fort-stuck · 1 year
gonna be a longer hiatus than i thought. id prefer to not be associated with the homestuck fandom right now due to mental health. weirdly hs is really difficult to think about rn. hopefully i'll return to the comic one day; i have a lot of ideas!
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fort-stuck · 1 year
NEW UPDATE! read it here:
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fort-stuck · 1 year
FORTSTUCK'S NEW HOME! Updates will be releasing here, with the announcements posted to tumblr! Requests will also continue to be accepted!!
So, now... Fortstuck is coming back! Updates as usual. With a slightly different art style from time to time. I've been honing my pixel art skills.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
FORTSTUCK'S NEW HOME! Updates will be releasing here, with the announcements posted to tumblr! Requests will also continue to be accepted!!
So, now... Fortstuck is coming back! Updates as usual. With a slightly different art style from time to time. I've been honing my pixel art skills.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
Working on moving platforms to a website!
HTML is a pain in the ass… keep your eyes glued to your screens! Fortstuck will be right back.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
Your MAIDEN explains the state of your dream world. A stalemate. The ninety-ninth tie. The war has been raging on for hundreds of years. A war between two KINGS, over a tiny scrap of a planet.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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You usher her to the TABLE. She has something important to tell you.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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You greet her. Your long-time partner. The lady of your dreams.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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It looks like you have a visitor. Perhaps you should go and greet her.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
Pick up Ap-Sap.
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Finally. Peace at last.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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SPIYEE: Ap-Sap. ◄ AP-SAP: I have a name, y’know. You don’t have to take such a formality, we’re friends, aren’t we? Yeah, good mates. You and me, best mates. Partners in crime. Partners for life. Pa- SPIYEE: I’m not using that ridiculous name you picked for yourself, you insufferable scrap of metal. ◄ SPIYEE: Use that chatterbox technology of yours and tell me why I’m on Prospit all of a sudden! ◄ AP-SAP: Right, right. Calculating, beep beep beep. That better? You want to trade my inquisitive heart and charming wit for a soulless machine you can just throw around and tell what to do? For shame, Spiyee. SPIYEE: I would love nothing more. Do you have an answer? ◄ AP-SAP: Only the best for my partner. AP-SAP: Seems you got a bit of that Administrator touch! Reeeeowrrr! SPIYEE: The Administrator? ◄ AP-SAP: Yeah, yeah! Definitely some sleep magic happening there. SPIYEE: Hmm. You know, I always wondered how you have a dream self. Do you possess the same sentience as I? ◄ AP-SAP: Oh, what? No, no no no. You didn’t know? I’m a totally different guy to the one back on your planet. We just both happen to have the same names. And functions. Personalities are identical, too. SPIYEE: Interesting. ◄ SPIYEE: You are equally as annoying. ◄ AP-SAP: Ouch.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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Your world gets brighter.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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Your world goes dark.
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fort-stuck · 1 year
homestuck day is more important i think. happy jane crocker birthday she wouldnt have it any other way
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fort-stuck · 1 year
happy 413 everyone! keep your eyes peeled, new updates coming soon!!
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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redemptiveBluestocking [RB] began trolling recreantEnigma [RE] RB: Spiyee? RB: Spiiiiiyyyyyyyeeee. RE: Oui? What is so important that you must interrupt my time alone?! ◄ RB: Pshhh, you’r re always alone. B but not for long! Me and The Administr rator r have a job b for you! RE: The Administrator herself? What would a midblood such as yourself have in the way of connections to The Administrator? ◄ RB: Ha, ha, ver ry funny, Spy. R right, so, I’m sending you a file. Soon enough, you’r re gonna play a game with a few people. RE: And how many people am I to play this ‘game’ with? ◄ RB: Eight other rs, if my calculations ar re cor r r rect. RE: I’d be a fool to believe any of this, woman. ◄ RB: Oh, you’ll b believe me soon. You’r re going to play the game whether you want to or not, Admin's or rder rs. RB: Sleep well, Spiyee. redemptiveBluestocking [RB] ceased trolling recreantEnigma [RE]
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fort-stuck · 1 year
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One of the hundreds of expensive gadgets at your disposal, the small COMPUTER implanted in your eye, alerts you. You have a message.
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