ficjhtclub · 3 years
ficjhtclub => bruisedconscience
due to my little freak out, i’m over at @bruisedconscience now! slowly going to follow all my buddies again. will @ people slowly over time on this post. stay tuned :thumbsup: 
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ficjhtclub · 3 years
this week on how many times can kris remake and archive blogs? 
i’m probably going to archive this acct & my main multi that i’ve had since 2017. it’s time for a new leaf!! this is going to be a slow process, but eventually i’ll make an announcement post on my shiny new dashboard and i’ll @ all my friends :two_hearts: 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
reblogging from my main account. new information has surfaced but this remains indefinitely in effect. 
I am leaving tumblr.
Tumblr has had a grievous breach in security that gave my personal cell phone number to a random malicious user on this website. The full email I sent to support can be found below for context. 
I really love writing Barry & Aaron & Harvard and I love my friends here. I will mention a few people in this message at the very bottom. Even if I didn’t list you because I am so angry I can hardly think, please find me on Discord and continue writing with me there. I cannot support this website anymore. It’s compliant in identity theft. 
Please reblog to spread awareness. 
Keep reading
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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obligatory end-of-the-movie thread 
He’d won. 
Maybe he was standing, or still sitting in that office chair on wheels. He couldn’t really feel where the rest of his body was, outside of his head. If he had the mind to, he could probably wheel himself over to the elevator with his leg. ...The one that didn’t have a dislocated knee, anyway. 
From his cheek the ichor and viscera poured. Joe shut his eyes. 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
@fvrmidables​ cont. from [prev]:
         Fuck. Ears were ringing as he rolled along the ground, wanting to sit up but found himself not really moving anywhere besides side to side. He had been taken by surprised, leaving him not being able to fight for himself. A few kick to the rib and a few hits to the face left him completely unbalanced. It wasn’t until he heard the familiar voice that he looked towards where it was coming from.       “ I got attacked. ” He mused, letting out a weak laugh before his jaw tightened, a hand moving to the side of his head where he could feel the wet blood that was trickling down his scalp. “ Shit. ”
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That tight, awkward laugh. Joseph heard it sometimes after Tyler made a particular sort of joke-- the ones that edged on too-personal, like Tyler was scared somebody might actually be getting to know him. 
Joseph swallowed seeing the blood. Guys in Fight Club had a pact about trips to the hospital: you never went alone. Always had somebody else there to vouch for your story or make one up. A different guy each time. They’d worked it into the roster. Joe felt like he had to be that guy for Bee right now. 
“Hey, hey. Stay still... Stay still.” Joe bunched his jacket up under the guy’s head. He couldn’t tell if it was a cut or if he’d been stuck with something. The latter probably more likely. “I think you have a concussion, man. Let me go call somebody for you...” 
He needed to get to a payphone. Only his boss carried around a cellphone, and that was only when he left the office. Everything else was all pagers. Joe turned his head toward the mouth of the alley, intent on getting up soon. Just after he found out-- 
“Who did this to you?” 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart
Marina and the Diamonds (Bubblegum Heart)
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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starter call here! 
@fvrmidables​​ for bee! 
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“Rick?” Joe scampered down the alleyway, almost tripping over an empty beer can. He was already taking his jacket off with the intention of propping Rick’s head up with it. The guy looked like he’d gotten a few good punches to the face. 
“Man, what the fuck are you doing out here?” This is not where Fight Club took place. But Joe wasn’t about to break a rule and mention it by name anywhere outside of the basement. 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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hit up my MEN 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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Source: @beebosloth on Instagram
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
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anon sent: hey, so, i haven't played rp in a long while and thinking about following rp blogs with my personal account irks me, but i just wanted to say that i really love both your blogs, every once in a while i check on them because the way you write the characters and the whole aesthetic aspect of everything is really fcking cool. anyway, bye, have a nice day! 
😭 anon you’re so nice!! this was such a lovely message to wake up to. thank you so much!! i’m so glad you stop by to check in on things. i can appreciate not wanting to follow from a personal (i get a little weirded out seeing personal blogs follow me but never, like, like things i post or anything so!! that jives with me too.) if you ever wanna write tho hmu!! you rock!! 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
been over on my main blog a lot where i now write a bill hader-looking hitman with feelings, im for more details <3 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
👉👈 do you live in Wilmington or is this a reference to a fictional bit you have for Tyler and Joe?
i do not live in wilmington lmao 
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edit: pretty sure the film mentions new castle and penns grove too 
Local 8 just started in Penns Grove. And, Bob said he was at fight club in Newcastle last week.
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
Today Wilmington has gotten 20" of snow. Joseph is dying and Tyler is out making a giant snow dick 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
confession: when i was in high school my best friend used to steal a ton of clothes from the busted-ass target in town and then walk across the street and sell them at plato’s closet and she called it her job. i’d be like “where are you?” and she’d be like “at work” and i’d know she was just robbing a target blind lmao 
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ficjhtclub · 4 years
I’m having trouble trying to sleep I’m counting sheep but running out As time ticks by And still I try No rest for crosstops in my mind
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