flight-life · 4 years
I’ve been on tumblr less and less these days but especially this blog in particular. And the reason for that is I’m currently on leave and not working because I’m high risk for COVID.
I miss flying more than anything.
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flight-life · 4 years
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flight-life · 5 years
We need to criticize airlines, the way they handle their bailout money, and the way they treat employees but what we DON’T need is people saying they shouldn’t get bailouts at all and people who know nothing about the industry trying to judge the unusual things that airlines do that actually -do- help frontline employees.
If y’all wanna help us, just listen to us. We can tell you a 100 different ways airlines fuck us over regularly, even right now they’re still doing things like that. But please understand that aviation is nothing like any other industry out there and things that sound bad or would be bad for any other employee are not necessarily bad for us.
Anyway, saying our industry or our companies deserve to go under because you had to pay a baggage fee is fucked up.
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
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A rare sight By Roberto Bertero
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
Just wanna say, as a flight attendant, as long as we’re at a smooth cruise altitude, I don’t give a single shit.
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flight-life · 5 years
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cloud heart edits
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
When you get a friend to print the boarding slip
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flight-life · 5 years
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flight-life · 5 years
why does the airport i go to have the fucking willy wonka tunnel in it i’m going insane
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flight-life · 5 years
The best part is, this feeling is international. All airports are like this no matter where they are. Airport Time is universal.
god i fuckin love airports. who came up with that??? “yeah, planes land here and take off. what if we also made it a mall, and then removed everyone’s sense of time and space when they came inside?” it could be 8:33 in the morning in a time zone i have never experienced but it’s always Airport Time
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flight-life · 5 years
I mean, if the flight is long enough, people will definitely produce more waste than they came on with. But usually that’s from whatever food and drink that is already on the plane, I imagine.
right now im thinking about how a plane doesnt really gain any weight from bodily wastes in the toilet. i mean once all passengers are loaded on...i mean those people already have their pee and shit inside of them... so in the system of the plane no mass is gained. its. mass
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