flmuniverse · 3 months
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A brief moment of rationality from the bird place.
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flmuniverse · 10 months
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Welcome to Day 1 of this fun event! I hope you're as excited as I am! Come back again for Day 2 tomorrow! And don't be afraid to send in questions, comments, or requests.
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flmuniverse · 1 year
How to show emotions
Part II
How to show happiness
big smile
eyes going wide
corners of the mouth going up
showing teeth
speaking rapidly
laugh lines appearing
being animated
direct eye contact
How to show sadness
shoulders slumped
looking down
turning head away
not seeing properly anymore
slow movements
corners of the mouth going downwards
quivering lips
eyes filled with tears
running nose
breathing fitfully
How to show disgust
wrinkled nose
eyes narrowing
no eye contact
upper lip pulled up
How to show fear
wide eyes
heart pounding
feeling paralyzed
shaking / clammy hands
trying to close eyes
open mouth
heavy breathing
cold and clammy hands
clenched hands
tensing up
eyesbrows going together
trying to look for an exit
How to show surprise
raised eyebrows
jaw going slack
open mouth
eyes widening
How to show frustration
rolling eyes
throwing arms in the air
pacing up and down
tapping your foot
tapping your fingers
crossing your arms
checking watch
More: Part I + Part III
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flmuniverse · 1 year
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flmuniverse · 1 year
:-“Navigating through new relationship” prompts-:
Requested by: Anonymous
By @me-writes-prompts
Asking before kissing or even touching(this applies to any stage of relationship really)
^^ “Can I kiss you, please?”
Meeting each other's friends/family
^^“I’m nervous.” “Don’t be. I’m sure they’ll like you. Hell, they’ll love you.”
Having an intimate talk about the bedroom scenes(don't skip this people!)
Communicating about feelings
^^“I didn’t like the way they were looking at you. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say.”
Talking face-to-face than texting
Spending time alone from each other
^^Making enough time for other one
“Are you sure you want to do this? Like sure, sure?” “Yeah. Yeah, I’ve been wanting to do this with you forever.”
“You weren’t uncomfortable back there, right? I just wanted to make sure you were all right.” “No, no, I wasn’t. Thank you for doing that.”
*while comforting the other one* “Hey, hey, look at me. It’s okay, I’m here. Shh. Look at me. You don’t have to be scared okay? I’m here to help you.”
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flmuniverse · 1 year
small details for fictional kisses
whispering ''kiss me'' to your lover
wrapping your arms around your lover's neck
kisses that travel from your lover's nose to their lips
breaking the kiss but instantly pressing your lips back together
intertwining your fingers
kisses that start out gentle but grows more passionate
forehead against forehead
running your fingers through your lover's hair
unbuttoning your lover's shirt, pressed against the wall
surprise kisses, in which your lover weren't prepared for it but responds immediately
a kiss in which, ''we're late for work but let's be later''
kisses shared under a waterfall
pulling your lover closer by the waistband
kissing under the stars
messy kisses, destroying furniture trying to reach the bed
a kiss that isn't meant to happen but it does anyway
sliding your hands down your lover's chest
grabbing your lover by the collar
''if we get caught kissing we're dead but let's risk it''
hand kisses
exploring each other's lips
smiling in-between kisses
now-or-never kisses
caressing your lover's cheek
good night kisses
''i was supposed to take a shower alone but sure, jump right in''
brushing your lips together, lingering for a moment
an accidental kiss between two exes
kisses in which, you've already said goodbye but can't help stealing another one
this might be our last kiss ever so let's make it last
kitchen counter make-outs
jumping into your lover's arms
soft kisses while cuddling in bed
i missed you kisses
a kiss that leave you breathless
stopping a kiss when it gets too heated
a kiss on the cheek turns into a kiss on the lips
trailing kisses from your lover's lips to their neck
''everything is going to be okay'' kisses
kisses that start of passionate but grows more delicate
pulling away from a kiss to look at each other, then smiling as you dive in for another kiss
wrapping your legs around your lover's body as they lift you
a goodbye kiss, but neither of you can quite let go
''we shouldn't do this'' but they do so, anyway
a swirling reunion kiss
''i've had a terrible day at work so just kiss me''
a kiss that lasts longer than it should
tending to your lover's wound, placing a kiss on top of their head, grateful they're still alive
spinning your lover into a kiss on the dance floor
kisses in which, i can't believe this is real, but i love you so much
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flmuniverse · 1 year
Personal Protector
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Bru was a family dog. They all took care of him and loved on him, and he loved them just as much. 
But from the second they brought her home from the hospital, Bru claimed Hayley as his person. 
He needed to be as close to her as possible and growled at anyone who dared to get near the baby girl. He’d spend every night standing guard at her bedroom door, valiant in his efforts to keep the monsters away. 
When she cried, he was the first to go comfort her with slobbery kisses and warm cuddles. He happily ate the scraps she’d drop on the floor from her high chair for him and could make her laugh with a simple chase of his tail. 
So it was no surprise that when Austin went to go check on his napping daughter he found Bru curled up in her tiny toddler bed right next to Hayley; keeping watch as always. 
“Hey, there, bud!” Austin whispers, rubbing the dog between his ears. “You watching over our Hayley Ro? Huh?” Bru replies with a muffled bark and a wag of his tail. “Good boy. You’re such a good brother.” Austin leaves the room to let Hayley sleep, knowing she was safe as long as her puppy was around. 
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flmuniverse · 1 year
Orange shirt is Nemo and grey shirt is Dani
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flmuniverse · 1 year
New chapter is up!! Please enjoy the start of Austin and Christine’s story!
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flmuniverse · 1 year
It’s giving Liam energy
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flmuniverse · 1 year
New Chapter is up! Enjoy!
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flmuniverse · 1 year
New chapter is up! The start of our summer adventure! Enjoy!
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flmuniverse · 1 year
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flmuniverse · 1 year
When my mother forgets a word, she is the queen of coming up with new words. Words that would take a third National Treasure movie to fully decipher. I was talking to her yesterday, and she said this: “You know the time for los jibbities is coming up. You must be so excited!” Oh, is it time for los jibbities already? I must have missed it on my calendar. Are we celebrating something? “Of course! We should all be celebrating, shouldn’t we?” OK, so los jibbities is a happy thing. It’s not like something is giving you the heebie-jeebies, which would have been my one and only guess. “Los heebie-jeebies? Now you’re making things up...and this is my show.” You’re right. The time for los jibbities is coming up. Is this a season? “Yes, the season for love. The season for pride.” OK, los jibbities. “Yeah, sound it out.” Los…jibbities. LGBTs! “Sí, mira cuz you’re gay!” “You couldn’t just say pride season? You couldn’t just… *laughs*
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flmuniverse · 1 year
Early sunlight through the mist in the inlet at the lake.
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flmuniverse · 1 year
Learning Something New
@domaystic Day 5: Learning Something New Fandom: Castle (my FLM universe) Word Count: 266 Rating: PG [][]
“What is this?” Ashley asks her girlfriend, her mouth agape. 
“What’s what? Danielle asks, head peeking around the shower curtain.
“This!” Ashley waves, as if the problem is completely obvious. 
“Care to be more specific?”
“You hang the toilet paper going under!”
“Yeah. So?”
“Baby, it’s not that big a deal!”
“Oh, it is a big deal!” Ashley shouts, mostly for dramatic effect. “What’s next? You tell me you don’t wet your toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it? Or you wear shoes inside the house?”
“Now, you know I don’t do that one,” Dani defends. “Come on, you’re being dumb.”
“What else don’t I know about you? That’s it: we have to break up.” 
Danielle laughs as she puts her head under water to rinse out the shampoo. Her girlfriend had a knack for being sarcastic and dramatic, and it truly was showing that morning. “Hold on there! Don’t call it off that fast. Isn’t that what being together is about? Getting to learn about someone?”
“I mean, yeah,” Ashley agrees.
“Well then: you just learned something.”
“But it’s wrong!” 
Danielle can hear Ashley’s whine and she appears around the curtain again. “Ay pobrecita!” she says, sticking out her tongue and flicking water on her girlfriend.
“Hey! I taught you that! Don’t use it against me,” Ashley growls, stepping closer to Danielle. 
“Too late: already did,” Dani says with a wolfish grin. “Wanna do something about it?”
“Is that a challenge, Castle?” Now they’re nose to nose.
“Only if you accept.”
“Oh, you’re on.” Laughing, Ashley follows her girlfriend into the shower, clothes and all.
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flmuniverse · 1 year
A Little Piece of Home
This weeks @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt fill. Hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Promise you’ll write
Keep reading
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