flashyhokage · 10 years
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Minato would turn around as he heard the gentle whisper of the one woman whose voice gave his life meaning. He turned around and felt like he was in a dream. Seeing Kushina stand before him. She looked more beautiful than ever. He quickly ran and held her in his arms. "Kushina!!" he said with a smile. "It seems fate has brought us together again. Based off what I've gathered, we have been brought back  from the dead to participate in a tournament. Our generation versus Naruto's. We have missed seeing him grow to a genin....and well stay there. But not this time. Now we will watch him and cheer for him." he said with a smile as the first match commenced. Killer Bee Vs. Naruto. The fights were based on a point based system. Medical ninjas stood by the fighting area in case things got out of hand. However, this first match seemed to get the most attention. It was a battle of the leaf's jinchuriki vs the Cloud's. Within seconds the fight commenced. Naruto fought killer bee, and was very clever. As Minato watched, he was surprised at just how much Naruto pushed a jutsu such as a shadow clone jutsu so far. It was intense, and they both seemed to be equal. It wasn't until, Naruto pulled a harem jutsu in the form of Killer Bee's student Samui that gave him the easy victory.    Minato was so proud. His son may have had the wacky antics of Kushina, but he definitely got his strategic side from him. When the announcer announced NAruto as the winner, Minato hugged Kushina tighter. "That's my boy!!!" he said proudly. Then more matches continued. Hinata fought bravely, but lost to Darui. The 2nd Hokage made quick work of Haku, by showcasing a lot of dark jutsus. Kiba's speed was the winning factor in his match versus Tenten. Due to a very strategic move, Fugaku Uchiha stole a win from the 1st Hokage creating a huge upset. Chouji's food pills gave him the upper hand and he defeated Samui, despite the fact that he was beginning to get a huge crush on her. Love continued to bloom the battlefield, as Rock Lee defeated Sakura. He cried tears of Joy for victory, but was worried about Sakura also. Moving on, Mikoto. A good friend of Kushina had to fight the 3rd Hokage's grandson Konohamaru. Using NAruto's tactics, Konohamaru pulled a harem jutsu of his own, and surrounded Mikoto with very sexual versions of her husband Fugaku, quickly securing him the win. Next up was Kushina's match. She was up against Minato's pupil. Kakashi. "Just do your best out there. Remember, he is son of the white fang, and arguably the best of my students. His sharingan can give him access to many jutsus. So please be careful, and show him what your made of..." he said to his wife and quickly placed a soft kiss on her lips. "..For luck..." he added and the announcer would then call the name "Kushina Uzumaki" to come to the battle grounds.  
Damn those kids, she thought to herself, her sleep interrupted. She opened her eyes; seeing herself in a confined place. What was this? She moved her arms, the feeling of the walls were right next to her. She couldn’t move very well due to the small confinement of where she was. She groaned and started to bang upon the wood. WOOD?! What was she in? Something made of wood and with only little living space. A coffin?! She started to bang upon it, now becoming irritated that she was in such a thing. She continued to bang, banging so hard that the hinges off the door came close and with one last thrust of her hand, the door flew off. She then moved herself so that she could get out. She pushed herself out; the sunlight gleaming down upon her, making her shield it with one hand, hovering over her face. She glanced around her. Wait a second, she told herself. Was this real? She remembered that something had happened, and the last thing that she remembered was Naruto’s face; his baby face in front of her and when she met him when he had been fighting for the Kyuubi’s chakra. But she had been dead. Hadn’t she? She frowned and looked at her hands. They looked real to her. Of course they did. She wiggled them around, her eyes not sure if they were playing tricks on her. Was she back from the dead? She would look around; seeing a few more coffins around her. The one next to her stood one that she remembered all too well. His symbol was one it. The Fourth Hokage’s symbol was embedded on it. She felt her heart beat once again and she knew by the looks of things, he may have been the first to go out and check what was happening. Why were they here? Who had raised them from their un-dead slumber? She began to walk and couldn’t believe how it felt. It felt good to be able to walk; good to be alive one again. Then she heard the roar of a crowd. What was going on? Drawing down her eyebrow’s, in utter confusion, she walked on ahead, towards the loud noise’s. She wondered what this was all about. The one thing that she couldn’t wait for was to see her Husband and son again. Naruto had been only a baby when she and Minato had sacrificed their lives for him. She wondered what was going on now with him. She had last seen him when she came to him when he tried to take the Kyuubi’s chakra, and even then she wished she could have stayed with him longer. But unfortunately, that couldn’t happen. She had told him their lives together and how they were looking forward to the birth of their son. She was eager to get back to her son and be reunited with her husband and son. Carrying on walking, she continued on till she managed to find the place that was filled with noise. Her eyes drew downwards as she looked around. She then noticed a bunch of blond hair, following the flowing jacket of the Fourth Hokage; the kanji inscribed upon the back. Her eyes softened as she had finally met with her husband. They must have been risen from their death’s. Minato had gone with her to the afterlife, and here he was, as if he was still alive. Her voice came to her, as she whispered softly;                                                 ❝Minato….❞
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flashyhokage · 10 years
So.....after reading Naruto 681...
(Spoilers ahead......duh)
I'm guessing the Akatsuki meetings went something like this...
Pain thinks to himself. "Yes...they think I'm the leader.."
Tobi thinks to himself "Those fools think Pain is the leader...when I control him..."
Madara thinks to himself "Yes Obito...or Tobi...make them think you're the leader."
Zetsu thinks to himself "Yes!! Haha...dance puppets....dance!"
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Minato wasn't good at computers, but as he typed and went through the command center. He then found something that caught his eye. With a smile he decided to speak to the man, in the scary voice. "I know all, and see all. I even know the name of your cat is Tonton." he shouted. The man replied back with a laughter, as he had now figured this was not a possessive ghost, but a prankster. The man quickly ran to the door that had light in it. "My cat's name is Lucky". I named him that, because he was the only black cat that brought me not just luck but love." he said as he walked closer to the door. "Unfortunate for you, because now your luck is about to change..." he said and placed his hand on the door. Minato grabbed Mikoto and fell into the closet with her, as the guy entered and looked around. Within seconds Minato appeared behind him. Placing a kunai near his back. "Now, things are in our favor. You should have known that things aren't always as they appear...." he said, all of a sudden Minato disappeared and was replaced with a log. It was made clear that the Minato that placed a kunai behind the man's back was a shadow clone. Using this as a perfect diversion, Minato took Mikoto's hand and ran outside of the house. Closing the door, he placed a seal on it. "Heh...everything went perfect." he said smiling at Mikoto. "That seal was taught to me by your good friend Kushina. He wanted a haunted house, well he's got something far worse. That seal will have probably almost every sick and twisted prank Kushina ever performed when she was a kid." he said laughing as he walked with Mikoto.  "Oooh...before I forget Miko....take a look at your account. He said smiling, and showed her a phone connected to her funds. Her account read "¥17308201918 had been added to her account." Minato smiled "I told you I had a plan. The computer I was on, accessed the funds that the house had. He had been scaring and scamming people out of that house for years. His password hint was his cat's name, which is why I tricked him into telling me his pet's real name. Then I wired the money to your account. It's the least I can do for getting you into this mess." he explained.  "How about we get some lunch, I have a feeling we can definitely afford it." he added with a cheeky smile.
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Haunted Houses can't kill you but.....
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Carrying Shizune, Minato would not take no for an answer. Although he took the title "Hokage" very seriously. He also believed in moderation. Now was the time for him to enjoy life, as well as Shizune. If he was honest with himself, that's all Kushina wanted. She didn't want Minato the fourth Hokage. She wanted Minato her husband. "Yes, a Casino Shizune. Who knows, you might win big money. Then you can buy all of the jewelry you want, or a new pearl necklace for Tonton." he suggested, and within a "flash", they appeared in front of Konoha's local casino. "Ready?" he asked her as he put her down so she could walk for herself.
Understanding Women.....
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Minato placed his hand on Tenten's head."....And you are the future..." he said, smiling brightly at Tenten. He then came up with an idea. "Hmm, how would you like to train with me? You can show me your jutsus and such. Would you like that?" he asked her.
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Things seemed to go very fast. Minato couldn't explain it, but somehow this girl with lovely red hair had talked him into playing a juvenile prank on some jounins who he held a high respect for. He continued to watch on. Minato saw Kushina's plan and found at least 29 faults with it. The main one was obvious, she was planting a bug Jounin's who were sensor types. These particular two were easily Konoha's best. Chances were they sensed her before she was two feet behind them.  However, Minato was very impressed either Kushina was really stupid or really gutsy. Either way, he began to see a side of her he never saw in the classroom. It was a side that showed Kushina's true form.  When the Jounin's caught sight of the bug they chased Kushina. Minato shook his head and sighed. He knew he couldn't just let her get in trouble. After all, it was his duty to watch over her at all times. If Kushina was caught, then it would result in a failed mission. Which was unacceptable in his eyes. Right when the jounin caught up to Kushina, a strong wind was felt. The leaves on the ground moved, and the bushes moved as well but only for a second. In that split second, Kushina was gone.  High above on the top branch of a tree was Kushina with Minato standing near her. Using his special ability, he was able to move her from the ground to this tree. As he looked on, he saw the Jounin walk away somewhat clueless. He would smile at Kushina as if nothing happened. "Nice prank Kushina...maybe next time you'll get them." he said encouraging her.
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Children can be innocent but......
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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Naruto click and drag game! ~
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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Manga and Anime versions :) This episode was amazing and it was sad that neji died but it so good seeing our naruhina moment we have been waiting for ever since it happen in the manga and it was worth waiting. I can’t beleive they ended the episode with naruto and hinata holdings hands.
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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hell yeah naruto ^_^
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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NaruHina *-*
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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OoC: It is so much fun!! You should definitely try it. Wouldn't it be awesome if the three of us could cosplay as the Uzumaki family(Minato, Kushina, and their cool and cute daughter Naruko)!!!! 
loquacious-mother & flashyhokage
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[/Ooc: You guys really make me want to cosplay~! Like, it looks so much fun and asdfghjkl~! Bless you guys for putting the thought into my head u.u]
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Was so proud to be apart of this!!! I was Minato!!!
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Thank you so much for this, you didn't have to....but thank you!! I do hope we can start a RP thread sometime.
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Status banners made just for flashyhokage anybody else caught trying to use these edits will be called out.
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Minato felt enraged that Kushina saw him as a chicken. First a flaky girly boy, and now a cowardly chicken. He had to prove himself. "I don't fear anything Kushina. I just don't see the point or joy in pleasing those who will one day want to protect me....their future Hokage". he said proudly as he knew his dream would come true once he was older. Minato wasn't too scared for he had a jutsu that could get both him and Kushina out of harms way in no time. However, what would sensei Jiraiya think of him, if he uses his jutsu on pranks like these. Then again, their had been many times that Jiraiya had used his sage jutsu's just to get a girl's number. As his pupil, he had to honor his perverted master.
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"Fine Kushina....let's do it. But you better not mess this up. I mean, the Triple F (First Future Female) Hokage can surely perform a prank. If not, how can she be trusted with a mission? So all of the pressure is on you I'm afraid." he said winking at her.
Children can be innocent but......
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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Minato wasn't quite sure of what to do here. He was instructed to show Kushina a good time, and to introduce her to everyone. However, she seemed to want to cause pranks on Jounin. People, who he was meant to look up to and not scare. "I don't know Kushina, I mean wouldn't that be a mean thing to do?" Minato asked as he was not the type to cause pranks. He would laugh at them, but never cause them. With that being said, he had orders to make sure she enjoyed herself. That had to be the reason, or maybe he didn't want Kushina to think he truly was a flaky girly boy. Just the thought of getting caught, and having his superiors look down on him scared Minato. However, saying "no" to Kushina also was a bit scary. He had to do something. How would he look as Hokage, being scared to do things. "Ar-Are you sure we won't get caught Kushina?" he asked one more time, before he decided if he was going to go ahead with this prank that the redhead  had in mind,
Children can be innocent but......
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flashyhokage · 10 years
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Minato had never met a girl like Kushina. Being knew, you would think she would be more shy. But she was already declaring that she would be Hokage. After feeling her cling to his arm. Minato scratched his head, trying to figure her out. "Okay, well I'll start by taking you to the Hokage monument. It's outside, and my face...ermm...I mean our faces might be up there someday. Also, please refrain from calling me names." Minato said with a smile on his face. He couldn't explain it, but there was something about this girl that he liked. She had what many did not have..."guts". As they walked Minato saw two jounin sitting down not paying attention into anything in particular. He began to wonder just how long it would be before he made it to their level.
Children can be innocent but......
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Minato was called on by the sensei of the ninja academy. Due to his good grades, he was asked to show the new girl Kushina Uzumaki around. Minato nodded happily and approached the redhead. "Hello Kushina, I don’t know if you remember me, but I am Minato. I will become Hokage someday, and I have been chosen to show you around Konoha. Isn’t that exciting?" he asked smiling brightly, hoping Kushina was happy with him showing her around.
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flashyhokage · 10 years
Minato began to laugh. "No need to thank me Tenten. Just continuing being yourself. Be happy. Learn from your mistakes, and continue to grow. I'm sure that's what Naruto wants. He is my son, and I know he wants everyone to be happy. Not sad, like he was when he was growing up. So please go on and be happy." Minato said with a smile.
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"No need to be. You are not weird at all Tenten. However, as far as Naruto. Like a seed, me and his mother planted him. However, he has truly blossomed because he has met you and all of his other friends. As his father, I thank you for that." he added.
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Tenten looked down averting her eyes, because of friends? Well that she didn’t believe, she was mean to him as much as the other kids when she was small. ”….Yeah….I am glad he was brought into this world—- Thank you….Lord fourth.” tenten said holding her hands together infront of her chest. 
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