finamors · 7 years
This morning:
121 pounds
23 inch waist
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finamors · 7 years
95% sure we’re moving to Chicago this summer and I’m so fucking excited ✨
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finamors · 7 years
Black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream is the best 🤤
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finamors · 7 years
Additional update: down to a 25in waist 💪🏻
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finamors · 7 years
T-minus 13 days to pointe shoes 💕
I have literally waited my whole life for this 😊
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finamors · 7 years
Compliment of the day:
“Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of Jessica Day?”
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finamors · 7 years
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finamors · 7 years
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finamors · 7 years
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Révérence | dariach_photo
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finamors · 7 years
life updates
I dropped out of grad school following last semester- I really hated teaching
Started instructing ballet for littles a few weeks ago. It’s so low stress and just pure fun
Pursuing my love of food by pushing into the restaurant industry
Got a job as a hostess to get my foot in the door
Also M and I are moving somewhere bigger this summer. Not sure exactly where- it depends on his career. But I can’t wait to be living somewhere with more opportunities
Finally realized just how young I am and how unhappy I was and how many opitions I have and decided I couldn’t stand the thought of ‘settling’
So here’s to bigger and better things 🍾🥂
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finamors · 7 years
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.”
Nathan W. Morris (via wordsnquotes)
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finamors · 7 years
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theres no fucking snow outside
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finamors · 7 years
Ran 4 miles today (couldn't even begin to tell you the last time I did that) and it felt great 🤗 I'm really enjoying training with Mark- here's hoping I can convince him to run a marathon with me next year! 💪🏻
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finamors · 7 years
Tonight I made bread from scratch ~for the first time ever~ and the way the dough felt was like a cloud and when I tasted my completed pita I swear it was like heaven Learning to cook is up there with ballet on the list of most rewarding things I've ever done
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finamors · 7 years
Ifgaf about talent
The idea that someone is born (or is taught so young that it's indiscernible from birth) with an affinity or adeptitude for a skill is so fucking stupid to me. I barely even believe in IQ being genetic. I think that child prodigies are so boring. I don't give a shit about "talent"- it's boring to talk about & is impossible to validate & is discouraging. I spent so much of my life believing that things were out of reach for me (i.e.: dance) because I lacked "talent". Which is such a bullshit excuse & pattern of thinking. Show me someone who wants to learn. Who makes an effort of their own volition to show up. Who practices, invests in themselves, works HARD. Who struggles, and fails, and tries a-fucking-gain. You don't need "talent" for that shit. Fuck talent- you don't need it. You can do anything.
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finamors · 7 years
Good news!!!
Mark passed his Master's thesis defense last Thursday and today got his letter of acceptance to the PhD program! And since ballet class went so well last night, at my private lesson tonight when my teacher asked what I wanted to work on I finally confessed that I wanted to work towards pointe 😬 and she was surprised & basically said that yes, we can work towards that & she thinks I can do it!! She gave me lots of homework and I'm SO EXCITED 💕
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finamors · 7 years
It is so deeply satisfying to have your teacher say that you have improved so much & that she is pushing you because she knows you are capable. I have never experienced anything like ballet & I am so in love with it all ❤️
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