fixingscripts ยท 3 years
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fixingscripts ยท 3 years
A slightly more dramatic and complicated family that is either blessed/cursed with a miracle, depending on how you see it. Lots of Tio Bruno feels. Because letโ€™s be honest, Tio Bruno wouldnโ€™t have left so willingly.
Scene D:
Mirabel holding a little stuffed animal found on the floor. "I remember this. This was...mine."
"Who are you, Tio Bruno?"
Scene E:
Bruno: Mirabel, tell me. What do you know about our family? Truly?
Mirabel: We're the Madrigals. What else is there to know?
Bruno: But what does being a Madrigal mean? To you?
Mirabel: Being a Madrigal...it's an honor, but it's also a responsibility, I guess. It's our job to take care of the community.
Bruno: Ten years ago, I would've said the same thing. But being a Madrigal...it's important to Abuela. To her more than anyone else. That name, that power, it's the only thing she has left of Abuelo. Being a Madrigal means upholding everything he stood for when he gave his life for all of us. Everything he was.
Bruno: Being a Madrigal is not easy. It's not just something we are given. It's something we are asked to carry for the rest of our lives. Our gifts do not come easy or without burden.
Maribel flinches. Flashes of Luisa under pressure to protect those she loves. Isabel forever trying to pretend to be what she's not.
Bruno: Something tells me you know this.
Scene F:
Bruno: Abuela did her best to uphold the Madrigal name for Abuelo's sake. It means everything to her to keep anything of his alive. But keeping it alive was not easy. There were certain things out of her control, things she couldn't account for. It's not easy raising such a big family, you know?"
His joke falls flat.
Mirabel: Tio Bruno, what happened to you?
Bruno: To keep the tree alive, some branches have to be cut down.
Mirabel flinches. Mirabel: Tio Bruno, you don't meanโ€“
Bruno: I did what I had to. Abuela did too. My gift wasn't helping the family, but I love my family. What I do, what we all do, we do for the family.
Scene G:
Mirabel: The house is starting to crack, Luisa is losing her powers, and Isabela is having trouble controlling hers. No one really believes me, butโ€“
Bruno: No, no, no. I saw this. But I prevented it. I made sure of it. This shouldn't be happening.
Mirabel: Tio Bruno, what exactly did you see in that vision?
Bruno: I had this vision the night you didn't get your gift. And I saw the magic, in danger. Our house, breaking. And then, I saw you.
Mirabel: Me?
Bruno: My visions are rarely positive. In truth, I've not had one that didn't end up becoming a bad omen. But yours was different. It was like yours was still in flux. Like the future was yet to be made.
Mirabel (hopeful): So I might not be the reason I'm breaking our miracle?
Bruno: You could be.
Mirabel visibly deflates.
Bruno: You could also be the one who saves it.
Mirabel visibly brightens.
Mirabel: But I don't get it. Why hide? Why hide this vision, if there's a chance that maybe it might go right?
Bruno: Because I knew how it was going to go, I knew what everyone would think. That's my burden, Mirabel. No matter what I try to do or say, everyone always assumes the worst.
Even Abuela.
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