firstpointdental · 1 year
Expert Orthodontics at First Point Dental
Discover the power of orthodontics at First Point Dental. Our team of experts specialize in transforming your smile and offer a range of advanced orthodontic treatments tailored to your individual needs. From traditional braces to Invisalign, we work to straighten your teeth and boost your confidence. Achieve a healthier, brighter smile with us. Visit our website to learn more about our orthodontic services and schedule your consultation today!
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firstpointdental · 2 years
When Is It Necessary To Perform Root Canal Therapy?
A root canal, also called endodontic treatment, is a delicate procedure doctors perform frequently. Root Canal Therapy (RCT) aims to clean out the infected root canal, stop the tooth from becoming reinfected, and preserve the healthy tooth. The inflamed or infected pulp is removed during a root canal procedure, and the tooth is cleaned and sanitized from the inside before filling and sealing. This technique treats and saves millions of teeth, reducing pain and restoring teeth to health. Before getting any dental procedure done, it is crucial to understand the facts about root canals.
When Is A Root Canal Treatment Necessary?
Endodontic or root canal treatment is needed when the pulp inside the tooth becomes inflamed or infected due to severe decay and recurrent dental treatments, substandard crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth. Trauma to the tooth may also injure the pulp, even if there are no apparent chips or breaks. If pulp inflammation or infection is not addressed, it may hurt or result in an abscess.
The inflamed or infected pulp is removed during a root canal or other endodontic procedure. The inside of the tooth is then thoroughly cleansed and sanitized before being filled and sealed with a rubber-like material. The tooth to be treated is restored with a crown or filling for protection and, after treatment, continues to function normally. 
When Is A Root Canal Treatment Necessary?
If one is experiencing these several signs, this indicates that a person may require a root canal:
Significant discomfort while chewing or biting
Pimples on the gums
A broken or cracked tooth
Persistent sensitivity to heat or cold, even after the sensation has passed
Swollen or sore gums
Deep tooth decay or gum discoloration
Many dental treatments are performed on the same tooth
A tooth injury
Pain, swelling, and a warm sensation in the gums.
Advantages of Root Canal Treatment
There are many benefits to keeping the natural tooth by having a root canal:
Chewing effectiveness
Standard bite pressure and sensation
Natural appearance
Prevents excessive wear or strain on neighboring teeth
Endodontic therapy lessens the need for ongoing dental care, preserves a person's natural smile, and allows them to keep eating the foods they enjoy
With the proper care, most teeth that had root canal therapy can survive a lifetime
A root canal procedure is remarkably painless and effective.
If one is experiencing the concerns as mentioned earlier, book a visit now at First Point Dental Clinic to save your natural tooth with an RCT procedure in Chicago. Book your appointment today. Contact Us - First Point Dental Clinics!
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firstpointdental · 2 years
Partial Dentures- Types and Uses
Everyone has various needs and if you want to know more about partial dentures and the different types of partial dentures in detail, book a consultation now with the dental experts at First Point Dental.  
Partial dentures can replace a whole upper or lower set of teeth but not help replace the entire set of upper or lower teeth. To qualify for partial dentures, you must have some healthy teeth remaining in your mouth's top and bottom regions. We will provide you with information regarding partial dentists. Knowledge is wealth, and we are here to give you some.
 How Do Partial Dentures Work?
A detachable device that replaces the function of one or more missing teeth is known as a partial denture. Partial dentures can be used to replace missing teeth, but they can also be used to support crowns and bridges already present in the mouth. The replacement teeth for partial dentures are attached to a base made of plastic that matches the gums. A partial denture can replace lost teeth on the upper or lower arch at the front or rear of the mouth.
 What Are the Different Types of Partial Dentures?
 The most common kinds of partial dentures offered at First Point Dental are as follows:
1. Cast metal partial dentures are the most popular choice because they are sturdy and made to last for many years. The good news is that the solid metal frame is covered in plastic that matches the color of the gums, although some patients are worried about the concept of metal partial.
2. Flexible partial dentures are preferred because of their comfort and flexibility, even though they are less durable than cast metal partial dentures. These thin dentures are composed of nylon and have a natural appearance. Flexible partial dentures may be preferable for those allergic to acrylic or who have trouble wearing the more rigid cast metal partials. These dentures' incredibly lifelike appearance is another benefit over other types of dentures.
3. A dental flipper is simple to insert and remove the removable partial denture. Most frequently utilized as a temporary fix are dental flippers. Dental flippers are lightweight but break quickly, much like a flexible partial denture. Flippers are commonly employed as a temporary solution to prevent teeth from slipping into the vacant space while awaiting the completion of a dental procedure since they are affordable.
4. Fixed partial dentures can be fixed bridges and implant-supported fixed bridges that are often fixed and not detachable.
If you need partial dentures, it must first be determined which type is optimal for your needs and circumstances. Whether you need detachable or fixed teeth, our experienced dentist will examine your case extensively to determine what you require. 
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firstpointdental · 3 years
What Is Considered A Dental Emergency?
When anyone experiences oral health concerns, their first call must be to a dentist. However, there are some situations when the dental problem is encountered by people at odd times such as on a weekend, holiday, or in the late-night hours. A dental emergency likely refers to the cases where the patient is dealing with a serious dental issue outside the normal dental clinic timings.
Recognizing the need for visiting an emergency dental care services is very important. The patient must be able to differentiate between a standard dental problem that can wait until the next couple of days or a real emergency that can be life-threatening or cost them a tooth so that their treatment can be timely done.
The signs of emergency dental cases include:
Severe sudden and unexplainable toothache
Swollen or excessively bleeding gums
Sudden swelling of jaw or mouth without any apparent reason
Loss of a tooth
Exposed tooth nerves that are vulnerable to infection and damage
Missing dental filling that can lead to easy breakage or chipping of the tooth
A broken dental crown or its complete fall which leaves behind exposed tooth nerves
A fractured, broken, chipped, or cracked tooth associated with intense pain or has left behind sharped tooth fragments that cause trauma inside the mouth
Loose adult teeth with or without pain
A serious mouth infection or dental abscess that can be life-threatening- In tooth abscess, swelling or knots may be noticed on the gums along with facial swelling and high fever
Bleeding mouth
An object or food particle lodged between the teeth that cannot be removed by brushing or flossing. If not removed right away, there may be gum irritation, infection, shifting of teeth, or dental decay.
If one is experiencing all these concerns, and looking for the best emergency service treatment and emergency tooth extraction in Chicago, schedule an appointment with the best dental experts at First Point Dental.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
5 Reasons Preventive Dental Care is Important
The majority of us are aware of the importance of looking after oral health but still fail to take proper care of the teeth, gums, and other hard tissues. Preventive care dental services focus on simple caring of teeth to avoid the occurrence of common dental issues.
The in-office services provided by most insurers under this dentistry include biannual dental check-ups (oral exams and dental X-rays), professional teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, and sealants.
Dental appointments seem to be dreadful and bring anxiety to most patients. But, the reality is that a regular dental visit can help people save money and time as well as pain and suffering in the long run. It is critical to undertake preventive dental care as it offers excellent benefits.
Further, read to know about the reasons behind the importance of booking preventive dental care services.
1. It allows you to save money
If a patient develops any oral health issue that could have been prevented, it would require costly dental treatments. Hence, it is much cheaper to go for a preventive dental appointment where the dental concerns can be early spotted rather than having a delay and going for expensive dental procedures like tooth extractions and dental restorations.
2. Dentists can early detect problems with teeth and gums and improve oral as well as general health.
With regular dental assessment scheduled twice a year, teeth and gums can be examined for dental plaque or tartar and if present, can be removed by professional teeth cleaning. This can help identify decay/ cavities or periodontal disease before time and timely treat them to ensure better oral health. In addition, tiny cracks of teeth can be detected and fixed to maintain the smile aesthetics. 
3. The patients can achieve improved social interactions.
With the preventive dental visit, oral health issues like discoloring teeth, a bad breath, and a crooked smile can all be avoided or fixed in time. This allows the patients to have their social life back due to a boost in self-esteem.
4. It can strengthen your teeth.
Fluoride treatments can help shield the natural teeth against acid attacks and even reverse mild dental cavities. This is because fluoride encourages the resorption of calcium and phosphate, the minerals essential for strong teeth enamel.
5. The dentists advise on best oral hygiene practices.
Dental professionals recommend only for medically approved dental care products. They guide their patients about the right technique to keep the mouth and teeth clean and what diet to follow for a long-lasting healthy and shining smile.   
Insurance and Dental Care
Does Dental Insurance Cover Preventive care? Preventive dental care plays a significant role in the oral health of an individual, which is why it is favored by dental insurance in coverage. Dental insurance claims up to 100% pricing of preventive dental care services with negligible deductibles or zero personal expenses. For some cases, the annual dental insurance coverage does not adjust the expenses of preventive care services. Do talk to your insurance provider or book a free consultation with the dental experts at First Point Dental to know about the coverage offered for different dental services.   
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Root canal: Procedure, Recovery, and Benefits
A root canal is the innermost part of the tooth where the tooth pulp is contained including all the nerves and blood vessels. A root canal procedure is an endodontic treatment that is performed to save a damaged or diseased tooth. It involves the removal of the inflamed or infected pulp tissue from the root canal to prevent its spread, its proper cleaning to avoid the risk of reinfection, and then resealing of the area to save the tooth from the risk of deterioration.
The Procedure of Root Canal:
Depending upon the extent of tooth pulp damage or infection, the dentist may either recommend two dental visits for the root canal process or a single appointment. One-day visit endodontic therapy is usually non-surgical i.e. via chemo-mechanical procedures. Lasers can be used to perish the bacteria residing in the pulp of the root canal along with the elimination of debris. Some basic steps are followed by the dentist in every root canal procedure, including:
Treatment preparation- Firstly, around the infected tooth and the gums that are to be treated, a numbing gel is applied. A dental dam is fitted inside the mouth to cover the tooth and keep it dry.
Pulp removal- A small opening is made into the dental crown of the infected tooth which extends into the pulp chamber. Through this hole, the infected pulp is taken out carefully using a file. The root canal is cleaned and disinfected.
Preventing reinfection and temporary filling- An antibiotic ointment is applied to the cleaned tooth. Next, the empty spaces of the root canal are filled with a rubber-like substance (a sealer paste) to completely seal the tooth and put a stop to further infection or damage by saliva.
Permanent filling- The complete function and appearance of the tooth is restored by permanent filling or crown which improves the tooth shape.
Recovery After Root Canal:
After the root canal treatment, it is normal to expect mild pain or discomfort and infection for the next two days that gradually subsides. If these symptoms don’t resolve or worsen, the dentist must be consulted for a follow-up. The root canal recovery timeline of the patients may vary due to factors like maintenance of oral hygiene, age, and effectiveness of the treatment. Until the permanent crown is placed, the patient must avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth and must continue to follow a dental care regimen to avoid infection.
Benefits Of Undergoing Root Canal Treatment:
It is a pain-free therapy.
It is a quick procedure performed by experienced endodontists.
It can prevent tooth loss even after the infection has reached the tooth roots.
It prevents reinfection of the tooth.
It can minimize the persistent pain and swelling which affects the patient’s regular eating habits.
It can effectively restore normal tooth functioning, thereby preventing its extraction.
Consult now with the expert endodontists at First Point Dental to avail the benefits of a safe and promising root canal procedure in Chicago.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Why Dental Implants are Popular?
Nowadays, it has become increasingly common for people to overlook their oral hygiene which can lead to damages that may be realized in later stages. Thankfully, restorative dentistry has evolved and has come up with dental implants as the lifetime maintainable solution for missing or lost a tooth or entire set of teeth with a high success rate of 95-98%.
Dental implants are the titanium fixtures that are screwed into the jawbone to act as the strong foundation (the only artificial tooth roots) for the replacement teeth which are placed on the top of an abutment. Different types of dental implants are offered at First Point Dental Clinic that help one to restore their lost smile by replacing one or more missing teeth. The reasons behind their popularity over other dental restoration options are many, read further to know what are they.
1. Implants feel, fit, and function like natural teeth.
The replacement teeth are tooth-colored which allows them to blend with the natural smile of the patient. Once, after the dental implant procedure is completed, the implants heal no one can figure out their presence inside the mouth and the patients can chew, bite, speak comfortably as they do with natural healthy teeth, thereby enhancing their confidence. Patients can care for dental implants the same as they do for natural teeth.
2. Implants can help prevent jawbone deterioration.
With gaps left behind by missing teeth, there can be loss of jawbone which risks the stability of the surrounding teeth. Implants are the only tooth replacement solution that protects or preserves jawbone by stimulating new bone growth. Their placement does not involve the filing down of the adjacent teeth for anchorage. 
3. Implants are secure in the mouth.
Implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, hence there is no chance of them getting shifted or move out of their place to affect speech or eating ability, once it's fully healed. Moreover, there are no adhesives or additional maintenance required to be worried about with them. Thus, they are of comfortable fit inside the mouth.  
4. Implants can remain lifelong.
With proper care and maintenance, implants can last for several decades. They are a larger investment upfront and there is no need to invest in their maintenance, only regular oral health care is enough.
To get the benefits of different types of dental implants and a successful procedure, schedule an appointment at the best dental implant clinic in Chicago at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
What Happens During a Dental Crown Procedure?
A dental crown is a tooth cap that is placed over the damaged tooth for one or more reasons: like holding together of a weak tooth or for fixing a bridge; to hide an extremely discolored tooth; as a replacement tooth over implant; or solely for adding aesthetic value to the smile. They can be composed of different materials including ceramic, porcelain, composite resin, zirconia, metal, or a combination of materials.
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Traditionally, dental crown procedure and installation usually is done in two dental appointments. At the first visit, the dentist examines the tooth which needs to be capped to make sure that it can support the crown and prepare it by filing it down and removing the outer layer of the tooth. If the tooth is severely broken or damaged, the dentist may require tooth filling prior to creating space large enough for the placement of a dental crown. When the tooth is trimmed into its proper shape, the practitioner takes its impression along with its surrounding teeth and sends it to the dental laboratory for the construction of the permanent dental crown. The patient leaves the dental office with a new temporary crown until the final one is ready to be placed to provide the required protection.
After several weeks, when the customized tooth crown has been manufactured, the temporary one can be replaced with the permanent customized dental crown using a special adhesive or cementing material in the second dental visit.
The cost of tooth crown treatment depends on several factors like the number of the tooth affected, use of porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, or metal crowns.
Benefits of Going for Tooth Crowns
This procedure helps to protect the tooth that is damaged as a result of tooth decaying and large fillings
The teeth that are weakened by endodontic treatment can be further protected by undergoing tooth crowns
The procedure can restore the shape of the original tooth
Crowns can last for more than 15 years if one follows the right dental hygiene
The treatment offers minimal recovery time and one can brush and floss from the very next day just after the procedure.
To get the benefits of dental crown treatment in Chicago, one can consult the best dental experts at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
What You Should Know About Tooth-Colored Fillings?
Almost everyone experiences a tooth cavity and considering that tooth-colored fillings are among the top procedures done at First Point Dental Clinic in Chicago, we thought to answer a few of the more routine questions patients ask about them like are tooth-colored fillings safe, benefits, procedure, and their cost? Read on to explore more about dental filling.
What are the Benefits of Using Tooth-Colored Resin Composite?
Smile restoration is what every individual who has injured or decayed teeth look for. Tooth-colored fillings are a great option for such individuals as they can serve a dual purpose of both improved aesthetics and restoration of the original functionality of teeth. They are composed of a combination of silica fillers and plastic resins which provide a resemblance to natural teeth qualities like durability, wear resistance, and translucency in appearance. The added benefit of having them is the strengthening of teeth against any further damage. The other benefits of using tooth-colored resin composite include:
Safety and effectiveness of the procedure in replacing missing tooth structure.
No tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods or drinks as it insulates the tooth from temperature changes.
Long-lasting: They can remain intact for 15 years or longer with proper oral hygiene.
More affordable in case there is fixing of minor imperfections like small tooth cracking, diastema (gaps between the teeth), and minimal tooth decay when compared to the use of crowns and bridges.
No mercury
Well-secured to the teeth using a bond, resin, or a chemical reaction with less drilling of teeth as required in the metallic filling.
As compared to silver fillings, they cause fewer long-term fractures.
If ceramic veneers are considered, teeth can also be repaired with composite fillings which correct minor damages. 
What Steps are Involved in the Dental Filling Procedure?
Firstly, local anesthesia is provided for carrying out the procedure, however, anxiety medications may be prescribed for anxious patients to have a comfortable experience.
Using dental appliances, all the weakened or diseased tooth part is removed and the missing tooth structure is sculpted in a way that there is no fracture once the filling is placed.
The replacement of the missing tooth structure is made with a resin composite filling material.
Next, a blue curing light is applied over the applied filling material to cure it i.e. harden the composite to such a strength that is similar to the natural tooth.
Lastly, the tooth is shaped and polished for a smooth finish and for ensuring its comfort within the natural bite.
What About Tooth-Colored Fillings Cost?
The cost of the procedure is determined by many factors. It is determined based on the diameter of the cavity, and also if sedation is needed. Treating a cavity is a non-invasive procedure, and is performed under local anesthesia. If a patient suffers from dental anxieties in such a case nitrous oxide or oral-conscious medication, are used. Many dental insurance plans cover this segment and we also offer various payment options and plans to make your billing easier.
To know more about the best option from composite fillings and composite veneers tooth-colored fillings, consult the best dental experts at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Partial Dentures Procedure in Detail
Partial dentures are dental restoration solutions usually comprising of replacement teeth bound to the gum-colored (pink) base that rests on the gums and is sometimes held in place inside the mouth by the metal framework (usually fasteners). These removable dentures are preferred by people having one or more natural teeth remaining in the upper or lower jaw. They can help regain a complete smile, fix chewing or biting issues, restore speech, thereby making the individual’s life more comfortable and easier.  
The way they are partial dentures are fabricated and placed in the patient’s mouth by the expert dentists at First Point Dental Clinics which involves meticulous planning and work by expert hands to achieve excellent aesthetic and functional results. There is no such special procedure required for getting partial dentures.  
It is a simple process that involves the following steps:
Taking of accurate impressions of teeth and the measurements of the bite- For designing a partial denture, the full arch of the teeth is assessed for any problems. The teeth impressions are poured in high-quality gypsum stone and a correct occlusal surface bite is sent to the dental laboratory to start the manufacturing of dentures.
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Trying on a temporary or test denture- A temporary partial denture made of plastic is provided to the patients to allow them to double-check the fit and make any necessary adjustments (if required). The bite of the patient is assessed for the placement of occlusal rests. Using the lost wax method, the frame is fabricated. The patient must try on the final teeth set to ensure aesthetics and proper bite before final processing.
Getting final partial denture- When the patient is satisfied with the model denture and final one, he/she can wear it right away.  
The overall procedure may require several appointments to complete which means there is a waiting period of multiple weeks or even months to get new partial dentures. The concerned dentist provides the patient with a detailed timeline before the process of fabrication of partial dentures begins. Moreover, it is normal that with age, there may be changes inside the mouth leading to the uncomfortable fitting of the dentures. Hence, over the years, the patients must come back to the dentist a few times to make necessary adjustments.
To know more about partial denture procedure in detail one can consult the dental experts at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Types of Dental Crown
Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps usually composed of porcelain, metal, or both that are used to restore the natural shape, look, and function of a damaged tooth. When your dentist recommends you for getting a dental crown, one of the questions that arises in your mind is- what are dental crowns made of and which type of dental crown will suit me. Read on the following to know the main types of dental crowns used in restorative dentistry include:
1. All-Porcelain Dental Crowns (Cosmetic/Ceramic Crowns)- These are fabricated using ceramics and porcelains (the biocompatible materials) and are best for patients who are allergic to metal. They are color-matched to the surrounding natural teeth and are used in cosmetic dentistry to enhance the shape, size, and color of the damaged anterior (front) teeth. However, they are not as strong or durable as metal crowns. They can last for many years as they do not break or chip easily but they have to be well cared for and maintained.
2. All-Resin Dental Crowns- These are the most affordable type of dental crowns which are fabricated with dental composite resin. They can be color-matched with the nearby natural teeth and also need minimal teeth preparation. However, as the resin is the most fragile material and is vulnerable to wear and tear or fractures, it is not preferred by dentists as a long-term solution for adult damaged teeth.
3. Gold and Metal Dental Crowns- Gold, copper, or any other metals provide a strong bond and are fracture and corrosion-resistant. Their placement requires the least amount of removal of tooth structures, hence making it a conservative option.
4. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Dental Crowns (most common)- These are made by heating porcelain and metal together such that the porcelain chemically makes a durable bond with the metal oxides. Hence, they are the strongest crowns which also provide aesthetics and are less expensive than all-porcelain crowns.  
5. Stainless Steel Dental Crowns- These are only used to restore the deciduous teeth after a pulpotomy treatment or when dental cavity fillings like amalgam fillings fail.
To avail the benefits of dental crown treatment in Chicago one can schedule a visit with the best dental experts at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
What are the Different Types of Partial Dentures?
Partial dentures are one of the most common and cost-effective prostheses for filling a gap in the smile caused by missing single or multiple teeth. There are many different types of partial dentures out there from removable to fixed partials which are offered at First Point Dental Clinic.
Following are the popularly used different types of partial dentures used for missing teeth:
Removable partial dentures:
Cast metal framework (most common)- This is a dental plate that makes use of precision attachments to support high-quality replacement teeth. It has a rigid frame that is fabricated using very thin chrome-cobalt alloy and artificial light in the dental laboratory. Hence, it is a strong, durable denture that can last for several years. 
Acrylic clasp (least expensive)- This type has removable acrylic flippers (i.e. all acrylic-based denture aided with metal clasps) which are less optimal as compared to cast metal framework. It has a bulky shape due to the thickness of the material being used and people having it feel uncomfortable if used in the long run. Generally, it is used as a temporary solution by patients who require a quick fix before getting a permanent and more durable solution. 
Flexible partial dentures- This type uses only a heat-sensitive, thin variety of plastic materials and is only recommended by dentists when the patient is allergic to cast metal or acrylic materials. It is comfortable and less noticeable because of the gum-colored clasps being used. It is considered a temporary option and is costly.
Fixed partial dentures:
Fixed bridge- It is the best permanent solution for people having one or a series of multiple missing teeth. This dental restoration attaches to the capped adjacent teeth on either side of the gap.
Implant-supported fixed bridge- It is another lifetime solution wherein the dental bridge is fixed to dental implants (a titanium post embedded into the jawbone). 
To know more about- what are the different types of partial dentures, schedule an appointment with the best dental experts at First Point Dental Clinic.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
How Can I Find Dental Professionals in Hoffman Estates?
One can find top-rated, well-qualified, experienced and best dentists in Hoffman Estates through some search engines like open care, emergency dentists, Zocdoc, patientconnect365, etc. It allows the individual to identify the dentists and dental services near them by entering their personal preferences like distance, availability, insurance they accept, cost, services they provide.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
How to Get Affordable Dentures and Its Price?
What are Dentures?
Dentures are a perfect solution for anyone with missing teeth. You can smile brighter, eat and speak with greater ease with removable dentures. First Point Dental will help you regain your smile with the help of dentures. Find out more about different types of dentures by scheduling a consultation with our dental specialists at our state-of-the-art clinics today, Call 888-736-6430 now to book an appointment.
The loss of teeth should not worry anyone as dentures can help restore one's oral health. Dentures are available in various styles and price points. At First Dental Point, our dentures are made using state-of-the-art 3-D printing technology, which makes them 8 times stronger than traditional dentures. In addition, they are more comfortable and fit better. Here at First Point Dental, we want you to have the best denture you can afford, so we have several styles to choose from. We can determine which type of denture is right for you when you meet with our dentist.
The Types of Dentures We Offer
● Complete dentures ● Implant-supported dentures ● Partial dentures procedure ● Denture repairs ● And more
Affordable Dentures Price list
Here is a quick cost list of affordable dentures to choose from.
● Basic Economy Plus dentures ($650 for an arch or $1100 for both): These basic dentures come in a variety of tooth shades and are available in basic teeth strength.
Dentures made with these materials are resistant to staining, wear and tear, but they do not come with a try-in period. The base of dentures cannot be customized. The craftsmanship of denture bases is not warranted with these dentures.
● The "Deluxe Series" dentures ($1050 for an arch, $1875 for a set) provide enhanced natural appeal with greater stain and wear resistance. You will have a wide selection of tooth colors and an extra-high-density tooth. You can further customize the denture base for the most natural appearance. Denture Craftsmanship Limited Warranty is provided for four years on these dentures.
● Our most innovative dentures are our Ultimate Fit dentures ($1350 for one arch and $2250 for both). Since they are lightweight and conform to every contour of your mouth like no other dentures, they offer the best fit and comfort, especially for upper dentures. The natural appearance of these dentures and their resistance to staining and odour are two features that patients love. We offer the most options for tooth quality for a highly customized, natural appearance.
Schedule a free Dentures Consultation with First Point Dental at just a click! Thinking about Dentures for yourself or your loved ones? Call 888-736-6430 now to book an appointment here!
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firstpointdental · 3 years
What are Dental Implants? Quick Update
Affordable dental implants are artificial dental roots that provide a permanent base for removable fixed teeth. Compared to dentures, bridges, and crowns, dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people with missing teeth, missing teeth, or chronic dental problems. Because they fit, feel, and function like natural teeth, dental implants are fast becoming the new standard in tooth replacement.
What makes dental implants absolutely comfortable and safe? Doctors use titanium implants, and over time, it will actually fuse with living bone cells in the jaw. This connection forms a strong and durable anchor for your new teeth, which means there will be no slippage or other movement (this sometimes happens with dentures). In addition, dental implants do not have nutritional problems and do not require regular repairs. You no longer need to worry about a free and open smile.
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Tooth decay, or tooth decay, is an oral hygiene condition that occurs in a person due to the progression of tooth decay. They are the most common oral health problems in children, adolescents and older adults around the world. But they can also have babies with milk teeth. How to get rid of tooth decay and tooth decay In this blog, the experienced dentist at First Point Dental provides information about tooth decay, which causes tooth decay, and about measures that can help prevent tooth decay.
Also Read: How Tooth Colored Fillings work?
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firstpointdental · 3 years
Tooth colored fillings is made of a mixture or composite of plastic resin and silicon dioxide stuffing. These substances mimic many properties of natural tooth structure, such as abrasion resistance and translucency. Dental composites also help strengthen your teeth.
Traditional dental filling materials, more widely known as silver fillings, are not always an aesthetic choice for restoring tooth function. White stuffing has been used for over 20 years and many patients prefer white stuffing to silver stuffing because it suits the natural color of the teeth.
Also Read: https://firstpointdental.tumblr.com/post/648532231030276096/what-is-root-canal-first-point-dental-clinics
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