fsbs-lawrenceville · 10 months
What Bathroom Materials Are Available for You During a Renovation?
Starting a bathroom renovation? 
Have you weighed all the different options available to you for materials? 
The process can be overwhelming and we understand that. It’s why we’ve taken the time to scrutinize the most commonly used materials in bathroom renovations and walk through the pros and cons with you. 
The more knowledge you carry, the better your bathroom will be for you in the end. Whether that’s with Five Star Bath Solutions or not, we aim to help you create your perfect dream bathroom. 
Tile: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Tile became popular because of its attractive aesthetic. 
It can be arranged in beautiful designs, it appeared easy to clean, and it was one of the most water-resistant materials available when modern bathrooms first rose in popularity. 
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Wear and Tear
While tile is seen as a durable option, if it isn’t glazed properly, it can easily sustain damage. 
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Some tile is also susceptible to crazing, a spider web-like cracked appearance over the surface of the tile. Certain glazes are more susceptible to crazing than others, and it can decrease value and aesthetics. 
Other glazes may show pitting—when small air bubbles in the glaze allow water to seep in and cause distortions in the appearance of the tile. Glazes are also vulnerable to erosion by harsh, abrasive cleaners, which not only damage the glaze but can also compromise the tile underneath.
Additionally, if a hard object is dropped on tile, it can chip and break. Replacing a single damaged or chipped tile usually requires removing a portion of the floor or wall around it and can cost upward of $500.
Maintaining Cleanliness
Builders originally chose tile as the material of choice for bathrooms because it was easy to wipe clean. However, our understanding of cleanliness has now evolved from a simple lack of visual dirt and grime. 
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Because tile isn’t antimicrobial, it’s important to deep-clean it frequently—but abrasive chemical cleaners can damage and eat away the glaze. 
Finding the balance needed for good cleanliness and preserving the tile’s appearance shouldn’t have to be difficult, but it is. 
Water can also sneak under tile and into grout unseen through the porous surfaces, creating a perfect environment for mold. Over time, mold can cause health issues like watery eyes, runny nose, difficulty breathing, headache, and fatigue. 
The more often someone is exposed to mold, the more pronounced the reaction can become. 
Children are particularly vulnerable to negative reactions, due to their immature immune systems. Young children, infants, and those with preexisting conditions like asthma are especially susceptible to developing hemorrhagic pneumonia due to prolonged exposure to mold in the home.
All of this makes tile deceptively difficult to clean thoroughly, and grout should be scrubbed monthly to maintain its appearance. 
When you add resealing the grout every 6-12 months on top of this rigorous cleaning schedule, maintaining the tile in your bathroom becomes a significant time commitment. 
However, failing to care for tile properly can lead to dangerous health consequences.
Natural Stone: A Heavy Expense
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Stone has come into fashion as a bathroom material due to its aesthetic qualities. 
While it has been popular for vanity countertops for many years, it is now becoming more common to use stone in the shower as well. 
Even though natural stone makes for a striking bathroom, the price can be prohibitive, and it can also be prone to moisture damage. 
Lack of Affordability
Natural stone is the most expensive material for a bathroom. It is typically sold in slabs, so there may be seams that break up the look as well. A stone walk-in shower renovation can easily cost $3000–$7000 depending on the materials chosen.
High Maintenance
Stone also requires significant maintenance. It is susceptible to the same drawbacks as tile, with varying levels of porosity depending on the stone. 
If the grout is not installed correctly, stone can:
Harbor microbes
Build up moisture
Grow mold
Bringing all the health concerns of tile. 
Stone is easily damaged as well, and homeowners need to be careful with abrasive cleaners. 
It’s recommended to reseal stone yearly to keep water from soaking into the stone and the grout. Some stone also needs to be polished every 3-5 years to keep it appearing at its best. 
While natural stone is beautiful, it comes at the expense of money and time to maintain its appearance.
Fiberglass: Light on the Wallet and Longevity
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Fiberglass began to be used in showers in the 1960s and 70s as a cheaper alternative to tile, typically running between $300 and $1000. While fiberglass certainly appeals more in price and ease of installation, the aesthetic is widely considered to be a basic option.
An Inexpensive, Customizable Material
Fiberglass appeals to many homeowners due to its relative affordability and the wide range of color and design options available. 
Fiberglass inserts are made of polyester resin mixed with woven glass fibers, which is then poured into a mold that can be installed as a single unit. After installation, the material is sprayed with a gel coating to preserve the design and integrity. 
Due to the synthetic nature of the materials, it’s easy to change the colors and designs to fit the desired aesthetic of the home. 
Easily Damaged and Short-lived
However, fiberglass does not have a long lifespan compared to other bathroom materials.
Fiberglass tubs and showers typically last 10-15 years, while hardier products can last decades longer—including the material used by Five Star Bath Solutions. 
With fiberglass and its short-lived lifespan, the floor is prone to warping and cracking. 
Harsh cleaning chemicals can cause erosion and fading of the fiberglass, and no matter where it’s installed it is easily scratched and damaged. 
Fiberglass can be patched to try and extend its lifespan, but even with repairs, it will need to be replaced eventually. 
If fiberglass isn’t installed properly, it is also prone to leaks and water damage around the drain. 
Acrylic: Not Meant to Last Forever 
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Acrylic is a similar material to fiberglass in that it’s made of a synthetic plastic polymer, which is then reinforced with glass fibers and resin (in essence, it is reinforced with fiberglass). 
Acrylic is more affordable than stone or tile, but slightly more expensive than fiberglass. 
It is more malleable than fiberglass, and thus can be designed with many different shapes and colors. 
Stronger than Fiberglass But Weaker than Tile or Stone
In comparison to fiberglass, acrylic is less prone to scratching and fading. Acrylic is less easily damaged by abrasive cleaners than fiberglass, and it tends to last longer and require fewer repairs. 
However, it is still sensitive to some cleaners and scratches and fades more easily than tile or stone. 
Requires Eventual Replacement
Because acrylic is a lightweight material, it is relatively easy to install and replace compared to materials like tile and stone—but even though it lasts longer than fiberglass, it will still need to be replaced at some point. 
Because of acrylic’s light weight and durability, it is sometimes simply placed over existing showers and bathtubs without demolishing the structure under it.
While acrylic holds up better than fiberglass and avoids many of the pitfalls of tile and stone, it still requires replacement after 10 to 25 years. 
New Technology Has Led to Newer, Better Materials from Five Star Bath Solutions
As evidenced by the limited options available for bathroom construction, we need to make a change. 
Over the decades, there have been many innovations in homebuilding technology, but bathrooms seem to be lagging behind. 
The main options available over 50 years ago—tile and fiberglass—are still the main options available today. The only difference is that the craftsmanship and technical quality of installation have declined.
It’s time for a change.
An Innovation For Your Modern Bathroom
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All the Benefits with None of the Drawbacks
The idea for our unique material was born in 2004 with the aim of creating a product that looked like stone but didn’t struggle with any of the drawbacks:
High price tag
Rigorous maintenance
Heavy care schedule
Health hazards of potential microbe and mold growth
By using a specialized digital printing press, the original product was created. In the years since, it has been honed and perfected. 
The material is a composite, multi-layered panel that checks all of the boxes for a safe, attractive alternative to tile in the bathroom:
Microbe and mold resistant
Easy to maintain
Doesn’t chip or fade
Is aesthetically attractive 
By sampling real stone, our different colors and designs are a high-resolution copy of stones like granite, travertine, and marble. This means you get the look of high-end stone, with none of the weaknesses.
Call us today at (470) 300-3585 or visit our website fivestarbathsolutions.com to schedule a free design consultation. During which, you’ll be able to see our new material firsthand and discover the benefits for yourself.
Don’t wait any longer, you have nothing to lose!
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fsbs-lawrenceville · 1 year
Is Your Bathroom Stuck in the Past?
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Quantity over Quality—Higher Demand for Construction Led to a Decrease in Craftsmanship
After World War II, the government subsidized many mortgages with programs like the G.I. Bill. For the first time, homeownership was a possibility for many. Before long, over half of Americans were homeowners. 
With all that development came the need to build faster than ever to meet the growing demand. The real estate bubble drove builders to experiment with faster, cheaper methods of production. So, rather than innovating, craftsmanship decreased in favor of efficiency and lower costs.
As a result, nearly 75 years after the bathroom became standard in single-family homes, our bathrooms still look much the same as those built in the 1950s. 
Innovations Were Made for Bathrooms to Become Quick and Cheap, not Durable
You might expect that methods, materials, and durability would have changed for the better, but that’s not the case. The demand for quicker construction has led to continually decreased quality. 
This dip in quality is the result of the mounting pressure on builders to build faster and cheaper. The greater the demand for new homes became, the more contractors and remodelers cut corners to save time. Especially in the bathroom area.
As an example, tile used to be laid in 2 inches of cement, and builders took their time making sure it was well sealed. However, it was labor intensive. 
So, when builders needed to keep up with demand, they began using less and less cement. And then, as pressure mounted, this standard decreased to 1 inch and then half an inch. 
Eventually, tiles were simply glued to a moisture-resistant backing board that didn’t do nearly as well at keeping out moisture. With each “innovation” to save time, quality went down. This has led to the sad state of our “modern” bathrooms…
A Bathroom Evolution Is Necessary
We essentially have the same bathrooms as our grandparents (of course, with a shiny new coat of paint)—but they don’t last as long as they did for Grandpa and Grandma because the materials have declined in quality. 
In the 1950s, a shower would last for 30-40 years. Now, it might only last for 5-10 years before requiring an update to keep it working well. 
Wondering why that is? It all comes down to the materials we use and the technologies at the very foundation of how we build our bathrooms. 
If we want our homes to last, we need to reevaluate the way we plan and build them.
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Modern Materials and New Technology from Five Star Bath Solutions
Over the last 50 years, we’ve seen a wide variety of innovation in other areas of home construction where materials have become more advanced and durable. For example: 
Composites are now more commonly used for decking than wood because they are more durable and require less maintenance. 
Kitchen appliances are constantly updated. Ovens have switched from burning coal to using gas and electricity. Refrigerators have evolved from simple ice boxes to sophisticated appliances that can also make ice and filter water. 
Other small appliances like toasters, slow cookers, coffee makers, stand mixers, and more, are continually being invented and updated to serve home cooks. 
Metal roofing has developed as an alternative to asphalt shingles. It requires less maintenance, holds up better in extreme weather, and may save energy. A metal roof’s life expectancy is also significantly higher than shingles, lasting 40-70+ years versus only 15-20 for shingles. 
Clearly, we’re capable of innovation. 
People are driven to constantly improve and progress. 
Why wouldn’t developers find a way to create top-of-the-line bathroom materials available at an affordable price? 
The great news is that we have!
A Bathroom Material that Finally Checks All the Boxes
This advance in bathroom materials has been a long time coming—our bathrooms can finally catch up with the rest of our home. The next great innovation for bathroom construction and renovation is here at Five Star Bath Solutions. Our composite panels check all the boxes:
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It looks like stone but is significantly less expensive. (A shower with natural stone walls can cost up to $7000!) 
Five Star Bath Solutions has a lifetime warranty. We’re so confident in our product that all labor, parts, and materials are covered for life. It’s a no-questions-asked, 100% covered warranty serviced by your local installer. 
Safe and hygienic:
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With a unique composite construction, our panels are naturally resistant to mold and mildew. 
The panels are naturally waterproof and are installed with our waterproof backer board as well—there’s no concern that water will leak in and cause problems beneath the surface. 
It is easy to keep your shower or tub clean with nonabrasive cleaners, so there’s no scrubbing required and there is no grout to clean. 
The panels never require re-sealing.  
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Five Star Bath Solutions can install your new bathroom in as little as one day. In contrast, even small bathroom renovations take an average of 23 days to complete. 
Our lifetime warranty means customers can count on their bathroom staying functional and in good condition for the long-haul. They won’t need to plan for a renovation every 5-10 years. 
Our panels are chip and crack resistant, so you won’t have to worry about little repairs or pesky leaks
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It’s easy to customize the appearance of the material.
There are many different options that mimic the appearance of natural stone while avoiding the drawbacks. 
It has a non-fade laser design and is chip resistant. 
Five Star Bath Solutions has many parts and accessories available to create a bathroom that fits your needs. 
Five Star Bath Solutions Has Set a New Standard for Bathrooms 
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All the issues that plague homeowners with other materials are simply not a problem with our innovative bathroom panels. 
Unlike tile and stone, there is no danger of moisture leaking through pores in the material. Our panels are completely impervious, which means you eliminate all worry about microbes, water build-up, and mold.
The material is low maintenance. It does not require yearly resealing like stone and tile—because it requires no sealant at all!—and it is easy to clean with non-abrasive cleaners. And, best of all, there are no difficult-to-clean grout lines to scrub!
Made in the USA for the highest quality, our panels do not scratch or wear down over time, maintaining their flawless appearance for the lifetime of your bathroom.
Our panels have the aesthetic of natural stone—with dozens of patterns available—perfected through using actual stone samples with none of the weight, drawbacks, or added costs. You can have a shower that offers the aesthetic luxury of stone (and stays looking just as good for its entire lifetime) for a fraction of the price.
Your new bathroom can be ready to use in just 1-2 days with our quick and efficient installation process. 
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Consumers want bathrooms that will stand the test of time—and you deserve a bathroom you love. Five Star Bath Solutions has the technology to deliver on that promise.  Call today at (470) 300-3585 or visit our website at fivestarbathsolutions.com to step into the future!
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fsbs-lawrenceville · 2 years
Shower Conversions
Are you a fan of bathtubs or walk-in showers?
In most cases, homeowners choose to remodel their bathroom to convert their current bathtub into a walk-in shower. The best thing about walk-in showers is that they offer extra space, increased mobility and convenience, which, in turn, offer a major boost to your home value and overall look and feel.
After all, there’s absolutely nothing that beats the joy, comfort, relaxation and luxury that comes with a walk-in shower at the end of a long, hard day at work.
Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville offers some of the top reasons people choose to convert their bathtub into a walk-in shower:
Here’s everything that our walk-in shower has to offer to you.
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Modern and Unique Designs
What sets a walk-in shower apart is a unique and modern design, and we give you exactly that.
When you meet with a Five Star Bath Solutions consultant, they discuss everything with you in terms of how you want the end result to look like. From that point, the consultant makes sure to get their hands on the best designs that fit the vision for your bathroom.
Safety Features
At Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville, we strongly believe that every individual deserves to have a comfortable bathing experience, which is primarily why we provide bathrooms for people of all ages. To do this, we ensure top-level safety and security to prevent any kind of accident from occurring in the bathroom.
Some of the top safety products and features that we offer include:
Shower bars and rails
Shower benches
Anti-slip shower floors
Walk-in tubs
Low curb shower entry
Handheld showerheads
Use of Quality and Affordable Materials
We are in touch with the best manufacturers in town that supply us with top quality, affordable materials, the durability of which is absolutely unparalleled. You can expect our walk-in shower system to last you a really long time!
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Limited Maintenance Required
At Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville, the convenience of our clients is our topmost priority. To meet this goal, we provide super easy and hassle-free solutions that don’t only make your life easy but also require minimal effort and maintenance.
For instance, our floorings, wall surrounds, fixtures and glass shower doors are perfectly stain and scratch-resistant, are easy to maintain and clean, and also don’t accumulate dirt at all!
Same Day Quick Installation
We have probably already mentioned this before, but we truly care for our client’s time and routine, and we would never want to cause any kind of disturbance in their lives. This is why we always stress on quick installations and offer you same-day shower conversions!
Exclusive Installation Procedures
Our bathroom designers and planners strive to deliver excellent outcomes, for which reason they have collaborated with top-level workers to create an exclusive installation procedure. With a combination of cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment, Five Star Bath Solutions produce the best results for your bathroom.
Get Started Now!
If you are done with your bathtub and wish to convert it into a nice walk-in shower, now is the time to do that!
Call in (470) 300-3585 at and talk to one of our super kind and friendly professionals to schedule a free-in home consultation.
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fsbs-lawrenceville · 2 years
What We Do
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Most homeowners are skeptical about choosing a bathroom remodeling company and want to be absolutely sure that they’re making the right decision. This is because of two reasons; there’s a lot of money involved, and the bathroom remodeling project disrupts the normal routine significantly, which is why homeowners just don’t want to take any risks.
However, with Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville at your service, you can rest assured that everything will be done to perfection and within the committed timeline.
The transition from an old bathroom to a modern one will be swift, and the final results will be what you had in mind – or maybe, even better!
Here are other reasons why you should choose us for your bathroom remodel.
Increased Value
A remodeled bathroom is sure to boost the value of your property when you plan to sell it. When someone buys a house, the first thing they usually do is get the bathrooms renovated. But if they’re getting a house with modern bathrooms, they’ll rush in to close the deal, even if they have to pay a higher price for it. A modern bathroom combined with top-quality, professional installations by our expert team of installers is sure to serve as the cherry on top.
All our products, from the tubs to shower wall systems, are fully waterproof. They’ve got an extra seal coating on their surface that protects them from water damage. The seal coat prevents the water from making its way through, hence, you won’t face the usual problems of grime and mold with our bathroom installations. Being waterproof, the bathroom installations from Five Star Bath Solutions retain their attractive appearance for many years to come.
Surfaces Resistant to Mold, Mildew, and Bacteria
One of the most common complaints that homeowners have regarding their bathrooms is the stubborn grime and mold that just won’t go away, no matter how hard they try. Bathrooms are moist and humid most of the time, making them an ideal place for the growth of mold and bacteria. BUT that’s not the case with the bathrooms that Five Star Bath Solutions makes.
Since all our products are waterproof, their surfaces are protected from water and hence, are protected from the growth of mold and bacteria. Our products have a waterproof seal coat that makes them easier to clean and makes sure the water doesn’t seep through. With Five Star Bath Solutions, your bathrooms aren’t just easy to clean but are an absolutely safe place to be.
A Variety of Options to Choose From
At Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville, we give you an open canvas to be as creative as you want to be. We don’t believe in restricting our valued customers to just a few options. We understand how important a bathroom is for everyone, and we try to make sure that our customers get just what they’ve got in mind. We make dream bathrooms a reality.
We offer a plethora of choices in designs, colors, patterns, shower wall systems, tubs, and fixtures. You get to choose everything, from the materials you want us to use to the color palette to the type of tubs and shower surrounds.
However, if you find yourself confused with so many options, we’re here to help you decide what’s best for you and your bathroom. You can trust us with your bathroom dreams.
Innovation and Creativity at its Best
We don’t just say we build modern bathrooms, but we stick to our word. Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville has an extensive collection of highly innovative and creative products. Our shower wall surrounds are unlike any other. They’re classy, stylish, modern, and highly functional. Creativity and innovation go hand-in-hand with Five Star Bath Solutions.
Trusted and Trained Technicians
One of the biggest nightmares for homeowners when they’re getting their bathrooms remodeled is the incorrect installation that they’ll have to get fixed for double the amount. Well, Five Star Bath Solutions can assure you that we deliver the best. Our technicians are highly trained, and they know their job quite well.
Even if there’s an unanticipated challenge during the bathroom remodeling, our technicians can handle it all well without panicking.
Having said that, our technicians not just do their job verywell, they also do it well in time – something that most bathroom remodelers fail to deliver.
Ultimate Bathroom Safety
It’s not uncommon for people to face trip and slip accidents in the bathroom. It’s a major concern for homeowners, especially if they’ve got elderly and children living with them. Five Star Bath Solutions doesn’t just make beautiful and highly innovative bathrooms, but we make sure they’re safe too.
We install anti-slip floors and keep in consideration all the aspects of safety while working on your bathroom remodel project to make sure the new bathroom is not just functional but safe and secure as well.
Low Maintenance
Keeping the bathroom looking neat and clean at all times is a major challenge. The grime on the bathtubs and the grout between the tiles look disgusting and ugly. People spend hours scrubbing the floors, walls, and bathtubs to restore their actual appearance – all of this to no avail.
Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville builds low-maintenance bathrooms. All the products that we use in your bathroom are waterproof, so the development of grime is out of the question. Our products are also resistant to dirt, so you don’t have to spend hours cleaning them. There’s also no need for you to use strong chemicals to make your bathroom look sparkling clean.
With Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville, you can enjoy low-maintenance, gorgeous bathrooms!
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fsbs-lawrenceville · 3 years
Remodeling Tips for the Master Bath
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When redoing your master bathroom, consider incorporating luxury into the design to create a customized retreat. An atmosphere of personal indulgence, which used to be the domain of day spas, is finding its way into master baths remodels. Limited only by imagination and a project’s budget, standard master baths are turning into customized retreats. The good news is luxury can be incorporated into any design. “We’re starting to put in more luxurious items,” says Sara Ann Busby, National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) president-elect and owner of Sara Busby Designs of Elk Rapids, Mich.
Unsure about how to describe your desired style? Not a problem. A book like Yes/No Design: Discover Your Decorating Style With Taste-Revealing Exercises and Examples, by Diane Love (Rizzoli International Publications) can help sort through different styles. Paying a visit to decorator show houses, kitchen and bath showrooms and plumbing showrooms provides the opportunity to see bathrooms firsthand and get ideas for your project, says Jessica Clock, a designer with Carmel Kitchen Specialists Inc. of Carmel, Ind.
For master baths, no material is too luxurious or too unusual. “(People) are going over the top,” Sara Ann says. Of course, “over the top” can mean different things to different people. To some, it might mean splurging on granite countertops. To others it could mean going top-of-the-line from top to bottom.
To create a custom floor plan, consider hiring a certified bathroom designer, who will analyze the size of the space and your family’s needs. Some things to discuss with the designer include:
Shower or Bath: The master bath has undergone some changes in recent years. Giant tubs, once wildly popular, have fallen out of favor. Instead, people are choosing custom showers including overhead showerheads, wall-mounted showerheads, hand-held showerheads, shower tiles, rain bars, body sprays and steam showers. “People aren’t spending the time in the tubs,” Sara Ann says. “They can get the same benefit and be in and out in five minutes (with a shower).” Choosing a custom shower with a smaller bathtub can have a big impact on the layout of a bath, too. “A big tub with a nice surround takes up a tremendous amount of space. We can do a great big custom shower in a lot less space,” Sara Ann says.
Number of Sinks: Often Sara Ann’s clients will ask for two sinks in a master bath remodel. After discussing the matter further, most often what the clients really need is one sink and more counter and mirror space. “It’s rare we put in two sinks,” she says. Plumbing for a second sink can raise the price of a remodel, so it’s wise to give the matter careful thought before deciding on the number of lavatories.
Delicate Matters: “Bathrooms are much more personal than talking about a kitchen,” she says. Though it may seem a bit awkward to discuss things like a separate room for the toilet or dual showerheads with a designer, doing so will result in a better bathroom remodel.
Universal Design: Another trend in master bathrooms is the use of universal design. This approach, designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities, includes wider doorways, showers with no raised lip around the bottom, larger shower doors and more room around fixtures. Once thought of as industrial-looking, universal elements such as grab bars now blend seamlessly into even the most luxurious master bathrooms.
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The Details
When it comes to extras in a master bathroom remodel, look toward the luxurious. Hang an extravagant chandelier over a soaking tub add built-in warming drawers for towels or install a pass-through fireplace for ambience and warmth. You might also consider increasing the master bathroom’s convenience by housing your washer and dryer, adjacent dressing rooms or even massage tables in the space. Sound systems and televisions have become quite common in master bathrooms, but today’s remodels are taking the concept to a new level. Flat screens are becoming more popular and in-mirror models, where the television is visible only when it is on, are another option. A master bath should be a calm, quiet retreat, and that can be tough to pull off with the noise from a television or stereo bouncing of the room’s hard surfaces. “I would be aware that you want to put some softening materials (like plush towels and fabric window treatments) into the space,” Sara Ann says. These finishing touches will add that extra bit of luxury to an already spalike master bath remodel.
Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville
At first glance, a bathroom may appear to be quite a simple and basic space, but there’s so much that goes into designing one! From the color of the walls to the type of flooring to shower cabins and the extensive plumbing work,bathroom remodeling is quite an elaborate process, and it’s only natural to feel confused.
However, you’ve got nothing to worry about because that’s what Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville is here for! We are the experts in the industry and are here to create the ultimate dream bathroom for you.
Call us today at (470) 300-3585 to set up your free in-home consultation or visit our website, and we’ll take it from there.
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fsbs-lawrenceville · 3 years
Beautiful, Affordable Bathroom Transformations for Lawrenceville
Get The Five Star Experience, Without The Price
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Have you ever signed a contract with someone only to find out that when the job was done it wasn’t to your satisfaction? The workmanship was shoddy, they didn’t quite finish the job, you couldn’t reach them by phone and it cost you more than you expected. Did you know that the Better Business Bureau says “70% of all contractors fail to satisfy”.
Five Star Bath Solutions is a company with:
Solid Roots In The Community
Bathroom Experts - All We Do Are Bathrooms
Exclusive Products - Exclusive Discounts
Factory Trained Certified Craftsmen
We've been in business since 1996 and we are a member of the Better Business Bureau in which we have:
Met all qualifications
Members in good standing
With us you will get fair pricing, lifetime product warranty, and customer survey after completion. 94.5% rated every aspect of our service before, during and after installation excellent to outstanding. 98% said “we would do it again”
The number one priority for Five Star Bath Solutions of Lawrenceville is customer service and satisfaction.
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Experienced Team
At Five Star Bath Solutions, to make sure we give you the best service and experience possible. We only hire professional factory trained technicians that have been screened and trained to work on your home.
This ensures that you will be happy and worry free during the whole process.
All of our installers must pass our thorough training program and obtain multiple certifications.
If they can’t do this, we don’t send them out. You can rest assured that these are the same installers and technicians that will be called out to your home if you happen to have a problem or request.
All consultants and installers also go through an extensive installation process to make sure everything is done correctly the first time. From the free in-home consultation, to the actual install, everything is done to ensure you are satisfied with your new bathroom
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Our Estimators
Our estimators are particularly qualified, and have the wide range of tools and knowledge to assist you finding a solution for your bathroom. They bring predesigned solutions to provide the customer with a number of alternatives. Unlike some of our competitors, we help you with your decision without any pressure to make an immediate decision.
When we visit you, our estimator will have our electronic Bath Remodeling catalog for you to browse through to help decide on the exact bathroom fixtures and necessities that will fit your personal taste and budget.
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Our Installers
When you have made your final decision and set a time for us to begin working, we will send an installation team who is experienced and understands the importance of doing the job right the first time. Our local installers are experienced and trained to follow the specific installation instructions for each manufacturer.
Experience for yourself the improvement and beauty Five Star Bath Solutions can bring to your bathroom and your life. We will work with you to agree on the right price and the right time to see your dream bathroom renovations or bathroom remodeling become a reality.
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Address: 2686 Summerfield Ct, Lawrenceville, GA, 30044 USA
Phone: (470) 300-3585
Bathroom Renovations Business Hours:
Mon - Fri 7AM -9PM
Sat - Sun 9AM - 7PM
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