fayelangdon · 11 years
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Faye's Room
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fayelangdon · 11 years
I suppose something like that. You could wear pink, I'd just suggest wearing a darker shade of pink. 
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So.. Dark hair goes with light clothes, and light hair goes with dark clothes?
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So it’s like contrast?
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Oh, there goes my morning.
Dear, Helena, I don't believe all genitals are one shade of color, but rather different variations of pinks and reds, and then some of other colors, too, due to the veins, a person's race, and other reasons. I thought that since you were an expert on such matters of penis, that you'd know this.  
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Pink? Thats the color of vaginas, and penises and unless you want to go around school looking like a giant dick, I would choose anything but.
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fayelangdon · 11 years
It's good, and it's better for your skin tone and hair anyways. Pink would wash you out, so yes, definitely blue. Although I'd always choose darker colors for your outfits, because they brighten your hair.
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Interesting. Pink. I think I like blue better. Blue is good right?
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fayelangdon · 11 years
[Faye meets his gaze steadily and lifts her brows.] What big words you use for a cheater, but alright. First period should start soon anyways, and as you've said, you've got "things" to do.
It's a deal, little lion.
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Well fine, all you..then..all you, I won’t ask any more. [He bit his bottom lip, trying to pin his smirk from appearing across his lips, since the idea that sprung of her being his tutor was pleasurable and slightly intriguing] As for tutoring, nah.. I don’t planning on be a math scholar so I’ll stick to my methods, even if it doesn’t get me any where—Uh, perhaps we should end this here? It’s getting a bit…macabre for me. 
Deal, so I’ll see you then? Oh.. not like you need to be told, but try to come—presentable. [With that he stood up and headed on to where ever he wanted to skip to]
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Now that winter is already here, that means that new styles will be coming out soon and that means it's time to go shopping soon. I hear pink is making a comeback once more. 
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fayelangdon · 11 years
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fayelangdon · 11 years
He asked, and I didn't really have any reason to say no, so why should? [she laughed lightly.] Perhaps what you need is more of a tutor. Hasn't anyone told you that cheating gets you nowhere in life? [the laughter died off and she hesitated for a brief moment.] I can't remember what having fun is like.
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You're talking to the original control freak, so I don't think we'll have that much of a problem. I'm not the best cook, but I can find my way through a kitchen. [she smiles faintly.] That sounds nice.
Only because you're teetering on breaking it. 
Oh well if you really didn’t like him all that much, why did you even date him? Appearances? Just cause it was a good idea? [His lips smiled as they were pressed against his carton of orange as he sipped] Oh no, studying is fine I just suck at math and my parents refuse to let me drop out of trig…so cheating seemed easier. Ummm, [They were getting a little deeper than Leo necessarily wanted to go, but since he was never one to bow out of a game…he continued] I don’t know how to not have fun with out drugs..
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Fine, fine…no promises on me not being a control freak—though you can help and it’s a date then. I’ll make sure our maid, Ella, is cleared out by the time you leave. I love her, but she enjoys to smother more than be aloof at times. So it’ll just be us. 
I try, I try Mayor.. Some of us have to keep up with our image. 
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Aaron: Faye right? The girl with the rose quartz?
Faye: Yes, Aaron -- boy with the sapphire.
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fayelangdon · 11 years
It's typical high school drama. What's the point of fighting over someone you don't love anyways. He was just a boyfriend and she's a good person at heart. [she quirks a brow.] Not the sort of person to study, are you? Alright. I don't know how to trust myself.
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... only if I can help cook, too, because I haven't been able to in a long time. That sounds nice though, so I can't really say no. I'll be there this Friday then.
Pretty nice. Fits well with your leather jacket facade, I must say. 
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[He looked at her with a puzzled gaze…Why would she admit that, didn’t she truly not care or was it an act. Since for Leo if anyone cheated on him, he’d quite frankly be crushed] Wow what a bitch.. Okay my turn-uh, I have Mr. Blackston’s Trig test printed two days before the test is distributed, so I can ace it..
Uh…what do you like? I figured maybe my house, my parents will be at some charity ball and I can make a few Thai dishes if you are game. Besides, when’s the last time you were at my house—that wasn’t for some charity foundation thing?
Yeah, you’ve never seen me ride it? It’s a 2014 Honda Valkyrie. I had my dad’s old bike a while back but since my birth day is around the corner he got me this..  
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fayelangdon · 11 years
[she rolled her eyes, but was smiling.] My last boyfriend cheated on me with the girl who is supposedly my "best friend" and I didn't care.
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... dinner, where?
You've got a motorcycle, for real? 
My whole middle school fantasies crushed in one fell swoop [He made a playful gesture over his chest as if he was gripping his heart] Umm..let me think, I told everyone I knew french cause of my grandmother but deep down I just wanted to learn to sound sexy. 
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Tisk, tisk..you missed that window. Though I can pencil you in for under a leather exterior appointment, like maybe this Friday eight o’clock? Dinner…
That’s for me to know and you to wonder about, though seriously I do more than get high everyday. I do have money and a motorcycle, aka Ashton is my playground.
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fayelangdon · 11 years
We'll start off cheesy then. In middle school, I stuffed my bra.
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Please and thank you. It's not worth it if you don't fight for it, after all. [she cocks her head to the right.] So, what? A bad boy that's really a good boy? Now I've got the sudden urge to see under that leather exterior again.
Smoke. Talk to your pothead friends. Uh, eat more? Seriously, what do you do? 
Ladies’ first then. 
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Really now? Note to self fight harder, I’d hate for you to get bored so early in this two day rekindling relationship. [He bit his lips for a moment before he continued] Uh, yeah fucking bitches and getting money isn’t really my mantra—nor my “street cred” so you are wrong on that front. 
Hey! Doesn’t mean I don’t have places to go or people to see… I’m a busy man, Mayor. 
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fayelangdon · 11 years
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Let's play.
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If this morning tells me anything, you're not going to fight this at all anyways. [she flashes him a grin.] Who knew you were so concerned with your reputation? Or is it the typical -- "bang the most popular girl in order to raise my street cred" deal.
Not as if you're planning on going to class.
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For now yes…Unless you want to play a secret for a  secret. 
Well if you are part of my morning routine, I won’t fight it—too much.. It might help my reputation a bit, though if a rumor flies around that we are sleeping together I’ll inform my publicist and we’ll sort that out. [He flashed her a mischievous smirk]
Well I guess fate isn’t on your side today, cause if I had my chocolate milk you’d have a few more minutes..
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fayelangdon · 11 years
Aaron: Fueled by Ramen records who have heard my record and now want to sign me?
Faye: Ohhhh, 'fraid not. Think less musician, more library.
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fayelangdon · 11 years
And would that be a secret?
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Good, because it's not going away anytime soon. [she quirks a brow.] Well, if this is how you are in the mornings, you can expect me to join you then. And then maybe you'll have more chances of breaking that leather exterior. 
For today, no.
Luckily I pride in you something else… 
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I-I didn’t say I disliked it…though. Leather on then, you snooze you lose—doubtful that window will be open again. Besides I shouldn’t be gushing to you like this, mornings make me groggy and apparently gabby as well.
Spoken like my therapist, also anything else you want to chat about? My fries are dwindling which means I won’t be sitting for much longer. 
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