kisses wifey
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"My cutiepie."
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Biotics are part of her.
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octopus kites [src]
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Request Special
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                                             love is for giving,                                             i give mine to you.
                                       dreams are for dreaming,                                             i dream of you.
                                         hearts are for beating,                                           mine beats for you.
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                “Shhhh silly, there is nothin’ you could do that’d be dumb t’me, there’s no need t’be sorry, got it? I don’t care if I’m the one riddled with holes, I care that my baby’s in pain. That is real pain.” Sparks ghosted her fingers across Skylar’s trembling back, from it’s very top to bottom, doting every single inch with her love and care and comfort. “Focus on my hand babe. Feel it.“ She couldn’t bare to see her wife in this state; so fragile and so helpless from a woman that was upon majority so confident and bold, despite her disability. What hurt the most was that the Lieutenant herself was so helpless. She found herself silently crying above her exhausted wife, too scared to do little more than reassure her that she was there for her, to hold Skylar close and console her tears. “I love you so much babe, every little part of you. An’ I’ll be there whatever your goin’ through.” 
                            Sparks had tried each and every little thing that came into her mind to distract Sky from the phantom pain, but to no avail. She couldn’t do anything. “Hey~ I’ve got you babe, just breathe.” Her hand moved down towards the mechanic’s rump, to support her as she tentatively leant over and pressed a warm kiss against the offending leg’s residual limb, just high enough to allow her wife to feel the gentle touch of her lips. “I’ve gotcha’ beautiful, shhhh, I’ve gotcha’, just breathe. Please.”
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                Slowly, the soldier began to detach her wife’s prosthetic limb, making sure, of course, that she did nothing that would hurt the woman (physically or mentally) anymore than Skylar was already suffering through. Then once this heartbreaking task was complete, Sparks lifted the mechanic into her arms and helped her through to their master bedroom, returning to her position nestling her wife in her arms with Sky’s leg propped up on her own. Repostioning the residual limb was suppose to ease the patient’s pain, the doctor said. She hummed softly to her, rocking them both.
[ calm ]
❥ non-sexual acts of dominance // @faulty-biotic-sparks
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         just breathe. she could hear her wife repeating the words, caressing her hair as she lay motionless across Sparks’ lap. this is so stupid, the years she’s had to adjust since her amputation - yet the phantom pain is as strong as ever. a burning sensation where no limb existed anymore she swore was the most excruciating pain felt since the accident itself.
       “this must be so dumb t’ you, babe… don’t even have a leg and it hurts and you get shot at every time you go to work… sorry.”
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A deafening crash overwhelmed the quiet building, subsequently followed by a blinding flash of blue light, emanating from the far side of the corridor in which the unannounced intruder had entered. It seeped through in a spider-web like crack before completely obliterating the reinforced wall turned gaping hole. The explosion in itself had been loud enough to warrant it a reckless move, but in that survival situation, Cassandra had no other option than to use her enhancements. Imminent death was her fate as she was chased like a mouse by the blood hungry pack of fellow biotics, the fucking ‘Blood Sons’ no less. What had she done to anger them?
Okay, it was retrospectively maybe not the best idea to follow  a lead implying a stash of uncut diamonds was hidden within the facility. Especially when that lead was from a source of questionable loyalty. And neither was it smart to come back to her old haunting territory years after leaving it for a position of authority, albite a lowly ranked one. Wells knew all of this this, but the idea of retrieving well-needed fluid cash for her team, in a time of struggling military finances, well, it was intoxicating. And she was the ex-con-artist after all.
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“Shit, shit, shit!” The biotic cursed, a constant mantra for her hell-bent escape. She was bolting so quickly away from the oncoming storm, that she hadn’t even registered the other’s presence, a mere ten feet from her eventful arrival onto that floor. Further, it wasn’t until she had literally collided with the other body that the soldier came to a standstill. The Private was thrown around the woman’s shoulder and had skidded along the floor with enough force to give her whiplash before the wall had absorbed her collision. 
A silence fell immediately after their abrupt meeting, only muddied by the distant thuds of hastened footfall. Cassandra’s went as wide as saucers as she gazed up at the brunette. It took her tose brief few seconds to regain her sense before the biotic urgently announced, “You need to leave.” Fuck! “We need to leave.” She scrambled up and grabbed the intruder’s hand just as the pack of enemies crashed around the corner. “NOW!”
@faulty-biotic-sparks ❤’d
For the past few years, technology had taken a serious leap forward. Though it was uncommon in her area of town, Mari was meeting more and more people who were either considering bionic implants, or had already gotten at least one.
If Mari could afford it, she’d likely get one, herself. Just enough to ensure she’d be strong enough to protect herself a bit better. Or move a bit faster. Whichever.
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Mari yawned as she stretched tape over a window and tapped it hard, waiting for a moment to see if she had been heard before peeling the tape away. Shards of broken glass, stuck on the tape, came away quietly. She set it down on the ground and reached inside, grabbing the latch and opening the window fully.
Normally, she would break in through the doors, but she didn’t know if universities hard security guards around them. Especially considering the technology she was supposed to be stealing, it stood to reason that it would be guarded.
Mari climbed in the window quietly, dropping into the dark room. Everything she could see was greyscale, since she was using the natural ability for humans to see in the dark. It wasn’t totally accurate, but it was more discreet than a flashlight. Quietly, she snuck further into the building.
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Opportunist indeed, when Cass had seen this place, with a giant fucking hole in it’s security and barely enough to pay her skyrocketing debt to a barely tolerant source, she had literally jumped at the opportunity. All the way up the drainage pipe. Shepard would kill her. It had paid off too, at least up until now. The Privated gripped tight onto the ruby encrusted bust, keeping it well protected against her thigh. “What the hell are you talk- Fifteen minutes?” Fifteen minutes... The ex-thief in her could have growled, she was so sure she was safe looting this time’s visit. “They’re getting better! Dammnit. Last time it took them twenty.
As common courtesy amoung thieves, the girl stuffed a hand into her bag, pulled out a slightly less expensive featured antique she had procured in the last room and shoved it into the intruder’s hands. “Myself.” Cass said it as if the other were investigating her, defensive until the end. Confession was not an option.” And uh- thanks for the save but uh- Nice knowing yah beautiful eyes.” Without another word otherwise, the soldier made her attempt to pass the other thief and make her escape out the window, only to be stopped by a terrifying realisation. Red and blue lights hit her face minute she reached the panes.
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“Who called the fucking cops?” It was crazy, but literally only one thought stuck in her mind after the initial shock. Her twisted military career was so fucked.
“What the hell am I doing here?” Cassandra’s scoffed, her face rife with shock and frustration, having just went from stuffing her bag with a priceless artifact to being blinded uncermemoniously. She shielded her eyes and squinted in the harshness of the spotlight, motioning for the unannounced intruder to drop her flash. “I’m making money- What the hell areyou doing here? Givin’ people heart attacks?”
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Elizabeth was pissed. She had cased this place for weeks and had never seen that this other burglar before. Were they just an opportunist? Anger was worsened by the fact that the artifact that she was here to steal was just stuffed into the others bag. Putting the flash light away, she sighed. She’d have to play nice for now. “Same as you, okay. Now hurry up we have a window of 15 minutes before security shows up.” Someway, somehow she would get that bag from her and get what she came for, when a thought crossed her head. “Who are you working for?” 
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“Don’t mention it dude.” Cassandra gave the little thief the warmest smile she could possibly muster whilst being out in such horrible weather. She’d been out on the streets canvasing for intel on the local militia when she had spotted the familiar flash of brunette hair hurry through the rain. At first, the biotic had tried to suppress the pang of guilt she had felt for hoping Mari wasn’t too far from her home, meaning she didn’t have to leave her cover. All because the alliance soldier had such a limited time for shore leave as it was. Then her caring side won out. She couldn’t kid herself, she’d always be the one who helped.
Respecting the strength of her umbrella, Sparks quickly folded it down and dashed through the terrential sheets of bitter rain, making her way to the thief within a few freezing, watery seconds of recognising her. Disregarding any loss of sensation she had started to experience in her fingers, the soldier was at least pleased to be helping someone. The umbrella was up an tight in her grip, and even thought she was getting partially caught by the rain, the smaller of the two, at least, wasn’t. “Yo. You tryna’ catch a cold, crazy?” The biotic chuckled. “What’s got you out in this?”
☂ (Acts of Affection ^ ` ^)
acts   of   affection   /   platonic   edition.A crack of thunder was the only warning the two had before the sky opened up the floodgates. Almost immediately, a torrent of rain fell to the earth, drenching everything.So Sparks had been right. It was going to rain.Mari bit back an irritated squeal of annoyance. She could live with rain. She didn’t have a car, so it wouldn’t be the first time she showed up anywhere soaked to the bone. After a second, the rain stopped hitting Mari. Torn from her annoyed thoughts, Mari glanced over to see that Sparks had opened her umbrella and was holding it over Mari with a smile. Grateful, Mari moved closer to Sparks so they could share the small shelter. “Thanks.”
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“How much fucking money did you spend!” Velahari asks with a laugh looking at the bulging bags in Spark’s hands. “Fucking hell we won’t need to go sweet shopping for a long time now.”
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“But thanks Cass, I know I’m awesome.” Leading the way back to their apartment Velahari keyed in the door code before breezing in and setting the bags of food down on the coffee table.
Sparks whistled and looked away coyly, “Enough.” There was no way in hell she would ever let Velahari know about her disposition for spending money on candy. If she did, she was quite sure the N7 would take control of her alliance bank account. “Mmmm~ You say that now, but this would last me two days, cutie.” More like one night.
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“Don’t metion it, Vel. I’m only sayin’ what I’m seeing!” The tiny soldier slinked in through the gap the door and the breach made even as it barely opened up. She made a swift beeline for the couch before her specialist friend had even set both feet into her own apartment. With a soft ‘Ooft’, Sparks broke the fall of the carrier bags via herself and held them lovingly to her chest as her own back made a cushiond contact with the furniature’s nest of pillows. “Bring the chopsticks!” She chanted happily. “Mama needs her fix!”
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Katerina watched and listened to the trained soldier, soaking in what she had to say and show.
“Alright.. so like this?”
Katerina did her best to replicate what the other women had done, not quite sure what she was doing or even if she was closed to right.
“Almost, juuussttt retract a little quicker.” Sparks eased her shoulders as she spoke, her torso still recovering from the trauma of last year’s injuries; regardless of how many painkillers she had knocked back since then. Every quick move the Private made hurt to a certain extent, but it came with being a soldier, enhanced or not.
Tintanium ribs panels were fun.
“It takes time to perfect that one. A bit like learning how to shoot a gun properly, but you’ll get it-” She chuckled, patting Katerina on the shoulder fondly. “Right! Let’s try this again, but on me, yeah? If you don’t recoil quick, I’ll get a punch. So, think of it as a bit of motivation, except that motivation doesn’t mind getting punched. I promise.”
“Hey, no, stop. You’re going to break your fingers punching like that.”
Katerina looked up. “huh?” She asked looked confused at the women before looking down at her hands. “Then how should I be doing this?” She asked her.
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lake bear big 
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[ possessive ] ;))
Non-sexual Acts of Dominance // @ofdeomnes
Possesive; your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other .
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             They’re at a restaurant when it happens, sat across from someone the two women thought they were friends with, or at least respectful acquaintances. The meeting was all about buisness and stock and trading at first, so no one would have expected the guy’s informality when it came to discrimination. When the merchandiser looks across the table at them, already five deep into pints of beer, he displays nothing but contemptible confidence and disrespect for the alliance Lieutenant. Even though his wife, quiet and submissive, is sitting right beside him. Up until then, he was humble and maybe at a stretch polite, so it’s clear they shouldn’t have let him buy that fifth, not even nursing the glass.
                  He looks at the soldier for an unpleasant moment before then drawing his attention to her wife, saying ‘So how does it actually work? Being married to a murderer?’. Sparks can’t stop her raw reaction. Hurt. It runs through her blood cold and makes her feel as if her whole body as disattatched from herself, away into the galaxy where she’ll never find it. She averts her gaze down and begins to figet with her war-beaten fingers clasped her lap, begining to anxiously pick at the bruises and cuts and healing grazes until they’re stinging and red. She can’t tell what Skylar’s reaction is, only that her drink has been placed down loudly, and that she’s now tenderly rubbing a thumb across her thigh, something the biotic is very thankful for. It tethers her.
                       “Excuse me? What’d’yah just say?”
                Please stop talking. Can everyone stop talking. Sparks wants to be swallowed up by the booth seat they’re nestled in, even more so as the first tear drips down her cheek only to recieve a snide laugh from the man. Blood pools slowly in the palm of her hand from the carving she’s been doing to her fingers, so she stuffs them into her pockets and bites the inside of her cheeks instead. She always tried to ignore that side of her work when it came to accidental civillian casualties; the ones she couldn’t save. Then why did everyone else want to focus on it so much? She feels lost and alone until Skylar rests her hand on the small of her back, feels the warmth radiating out from the limb. Sky lifts the soldier’s chin up to look at her, meeting her blue eyes with nothing but love, because she didn’t care. She didn’t care what Cassandra did or didn’t do. “Bout time we left now, monkey?” The mechanic prompts, taking control of the situation.
            The Lieutenant’s eyes are watery and sore, but she manages to keep the majority of her tears in, nodding in agreement. Skylar abruptly excuses them from the couple’s presence and picks up the biotic’s bag for her, leading her from the seat by the lower of her back.
“Prick.” Sparks catches her hissing as they leave.
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feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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