Michael’s face while the other guys are talking about Luke’s body
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okay so apparently during the toronto show, ashton kept screaming “LOUDER, FUCKING LOUDER” and if that doesn’t tell you that Ashton is a FREAK then i don’t know what else to tell you
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Concept: he shoves his fingers deeper inside while saying how much he wants you.
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You ever just wanna fuck someone so rough but love them so softly
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How could any woman not want to be with you and make you happy every single day?
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can someone do that prank on 5sos that they did to 1d when an interviewer pretended to be giving birth and they had to help her imagine luke screaming and covering his eyes while he holds her hand because he doesnt want to see it come out but still wants to help and ashton holding her other hand and crying while he breathes with her and michael swearing profusely and running around trying to do something and calum just standing in the corner mouthing what the fuck
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A: “Take it to the bridge!” M: “That’s the fucking pre-chorus!”
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So apparently ashton has a button near his drum and whever he presses it it will make the “hey” sound. During this show muke told ashton to press that button and then they kept laughing (credit to the owner) // daph
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I’m so proud of Ashton and Michael for opening up about their struggles and letting us know we aren’t alone.
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God i love him so much i love him so so so so much
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I'm dead
Well okay….
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luke: he could destroy you, but he wouldn’t. ashton: he protect. he attack.
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Too young to notice, Too dumb to care.
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You promise to stay in touch with people, but it doesn’t work out. It never does. And you forget about what the friendship used to be like, why you liked that person. And I hated it.
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