forrestfanstheflames · 2 months
I’m not saying you have to write an entire legal defence for every opinion you hold that some random asshole on the internet decides to question, but if some random asshole on the internet questioning your opinion makes you say “well maybe I shouldn’t have opinions then!!” rather than either causing you to reflect on why you believe what you believe or strengthening your belief bc they’re obviously in the wrong, maybe you need to have some better opinions
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If you don’t pass as anything other than your agab, it is not gender-nonconforming to dress in clothing typically worn by people who are your assigned gender. A pre-t pre-op trans man with breasts in a dress just looks like a woman. A pre-E trans woman in a suit just looks like a man.
Nonbinary people can and should present however they want to, but if you get gender euphoria from wearing the clothes you’ve been expected to wear since birth and have not altered your appearance in any other way, you may want to reconsider your gender
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The concept of fag4dyke is inherently homophobic. A gay man and a lesbian who are dating are either being disrespectful of each other’s gender or misunderstanding those terms.
A woman who wants to date men cannot be a lesbian, and a man who wants to date women cannot be gay
People who are attracted to multiple genders are welcome to use the term gay to describe themselves, but you are not “a gay man” if you’re bi, you’re a bi man
People who are attracted to multiple genders are welcome to reclaim the terms fag and dyke, but if you are a “fag” who exclusively wants to date “dykes”, you are a straight man. If you are a “dyke” who exclusively wants to date “fags”, you are a straight woman. Straight people do not have a right to reclaim those terms, or to use them to describe themselves, even if they are transgender.
If you are a transgender man who exclusively wants to date women and nonbinary people who are not men: you are a straight man. You’re queer, but not gay. Not a fag. A straight man.
If you are a transgender woman who exclusively wants to date men and nonbinary people who are not women: you are a straight woman. You’re queer, but not a lesbian. Not a dyke. A straight woman.
If you’re a nonbinary person who aligns themself with maleness and does not identify as a woman: you are not a lesbian, and lesbians cannot be attracted to you without misgendering you, because lesbians are women who are exclusively attracted to women by definition.
If you’re a nonbinary person who aligns themself with femaleness and does not identify as a man: you are not a gay man and gay men cannot be attracted to you without misgendering you, because gay men are men who are exclusively attracted to men by definition.
Words have meanings. Sexuality and gender identity do not have to be rigid, but we cannot ignore the meaning of words to suit ourselves. If you find the you ARE attracted to a person of the “opposite” gender, that’s great!! Enjoy it!!! But you need to reconsider your sexuality if so, PARTICULARLY if that person is transgender.
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