forst-some-guy · 21 days
watson you literally shoved your hand up a goose’s ass. you’re fine
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forst-some-guy · 22 days
I've just caught up listening to Sherlock & Co for the first time and it means so so much to me, seeing someone who acts and thinks like me and isn’t made fun of (Sherlock) is so so refreshing I love this podcast it makes me want to scream /pos thank you to BBC Sherlock Tumblr for introducing it to me
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forst-some-guy · 23 days
i swear it’s some of the best autistic rep i’ve ever seen
i like sherlock and co's sherlock because he feels like, y'know, an actual human being who's just real fuckin weird as opposed to a super computer like bbc's sherlock. i still love bbc sherlock but i like how sherlock's neurodivergent traits are like genuinely relatable (sensory overload, info dumping, overexplaining) in sherlock and co rather than it just making him an untouchable genius
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
this is the most diabolical thing i have ever seen
So while I was looking for something to add onto my wish list, I came across this:
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Yes, they are in fact, Sun Wukong boxer briefs.
Yes, I did in fact, draw him in them:
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I'm afraid I have nothing else to say for myself except for the fact that @ghostly-creator was an active accomplice in this.
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
Xiangliu and the Allegory of the Cave
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Can we talk about how the Nine Headed Demon’s story is a direct use of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave!? Like aaaaughhh. I believe the show references this but not in the English version.
The Allegory of the Cave goes as follows (obviously simplified for time): Several prisoners are chained in a cave, facing the shadows and away from the sun. They think the shadows are all that exist. One of them gets away and sees the sun. He returns to the cave to free the others, but they kill him.
Like, I think it’s SO COOL to use the allegory of the cave as a backstory for a villain.
Xiang Liu is such a fascinating character, and my favorite villain so far.
(oh also, yes, his story is also very Pandora’s box. I love mythology aaaahhgh)
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
Finished the first chapter of Held in Contempt, a sortof-sequel to Looking for You.
It’s great time to be reading JTTW— I’ve developed some strong opinions on the Diyu’s court system which will all be revealed in due time.
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
literally just kill me
I think one of my favourite things about shadowpeach is macaque learning to love wukong in a healthy way
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In the past he was obviously super dependent on wukong even when he had his own opinions and ideas he just didn't voice them and let wukong do all the planing for their future
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He act like wukong never saw him as an equal when the truth is he never saw himself as an equal to wukong reffing to himself as the moon and wukong the sun and the moon can't shine without the sun he unintentionally put himself lower then wukong being his shadow no one else put him there
So when mk said "be a warrior" he took it by heart and chose to help because mk told him to be someone outside wukong his identity doesn't have to revolve around wukong
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That's why he told mk to make his own choices because it's something he struggled with for a really long time bc he made all his life choices revolve around wukong even when he was his enemy
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And realising that he still wants wukong to a part of his life but not being as dependent on him anymore and separate himself from wukong and maybe even let wukong depend on him from time to time
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
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hit me up on artfight!
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
Coming soon...
“Mac, just calm down–”
“Calm? Don’t you dare tell me to be calm! You have no idea what’s at stake.”
“Is it– oh, I don’t know, the end of the world?”
“The world isn’t going to end, you idiot. The end of the world is practically an annual event at this point. This is no different. You guys will find a way to fix the pillar in some random, fate-defying stroke of luck, then everything will go back to normal. I’m just not willing to let my normal be me stuck in literal hell until some bureaucrat decides I’ve suffered enough.”
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
i love how obvious Tripitaka's care for Wukong is in his posture
hunting dog
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
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WHAT IF when both monkeys got possessed at the same time by LBD???
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
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Lol (still not done but I wanna post it so bad cuz im a bit proud of this)
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
literally crying
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i am very normal about them :)
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
how are we feeling about season five monkey people??
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forst-some-guy · 4 months
just in time for my replay
A 2017 classic updated for the new game.
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forst-some-guy · 8 months
Okay, normally, I don't do this kind of thing, but I can not get it out of my head.
Carmilla said the best thing to kill an angel with is to fight for what you love. To fight for something you believe in. And that's what the whole gang does.
Charlie fights for her dream
Vaggie fights for Charlie
Angel and Husk fight for their friends
Lucifer fights for his daughter
Sir Pentious DIED for love and friendship
Guess who doesn't win in their fight?
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Alastor can not comprehend dying for friends of all things. He was fighting for power he was fighting for freedom, and he lost his fight.
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forst-some-guy · 9 months
personally i think they’d start crying the first time they kiss again after everything
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