flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
I really like rainy days, I always find them really relaxing! I love sitting near a window during it, with a book in hand, and just spend my evening reading, not a care in the world, until it's nighttime
Except when there's lighting, that is... - Flippy
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Gosh, I keep forgetting to post here, I'm so sorry!
I've been doing better the last few days! I was able to get some sleep and I finished up the blanket I was working on
I'm happy with how it turned out, I did use all of my yarn... But it was worth it! - Flippy
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
I forgot to keep posting over here, again
I'm sorry, I've been a little busy knitting, I'm trying to make a blanket!
It's taking way longer then I expected, but it's fun! - flippy
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
I couldn't really get any sleep yesterday, I don't know why.
Maybe I should try drinking some tea before going to bed? I'm not sure. - Flippy
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
I don't remember asking for fruit rolls... I'm assuming Fliqpy did?
Sorry about that :( I was already planning to buy them some but I assume xe got impatient
I'll come pick them up once my shift in the library is over! Thank you either way! I really appreciate it!
@flippy-fliqpy I'm sorry I just realized this never posted when I thought it did but I got the fruit rolls you wanted do you want me to drop them off or did you want to come pick them up?
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
can you get me the berry ones?
im going to break into your house and steal all of your fruit rolls
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
im going to break into your house and steal all of your fruit rolls
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Maybe I should start selling stuff I knit?
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
It's fine, I can replace them, please don't let his happen again, you already lost 10 books
Mime, you haven't returned the 5 books you borrowed from the library last time.
It's been six months...
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Did you lost them again?
Mime, you haven't returned the 5 books you borrowed from the library last time.
It's been six months...
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Mime, you haven't returned the 5 books you borrowed from the library last time.
It's been six months...
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Sometimes I step away from everything.
I lock myself in my house, turn off all the electronics and decide to have a week or two not worrying about anything or anyone.
It's really relaxing, I got a few knitting projects done and baked some stuff!
So this is the first time I used my computer in a while, I don't think I missed much? Who knows...
- flippy
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Oh, I completely forgot about this blog, I highly apologize :(
Happy pride month everyone!
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
“Oh, you're new in town?” *it's been a long while since someone new moved it* “Sure! I can! Just follow me”
A golden bear smiled happily as she walked in. She went over to the light green bear with a grin on her face "Hello! I'm Bee! Your name is Flippy, right?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "It's nice to meet you!" the bubbly bear said to the vet.
((Hello! I'm Mod Bee from the blog @ask-squishy-and-bee! I hope we can be friends!))
* He seemed a little surprised at first, he didn't expect to meet anyone new today, but then smiled
“Yeah, I'm Flippy, it's nice to meet you as well!”
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
Awww I'm sure sneaky and mouse are doing fine! Why don't you try to find them someday?
And talking too fliq is a good jdea!
I have thought of maybe looking for them, but I'm a little scared of traveling far on our own, what if Fliqpy fronts and they don't know where to go? Uh... It kinda seems dangerous... Maybe I'm just over thinking this
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
A golden bear smiled happily as she walked in. She went over to the light green bear with a grin on her face "Hello! I'm Bee! Your name is Flippy, right?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "It's nice to meet you!" the bubbly bear said to the vet.
((Hello! I'm Mod Bee from the blog @ask-squishy-and-bee! I hope we can be friends!))
* He seemed a little surprised at first, he didn't expect to meet anyone new today, but then smiled
“Yeah, I'm Flippy, it's nice to meet you as well!”
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flippy-fliqpy · 3 years
I hope fliq likes them too!!
Oh hey I wanted to ask, is there anyone you like?~
Oh? Well...
I had a crush on Sneaky... But I haven't seen him ever since that day.
I think Splendid is cute... But I'm not sure...
Maybe I need to think about this a little more, besides, I need to know what Fliqpy thinks of it
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