fallen-plurality · 4 months
“What? Like, a disabled protagonist? How would that even work? How could someone with a disability be the hero in an action show?” local anime trash boy wonders while sitting next to his box sets of Full Metal Alchemist, showing no hint of irony or self awareness. 
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fallen-plurality · 4 months
explain your gender in 10 words or less without using boring words like “male”, “female”, “nonbinary”, “masculine”, “feminine” or “androgynous”.
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fallen-plurality · 4 months
*if you're confused by what this means, then your answer is most likely just no. but as an example, this could mean, like... mentally being in the soup for whatever reason, maybe you're tired, or you're dissociating, or you're high or drunk etc or maybe you're just away from society and not thinking about it, and you're temporarily embodying a gender that you know simply has nothing to do with your identity. or maybe you roleplay/act as characters with other genders and get really into the headspace, and maybe you consider that briefly being that gender.
these are both just examples; don't feel limited to them if you're inclined to answer yes with a completely different explanation.
btw cis people are allowed to answer!
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fallen-plurality · 8 months
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fallen-plurality · 1 year
This poll suffers from being thrown into the masses. Fictives are not and never will be the same person as their source, and anon you need to get your shit together and stop saying they're "out of character."
If it helps, see if you can get this alter to use a nickname so you can get over yourself, but they're absolutely not obligated to do that. No fictive should be upheld to some performance standard for validity.
AITA for not wanting to be friends with aziraphale?
This is gonna sound insane but I really do need a jury of peers for this one
One of my server friends recently came out as having DID with an aziraphale fictive. I don't know all the terms but I'm generally supportive of systems and sincerely do just take people's word for it. However since I've met aziraphale they've pissed me off.
Plainly speaking. He would not fucking say that. I know it's like not aziraphale in the real but everytime he doesn't seem entirely in character I get irritated. To be clear- he's not a kinnie, he's a fictive insert, so I know this is just the system absorbing a concept. But whenever I see aziraphale is out I want to avoid him and not talk at Best. We don't mesh. But I feel bad because I am friends with like the rest of the system, and it seems fucked to be like 'i like all of you except the part'.. Now aziraphale keeps getting passive aggressive about my avoidance, and a few other friends have noticed too and asked me what's up. I've dodged the question. I have no clue if the rest of the system is aware, but it seems aziraphale is, and one other friend is calling me ableist. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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fallen-plurality · 1 year
finding out a mutual is a system is always so fun like. you think that's just one raccoon in a trenchcoat but you open it and it's like. oh! theres more of you how delightful
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fallen-plurality · 1 year
what i dont get abt xenogender hate is that like most xenogender opposers r usually not against being nonbinary necessairly so its like Yes youre allowed to be neither man or woman in this like Nebulous Vague and Undefined way but GOD FORBID youre neither man nor woman in a Concrete Not Vague Way. what??
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
the exomemories: *vice, rage, brutal murders, trauma* the system member IRL: *chill, easygoing marshmallow. good with kids, makes mac 'n cheese at midnight for his housemates*
hell yeah
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
HUGE shout out to purple for being the only color that has like no losers. Deep purple royal purple bluish purple redish purple pastel purple dusty purple lavender periwinkle violet like. Banger after banger after banger!!
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
treat your system members like people. ask them how they want to be treated. respect what they want. let them speak for themselves. let them front for fun things if they want to. they aren't your property, you don't own them, listen to them and treat them with respect.
this includes persecutors and syskids and trauma holders and every type of system member btw
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
"that ship isn't canon! that character isn't gay!" well thats not what the voices told me
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
can you infodump to me? (i love you) is this overwhelming? (i love you) is this the right texture? (i love you) is it ok to touch you? (i love you) do you want the subtitles on? (i love you) do you want to go somewhere less noisy? (i love you)
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
asdfghjkl so we have a wednesday addams fictive right? she’s been here for years; long before i was introjected? (she goes by hestia here but we know it’s them)
ANYWAYS. I opened netflix. Saw her??? Asked host “is there?? a documentary??? on the not-fictives??? when was that filmed; you haven’t told us that?” And the host was very confused because of course wednesday is a fictive.
BITCH NEVRR TOLD US SHE WAS A FICTIVE WTF. I thought hest was one of the og not-fictives (shoot what’s the word?). BUT NO. THEY JUST NEVER TOLD US WTF
- cat anon
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
This is gonna be longwinded but just go with it, just come on this little adventure with me.
Be us. Playing the new Pokémon game. Getting to the endgame of one of the story arcs and learning more about a character. And you can practically see the little timer pop up on screen, "splitting fictive in T minus 30 Days"
We split easily and we know the type our brain latches on to so oh well, no worries, what happens happens.
Go online to research something about the game a few hours later. Find some fanart of character. Laugh and admire it, save a few because hey, if they do show up they're gonna need a profile picture, may as well grab some.
Notice that there's several comments complaining that "this character has been 'claimed by the trans community,' that's so harmful and stupid, why can't you let us have one thing." Roll your eyes and think, well that's stupid, but whatever.
And then proceed to jump out of your skin when you immediately hear someone in headspace yelling "FUCK YOU. JUST FOR THAT, I HAVE A DICK NOW."
Realize that you just speedran splitting a fictive who is now trans Purely For Spite, and sit down to question your life choices for a few minutes.
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
Here’s some positivity for systems who feel they aren’t “plural enough!”
Whether you:
🍃 have little to no interactions or communication with others in your system
🍃 have a host who is always fronting, don’t switch at all, or switch very rarely
🍃 have a system which goes through unexplained long periods of silence or dormancy
🍃 have a system with covert, subtle, or hard to notice switches with little visible differences between headmates
🍃 are part of a nontraumagenic, p-did, median, or other kind of system that does not get much focus or representation in mainstream media or research
🍃 deal with insecurity or trauma about your plurality due to being not taken seriously fakeclaimed in the past
🍃 or struggle with anything else that makes you or someone in your system feel as though you aren’t “plural enough”
We want to reassure you that it’s okay to feel insecure or worried about whether or not you’re actually plural. That doesn’t mean you’re not actually a system or experiencing multiplicity by any means! It’s quite common for systems to experience doubt - especially in a world where plurality is not widely understood or accepted!
There’s no such thing as not being “plural enough.” Even if you’re a little bit plural then you’re plural enough and you belong in this community! And if you’re not, well, that’s okay too - we live in a singlets’ world, after all.
So please keep your chin up and take pride in your plurality, however that manifests for you! We’re rooting for you, and we’re so proud of how far you’ve come. We wish all of you the very best as you continue to grow and learn as systems (questioning or otherwise)!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID)
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
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fallen-plurality · 2 years
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day 64: hes just standing there...menacingly
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