finger-chips · 1 year
I’ll probably die in my apartment I couldn’t afford last year…
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finger-chips · 2 years
Hey 👋
Favourite fall out boy songs??
Is all of them an option? But also Chicago is so two years ago, Fourth of July, and this ain’t a scene
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finger-chips · 2 years
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finger-chips · 2 years
Has the news reached the tumblr idkhowies yet or are y’all just living in ignorant bliss
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finger-chips · 2 years
Omw to take a statics exam as if there wasn’t an active shooter on my campus 36 hours ago
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finger-chips · 2 years
Can you imagine telling people even just 50 years ago about the state of America now
Shit is actually terrifying and we’re all just supposed to be numb to something that is very much not ok
And even worse when we express how much of a tragedy it is or how scary it is we’re called communists and threatened even further
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finger-chips · 2 years
Think I need to climb to the top of a mountain and scream until I have no voice left
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finger-chips · 2 years
You will all have to forgive me for being the person I become when the new idkhow album comes out
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finger-chips · 2 years
Local shows >>>>
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finger-chips · 2 years
Proud to announce I just read my first book since high school (this is embarassing to admit)
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finger-chips · 2 years
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finger-chips · 2 years
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finger-chips · 2 years
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finger-chips · 2 years
In light of recent news here’s some song recs
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finger-chips · 2 years
Wait, WHAT happened with State Champs?!?!?!
(This explanation is relying on the assumption that you know about the ATL shit so if you don’t, LMK and I’ll explain that too)
Basically Derek continued to be friends with Jack from all time low, even after all 97 allegations against him, and posted them hanging out together at a blackbear show. There were fans at that same show also posting that they saw them there in the crowd and felt really uncomfortable and left the area they were in bc they don’t feel safe around jack. So Derek got called out on Twitter for the post and he and the band both went radio silent and didn’t address it, then he gave the worlds worst apology on a sub only livestream. He claimed he didn’t know about the allegations and said he’d stop associating with them and would do better about who he was surrounding himself with. This same day he unfollowed jack and the band on socials, and then he nor the band never addressed it publicly.
It has been confirmed that he knew about the allegations at the time they came out and at the time they were hanging out and was even called for it by one of his friends backstage (and subtly shaded during their set) but he still continued to hang out with jack and think it was appropriate to post about it.
So he unfollows Jack and claims he’s gonna change and people give him the benefit of the doubt or whatever.
Then sometime recently he (presumably was assuming everyone had forgotten and wouldn’t notice) re-followed jack on socials.
Obviously following ≠ friends, and if he had just never unfollowed it could be an “ok yeah he just forgot to unfollow” type situation, but he actively unfollowed during the scandal and then refollowed when he thought he was in the clear. i don’t see any reason to do that for someone you genuinely don’t like and don’t want to associate with anymore.
It’s just disappointing how many dudes a lot of people look up to in this scene turn out to be shitty people and it just gets proven time and time again
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finger-chips · 2 years
Proud to announce that I am no longer a pop punk fan
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finger-chips · 2 years
Y’all I literally cannot keep living like this
Bro literally claimed he “didn’t know,” apologized, said he’d cut ties and work on who he surrounds himself with, and then when he thought we weren’t looking he did the exact same shit AGAIN
who was it this time
Derek from state champs
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