fearraven · 1 year
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @jestergirls
Jonathan sat patiently on the pleater booth seat in the diner they had decided as their meeting spot. Pushing the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose further up, he scanned the menu as he awaited the arrival of Jeremiah's lackey. Three minutes stood between her and being late. Maybe he should have been more meticulous about his requirements. Wasting time this close to Halloween was not an option. As if on queue, the bell at the top of the door rang indicating that someone had entered the small space. "I was getting ready to leave."
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fearraven · 1 year
Jonathan couldn't find it within himself to play petty little games with Edward. He was far too busy, thoughts lost elsewhere in mathematics and science. The psychology would come back later in the process as it was predominantly a factor in the planning and the execution, less in the testing and trial phase. Without as much as a word, he took the box, eyeing it suspiciously. Present didn't come without a price, even if it was simply the distracting presence of an old friend.
Tugging the card from where it rested beneath the ribbon of the carefully wrapped package, he opened it and quickly skimmed the words of the handmade riddled greeting card. "Fear." He stated as a fact. Without another word, he pulled the package apart, opening it without much care for the time that had gone into the wrapping. Inside he found a chess piece. The gift was thoughtful, something that Edward was known for despite showing it in possibly the worst ways. "If this is your way of distracting me into a game it isn't going to work, Edward. I'm busy."
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"There you are." He mused when Jonathan opened the door and answered his riddle. Coming face to face with him. A grin tugged at his features as he glanced up at him. "Hello, again." He said as he took the present from behind himself and held it out for him to take. "The thing about gifts, Mr. Crane, is that you have to open them to find out." He reminded him, nudging it forwards. "Ooh! Don't forget about the card too!" Motioning with his head to the card taped to the side.
The card was a riddle for the word 'fear', and inside it was a neatly written note that said: 'For the king of fear himself.' Once the man opened the gift, he'd find a carefully carved Queen for his chessboard. Shaped into a Scarecrow with a dainty little crown. "You seemed off the last time we played. I wanted to get you something that might cheer you up a little. Besides, I had one made for myself as well." He said, pointing to his jacket pocket where his was hidden. "Would you let me in now? You know, since you went through all the trouble of opening the door! I'd like to show off mine as well. It might even be prettier than yours!"
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fearraven · 1 year
"If I had known we were meeting maybe I would have shown up sooner," Jonathan replied, voice unmoving in tone. Turning to finally face the intruder, he noticed the glass in his hand. Eyes flickering up to Jeremiah's face, he inspected carefully. No wide eyes, no obvious sweat, and no shortness of breath. The perpetrator had won the game of roulette he was likely unaware he had even been playing. Scarecrow kept a few bottles of whiskey in his space, one laced with a consumable version of his fear toxin and one that was untouched. A mixture of disappointment and intrigue flashed across his features. "If I don't who will for me?" He posed the question as a statement. "How do you plan to do that?" Jonathan moved to where the plastic bag lay on his desk, pulling open one of his drawers to retrieve a pair of rubber gloves to don prior to touching anything. Inspecting it carefully, he pulled the jack in the box from the bag and examined it. "If-" he started. "I agree to this I will require two things. The first is the reason that you want to know exactly what coats this clown. The second is that Ecco of yours to gather subjects for my experiments. If you want me to get this right the first time I need to test it."
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"Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you stood me up." Jeremiah joked, well aware that Jonathan Crane had no prior knowledge of their little date. Especially considering he broke in without so much as informing the supposed super villain he was visiting. He sipped the whiskey he stole from the Scarecrow's cabinet and let out a surprised hum, like he forgot he was supposed to mention why he was there to begin with. "Hmn! You do your homework, don't you? I have Ecco on other errands." He said before walking closer to his desk after Jonathan. "Besides, I wanted to meet the famous Scarecrow myself. I'm a fan." Jeremiah took a seat on the desk and plopped a clear plastic bag on it with him. Inside of it sat a jack in the box, with a clown sprung already. "I know you're an expert in chemicals and toxins. If you can identify the components of the residue on this clown, I'll make it worth your while."
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fearraven · 1 year
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fearraven · 1 year
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @plxntbasedbitch
Jonathan's relationship with Pamela was separate from his with many of the other Rogues. Where he tolerated most others, he found that he liked her. It had nothing to do with her pheromones (although he had so often watched men fall at her feet), instead having a basis in the respect he held for her mental strength. To say she had a fascinating brain was an understatement and perhaps in a different life he could have unraveled all the threads to the mystery at its core, but not now. "Tea? Coffee? Or do you prefer water?"
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fearraven · 1 year
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @thejokerswilde
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Jonathan asked, slipping past Jeremiah's smaller stature. He moved towards the desk that he had set up in the corner of the warehouse space. It had become his makeshift laboratory for the time being and he had grown rather fond of the isolation it provided, most of the time that was. "I'm sure you have a good reason for breaking in without so much as sending your sidekick ahead of time. What was her name, again?" He asked, setting down his briefcase on the worn chair and removing his coat to hang over the back of it. "Ecco, wasn't it? A mere shadow of you. The projection of your own voice."
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fearraven · 1 year
Edward refused to leave, his incessant voice cutting through the headache that had formed sometime during Crane's withdrawal. His brain pounded violently against his temples in a silent protest. Pulling just far enough away from the peephole to remove his glasses, he pressed his forefinger and middle finger in circles against the epicenter of his pain. "What else could it be?" Jonathan's eyes closed as his brain began to unscramble, the tension loosening in his head as the pressure was relieved. The momentary break was interrupted by Ed's compulsive obsession with riddles. The pulsing returned, wrapping around the front of his head and settling behind his eyes having turned into a full-blown migraine.
Returning his glasses to their rightful spot across the bridge of his nose, he pulled the door open in time to face the question in person. "The present," Jonathan replied with conviction, taking only a moment to contemplate on the riddle as his eyes landed on the arm that twisted around Edward's back. "What did you bring?"
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Crane's voice was softer than it typically was. Although he was trying to keep it down in fear of someone else hearing him. Of course, he hated being denied a good game of chess. Actually challenging opponents were a rare commodity. Edward had his mind set on something else entirely today and he wasn't about to just be turned away at the door. "But it's more than just chess today!" He called back. Leaning a little closer to the peephole so Jonathan could get a better look at him. He reached up and instinctually adjusted his glasses as he spoke. One hand neatly folded behind his back. Clutching a small, wrapped box just out of view. "You've been so gloomy lately. Don't think I didn't notice. So how about a riddle? They always cheer me up!"
He cleared his throat and rocked on his heels as he spoke the riddle. One short but sweet. "Even if you give me away, I'll always be here? What am I?"
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fearraven · 1 year
Closed starter for @riddlesman
Hope was the spread wings of a bat over the dimly lit streets of Gotham. It was a beacon among the clouds, raining down justice in tune with the rhythmic beating of the ever-present rain. It was the Batman. A manifestation of the rogue's personal fears and a balance of powers. Jonathan's own encounters with the mythic vigilante had resulted in a poisoning he was still in the midst of grappling with. Fear had reared its ugly head once again after years of eluding him. His trusted toxin betraying him in the hands of the nocturnal monster. Nightmares had become reality and still in the back of his mind the sight of the creature lurked in the recesses of his psyche, never allowing him a moment of peace.
A knock wrenched Jonathan's twisting thoughts from their path, pulling him back into the world around him. Again. The gentle noise tugged at him, dragging him towards the door and pushing his eye to the peephole. "You'll have to excuse me, Edward. I have no time for our chess game today."
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fearraven · 1 year
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Oh look it's my sleep paralysis demon
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Can't sleep must draw salecrow
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fearraven · 1 year
Please Ignore Everything Below This Post.
Or don't. Who am I to tell you what to do? Let chaos win.
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fearraven · 2 years
Name: Eko Nygma
Gender: Agender
General Appearance: Eko has untamed dark wavy hair and fair skin. They have dark circles under their dark eyes and round, circular glasses that they always have to push up over a straight thin nose bridge. They have sharp bone structure.
Personality: Eko is very fearful and talkative. They alway have to be right and is endlessly fascinated with everything they see. They suffer from nightmares and insomnia. The lack of sleep makes them see things that they are not sure is there or not.
Special Talents: Eko is extremely intelligent like both of their fathers and shares a deep pride in it the way that Ed does. Especially great in the field of science and is facinated by how the body works. They enjoy dissecting things, especially small animals. Only for those animals to haunt their dreams later.
Who they like better: Crane
Who they take after more: Ed
Personal Head canon: Eko is biologically Ed's child because if they were going to adopt- he wanted this child to have his DNA. Crane on the other hand, has never cared about that kind of thing. Although he didn't want much to do with the kid at first, unlike Ed, Crane started to grow interested in them as they started to show signs of insanity.
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fearraven · 2 years
Babs shrugged. “You know, when they died, I’m sure plenty of people suspected me,” she said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if my own sister does. At the very least she blames me for it. And you know what? If I had been there that night, if whoever the hell did it had offered me the chance to do it myself, I don’t know if I would have said no.” She shrugged again. “But that would have been too easy. It wouldn’t have hurt them in the way I wanted to hurt them.” She looked over at him. “He wouldn’t, anyway,” she admitted. She could say a lot of things against Jim Gordon but his love for his children would never be something she would cast doubt on. She smiled faintly as she considered her answer, knowing that he would think it was ridiculous. “I was sixteen and in love,” she said. “And subsequently I was pregnant. My mother kicked me out of the house and the only reason she ever let me cross the threshold again was because people liked the Gordons, and people respected them for taking care of me. She couldn’t stand to see others getting praise. Especially for something so negligible as giving a damn about me.”
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          “Was there an investigation into you or was it all just gossip?” Rich people knew how to talk and come up with their own wild conspiracies. He had seen it time and time again. Word travelled fast when you had nothing to do but drink wine and spend money. It sounded like a terribly boring life. “Interesting.” A brow quirked, raising high above its twin. “Why?”  There was always a follow up question. “And what about now?” He let the question hang in the air. Just because she didn’t want to be with Roman before, doesn’t mean that hasn’t changed. He was still everything that Barbara loved, apart from her children. “Why did you cross that threshold again if you hated her so much?” Curiosity got the better part of him, at some point going from a therapy session to getting to know her better. Why did it matter how well he knew Barbara Gordon? It shouldn’t have. It didn’t. But he couldn’t overcome the curiosity, letting it take hold of him because it was easier to give into it than to fight it. “Why did you let her have any of the praise instead of staying away where you knew she couldn’t reach you?”
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fearraven · 2 years
A faint smile touched Pam’s lips. “It’s just a figure of speech,” she said. “A date isn’t necessarily romantic.” Thank god. Harley was the only person she’d had romantic feelings for in a very long time and frankly she wanted to keep it that way. She raised an eyebrow as he spoke. “Oh?” she said. “Interesting.” She tilted her head. “Are there any perks for helping you?” she said, her lip curling into a smirk. “Or am I just supposed to be offering my time in the interest of science?”
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      Crane had never been romantic so the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. He didn’t know what it entailed or if he could provide it to anyone, not that Pamela wanted it from him or him from her. “Do you go on a lot of dates?” He asked simply curious at the idea. “What do you consider perks?” His lips twitch, the hint of a smirk flashing over them before it was gone, disappearing behind his menu as he flipped through it. “Is there something wrong with offering your time in the interest of science?”
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fearraven · 2 years
Harley looked at the other for a moment given this city was ripe and ready for the taking it’d been quite some time since all of them banded together to take anything so the idea appealed to her greatly. “Aww Johnny, I love how your brain works and seeing the fruits of your labor but I’ll be patient only for you of course.” She mused placing a finger to her cheek “Hey since you aren’t working now, we should do something what do you think?”
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         “What do you have in mind?” Crane asked, not saying no outright. He was busy, but Harleen had always been able to take his attention away from other things that occupied it. If she had a plan, he was willing to go along, but had no plans of his own that involved leaving his lab that day. 
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fearraven · 2 years
Babs could feel how tense her posture was, and she tried to relax, but it was no use. It was as though someone had laid an iron rod between her shoulders. She knew it wouldn’t go away as long as she kept talking to Jon about this. Not that she would particularly enjoy talking to anyone about her parents. She shrugged. “I never got to do anything about it,” she said. “She didn’t care what I said or did. I think if…” She stopped, lifting her chin. It was probably too late for this, but she didn’t want Jon to know that she was falling into the role he wanted from her. “I’m angry because if anyone should protect you, it’s your parent,” she said. “It’s your family. I would peel Jim Gordon like a goddamn grape if I for one second thought he’d treated my daughter or my son the way my mother treated me.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t just that. I was never good enough for her. Everything about me, she tried to change, from my weight to who I was dating. You know she really wanted me to marry Roman Sionis? Roman.”
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       “Did you want to?” He asked, pushing her until she wouldn’t let him anymore. It was who he was as a psychiatrist. He wanted to push her to open up, to get to know herself better, to find the root of the issue. “You think if?” Jonathan tried to encourage her to continue, but the thought was gone with the next breath she took. She was still holding back, not letting him in the way that she needed to. A flash of disgust echoed across his features at Barbara’s words. Parents weren’t protectors, at least not any of the ones he knew. “Well, I think that for Jim Gordon, it’s a good thing that he doesn’t.” The violent streak didn’t surprise him. He knew the blonde in front of him well, perhaps even a little too well to think that she didn’t mean what she said. One foot out of line and Jim Gordon would be skinned like a deer. There was something pleasing about that idea, but he kept that thought to himself. “You didn’t want to marry Roman Sionis?” He asked, a little surprised by the way she had said it. Roman was everything that Barbara loved. The height of luxury and crime. 
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fearraven · 2 years
It was a shock to see Jonathan Crane as he exited the building he’d just seen Barbara Kean at. Immediately, the gears in his head began to turn. What an interesting new mystery he could unravel. How wonderfully intriguing! A giddy feeling started to overtake him and a bright, wide white smile crept it’s way onto his face. “Jonathan. What may I ask, are you doing here?”  
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    Jon had spotted Edward upon his exit, but hoped that the man would ignore him. Hoping was useless though. Ed had always been a curious mind and Crane knew better than to expect anything less than a hundred questions about why he was where he was. Hearing the other man address him, Jon stopped in his tracks, turning to face him. “Just because you ask a question, Ed, doesn’t mean that anyone has to answer it. But if you must know, I was giving Barbara Kean therapy.” It wasn’t exactly a lie.
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fearraven · 2 years
Pam wasn’t really one to socialize, per se – or at all, unless spending time with Harley counted. But there were also those who could persuade her to leave her plants behind, even if for a brief time, and Jonathan Crane was on that list. She wasn’t sure if either she or Crane were typically capable of really making friends, but whatever they were to each other, it allowed them to at least enjoy each other’s company. She found him sitting in the restaurant booth and slid in across from him, raising an eyebrow. “Crane,” she said. “It’s not like you to suggest a lunch date.” A brief smirk touched her lips. “What is it?”
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       Jonathan looked up as Pamela called his name. He offered her a small nod instead of the polite smile that most people did. Jon wasn’t much of a smiler and he was sure that when he did smile it wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing facial expression he made. “Hello, Dr. Isley.” He greeted. “Is that what this? A date? I didn’t realize.” Jonathan wasn’t much for asking anyone to dinner, especially not for a date. “I need your help with testing for my new compound. I know you’re immune, but that’s exactly why I need you to be in the testing chamber.”
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