fell8999 · 2 days
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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fell8999 · 5 days
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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fell8999 · 7 days
couples quarrel
boyfriend: hey baby i have to cancel our date tomorrow something came up
girlfriend: oh i’m just small potatoes. i’m not that importance.
boyfriend: -_-
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fell8999 · 7 days
Hey. You. The American teenager inexplicably reading this. Don't join the US military. You're better than that. The military is a bunch of cops. Are they technically diverse and inclusive? On some level, kind of, almost. But their job is to kill people. They kill innocent people every day. They abuse their own members, especially their members who aren't white cis het middle class Christian men. The US exists through perpetual violence against the global working class, including its own working class. The military is how it carries out a large portion of that violence. You deserve better. You're better than that. Don't join.
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fell8999 · 11 days
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Brb I’m going to go commit a crime
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fell8999 · 13 days
Please remember that almost everyone around you is traumatized. I didn’t understand this when I was younger. I wondered why people acted so strangely and irrationally. Maybe all children wonder this. The author Robert Anton Wilson said (paraphrasing), “We have never seen a completely sane adult human.” No one makes it out of this life alive. It’s not their fault. Mercy, kindness, forgiving — these are what makes one human. They are other names for love. People break in the strangest of ways.
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fell8999 · 16 days
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fell8999 · 16 days
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fell8999 · 16 days
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fell8999 · 16 days
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fell8999 · 18 days
ilove when someone posts about an issue that's supposedly plaguing society and it's painfully obvious that said issue is not a thing that matters if youre not on tiktok
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fell8999 · 18 days
simply cannot ever resist what i call the little mermaid or the tin man or the pinnochio plot, the one about a character who is either inhuman or human but outside in some way, constantly searching for whatever it is that they consider to be the quintessential proof of humanity, preoccupied by it so deeply that they fail to realize the proof is in the act and fact of the search itself
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fell8999 · 20 days
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fell8999 · 21 days
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fell8999 · 21 days
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fell8999 · 22 days
when you hear zionists say things like “90% of jews support israel” or whatever you need to understand that this is because they deny the judaism of any and all antizionist jews. when zionists find out that i do not support the state of israel, they immediately leap to either calling me a “self hating jew” or denying that i am jewish altogether. it’s easy to claim that all jews support israel when you decide that the many, many antizionist jews aren’t actually jews.
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fell8999 · 25 days
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