fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Baby, I'm a gangsta too and it takes two to tango         You don't wanna dance with me.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Yeah… everyone wanted Quinn and Rachel to happen, but we got Quinn and Santana instead, which was still good, but you know… Quinn and Rachel was the way to go, obviously. I love Di. Maybe one day we’ll make a reunion and find out they are married now, knowing Ryan it could totally happen, same with Hester and Chanel, we have to make him to do it! It’s not the worse I’ve read if we’re being honest. There’s some that involve animals? I… they are creative, I’ll give them that. Yes, the hippo looking one, it looks adorable! And if you do cry, I’ll bring you ice cream and probably cry with you because let’s be honest, it’s me we’re talking about. Of course I’m gonna cry. Steven is so dreamy and don’t get me started on the Walking Dead, I’m not watching it anymore thanks to that episode, there’s much hurt a person can endure, right? Wait, seriously? That’s crazy! Imagine all the families of people who were never found, oh those poor people… it’s heartbreaking. Well, if you want to talk or not talk about your one night stand, you know I’m here for you, always. We can always go out and try to get more acquainted with the ‘One night stand’ thing, I’ve never had one myself. I’ll even frame the picture and put it on my nightstand and do one for you, it’ll be so adorable. 
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Oh Santana, I love her. I feel like she’s the starting point when Ryan decided he wanted to try and push the bar with sassy insults and then once he saw people were reacting well to them he decided to make Chanel say even more offensive stuff, so I guess I have Naya to thank for starting him on that. Would you be up for doing a reunion at some point in the future? I - oh god, I don’t even want to know. If there’s not some fanfiction out there of Hester x Hannibal Lector I’m going to be severely disappointed. I’ll be even more likely to cry if we’re drinking vodka - and now I have an image of us both drunk, bawling as soon as we see Steven Yeun’s face. It’s an amazing visual. Also are you as attracted to Negan as I am, or is that just something I should keep quiet about? ( I’ll never forgive him for what he did, but hot damn ). I’ll fill you all in on it when we see eachother, and I’m totally up for going out and finding some cute guys, but I think I’ll leave my one night stand as a one time thing because I still think it’s weird that there’s a guy out there in the world who I don’t know that’s seen me naked. How do people do it on the regular? You’re adorable full stop, @ world: make us your goals.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Look at you being cheesy and cute. Please never stop. I’m going to save this response forever. I hope you know this.
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I’d be disappointed if you didn’t, honestly. Like, that took me a good five minutes to come up, but let’s pretend it didn’t and that I’m just that quick witted. The amount of cheese puns I can come up with right now is too Edam high, so I better tread Caerphilly if I want to keep my friends.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Ryan, buddy, I think you need to find a hobby, or something. Perhaps you could take up knitting? You’re the only person I know who could possibly drop some bizarre laws into conversation now. Like, humans are weird, we’ve always known that, but I say we should go to some of these places and break these said laws? We could have a criminal record for possessing snowballs and eating fried chicken.
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Do you ever wonder how fucking high the folks were who created some US laws? If there’s a reasonable explanation for these, then by all means, shoot me down. But just when I thought I couldn’t question the sanity of the government any more than I already do, I read that “eating fried chicken with utensils” is illegal in Georgia. Like seriously, a dude got arrested in 2009 for using a fork. And I have plenty more where that came from! Snowballs? Illegal in Kansas. If you hadn’t already guessed I’m incredibly bored on set today, and seriously contemplating staying in Vancouver forever.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
I’m going to be predictable and suggest you watch Making a Murderer if you haven’t already, because it was that documentary that made every person in the world who had seen it feel like they had a degree in law. Suddenly everyone’s a justice warrior. Also, I’ve become addicted to watching docs about Aileen Wuornos because I’m similarly still trying to figure her out?
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I’ll admit, I should probably find better things to do with my time, but I’m currently binging on true crime documentaries on Netflix and I don’t know how to stop. How do you become unobsessed with something once you’re obsessed? And, hey, what’s your favorite documentary – true crime or otherwise? I need something new before I spiral into conspiracy theories about what I’ve already seen.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Throwback Thursday?
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Forever a fashion icon.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
You and 6 friends here are randomly chosen to go on an African Safari Tour. Everything is going great until the Jeep crashes and a rabid lion eats your tour guide. Out of your six friends, who is most likely to: 1. Take on the role of tour guide to get you all back to your hotel safely, 2. Become friends with a roaming antelope, 3. Tweet about it, 4. Sacrifice him or herself when you're cornered by a pack of lions, 5. Get stuck in quicksand, and 6. Come up with the best campfire songs.
We’ll probably all die before any of this happens, but…
Tour guide: @wthhoechlin
Become friends with an antelope: @placeyourbett
Tweet about it: @annakendck
Sacrifice himself: @theotherchris
Get stuck in quicksand: @fckroberts
Come up with the best campfire song: @atveit83
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
I don’t know and it makes me sad, they have such great potential together and no one saw it, not even Ryan. Thank you, I must admit I’ve dabbled in the infested waters of fan fiction once or twice back when Glee was happening and it was eye-opening, I couldn’t sleep for a week, I can’t even phantom what Scream Queens fans have in store. Oh we can watch that new Netflix movie, Okja? There’s a hypo. And you know I am always up for some cuddle fest. Ugh, he’s so creepy Emma, he has the craziest eyes I’ve seen and now I don’t think I’ll be able to watch IT when it comes out thanks to that creep. Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind next time I need sexting advice, though I doubt that’ll even happen. Emma, what the fuck does it mean you feel slimy, babe? What happened? Who was it? I feel like I am missing vital information here. Wait.. was it… oh. So you and baby Franco? Can I take a pic of the whole deal just to keep it as a momentum, but not posting it to keep it between you and I, make it cute and private?
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But Ryan’s like the ultimate tease with couples who should totally happen - remember how everyone wanted Quinn and Rachel to happen? He gives you just enough to root for it then turns round like “nope, they’re ending up with who you’d expect them to”. Oh god, I’m curious to know what you read but then I don’t want to make you relive the terror, you poor thing. Is that the one with the giant hippo looking thing? I’m so up for that, but I might just cry so...be prepared? Especially as it has Steven Yeun in it and I’m still coming to terms with what happened to him in the Walking Dead. Weirdly enough, I saw a news article just yesterday about one of his victims, how he’s only just been identified. Those 40 years must’ve been agony for his family, but I suppose at least they have some closure now? Oh, nothing. It was just a bit of an impulse decision, and I didn’t really know the guy so it’s the first time I’ve really had a one night stand, and it doesn’t feel that great, you know? Wait, Dave? Oh, no. We really did just talk, that’d just be...weird. Of course you can, that way you can look at it every time you start to doubt my love if we’ve been apart for too long.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
You’ve got me excited now, it’s been too long. I’ll be sure to check in by then. And of course not, I keep everything meaningful around, okay? Even the potato chip that I swear to God looks like Paul Newman. I still have that shit, dude.
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Oh god, what if we start to get the munchies and I accidentally eat your treasured Paul Newman chip? Would that be the end of our friendship right there or do I still stand a chance at redeeming myself? I know that’s important to you.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
I didn’t think of it in that way but let’s just stick to it actually meaning roasting real marshmallows, Em. Aww look at you being cute and using silly puns on me. I love it. 
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If you disliked cheesy puns, then I would nacho be your girl. But it fills me with brie that you liked it. I’m pretty gouda them when I try to be?
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
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Friends who do pilates together, stay together.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Dave’s voice in her ear sent a chill down her spine in ways she never thought it could, and just from that sentence alone she knew she was wet enough to take him. Then, his boxers were off, and her stomach was in knots. How could something that she wanted so much be so incredibly daunting? Yet, as soon as Dave positioned himself at her core, all doubts diminished into nothing as anticipation took over. Her fingers tugged roughly at Dave’s hair as he entered her, a small moan of pleasure passing through her open lips as she adjusted to his size. 
Parting her legs open a little wider, Emma rolled her hips into Dave, the feeling of him filling her completely causing her back to arch as he slowly thrust himself inside of warmth. “Fuck, Dave.” She let out, uncontrollably, unable to hide just how good it actually felt. This was something that she daren’t say she had ever thought about before, but even in imagination, she would’ve never expected it to feel like this. It was almost impossible to think about how they probably shouldn’t have been doing it. How could something that was wrong feel so right?
what friends are for → d & e.
Keep reading
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
I try my best to make everyone’s dreams come true, no lie. I’m glad I’ve managed to help you. I’m here in the woods, yes. We better hang out before we all have to go home to a nice comfortable bed. Will you roast my marshmallows for me and make it even more romantic? That probably sounded wrong but shhh. Lets roll with it.
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“Roast my marshmallows” is now going in my book of favorite innuendos...although, that one sounds kind of painful? But obviously I will. I’ll even throw in a few puns about how you make me melt, and that my insides are all gooey from being near you.
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
Woman crush Wednesday?
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fckroberts-blog · 7 years
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If you want to know what true love looks like, it’s this. ^
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