fightortakeflight · 10 years
so i'm a current member of FOF and i just wanted to say, in response to that anonymous note, there is soo much that the admins do that you wouldn't see at first, especially as a guest! i am being 100% honest when i say i've never seen admins so invested in and creative about the progression of a site and its subplots! and there's definitely a lot that goes on via pm, too, both regarding apps and plot progression. just wanted to put my two cents in
Now -- you're going to make your admins weep, you sweet anon member. That was a beautiful message. I am truly, truly touched. I am. Emerson and I were just discussing how happy our members seem to be, and how excited you all become and how happy that makes us to know that you guys feel the same way that we do about Fight or Flight.
This message made my day.
Thank you.
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
I have to say, as a potential member checking out this site, it was discouraging to see the admins letting apps and claims sit for a long time. That was probably why I didn't join, but I thought I'd leave feedback. It may be that the admins are busy, but if they have time to post and work on their apps it's off-putting for guests to see them let the other stuff slide. It was a lovely site though, I think you guys did a great job.
Speaking as a staff member who happens to work full-time while going to college full-time, I update as soon as I am able. There have been several days where I spent many hours working on writing for the site, preparing subplot updates, sending out messages, preparing fresh graphics, and yes, updating lists. Our site is far more than face claims and a patronus registry. We are a working, evolving writing place where there are a lot more pressing matters to attend to then simply updating lists. (Which, I believe should be obvious the face claim is claimed or the registry option is taken after the post claiming it.) It would never be ignored because it hadn't been officially added to the list.
But that isn't the point I would like to make.
I would like to point out that, as strange as others may find it to be, the staff does enjoy writing too. If you look at the date on the application I finished just recently, it took me over two weeks to finish my own application for a site that I own. Despite being on every single night since the site had opened, for at least three to four hours a night, I worked on an application twice in a two weeks period. 
In reference to applications sitting, there is no application that simply sits. None. We do not believe in the public act of pending applications. That is a personal staff choice to avoid embarrassment for members. Because that is not the kind of environment we want to create. With two highly involved admins, we discuss each application. Then, every single application that is finished and a staff member has concerns or questions regarding, we send PMs to the member and then proceed to carry a conversation there. Which, yes, sometimes takes time depending how quickly the replies are sent.  
My members know that I'm available, always, regardless of working on a piece for myself. If a member does not believe so, then I encourage them to send me a message with concerns and I will provide my aim username, which all messages are directly forwarded from there to my phone. We love our members, and we love Fight or Flight. I'm sorry you feel it wasn't what you believed it should be.
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
will you be releasing the new subplot info soon? too excited!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, we will be updating subplot information shortly. We are waiting for a few key things to finish and then we'll update after that : )
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
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Click here to open your invitation
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
So, you don't have any plans for lunch tomorrow, do you?
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Emerson and I have noticed a lot of asks involving the extra information aspect of the site. It's something that involved a lot of work from the both of us, and each little piece of information ties back through the canon list, some subplots, and the extra information list. That's a lot of work for us to change and swap and edit. Especially on top of all the extra work the site will require of us.
Anyone that has already sent an ask about it and has been cleared is permitted to do as we previously stated, but from here on out, we will need a valid reason why you are opting out and it will need to be approved by the staff. I apologize for any confusion, but we believe this will save us all a big headache in the future.
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
I have received a notice from the Ministry that they had put together a special treat for those in their service related to our first site event. 
Now, now -- let's take a quick headcount.
How many followers do we have interested in taking a Ministry Employee and following our beloved Minister into the great flames of progressive change? 
Reserve them now to receive a special letter from the Ministry!
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Ahh, I see thanks! To follow up: Does the "opt out" rule apply to this relationship? E.g. opting out if you're accepted. I've got quite a bit of him written out and haven't incorporated an engagement.
Yes. After you are accepted, you can opt out of any relationship we have decided beforehand if you are the first canon to apply within the predetermined pairing or have agreed with the other writer to not use the information. We only ask you inform any staff member (after you have been accepted) so we can remove it from the list.
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Hola! I was just wondering if there's any extra info attached to Davies (30)? Thanks!
Davies (30) is engaged to Thomas (23). She’s currently having an affair with an international canon.
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
would you be willing to have first time jcink rpers who have previous rp experience elsewhere?
Absolutely! You’re more than welcome. We do use dohtml coding on much of the site along with some neat jcink features such as the use of sub-accounts. If you have any questions about jcink, please ask us. 
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Emerson and I are extremely pleased with how much the interest for the site has grown. We are in the final stages of preparation as I take a moment to write this (leaving Emerson in the creative trenches) and will be returning to work on the small details when I am back from an emergency trip back to my home city for two days. We are still planning for an opening for early-mid next week.
What Emerson and I would love to see next: an introduction from all of you. Use the tag to write a brief summary of yourself just to get familiar with everyone before we open. Think of it as some staff motivation ; )
It isn't mandatory but if you would like to use the following form to write an introduction, then please feel free to do so:
Favorite Hogwarts House:
Your patronus would be... 
If you played quidditch, what position would you play:
  Any characters you are interested in:
What are you looking to the most on FF:
Is there anything you wanted to share with the staff?
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Can I ask about the Urquhart family?!!!!! Are they pureblood? Is the mother related to Borgin of Borgin and Burke's? What are their little plot triangles in regards to?
They claim pureblood status but are no longer truly pureblood, they are actually halfblood. They are related to the Borgin family. Female Urquhart is not part of a subplot, she is having sex with Montague (26) as part of the extra information section. Male Urquhart is part of the Insurgent subplot. 
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fightortakeflight · 10 years
Fun site fact: The staff has already stated that we'll move on a timeline format. We believe this will keep things organized and moving along at a good pace while keeping everyone informed and able to take part in current site events.
One month of real time equals two week of role-play time. In the thread description of every in-character thread made, you will have to write what week the thread takes place. 
The staff understands timelines can be confusing. Please send us an ask if you are unclear on how the timeline will function.
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