have any other nicknames other than prince daevid of the unseelie court but yknow that isnt really a nickname its more of a formal title the kind that blares from an announcers voice when i walk on into a room fanfares play and the life of the party has arrived bum ba da dummm make way for the prince of sick beats  droppin smooth moves on the dance floor like it aint no ones business
i do well as well as a non willing ruler can do while sitting in a meeting room filled with people far more important than i you tend not to listen in when youre second third forth fifth in line for the throne your decisions are limited to the shitty music at balls and what you can be bothered conjurin for food later that evenin absolutely thrillin stuff bound to keep you wide awake no droppin off to sleep from me no not at all
how about yourself
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@breezy-anchor started following you
hello there stranger  mr breezy anchor brightside comin outta the cage hope youve been doin just fine i can feel your gratefullness and honor at me replyin from a whole different multiverse lucky you gettin a whole ass reply from the ice prince himself its a let it go situation and it looks like im the queen something about snow on mountains or somethin like that so who are you oh grateful being and why are you in my presence
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xinzei mentioned you in a post
@ fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize ((I’m a poke-mun and…
wow late as fuck reply bc tumblr ate this post everytime i tried to view it but suiebfueb youre great and omg flawless pun and youre super special
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you cant ban me if im not even there
check mate
fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize replied to your post: i ought to ban you 
if you ban me im never coming back you lose game over bum bow
i meant ban you from leaving the damn court room you idiot
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die hard bad habits edition
Swearing | Fingernail chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self-criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama seeking | Secret teller | Spitting | Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the bottle | Yelling | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing | Stealing | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free loading | Littering | One-Upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking during performances | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out  | Ignoring | Over critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful | Competitive
tagged by @unblessxd
Tagging @corkscrews-and-iron-petals @inocciduous-krioboly
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im still not coming back
i know what i said
slice of what finish your sentence
your such a liar
you know exactly what i meant
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i know what i said
slice of what finish your sentence
a microwave is a human made object that is used to heat up food by vibrating its particles are just the right speed
take that you discarded pudding cup
are just the right speed
get back to court you mediocre slice of 
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a microwave is a human made object that is used to heat up food by vibrating its particles are just the right speed
take that you discarded pudding cup
good luck finding me you microwaved piece of soap :*
you dont even know what a microwave is you undercooked medium rare chicken steak
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good luck finding me you microwaved piece of soap :*
i now pronounce you blocked and deleted
feel free to kiss my ass
im going to rip your implants out you unwashed pile of sweat and metal
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what the fuck is an arbys teasing? my dear ‘oxy’ i would call for you to feel free in doing so though im not even sure ‘oxy’ sounds like a real name
thats just offensive
@corkscrews-and-iron-petals @famelicose-sanguine @unblessxd @errantstreetrat @inocciduous-krioboly
wow theres a few of you there aint there turnin up outta the blue fadin in from the fog like some kinda flock of mysterious creatures only moments after i place this on the ground  like some sorta sustenance for you to eat the names Daev im the prince and knight commander of the unseelie court what are your names and what can you do for me
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i dont know what you mean by supposed but i am 100% bona fide princely material nice to meet you eli and why said it wouldnt come for a price you make far too many assumptions for not knowing anything its almost offensive
@corkscrews-and-iron-petals @famelicose-sanguine @unblessxd @errantstreetrat @inocciduous-krioboly
wow theres a few of you there aint there turnin up outta the blue fadin in from the fog like some kinda flock of mysterious creatures only moments after i place this on the ground  like some sorta sustenance for you to eat the names Daev im the prince and knight commander of the unseelie court what are your names and what can you do for me
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i now pronounce you blocked and deleted
feel free to kiss my ass
@corkscrews-and-iron-petals @famelicose-sanguine @unblessxd @errantstreetrat @inocciduous-krioboly
wow theres a few of you there aint there turnin up outta the blue fadin in from the fog like some kinda flock of mysterious creatures only moments after i place this on the ground  like some sorta sustenance for you to eat the names Daev im the prince and knight commander of the unseelie court what are your names and what can you do for me
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whomst else is supporting aces and aros as valid members of the lgbtq community this afternoon
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@corkscrews-and-iron-petals @famelicose-sanguine @unblessxd @errantstreetrat @inocciduous-krioboly
wow theres a few of you there aint there turnin up outta the blue fadin in from the fog like some kinda flock of mysterious creatures only moments after i place this on the ground  like some sorta sustenance for you to eat the names Daev im the prince and knight commander of the unseelie court what are your names and what can you do for me
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Hi y’all. After a very long haitus, and disappearing from the face off the earth, im back !! and to get back into the swing of things im restarting up this blog. which means, guess who is coming back to a cinema near you? thats right Daeveid Stridor!! like/reblog this for a starter with the faedick himself (i promise ill actually make them)
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