((Finally on computer and motivated to change a few things to put this into official Hiatus.
I will be deleting my other Kirby rps blogs, and this blog will only be serving as a hub of sorts for me to like and follow from.
I will be mostly over on @conductor-peck-neck))
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Sorry, but I just am not feeling this blog anymore. I was excited for the event, but even threads related to it, and threads in general, feels like a chore now. It just isn't fun for me most of the time. I feel more stress and embarrassment for slow activity than I get fun out of this. So, this is my official hiatus notice. May answer asks and post art from time to time, but that's about it. If you still want to rp with me, I have non Kirby blogs I run. I also may still have muse for my other Kirby blogs too, dunno. Just shoot an ask or message for the other ones if you want. Sorry for dropping this suddenly. Especially in the middle of the event (if you are really curious about it, you guys can shoot questions about how it was supposed to go), it isn't fair to those few I had threads with.
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Cinnamon narrowed her eyes. So, even this supposed Queen hadn’t quite figured things out fully. Well, she was no stranger to offering solutions to tricky situations. A great mage’s mind should be sound and stable, capable of comprehending complex ideas and critical thinking. Their greatest strength should be their wit and intuition.
“I haven’t sensed any stirrings from the Sun Spirit in my world. Being born a sun elemental myself, and a summoner besides, I would’ve known.” Cinnamon informed.
“Well, why not work around those problems then?” She suggested. “I could possibly summon a spirit of knowledge. What if I summoned Amaterasu and had her heal this sickly person you mentioned?”
Her paw rests on the book she had been given. “Whatever the case, I’d really like it if our worlds weren’t destroyed by this Void character. You are bringing along others to come beat this thing down, right? You can never rely on miracles and magic alone!”
“A spirit of knowledge would be helpful - of all the magic we Halcandrans have, that type of magic is actually very uncommon. As for that Amaterasu... it is appreciated, but it would only minorly prolong the inevitable. You see, he feels for all Halcandrans. When something goes seriously wrong, he can feel it. He is a man of great wisdom, but suffers as a cost. Him living so long is actually a surprise.” She shakes her head as she thinks about it. “People in his position always have very shortened lifespans, unfortunately.”
“But, yes, we are bringing others. Meta Knight - ah, I suppose ‘Dark Meta Knight’ in your world- is working with us, and the Halcandran army is being trained for the worst. I have contemplated sending a request to Shadede, but he is in another universe altogether. But we do have an alliance with Popstar in this dimension, so they are preparing as well.”
There is a loud knock on the door, before it gets forced open by.... Ado. He is heaving, and Aoi is clinging to his hat for dear life. A guard pops up behind him.
“I tried to stop him-”
“I’m here to help with Patch!!”
Mara blinks, looking to Cinnamon, and back. “Come on in, Ado.” She waves a hand to excuse the guard. “I suppose we have another ally.”
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((I'm sure you guys have noticed my slowed activity on here, for lany reasons even during this event. I am beginning to... not be super comfortable with some individuals in the community, and it is draining my want to rp. So once this event is over, I'm gonna be focusing on different, non-kirby rp blogs. This blog will still be open for interactions, as well as my other kirby related blogs (namely @the-squeak-squad, @final-eclipse-magolor, and @were-only-but-a-concept), but won't be my major focus anymore. So, yeah.))
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((AAAAAHHHH I LOVE IT! Thank you so much!!!))
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((A look back on simpler times for @forgotten-galaxy-knight‘s Patcheteer. I’m not very good at drawing cloth, but it was certainly a lot of fun trying to recreate Patch’s outfit. Hope you like it!))
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As a feeling of fear fell across Halcandra, a lone knight was out and about, looking for something. A temple, specifically.
Meta was unsure why he had decided to come here. Patcheteer was still out and about, and he should be training with Mara’s army. But... he needed answers. This seemed like a place to start.
A feeling of familiarity envelops him as he enters. A familiar aura, energy, something. If he were in tune with his true self, he would notice that something about it was also very, very wrong. But he doesn’t. The gray knight can not sense the danger around him.
Usually he preferred to use this opportunity to just think aloud. It was a good way to sort through thoughts. But this time, he just looked over everything around him. The stained glass windows, the carvings and paintings on the wall and roof, pillars of the structure looking brand new despite the age of the building. And the alter in the middle, glinting in a rainbow of colors in the light. It was the brightest thing he had ever seen in his life.
He understood why Mara wanted this for the world. It was beautiful.
He goes to the alter, holding a hand out in front of it, seeing the colors bounce off the white glove. For a moment, he felt peaceful.
But it didn’t last.
In his distraction, he failed to notice the quiet sound of a portal opening. As such, he could not prepare himself. A dark tendril wrapped around him, and claws dug into his arms. He let out a pained gasp as something leaned forward, and whispered.
“Hello, old friend.”
Then, he is pulled through the portal. Gone.
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Komm her, bleib heir
Wir sind gut zu dir
Komm her, bleib heir
Wir sind Brüder dir
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“Woah, that’s messed up. I mean, you create a sentient spaceship and put them in a volcano because they created a little bit of trouble? I mean, if you were like, a danger to the planet or something, maybe I’d understand. But that just seems like overkill, and a waste of a really neat ship.” Ado seems actually upset about this - he is warming up to Lor fast.
“Not to mention just how long 28 thousand years must be.” Aoi says. “I have not existed for very long - imagining such a long time seems so difficult.”
“Yeah, that too. You said you’re considered modern but like, that’s ancient? The longest living creatures I have met are people like Meta, and he says they can live for maybe 5 thousand years. Which still seems like way too long. You’d get sick of life being so long, wouldn’t you?” Ado huffs. “Plus, it sounds lonely. I like to be alone but not for that long!”
@interdimensional-ship continued from here
Ado taps his chin. “Theme parks, huh?” He had never been to one before. “It sounds like he didn’t build you. But he must really like you if he builds thee parks based on some of your rooms! That, or you  have a secret hidden park in here that he steals all the ideas from.” Surprising he is comfortable enough to joke around like this… Or maybe he’s serious?
“Also, troublemakers are the most fun. We can easily get what we want!” Ado, there is a difference between being a troublemaker, and fighting people. “People might get irritated, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? That’s how you survive.” He nods in a self affirmation.
Aoi has so little experience that he doesn’t have much to say. He just nods and listens, logging everything he learns.
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“Void…?” Cinnamon shuddered. “That sounds… Dangerous, to say the least. Like a being made of the darkest magic around- Black Hole Magic, Moth called it.”
The mage listened to Mara carefully, her sapphire eyes watching her closely. She couldn’t detect any signs that she might be lying to her, or trying to trick her… Ugh. She was done with being tricked.
“Something about… Me? And my magic, you say?” Cinnamon held her face in thought. “Well… I’ve been told that I have a high aptitude for summoning. I can befriend most any spirit, and I got the hang of Diabolism really quick, while most people would find themselves being cursed or damned… Is that what they want? A strong summoner?”
In her paw, she holds an Opal cut in the shape of a butterfly. Her summoner’s stone was one of her first magic gems, and she had been putting it to good use ever since Moth gave it to her. Oh, Moth… She didn’t know what had happened to Cinnamon. She should really apologize to her for all the trouble she has caused if she can get out of this alive.
“…Okay. You’ve convinced me, I’ll do it. I’ll put forth my best magic to destroy this “Void” thing, even if it kills me!” Cinnamon says with conviction. “What do we need to do first?”
“Thank you, Cinnamon. You have my highest gratitude, and if things work out, the universe should share the sentiment.” Mare smiled, although it was a very sad one. Cinnamon accepting was a god send, but the fact all of this was to be thrown onto a child? She could only hope Patcheteer had been as desperate as they seemed...
“The first thing would be to look in the book and find out exactly what is needed to fight Void... we have only stories here of our gods protecting us from Void, but any specifics of how have been lost to time. And we have seen no signs of our own Spirit of the Moon coming to stop Lula. I imagine their Sun counterpart has made no moves in your dimension either. I imagine if you are excelled in summoning, it will play a big part in all of this.” She freezes, and seems to droop a tiny bit in posture. “But, translating that could took far too long if neither of us has anyone who could read it on sight. I am waiting for someone who may be able to, but he is old and stricken with a heavy burden. This trip alone could prove fatal...”
It seems she had not completely thought all this over in her haste. Signs of distress were showing a bit.
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For the time being, could this hub please get a promo? I’m currently setting two roleplay blogs (one splatoon and one kirby). I’d like some help, as I’m not certain how to exactly run a roleplay blog.
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Don't pay attention to the Pop Star citizens disappearing suddenly. And don't mind the shadow that seems to prowl the streets at night, watching. Everything is fine.
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In the Royal Lab on Halcandra, an individual is wrapped up in a blanket, sipping some coffee. A Dark Matter is beside them, resting.
“So... you had Lula- uhm. Pax. While possessed?” Inidium asks.
“Yes. It... was a bit strange, admittedly.” The Halcandran speaking ears lower. “I still loved her father despite the possession.” She looks to the Dark Matter laying beside her. “This little thing wasn’t all bad, aha.”
“I suppose not.” This whole thing was strange. Inidium has been helping for awhile now to separate Absentia and the Dark Matter. Never telling Luminald. Somehow... it had worked. It had extremely drained her, but it worked.
“I suppose it did lead to some consequences though, right?” Absentia shakes her head. “My poor Pax... she probably would have been better off not being born at all. Never having to face the risk she does now.” No one in the room is aware of just how true that statement is.
“Please, don’t say that. She... she was a wonderful daughter. Something went wrong that could have been avoided. Really.”
“I guess. Too late to think about that now, though.” Absentia shrugs. “Thank you, for finding her and raising her. And for helping me. I owe you my life.”
“No, no. I was glad to help, really.” Inidium smiles faintly. “I was making up for years of inaction on my own part anyways.”
“Ulisse? Inidium?”
Absentia perks up at the mention of her name- her true name. Oliver has entered the room quietly. “Yes, Oliver?”
“I... have just gotten some news from the Queen. Things are taking a turn for the worst with Patcheteer....”
Ulisse shrinks back a bit. This is not what you wanted to here so soon after gaining consciousness...
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Hewwo Patchy
A needle pierces the anon’s hand, dragging string through.
“If you are just going to bother me with nonsensical talk, I will find better use for you.”
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Hi Patcheteer hwat the heck’s happen
“Not much. Just... preparing!”
They sound very cheery! And their usual distorted voice sounds normal now. They also seem to have healed from all previous injures. Their ear is there, no cracks or scars to be seen. Even both eyes are fine!
They seem to be crying, though.
“Now shoo.” They are carrying a staff with a crescent moon on top, which they wave in a shooing motion. Hmm.
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Something is stirring.
It came last night.
The moon shone bright, down on a single creature who was falling apart.
The moon extended its hand.
“I can end this. I can save you.”
The broken creature looked up, tears in their eyes, and took the Moon’s hand.
“No one can end this now.”
Then the moon was gone.
In another world, someone was freed.
An explosion erupted underground.
Where there once sat one creature there was now two.
Mothers uniting.
There was a scream.
In an old home, from an old man.
A pain deep in his soul making him bellow.
Something is stirring.
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Begrudgingly, the Summoner sat down and listened to what Mara had to say. It seemed to take her a moment to process the contents of the Patcheteer’s note.
“,,,What? Annoying!?” Cinnamon snapped. Really paying attention to the important parts, indeed. “That little- And they want me to kill them, too! They have the nerve to try and tell me what to do with some magic book they dropped on me, right after I just got done being possessed by one!”
She growled angrily, looking around before meeting Mara’s eyes. “I can’t believe them… Grr… But you said there’s more to that letter, hm? What else do they want?”
She murmurs under her breath again. “I swear, if they were spying on me-!”
“What they want is... difficult to understand. A lot of this was actually written in the tongue of the first Halcandrans, something which is extremely difficult to translate.Also the same language of the book they gave you. Not to mention the original letter was... messy. This version is the translation, and even then...” She shakes her head. “The fact they know this language at all is a horrible sign.”
She rises from her seat, and floats back in forth in a motion that i meant to be pacing. “They want death. Theirs. Everyone’s.” She waves her two top hands in a sweeping motion, like she was opening them up to the world. “They have dabbled in dark magic, and in the process, unlocked a very, very dangerous being that we refer to as Void. It is the essence of nothing, that wishes to devour everything. Nothing, wanting everything. Patcheteer has discovered the signs and somehow managed to stay conscious enough to not only find out what it is, but to warn us, and prepare us.”
Mara stops, and looks to Cinnamon. There is a very distressed look in her eyes. “Cinnamon, Patcheteer- no. Lula. That’s her name. Lula is undeniabley a cruel creature, who needs to be punished for her actions. She almost threw us into war. That, attempted and successful murder, and a slew of other things... actions are enough to call for the death penalty. But despite all of that, she is still trying to save us. I already failed in saving her like I had promised her mothers. Now she has to die to save our planet- our universe. If she thought you were the right one for the job, there is a reason. Something about you, and the magic you possess. ”
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((Local mun disappears mid event and has NO IDEA WHAT’S GOING ON))
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