florenceuentin · 1 year
April 29: Quest- sleeping beauty
Word count: 245
“Fuck me, Remus,” a very naked Sirius says seductively from the bed. “Fuck me and the whole kingdom will be saved!”
On the headboard above him, a piece of paper says- Sleeping Beauty.
“Come on now, love.” Sirius tries to get up and grab Remus but quickly falls back down as he realizes he’s supposed to be the aforementioned sleeping beauty.
“I’m not doing it with Prongs watching,” Remus deadpans and points to James who is standing in the corner.
“But this is your quest and he’s the solicitor here to make sure you complete it properly.”
Properly? Remus stares at Sirius in disbelief. Judging from the bruises he got when Sirius tied him to the bed last night, nothing about their sex life can be deemed proper.
“I’m leaving,” he announces.
“Fine, kiss me then,” Sirius concedes.
Remus nods and proceeds to plant a chaste kiss on Sirius’s lips.
Before Sirius can protest, James breaks the moment with his horrendous voice, “Ho ho ho, the curse is broken now! Everyone is awake. Happy ending ho ho ho.”
“Is he… Santa Claus?” Remus is confused. Sirius shrugs.
“Alright, Moony,” Sirius gets up from the bed. “Shall I walk you to class?”
“Nope, we are going back to the dorm.” Remus grabs Sirius by the wrist.
“Err, why?”
“I said I didn’t want to fuck you with Prongs watching. I never said I didn’t want to fuck you.”
Sirius smirks.
And they lived happily ever after.
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florenceuentin · 1 year
Special Agent AU
Slytherin! agent Sirius and Gryffindor! agent Remus; ✨enemies to lovers✨and chance encounter
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 27: Epic- Fine, it was pretty epic
Word count: 157
Sirius looks at Remus expectantly.
Remus ignores him.
Sirius scoots closer.
Remus turns around.
Sirius throws his arm over Remus’s stomach to hold him in place.
“What?” Remus feigns annoyance. He knows what Sirius’s doing but he’s not giving the dark-hair boy what he wants that easily.
“Moony…” Sirius whines. “How did I do?” He asks carefully.
“You were alright.” Remus is glad Sirius can’t see the smirk he’s hiding.
“Alright?!” Sirius raises his voice. “I just gave you the best fuck in your life and all you can say is alright?!”
Remus tries so hard not to laugh.
“My thighs hurt, Remus!” Sirius throws his leg up Remus’s waist and grabs Remus’s hand to feel his thigh muscles. “I’ve never worked out this hard my entire life!”
“Fine,” Remus turns around to look at his boyfriend. “It was pretty epic.”
“Epic, huh?” Sirius grins.
“Happy now?” Remus grins back.
(in my headcanon, Sirius is more vocal during sex, so he’ll give a lot of feedback when Remus top. But Remus is quieter, so when Sirius top, he has to be like- ok just tell me how I did. Course later he learns to read nonverbal signals, but there is a learning curve. So when they are in Hogwarts, Sirius probably looks for verbal validation a lot even though he knows he’s good. And Remus will probably find it enduring but also he’ll be like- is my orgasm face not enough for you?)
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 25: Legend- Remus really wants to be the broomstick Sirius rides after a Quidditch match
Word count: 204
DADA professor Remus; Transfiguration professor Sirius; They both live cuz boys deserve better
“She’s not as good as you were. You were like a quidditch legend when you played,” Remus comments. Gryffindor’s new beater is making her debut today against Ravenclaw.
“Huh, so you did watch me play.” Sirius takes his gaze away from the match for a moment and eyes Remus with smug.
Remus snorts.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I was watching James."
“Just admit it, Moony. You were watching how good I rode a broomstick.”
“The audacity of you to bring that up.” Remus rolls his eyes.
“What?” Sirius is confused.
“You know very well that it’s one of my biggest fantasies for you to ride me senseless after a match. But you were always like- no Remus, my thighs are sore, my legs are shaking, bluh bluh bluh…” Remus is finally looking at Sirius, his voice accusing.
“Well, it was true!” Sirius defends himself.
“Whatever,” Remus pouts and moves his gaze back to the match.
Sirius stares at him.
“You know,” He whispers in Remus’s ear, voice low and seductive. “I’m not playing today.”
Remus’s eyes widen.
They leave the stand hand in hand and rush back to the office.
Remus finally fulfills his dream to be the happy broomstick Sirius rides after a match.
(quidditch beater Sirius is my headcanon)
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 24: Sword- Cut my hair and you die
Word count: 996
Tangled AU starring Sirius as Rapunzel, Remus as Flynn Rider, and James as mother who knows best (I forgot her name)
When Remus finally climbs up the Astronomy Tower, he is internally cursing all of his friends. Ha ha happy Halloween. Since when is it a Halloween tradition to reenact Disney movies? He should have never, never, introduced muggle movies to his overly hyper boyfriend. Do what excites, Sirius said. Yea, then why isn’t he the one climbing up a 40-meter tower?
Before his eyes could adjust to the darkness, Remus is hit by a hex right in the stomach. It’s not enough to damage, but still hurts as hell. (Fucking drama queens.) He doesn’t need to turn over to know whose idea this was.
“Now look what you’ve done, Rapunzel.” says the voice of no other than James Potter. And he is apparently wearing a dark red dress with a plunging neckline.
“Is that Lily’s dress?” Remus asks.
“Yea.” James nods.
“It fits nice.” Remus is sincere.
“Thanks, mate. I used Engorgio to-”
“Ahem.” James is interrupted by someone clearing his throat in the corner.
“Oh hi, Sirius.” Remus waves his hand.
“Ai, Voomy.” Sirius’s voice is muffled by the tape over his mouth.
“Oh right, we should get back to that,” James smiles sheepishly. “But come over later. I’ll show you the original design I sketched. It’s pretty astonishing.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Remus offers kindheartedly.
James squats next to Sirius who is tied to the wall by heavy chains around his wrists. Remus does respect their commitment.
“Stop fighting me, Rapunzel!” James yells and peels the tape off Sirius’s face in one smooth motion.
Remus mentally winces at how that must feel. But Sirius doesn’t even bat an eyelash. He’s good. It pains Remus to think about how Sirius got so good at acting and pretending.
“I’ll never stop fighting you. I’ll never stop trying to escape.” The line delivery, Remus observes, just chef kiss.
“But, if you let me save him, I’ll go with you.”
No Rapunzel! Remus shouts internally. Then he notices two pairs of dark eyes staring at him expectantly. (Oh, right.)
“No, no, Rapunzel…” He gives his best panting voice. He has plenty of practice on that.
Sirius swallow. (Fucking weirdo)
James narrows his eyes at Remus and walks over to him. He chains Remus’s right hand to the wall. Remus is excited. (Oops, I’m also a weirdo)
“Eugene!” Sirius stumbles across the room to reach him.
“Everything is gonna be okay. I promise you,” Sirius caresses his face and his stomach gently. Remus tries his best to make all kinds of groaning and panting noises, which really isn’t difficult to do considering he’s currently chained up and Sirius is hovering above him.
“No, Rapunzel. I can’t let you do this,” Remus remembers his line.
“And I can’t let you die,” Sirius whispers. He holds Remus’s face in his hand and touches Remus all over with his warm grey eyes.
For a long moment, they just stare at each other like that.
“Ahem,” James clears his throat behind them.
“Right,” Sirius blinks away from his daze. “Trust me. It’s gonna be alright.” He assures.
Remus nods. He trusts Sirius, completely. He lifts the corners of his lips to manage a weak smile. That’s his moment, Remus thinks, after two years with Sirius, his acting skill is finally more than subpar.
He looks at Sirius expectantly, hoping to find an acknowledging look of encouragement. But the other boy is frowning at him.
“What?” Remus asks, confused.
“It’s your part, Moony,” Sirius reminds him through closed lips.
Oh, right. He is supposed to cut Sirius’s hair. WHAT!? He is supposed to cut Sirius’s hair!
“Hmm, are you sure, Pads? Sorry, Rapunzel.”
“Yea, just do it.”
“You are not going to be mad at me?” Remus hesitates.
“Of course not,” Sirius assures.
“Err, are you sure?”
“Yeah, get to it already, Eugene,” Sirius rolls his eyes. “It’s not even my real hair.”
“Yea, it’s a wig.”
“Oh, ok then.” Remus grabs the sword beside him. (Sirius argued it might hurt Remus’ hand if they actually use a piece of broken glass. Peter, the equipment guy, groaned but replaced it with a sword nevertheless.)
He reaches behind Sirius’s neck and carefully lines the sword. He can do it. He is gonna do it. He is doing it-
“You are actually gonna do it?!” Sirius grabs his hand and looks at him incredulously.
“Err, yea?”
“Oh my god, Remus. I can’t believe you!”
(What the fuck?) Remus is so lost.
“You. asked. Me. to cut your hair.” He pokes a finger at Sirius.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it!”
“You said it’s a wig!”
“And still, you were going to cut my hair!”
“It’s not your hair!”
“But you were still going to cut it!”
“I can’t believe you, Sirius.”
“I can’t believe you, Remus.”
They stare at each other. The tension between them stretches.
Sirius’s chest is heaving with anger, and Remus’s face is pink from arguing. The sexual tension between them stretches.
“Alright,” James claps his hands from the other end of the room. “So, Eugene is not saved, and Rapunzel is coming with me. Ah, we are doing an alternative ending this year. Pretty cool, actually.” He marches towards Sirius.
“Get out!” Remus and Sirius yell together.
“What the..” James is startled.
“Sorry, Prongs. Just go back to the dorm, will you?” Sirius apologizes, his gaze not leaving Remus. “Moony and I have some unfinished business.”
James looks between them.
“Oh. Oh. Right, of course.” He escapes the tower.
“Where were we?” Sirius grins at Remus as soon as James left the tower on his broom.
“We were about to fuck.” Remus replies honestly.
“Right,” Sirius barks out a laugh and leans in to kiss Remus. His hand moves to grab Remus’s chained wrist.
“Do you want me to remove this for you first?” He asks against the brown-hair boy’s lips.
“Don’t you fucking dare!”
Sirius laughs again and Remus drags Sirius closer with his spare hand.
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florenceuentin · 1 year
Welcome to Heaven
So when Remus checks into heaven after the Battle of Hogwarts, he realizes Sirius has become a famous livestream host there.
The ✨happy ending✨ they deserve if they can't have one when they are alive 😫 cuz fuck jkr
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 22: Enchantment- Stare or you will go blind
Word count: 76
The Slytherin Table-
Snape: Look at Black and Lupin. I hexed them so they have to stare at each other all the time or they will go blind.
Regulus (eyes Snape with disdain): You are stupid.
Snape: What?! My plan is perfect.
Regulus: Do you see any difference in how they behave?
Snape: Duh, of course. Now they are looking at each other all the tim- (stops abruptly)
Regulus (knowingly): Yea.
Snape: Fucking hell.
(like for real snape what were you thinking)
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 21: Enemy- Secret relationship and James Potter feels left out
Word count: 447
Remus reaches back to take Sirius’s hand on their way to class. Sirius’s hands are bony and warm.
Remus feels the hand in his. It is warm still, but it’s not bony? It feels thicker and more squishy? Maybe Sirius put on some weight lately? Remus gives the hand an experimental squeeze. The hand responds immediately and squeezes Remus’s hand hard in return.
“Ouch Sirius!” Remus turns around angrily, mentally preparing his Remus Lupin glare that always has the intended effect on the other three marauders.
“James?” Instead of Sirius, Remus’s glare is met with a grinning James Potter. He looks down at where their fingers meet and immediately drops James’ hand.
“Eww eww eww what the hell, James?!”
“Eww?” James looks hurt. “Eww? Ouch, Remus.”
“Err.. Sorry, I thought you were Sirius.” Remus sounds apologetic.
“So you didn’t think it was disgusting when you thought you were holding Sirius’s hand?!” James looks at him incredulously.
“Woah, Remus. Just, woah.” He throws his hands up dramatically, almost hitting the passing students who are already glaring at them for stopping in the middle of the corridor and causing traffic.
“What’s going on?” Sirius must have noticed the commotion. He pushes against the crowd moving in the opposite direction to get back to Remus and James. Oh, that’s where he was.
“Remus doesn’t want to hold my hand.” James accuses. Despite his athletic build, he is looking suspiciously like a giant baby who is denied sweets.
“Eh, duh.” Sirius stares at James. Then he turns to Remus and shrugs. Remus also shrugs in response. They really don’t see any problem here.
“You guys hold hands all the time. I just wanna be a part of it as well,” James takes a deep breath. “Is it because I am too masculine?” He quotes the air. “That’s stereotyping, you know? Also, masculine people can hold hands too.”
“What!? What are you talking about?” Sirius widens his eyes. “Remus and I don’t hold hands to challenge masculinity. We hold hands because-” He stops mid-sentence. “Because-” He looks at Remus pleadingly for him to finish the sentence.
“Yea James. We only hold hands because we are-” Remus stops as well. We are what? Friends? Friends who are secretly boyfriends?
Sirius looks at Remus expectantly.
“We are…” Remus tries again.
James is also looking at Remus, dark eyes full of hurt and betrayal.
“Oh screw it.” Remus gives up. He takes Sirius’s hand on his left and James’s hand on his right.
“Happy now?”
“No.” Says Sirius Black.
“Yea.” Says James Potter who is finally grinning happily again.
On that day, a sixteen-year-old Sirius Black finds his very own brother to be his arch-enemy.
(sorry Sirius but I'm with James on this one. Poor baby just wants to hold hands
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 18: Weak- Wolfsbane and Antirrhinum
Word count: 69
Sirius feels weak. He's been coughing flowers since last night. His throat hurts.
Remus feels weak. He's been coughing flowers since this morning. His stomach feels funny.
Sirius is coughing out wolfsbane. 
Remus is coughing out antirrhinum.
James takes their flowers to each other.
Sirius's eyes widen.
Remus's jaw drops.
James locks them together in the room. 
It doesn't take long for them to recover from Hanahaki after that.
(considering the existence of wolfsbane and antirrhinum, any Hanahaki AU will probably end in one page if these two idiots actually communicate. That’s why we need James tho.
* Hanahaki: a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from heavy pining
* Antirrhinum: dog flower
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 16: Cottage- I am not having sex with you
Word count: 300
When Remus enters their dorm room, the inside is completely transformed. Where there once were four four-posters now has seven tiny beds huddled together, with Doc, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, and Sneezy carved on each bedframe respectively. Remus mentally curses Sirius. “Happy April Fool’s Day my ass.”
He throws his bookbag on the nearest bed in revenge.
“Ouch.” The blanket squirms. A very sleepy Peter pokes his head out. He is dressing as, well, Sleepy. Remus thinks he might make a better Dopey.
“Good, you are finally here,” Peter clears his throat. “Oh, the most beautiful human I’ve ever seen. Your heart is so kind! Your skin is so shiny and smooth!” He reads from a tiny note Sirius has given him. “Your eyes are so big and dewy! Your lips-”
“I am not having sex with you.” Remus interrupts, narrowing his eyes at Peter.
“What!?” Peter blanches. The note falls to the ground.
“Well, the story of Snow White is basically some pervert fantasizing about underage girls having orgies with old men. And you, my friend, are playing an old man.”
“I’m not trying to have sex with you!” Peter’s face grows even paler.
“I’m NOT!”
“Sirius is going to kill me if I try anything.”
They stare at each other.
“You know what? I am not paid enough to do this.” Peter says finally and gets up to leave the room.
“Do your lines Petie boy,” Sirius calls out from behind the bathroom door. “We had an agreement.”
“Or,” Remus proposes. “We can fast forward to the part where Snow White and Prince Charming have crazily good sex and live happily ever after.”
“Yea, that. Definitely that.” Sirius storms out of the bathroom, pushes Peter through the door, and throws Remus onto the bed.
(wrote another one cuz i love this prompt <3 <3 <3
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 16- Cottage renovation
word count: 45
They decided to renovate the cottage the muggle way.
They both claimed it was to attract less attention from the villagers.
But secretly,
Remus just wanted to see Sirius in a utility belt.
Sirius just wanted to see Remus's long fingers wrapping around a drill.
(i want to see that too..
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 15: Drawbridge- He’s my boyfriend, you idiot!
Word count: 253
Remus looks at the Black Castle towering over him. It’s after curfew and the drawbridge is up.
He clears his throat.
“Oh, the mighty, powerful, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular Lord Black,” Remus deadpans. “Will you be so benevolent and let a humble commoner like me enter your kingdom of greatness?”
The soldier with messy black hair and round spectacles stares at him from the balcony unimpressed.
“I traveled a thousand miles just to witness your magnificence,” Remus continues. “Please show me some mercy! My only family member is dying. And their last wish is to meet-”
“Remus?” Sirius appears on the balcony in his fluffy blue bathrobe. Remus could’ve sworn Sirius was drooling from the tiny white trail next to the corner of his mouth. “What are you doing here in front of the gate?”
“Your men won’t let me in.” Remus accuses.
“It’s my holy duty to guard the kingdom!” The messy-black-hair guard insists. “Thousands of people depend on me to have a good night's sleep! I am touched, honored, and beyond grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime- ”
Sirius swats the back of the guard’s head, “He’s my boyfriend, you idiot. Lower the bridge now.”
When Remus enters the castle, Sirius is grinning widely at him.
“So, your family member is dying to see me, huh?” He smirks.
Remus rolls his eyes.
“I was running out of things to say. Also,” He pulls his gift for Sirius- a small cactus- out of his jacket. “Our baby is indeed dying.”
(forgive me for the Lady Gaga cameo
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florenceuentin · 1 year
April 14: Climax- You are trying to kill me and inherit my jumpers
Word count: 330
“Sirius. Stop. This is too much. I can’t.” Remus growls with a mouthful of food. Besides him, Sirius is shoving scrambled eggs aggressively onto Remus’s plate. His entire body leans against the lanky boy while spooning rapidly from each stack on the table.
“Now, now, Remus. I am being a good boyfriend and feeding the love of my life.”
“No. You are trying to kill me with food and inherit my jumpers.”
“We need to get married first before I can inherit your stuff.” Sirius points out. He stops his aggressive spooning abruptly, “Umm, do you wanna get married, Moony?”
“What? No,” Remus shakes his head. “Noo.”
“Right, just checking.” Sirius nods, getting back to feeding Remus.
“No. Noo.”
“Right, good.”
They both fall silent.
“I mean, we are sixteen. It’s too early for marriage.” Remus feels the need to explain. He doesn’t want to offend Sirius.
“Yea, of course,” Sirius nods enthusiastically. “And it would be of such short notice. We won’t have time to book a place, notify your family, find the right suits, or choose the floral arrangement. Although I’m assuming you’d like orange and white tulips with daisies and wood anemones?”
Remus blinks at Sirius. Then he blinks again. “Yeah, that. Exactly that.”
Sirius smiles a soft smile at him. He looks almost shy for a second.
“You thought about it.” Remus pokes Sirius gently on the arm with one finger.
“It’s not exactly difficult to notice your favorite flowers,” Sirius replies, not looking up from his plate.
“No, I mean marrying me. You thought about it before.”
Sirius is quiet for a long moment before he admits, “Yea.”
“Me too.”
“Hmm?” Sirius finally looks at Remus.
“I thought about it, too.” Remus carefully moves his hand along Sirius’s silky shirt and covers the other boy’s hand with his palm. “Marrying you.”
“Good.” Sirius lets out a tiny breath he’s been holding and chuckles quietly.
“Good.” Remus grins.
And they lived happily ever after.
(so climax is like before they live happily ever after right?
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florenceuentin · 1 year
Kiss- Good morning kiss gone wrong
Remus is awakened by a heavy blow to his stomach. His eyes snap open. 
“Good morning, boyfriend.” The ball of messy black hair that hit his belly is now looking at him with a supposedly seductive look. It would work in any other context. But in all his morning irritation, Remus thinks Sirius looks constipated.
“Morning, my love,” Sirius tries again. 
Remus ignores him and yanks the blanket up to cover his eyes. He has one love in his life, only one, and that is sleep. Anyone standing between him and the love of his life is dead to him.
“Oh, don’t be shy, honey.” Sirius barks out a laugh. Remus groans. He is loud. He is so fucking loud. 
“I come bearing a gift.” Sirius leans in and whispers mysteriously.
Remus blinks his eyes under the blanket. Sometimes Sirius would bring him breakfast from the kitchen when he slept in. Then the two of them would share the food on his bed in the otherwise empty dorm room. Maybe Sirius is bringing him breakfast again. Remus thinks he smells blueberry muffins and chocolate milkshakes. 
He could say no to Sirius, but Remus Lupin is a man of principles. He would never say no to food. He slowly rolls his blanket down, adjusting to the brightness along the way. 
Before he could fully open his eyes, a loud wet kiss is smacked onto his cheek. When he says smacked, Remus is not exaggerating. His cheek hurts.
He looks up, the very offender who just violently assaulted his face is grinning down at him triumphantly. 
“You look exceptionally gorgeous today, love of my life,” Sirius sing-songs. He is sounding surprisingly sincere for someone looking so smug. 
“Breakfast,” Not bothered to play Sirius’ little game, Remus holds out his hand. 
“No kissing me good morning first?” 
“Oh come on, honey.”
“You are running out of vocabulary,” Remus deadpans.
Sirius barks out another laugh. 
“Then maybe you can teach me some,” he lowers his elbows to support himself, so his face is inches away from Remus. He leans in further and whispers against Remus’ ear, “What say you,” It tickles. Remus finds his whole body going limp and shivering under Sirius’s hot breath. He wants to push Sirius away but he also wants Sirius to get closer. A part of him, the part between his legs, really wants Sirius to get closer. “Professor Lupi- Ah!!”
Remus kicks Sirius out of his bed. Blue muffins and chocolate milkshakes fall to the ground.
“What the hell, Remus?!”
Remus quickly adjusts his blanket and shifts to his side to hide the suspicious bulge that’s rapidly looking up. He won’t apologize. Mum told him it is ok to defend himself when he feels threatened. And Remus felt so threatened. 
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