foggymindedwitch · 3 years
No reason to live is too small. 
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
This is an absolutely amazing reason to stay alive! Nature is so beautiful and we’re constantly finding new things. You haven’t seen that new animal that’s going to absolutely blow your mind yet. 
Reason to Live #5874
  Looking out your window and seeing wildlife! – Guest Submission
(Please don’t add negative comments to these posts.)
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
Take a moment to breathe and think before you answer them. Take this time to ask yourself a few questions. Remember there’s no shame in thinking before you answer, even if you’re being rushed to speak. Take your time. 
What am I going to gain from responding to this?
Weigh the positives and negatives of this conversation. Is responding going to make you happier in the long run or just in the moment? Or will this conversation just make things harder down the line? More often than not, an argument isn’t going to make you happier or make your life better. It’s just going to irritate you in the moment. 
Are they actually going to listen to what I have to say or will this just turn into an argument? 
If someone is genuinely looking for an answer or conversation, by all means, talk to them about it if you have the energy. A lot of time people will try and bait us into fights, however. Try to recognize if they’ll actually listen to you or if your words are going to fall on deaf ears. 
Does this conversation actually matter?
If it’s something that won’t matter in the long run, remind yourself of that. Brushing off the urge to argue with them will make you happier in the long run, remind yourself that the real win is saving yourself the time and energy of arguing with them. 
Asking yourself these can discourage you from starting a conflict and it also gives you time to breathe, making you more relaxed and less likely to respond. 
Any advice from my fellows with ADHD on avoiding stepping out of arguments resisting starting them and other impulsive social behavior? Especially when stressed/emotional? Also with how this intersects with social anxiety and spiraling. Like how do you stop that? A lot of the answers I’ve seen are more about how to deal with us not from an ADHD perspective. R
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
It absolutely is! Everyone struggles in different ways and you’re never alone. There’s no shame in needing help. 
It's okay NOT to be okauy
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
I’m really sorry you’re feeling that way! Lots of people struggle with feeling this way about school, myself included, so don’t feel like there’s something wrong with you because of this or that you’re alone in that emotion. 
There’s a saying that I really like and it’s about the rule of five.
If it won’t matter in five years then don’t spend more than five minutes thinking about it. I know that it’s easier said than done, but I think about that quote a lot when I’m stressing out about school. 
Just remember that when you’re getting a job, they aren’t going to call your schools and ask what grade you made in that class. Jobs care more about what you can bring to the table than the actual grades you received. 
School is such a short amount of time in your life, I promise you that things will get easier. Every day you finish is a day less that you have to do, it gets easier. I’m sure you’re doing a very excellent job and I think that it’s amazing that you’ve stuck it out so far! 
It's so funny how school and uni have traumatized me to the point where i have to remind myself constantly that life goes on and there are other things to live for whenever I'm so worried bc of uni that i plan my own death
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
This is very true. Stuffed animals are a comfort thing for lots of people, for lots of different reasons. You should never surround yourself with people who make you feel ashamed of something that brings you comfort. This doesn’t just go for dating either, it goes for anyone whose making you feel this way.
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
Your emotions don’t make you a bad person. 
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
Welcome all!
Hi there, thank you for finding my blog. I hope you rest here for a bit and enjoy your stay. 
My blog is for people who have mental health issues and are just doing there best. This blog is pro recovery and offers encouragement/positivity. 
If you have a specific thing you’d like affirmation about, please send me an ask! I’m always happy to reassure you that you’re okay and things will be alright. It doesn’t have to be a mental health issue either! I’m also really good at reaffirming things like gender. You want to hear how those names and pronouns sound for you? I can help with that. 
A bit about me! I am an adult guy and I’ve been formally diagnosed with a few things that made me want to create this blog. I’m a trauma survivor who has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, and borderline personality disorder. I don’t have any triggers and do my best to tag my posts the best I can, please let me know if something should be tagged. 
This blog is safe for people who are struggling with any mental illness, including ones that are stigmatized or vilified by society/media. 
I hope you have a wonderful day, whether you decide to hang around here or not. Make sure you’ve had some water today. 
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
Reasons to stay alive #1
You haven’t heard your favorite song again. 
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foggymindedwitch · 3 years
Song Recommendations #1
The Village by Wrabel 
Warnings: Themes of transphobia, talk of religion, conversation about not being accepted. 
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