Gerard Way x Reader Brother!Frank Iero x Reader
Unable to fabricate an excuse strong enough to avoid a social event her brother hoped she’d attend with him and a couple of friends, Y/N finds herself at the Danger Days: The true lives of the fabulous killjoys album release party. Besides, she hadn’t properly seen him or the boys in months while they worked on their album day in and day out, plus she owed it to Frank to show her support. Truth is she missed the MyChem boys, but would the event be too eventful for her when she’s caught in an awkward situation featuring an ex and an interest.
Word count: 2,002
“The album is art, y/n! Like, comic art.” Was the response you got for asking Frank why his band was hosting their album release party in a small art gallery. There was some logic behind it, you’d give him that, but you also knew that his answer was complete bullshit; most likely something Gerard had told him to say if anyone raised any questions.
It was a fairly large space, the gallery, but it was cut into sections by unfinished walls that you could quickly disappear behind. That might come in handy. You was sure that some point this evening you’d perform your infamous disappearing act, and so in a way it seemed as though this space was set up to accommodate that.
The music was loud and the lights were dim casting shadows around the walls and floor, wearing a black dress would only aid you to slink into the shadows later on. You didn’t really know anyone here part from Frank, Gerard, Mikey and Ray, whose faces were plastered on the walls in their killjoy posters. Danger Days really did seem like a work of art when you thought about it, the boys were the characters of a post-apocalyptic fantasy world contrasted by black and white and colour. Their aliases, their costumes, the settings and the alternate reality it all lived in was a moving comic spawned from the brilliant brain of Gerard Way.
You had been abandoned almost the minute you’d arrived, by your own brother nonetheless, left to fend for yourself in the cluster of dancing bodies, blaring music, and dark lights interrupted by strobes. There were tables situated at different points throughout the venue, acting as check points for a rest or a refuel of an alcoholic beverage. There was one table in particular that caught your fancy, the only reason being that Gerard stood before it collecting a drink, his back to the party surrounding him. This table was larger and held more drinks than the others did.
A few steps forward from the entrance and you were stood by the man with the vivid red hair.
“What’s your Party Poison?” You asked, a quick smirk quirking one side of your lips, amused by your own joke. He turned a bit startled, his eyes seemed slightly panicked but the look removed itself from his face when he recognised you.
“That question would be better suited for Fun Ghoul over there.” His head jerked slightly to a direction behind him where you could easily see your brother having a good time, chatting to a few friends that you didn’t recognise. He was bopping along to the pop-punk song playing through the speakers, clearly not in time to the beat, his footing was off but his smile was there lighting up his face. You chuckled for a moment, he was good for now.
“How many drinks has he had? You guys just got here.” Gerard’s voice pulled you back, your focus on him, the background blurring out around him.
“He had a couple before we got here.” You shrugged your shoulders on one side, crossing your arms in front of you. A smile still played at your lips, it was more humorous than anything else when it came to Frank and drinking, so you’d never minded looking after him at the end of the night.
“You never answered my question Gee.” He quirked his head to the side with an inquisitive smile “What’s your Party Poison, Party Poison?”
“Funny.” With a little chuckle and a shake of his head, the aftermath of which was a face full of red hair, he replied with “Ah, non-alcoholic.” He raised the beer bottle in his hand, tipping it forward towards you slightly before taking a sip.
“That’s smart.” Your hand reached up instinctively to brush his hair away and out of his face, tucking it gently behind his ear, your fingers lightly grazed over his cheek. His eyes were intense as they bore into you for a moment, it was like he was studying your face, which he had done before when using you as inspiration for his drawings, but this was different.
“Are you trying to seduce me, y/n?” His voice was soft but cheeky and full of confidence. He never faltered.
You still hadn’t moved your hand away. “That depends... is it working?” His grin was all the reassurance you needed. You knew saying what you had was risky, even for your relationship, still you weren’t purposefully trying to seduce him. It was more of a reflex.
“I would say-”
You hadn’t managed to focus on the rest of what Gee was trying to say to you because your eyes landed on the literal last person you wanted to see, and he had the upper hand; he’d seen you first. By the time you’d even trained your eyes on him he was already on his way over, stalking though the crowds of people, watching you.
You snapped your head back to Gerard, your hand falling from his face. You’d just noticed that his hands were on your shoulders and he was shaking you ever so lightly.
“Are you okay, y/n?”
“My ex is coming over here right now!” You knew your eyes were wide and your face was clearly displaying your panic but you really didn’t mind as it had instantly conveyed the message to Gerard who quick as anything glanced between you and the guy approaching you before gripping your hand tight and whisking you away through the crowd, the opposite way to your ex.
Before you knew it you were through the hoard of people and ducked behind one of the separating walls. You’d slammed your backs against the walls once you’d made it to safety, it was quieter here. You snuck a peak at Gerard who was already looking back you, the look you shared in that moment sent you into a small bout of giggles and snickers. You could only imagine y/ex/n as he lost sight of you through the other guests. The mere thought made you laugh more, and in turn so did Gerard. His laughter was spellbinding and inviting, you don’t think you’d ever heard a voice so blissful and comforting until you’d met Gee.
“So That was your ex, huh?” He’d turned his whole body to you now, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing a loose tank top you’d seen a hundred times before, but how could it ever get old when it revealed a fair amount of skin down each side of his torso, you wished he’d wear it more. You nodded slowly, pivoting your body to face his.
“He didn’t seem like much” You almost snorted at that.
“He isn’t” Gee raised his eyebrow inquisitively, so you added “Bit of a dick, really. No one believed me all that much when it ended and I told them what he was really like. I think they get it now”
“What was he really like? And why have I never heard about any of this?” He looked concerned, he didn’t need to be. Nothing too bad had ever happened.
“The damage was psychological not physical, Gee, don’t worry. It was only a few months and you’ve been so busy with work, it just didn’t seem right to bother you with any of it.” You threw in a little chuckle for good measure, just to put him at ease. You realised the way you’d worded it made it seem worse than it was.
“That can be sometimes be nearly as bad as physical, y/n/n.” He was leaning in now, you were already close before but you could feel his breath ghosting over your skin, spreading warm tingles throughout your body. His arm lifted to rest on yours reassuringly. You didn’t need the reassurance but you weren’t going to turn your nose up at an opportunity of physical contact with him.
You couldn’t look away from his eyes, they were pleading for you to tell him more. “I’m over it Gee, it’s just, he would lie all the time even about stupid things that didn’t matter, you know? And there were these incidents that just, I don’t know if they were technically cheating or not... But I promise you, I’m over it”
“Y/n... I need you to know that you can come to me about anything, okay? I don’t care if I’m busy, or working of even out of the country! I’m here no matter what” He didn’t quite seem satisfied with your answer, like he didn’t trust you were really okay, which you were but the reassurance was nice and you appreciated it anyway, especially because it was coming from him.
“And to think, i used to believe you were the bad guy.” His worried look snapped right from his face to be replaced with one of confusion, then amusement. He smirked a bit regaining his posture, his face now even closer to yours as he shuffled forward slightly.
“And what gave you that impression?” The mischievous glint in his eyes and the giant smirk were too exaggerated, so much so that his smirk was more of a grin. He was really enjoying this, the idea of being the bad boy, which only proved further that he was anything but that. He was too sweet, but he wanted to play, so you’d play.
“Maybe the black hair, or the black clothes. It could’ve been the eyeliner or the punk band that did it, or maybe a mixture of all of those things”
“So you’re saying I don’t look like the bad guy anymore?” His smirk would not go away.
“I’m saying you don’t act like it. But by all means-” Oh no. He was back, rounding a corner before his eyes landed on yours. Why couldn’t y/ex/n just piss off already. Was it too awkward to break eye contact? He’d definitely seen you. You tore your gaze away as quick as you could, albeit a bit harshly, to speak to Gerard again.
“Quick! Kiss me!”
“Uh, bite me” His voice was light as he chuckled, he thought you was joking, was the panic in your voice not evident enough? Do you just kiss him? No, that’s wrong, but you’re running out of time.
“Later, but first, kiss me. My ex is behind you, he’s-” your voice was quickly muffled and cut off but you didn’t mind one single bit because his lips were so soft on yours and held an underlying ferocity, it’s obvious you’d both been wanting this but neither of you would ever admit that to the other. Not yet anyway, not under these circumstances. His hands held onto your face tight and you knew that your cheeks were squishing under his palms. You hadn’t even had time to take a breath before his lips collided with you so you were quick to run out of oxygen. You pulled away a lot sooner than you would’ve liked.
Now, though, you had a nice view of his face up close, his red cheeks, perplexed look as if he had done something he shouldn’t‘ve. You assumed he was thinking about how Frank would react to him kissing his younger sister. Probably not well.
“You really wanted to shut me up that bad?” All worry Vanished with that one rhetorical question as he smiled and scoffed at you.
“No, I could listen to you talk all day. Your ex on the other hand, I desperately wanted to piss off.” Which worked because your ex was no long anywhere you could see him. You barely noticed though because Gerard’s hands were still resting on your face, but much lighter now as one of his thumbs stroked across your cheek. He was smirking again, you swore that it was his default expression and gently shook your head to yourself.
“Forget him. Do that again”
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