fiomay · 3 years
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Wake up babe new fish dropped
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fiomay · 3 years
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look at those
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fiomay · 4 years
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A toast with dandelion wine!🥂
Zhongli and Venti in their Archon robes, because clearly no one’s ever thought of that before and I’m 100% original. Anyway, let the poor grandpas have a drink
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fiomay · 4 years
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may i interest you in my: single father zhongli agenda 
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fiomay · 4 years
So the other night during D&D, I had the sudden thoughts that:
1) Binary files are 1s and 0s
2) Knitting has knit stitches and purl stitches
You could represent binary data in knitting, as a pattern of knits and purls…
You can knit Doom.
However, after crunching some more numbers:
The compressed Doom installer binary is 2.93 MB. Assuming you are using sock weight yarn, with 7 stitches per inch, results in knitted doom being…
3322 square feet
Factoring it out…302 people, each knitting a relatively reasonable 11 square feet, could knit Doom.
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fiomay · 4 years
Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.
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fiomay · 4 years
cr: 方方&波妞
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fiomay · 4 years
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Sleeping beauty and his three fairies~
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fiomay · 4 years
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fiomay · 4 years
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fiomay · 4 years
Touya breathed in. Dabi breathed out: Let’s reconstruct his death.
 [Because we know more than you think.]
Here is the funny thing: At this point we have more information about Toya’s entire childhood, than we have about Hawks’. So let’s be faster than Horikoshi thinks is good for us, and reconstruct it accuratly.
There are three big things to “assume” before I start. First: Dabi is not a Nomu. Second: Dabi is not an undercover hero. (I saw “theories” about this and I won’t waste time by listing up all the reasons this is impossible.)
Third: The “Hawks’s parent was a thief”-theory is true. (Their names are written in the same kanji; There was no need for Ending to mention this name in ch. 250, other than plot-setup; It fits chronologically in both Hawks’ and Endeavor’s history etc.)
So, Let’s tell the story of Todoroki Toya. - For this I elaborated an extreme professional graph:
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Looking at the dates and following the canon rhythm of all Todoroki siblings being around 3 years apart, Dabi is currently 26.
In the picture of his shrine, he wears a traditional middle-school uniform, which means he “died” between age 14 and 16. This perfectly fits in line with the information we got from Fuyumi, which told us that Toya died, shortly after Rei left the house respectively after Shoto got his scar. (Meaning, we talk about a time-frame in which the Todoroki-children were left ‘alone’ with Endeavor.)
His scars are neat and symmetrical, which means Dabi’s scars are self-inflicted. The placing of Dabi’s facial scars perfectly matches the locations of Endeavors flame-beard, which means he tried to copy Endeavor’s looks.
We know that Endeavor stopped training Toya to focus on Shoto. (Because Toya was allowed to play with his siblings, while Shoto was dragged away. Toya had to be 12 - 14 when we saw him playing soccer with them in ch. 39.) So Toya lived at home before he died.
[We know the hard trainings-program of the HPSC would not allow many breaks to play with siblings at home. We know from Natsuo (in ch. 250) that Toya often (!) played with him. The HPSC would also have informations about a unforgettable quirk like his, if they had any conection with his “death”.]
This hilariously sad, because it means: Toyas death was not a trainings-incident inflicted by Endeavor nor was it inflicted by the HPSC!
Toya Todoroki died because of something he did himself. (Every clue points towards this and I can’t believe how many people get this wrong when theorizing.)
But this is where the thrill starts: Because we also know that Toya cared for his siblings…
And to tell you my own bloody theory: Toya wanted to proof that he wasn’t a “failure” and he wanted to protect tiny Shoto from the painful training. So he tried to impress Endeavor by teaching himself how to use fire like him - and he forced himself to handle the pain. But the flames where too hot and Toya set a huge fire. Seriously injured, in fear, shame and rage he run away from home. Since the fire had destroyed the surroundings, his family thought his body got incinerated within and declared him dead.
And Dabi was born.
…So is there anything more to think ab-
“Yeah Sherlock- How the fuck does Dabi know Hawks’ real name?”, a rhetorical (and a little rude) reader might ask.
Great question! To be honest, I’m just as confused as Hawks. (But before you throw your tomatoes, let’s see if we can change that:)
First of all, I’ll assume Dabi didn’t pay black hats to hack into the database of the Hero Public Safety Commision, because firstly, this would make his persona completly non-essential to this knowledge - and secondly, they litterally have “Safety” in their name - So I’ll fucking hope their firewalls are…  hot.
From a writing point of view it makes way more sense that Hawks shared his name with Toya Todoroki in person.
So let’s look at Hawks’ life in the graph. Hawks was born in Fukuoka, which is a five-hour-ride away from the Todoroki’s mansion in Mustafu. Tiny Hawks spent his first years of life in a dumpster. (”Ah, pardon, Sir. My bad, I failed to see the floor, because of the trash piles NEXT TO YOUR FUCKING CHIL-!”)
However there are two possibilitys:
1.: Keigo and Toya met in the HPSC in Mustafu.
If this is true, it probably happened in the (2 - 4 year) timeframe after Hawks got scouted and before Shoto got his “perfect” quirk, where Endeavor found himself still enraged about Toya’s “wasted-potential”. So forced Toya to train with the “government-kid” (…which was a prodigy in contrast to his own “failure of a son”.)
In this scenario, Hawks broke the rule of “never using his real name again” and told Toya during the match. Back then Hawks was only around 6 - 8 years old, so its plausible for him not to remember Toya’s face well. … But on the other Hand: If Toya had ever participated in the HPSC-training, the Comission would have informations about him and his unforgetable quirk. Its unlikely that they wouldn’t recognize Dabi’s describtion in their data base.]
2.: Keigo and Toya met in Kyushu in autumn.
We know Endeavor captured “Takami”, before Keigo was recruited and forbidden to use his name.
We know it happened in autumn and we can assume Keigo was younger than seven years. There are many possibilitys- Maybe the thief Takami exploited Keigo’s quirk for criminal activitys and that is the reason Keigo was so skilled at a young age. Maybe Toya was with his father that day…
- But at this point it feels like throwing stones in the dark: Eventually we will hit something, but it might be fucking bruised.
Or what do you think? Did I make a horrible mistake somewhere up there?
Either way- I’m hyped to get more content to analyze, so I can keep ignoring my homework during quarantine.
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fiomay · 4 years
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“Say cheeeese”
Sophisticated Todoroki siblings - without burns
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fiomay · 4 years
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No art this week. 
Been a while since I done a Dabi edit, so here’s some more, hope you like it!
Which version do you prefer? Still think he’s a Todoroki? 
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fiomay · 4 years
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First it should be noted, you will almost definitely need to have terraforming unlocked to be able to do this, since I don’t think there’s a high probability of finding this layout naturally occurring on the map!
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If you have any questions feel free to send an ask! 
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fiomay · 4 years
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I made Shimeji Hawks ! You can get him from https://gumroad.com/l/IkIGX
 He runs only on Windows btw  
Enjoy !
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fiomay · 4 years
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fiomay · 4 years
I hate when I forget a word and end up using a similar but more gross word
ie. I forgot the word damp so I said that my hair was moist before I went to bed
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